Mike (aka. Unity5D) Love is All

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 09/17/2012 - 12:08

Mike (aka. Unity5D) Love is All

Love is all. Love is what we were created from, love is what we are, and ever will be. In the higher realms/dimensions, love is all that is and all that will exist. We will no longer be present in this low vibrational 3D reality ever again. This reality, this 3D incarnation is one of the most challenging in the universe. If we can remind ourselves that we all said YES to this life. We all agreed with the creator, that we come here, and experience, the sometimes extreme challenges, of physical life. We would experience Ego, duality, polarity, violence, crime, war etc. We are whole perfect and complete, and we are EXACTLY where we need to be right now. There are absolutely no flaws, life is perfect in every single way. It is sometimes difficult for us "humans" to understand this, and this is one of our challenges. We took a glimpse of our physicals lives before we came here to earth. We took a sneak peak at what we would be experiencing and we agreed to exist as very limited beings of light. We are here to learn lessons. We have free will, and we have choices, and it does not matter what you choose, because life already knows what you chose, and that is exactly what you need to experience and exactly where you need to go. Our low levels of consciousness and our polarized minds will always judge and it will be somewhat difficult to grasp the true reality, and this is okay, because this is part of many of our human challenges. If we can begin to use our hearts, love and intuition and let the mind go, stop using logic on life, because logic will never be able understand the true nature of who we are, Infinite beings of light. The more you are in your minds, the less likely you are to believe, to understand, to fully exist as a co-creator. We are all one living, breathing organism. Everything that happens in your reality, is absolutely meant to happen, no matter how you perceive it, no matter whether your mind judges it good or bad. Everything is the way it is, according to divine plan and divine timing. Love will overcome anything, and so it is now time to begin to live, to breathe, to expand, and to BE love. If you come across a challenging event in your life, and feel angry, or confused, simply just send love to the matter. Send love to yourself, and begin to understand that this challenge needs to happen, it is meant to be, and the less you can judge it with mind and logic, the more you will fully understand with your heart that this is GOD and this is DIVINE and this is part of your spiritual evolution.

Love Mike :)


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