Mike Quinsey ~ SaLuSa 17 January 2014

Submitted by Silver on Fri, 01/17/2014 - 07:59


Fri, 01/17/2014 - 10:03

So when is this glorious change going to take place.  You know disclosure, new money, new govt.  Nidle sure made it seem like it really is right around the corner.  I'm so fed up with waiting.  This is complete bullshit.  Nidle should be banned from this website for spreading false hope.  Paoweb is disinfo from now on.  Tick, Tock Jan 31st is right around the corner now. 

Change is happening, just look around.

Look at what our sources are providing us with.

If i look back over the last 10yrs, we were not discussing galactic families, ascension, oneness, love, channelings, etc.

Not to mention websites/blogs like these were few far and between. Today, there is an outpouring of truth and sources everywhere.

I've never loved my own self, or understood the concept of it until recently.

I no longer fear, I am optimistic and have a whole new outlook on life, don't you too?

Sheldon...I feel you there. I stopped listening to him or anything that doesn't set right with me -

Anyone who blabs politics and money are questionable in my book.


Don't give up! Stay in the love which is the here and now, and the change will be here before you know it!


Love you!


Agt Pix


Fri, 01/17/2014 - 11:16

I hear both of you white wolf and agtpix, 

How do I keep envisioning this great new world and live in the world where I can't pay all my bills anymore?  Where bill collectors keep phoning and I am back at school as the wages in BC have gone down so much while the cost of living has gone up so much?  

Yes there have been changes and yes they keep promising us our debts will be forgiven and we will get out of this economic slavery,  I wonder will it ever happen? I expected it years ago and have been giving people hope for years, but now I have stopped telling them, as they don't believe me........I have stopped believing me.

How long can this continue on like this?  I am suprized it is still going.  Why do some people have so much money and other people can barely make it month to month?  It doesn't make sense to me.  How can we build a better world if we barely have the resources to look after ourselves? I don't have anymore words for this anymore.


Fri, 01/17/2014 - 14:42

Well said my friend.  I am at the point of no longer wanting to exist here.  I mean I am a soul who incarnated here by choice, maybe even volunteering before knowing the nature of the assignment.  This alone says to me that there is a greater reality out there that I am yearning to experience.  Why would I want to continue a meaningless life on this dirtball when I could be in the spirit world or maybe incarnate in another reality school somewhere else.  Why can't I die and return to my space family.  I want to be reunited with the reality I came from.  It was so much better there.  Why be here at all?


Fri, 01/17/2014 - 14:48

Surely another of to the tons of volunteers who lined up to be here at this time in this place would like to take my place.  I grow so tired of waiting for this grand reality to unfold that I have lived my life waiting to experience.  I have no career, an ex wife, no kids, no decent job and currently live in my mom's basement with student loans, car payment, insurance etc.  I have no will to want to even go out and find a just over broke (job) to pay for my meager existence here.  The game is rigged against me.  Why even play?  I lost my marriage telling my wife that the world was going to change gloriously and I didn't want to contribute to the fiat slave system that existed.  All my life (all of it)  I have lived knowing and yearning for some grand change to happen.  Then in 2011 I saw a lightship.  A huge lightship big as a football stadium that flashed a message right at me.  It was undeniable.  I had asked for proof and I was shown that the good ETs are there and are working at changing this reality.  All I wanted to do was drop everything and go to that ship to return to where I came from.  I'm ground crew, I know it.  I am ET I have been all my life.  They wont come and pick me up though.  Instead I must live here half in this world trying to shine my light.  I grow so very tired of this.  It's been 39 years.  My life on the dirtball has had no great accomplishments.  I know there is a better reality elsewhere.


Fri, 01/17/2014 - 17:28

If it were even possible to live outside of this debt slave system I would do so.  Why can't many lightworkers team up and build a colony or something?   A place where my labor would be put to good use building something that would be good.  Enough is more than enough.  I want to see action now.  I am tired of waiting.  The galactic federation with all of heaven's resources at their command and plenty of ground support from ppl who wish every single day that this world will change.  It's changing at a snails pace.  My freewill choice is to no longer be ruled over by those who worship the dark.  I want to be a truly free spiritual being, free to do whatever it is that brings me joy.  Why can this reality not manifest?

