Submitted by Lia on Thu, 06/14/2012 - 10:25

Take Flight  will





The New Freshness of AN is bringing in a totally New Landscape which is being superimposed over the old one. This dramatic shift of landscapes isn't just manifest in the changing physical details of what is around us. It's a totally new frequency band containing a vastly deepened Love.


It's as if we started out in a library and now it is subtly, but steadily, changing into a sparkling forest. In the library we were busy doing things like reading, gathering information and making plans. We could sit at our computer day and night because it was easier to have a virtual life than a physical one.


In the world of the forest, there are no more books or desks, only trees, flowers, birds and animals, covered by a canopy of sparkling stars. We are dealing with an entirely new mixture of elements belonging to a completely new reality that are now superimposed upon the old one.


To deal with this superimposition of two vastly different landscapes is deeply challenging. We are no longer totally living in the library and we are not yet fully inhabiting the forest. This makes it impossible to continue with the same activities and same methods of doing things as before. Whatever we try to do in the old ways doesn't flow smoothly. The energy to do things with the old methods is gone. At the same time, we cannot completely leap into our New Landscape because it is not yet fully formed.


While the library is transforming into a forest, we cannot straddle the worlds by jumping back and forth between them because these worlds are no longer separate entities. Neither of them is complete in itself; they are already blending into each other. Instead, we need to find new ways to live and function in this semi-merged landscape. We are no longer our library selves, but we also are not yet our forest selves. We are not fully living in the New Freshness.

How do we deal with this perplexing new situation? We might try to continue on as if we were still in a library, searching for our books amongst the leaves. But these old familiar elements are no longer where they used to be. To find them requires that we look in new places.


Or we can try to restrict ourselves to a small island of the known. We remain at our desk, tenaciously holding onto any familiar objects we can find, while trying to ignore the singing birds of the New Freshness that fly around us.


We can try to live fully in the forest, but that also doesn't work. We can't pretend that the residue of the library -- the desks, chairs, books and unresolved projects, aren't still there hidden amongst the trees.


What is required is that we live in the Unknown for a while, being totally spontaneous, staying wide open to the entrance of the New and True and remaining flexible at all times. This certainly helps when we pick up a favorite book only to discover that the pages are now blank. Or when we realize that whole chapters of our memories of this life and previous lives, have disappeared because they are no longer relevant. Or when we pluck a flower in the forest and discover that the petals contain the information we've been seeking.


Our True Home and True Purpose are key elements of our New Landscape. We cannot fully connect with them until we merge with the New Freshness of AN. As we increasingly inhabit this new world, we will be able to see many new opportunities and possibilities that we couldn't see before. The Expanded HERE and NOW will open up and reveal worlds within worlds in the present moment of the NOW that we never knew existed.


There will soon come a time when we realize that the book we are staring at is actually a leaf and our pencil has turned into a twig. A whole new life, an entirely new way of being and doing, is here. As we enter an enhanced state of RIGHT TIME - RIGHT PLACE, everything clicks into position all around us.


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