Sign me up for our community.

There are quite a few projects going on around the world starting self sustainable communities. Where trade is the driving factor. not money. Just give ol google a whirl and see if that's not what you're looking for, whitewolf.

Snails pace? is that because you're waiting for something? Im like that on some days. but then I look back at 10yrs, heck even 2013...time no longer exists in my bubble lol.

I wake up and look at the sky. and say to myself. wow what a beautiful day. Thank you for that. gratitude and smellin the roses helps me cope with another day of the same ol same old. ;)


Fri, 01/17/2014 - 19:12

but there is no need to die. Just get out off Internet and GFP with all those disinformation - Go INNERNET! And if you go deep within .... when you 're back in your body: You'll be happy to move it again and you even start to dance. Just get away from all those characters telling you about a great future. We'll have a great future ..... but always stay in the NOW. Don't get thrown out by 'sweet words'. They can be powerful but show yourself: You are much, much, much more powerful! Beyond imagination - believe me!

Do any of you all listen to an hour with an angel from the golden age of gaia page?

Yesterday's msg  was about love. but what makes me want to bring this topic up, is that Saint Germain addressed our concerns about debt and how it can get in our way.

Maybe give that a listen. otherwise, giving up, calling Gaia a dirt ball(thats a funny name btw +1) is reinforcing the 3D illusion we all are trying to shed of.

Don't go backwards. Go forward.

Don't sweat the small stuff. Prioritize your finances, and if you have to rob Peter to pay Paul, then so be it. None of us are alone. Things always have a way to fall into place. And don't get your hopes up about these 'prosperity packages'. It may never happen. or it may. I wont count on it until its in my hands. And to me, money is evil. an antichrist. look at what it is doing to us right this instance. its dimming your lights.

Money schmoney. Im done playing monopoly.


Here is that link. Please give it an hour. I feel strongly that its what everyone needs to hear.
 And the channel, I've met Linda Dillion last year and I hold her in high regard and my heart trusts her msg's.



Fri, 01/17/2014 - 22:40

Thanks agtpix, I will listen to it.

Whitewolf, I understand, my debt just keeps growing and I can't live in my mom's or my dad's basement (have never met my dad), so I have to support us, my teen and myself.  I went back to school, cause work is so hard to find here and the wages have gotten so low, not to mention I was feeling like a zombie lady on a treadmill working a go-nowhere job and trying to keep up with the rest of my life, while spending most of it at work.  I was managing a health store and I quit to save my health! There was also a fridgerant leak they would not fix. Being treated very rudely by a regional manager, so I quit and went on stress leave, broke my ankle the very last day of stress leave.  Since all my work was in management, on my feet all day, I couldn't go back to work for a while, so now I am in school.

I feel my whole life and many others I know have struggled financially and I wish so much that we could be released from this slavery.  I want to build healing centers, yet I can barely support myself and I often wonder what am I doing here? Do I have a purpose?  I know so many wonderful, intelligent, talented people, yet most of us are not doing well financially either.

Money can do so much good agtpix, when it is in the hands of people that want to do good with it!

What part of the world are you guys located?  We are in BC, Canada.

:D I hope you do! Im listening to it again myself. around 35min or so is when it goes into what we are talking about on this thread.

+1 syncronicity

Money can be fun. but why have it at all?

I am in St. Louis Missouri and its feeling a lot like Canada. Very chilly. Lots of snow

Do you have lots of snow in BC?

I am sending prosperity and healing energies to you right now. You sound like you work really hard and are truly compassionate and I admire that! You deserve the best and its heading your way



Sat, 01/18/2014 - 11:55

We had snow here and it was very cold for a bit, but the last few days were sunny and warm, almost like spring.  Today is just getting sunny now, lots of icy fog this morning, but no snow now.  In SW BC you never know what you will get.  Many days, I wear one set of clothes and bring another set if I will be away from home all day, as the weather can go from cold, to warm, or warm to cold in a short time.  So nice to see the sun, we can go many days with no sun at all, just gray, rainy skies.

Yes that was a good recording, thanks.  So many of us have wondered how we can be in the love while trying to survive day to day.  Thanks rb, I will read this too :)

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