~MIRACLES ARE HAPPENING~ by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 02/14/2012 - 06:57


by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles



February 14, 2012


Miracles are happening as we embrace this Day of Love, which is celebrated in the outer-world as Valentine’s Day. The Beings of Light who are assisting us from On High have stated that the magnitude of what is occurring within the hearts and minds of the masses of Humanity is glorious beyond our comprehension. After the life-transforming events of 2011, Humanity entered the auspicious year of 2012 on a wave of unity consciousness beyond anything we had ever experienced. Now the Earth is receiving greatly amplified waves of Solar Light that are allowing our I AM Presences to activate our pineal glands and open our Crown Chakras of Enlightenment to new breadths. This is enabling people everywhere to hear the inner voice of their I AM Presence and the celestial guidance from the Company of Heaven in new and profound ways. This act of Divine Intervention is causing a powerful shift in the mass consciousness of Humanity. This miraculous event is reversing the adverse effects of our fall from Grace.

After the fall we fell into such dense frequencies of duality and separation that our Crown Chakras closed causing our spiritual brain centers to atrophy. That tragedy caused us to forget that we are supposed to consciously receive guidance from our I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven as we sojourn through our Earthly experiences. Our descent into chaos also caused our 12 strands of DNA to short circuit into the double helix DNA that our scientists are exploring. At a cellular level the fragmented double helix of DNA provides barely enough information for the body to sustain brain consciousness.

Now, everything has changed! The transformation that has happened within the collective consciousness of Humanity during the past 25 years has provided us with a brand new opportunity. Our I AM Presence is at long last reclaiming dominion of our lives, and we are in the process of healing the fragmented circuitry of our original 12-strand DNA. Now we are ready for the next phase of the Divine Plan. This part of the plan will prepare every man, woman, and child for our Ascent into the 5th-Dimensional frequencies of our New Solar Reality. It will move us a quantum leap forward in our transfiguration from carbon-based planetary Beings into 5th-Dimensional Crystalline-based Solar Light Beings. A critical part of this Divine Alchemy consists of encoding the patterns of perfection for our New Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love into the Twelve 5th-Dimensional Solar Strands of DNA that our I AM Presence is NOW activating within us.

With Humanity’s conscious participation in this process of Divine Alchemy, our I AM Presence can easily recalibrate and encode our DNA with our new planetary cause. These patterns of Divine Love reflect the Immaculate Concept of the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Solar Light that we are Ascending into.

Scientists used to believe that our DNA was stationary and stagnant. We now know that our DNA is a shimmering, waveform configuration that is being modified by Light, Solar radiation, magnetic fields, thoughtforms, and sonic impulses. When our I AM Presences collectively imprint the genetic codes for our 5th-Dimensional Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love onto our DNA, these patterns will ignite every cell in our bodies and be secured in the nucleus of every atomic and subatomic particle of Life on Earth. Once this is accomplished, suddenly and miraculously nothing will be the same.

The NEED OF THE HOUR is for all of us to join hearts and minds as we download the programs from the Causal Body of God that will encode our DNA with the patterns for our New Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love. Through the Grace of God, a powerful downloading process has been given to Humanity by the Company of Heaven. By utilizing this Gift from On High, we will cocreate a living, ever-expanding Forcefield of Divine Love that will assist all of us to awaken, our families, our friends, and even the most recalcitrant people. The Company of Heaven said there is no better time to begin the process of encoding our DNA with the patterns of Divine Love than on this day dedicated to Love.  Repeat this activity of Light daily for a while until you feel a sense of completion.

Downloading Programs for our Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love
by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

Through the Presence of God, I AM, I Invoke:

My omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent Father-Mother God,  the Cosmic I AM, All That Is.

I Invoke the Aspects of my Father-Mother God from the Great, Great Central Sun

I Invoke the Aspects of my Father-Mother God from the Great Central Sun

I Invoke the Aspects of my Father-Mother God from the Central Sun

I Invoke the Aspects of my Father-Mother God from the physical Sun

I Invoke my I AM Presence and the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child on Earth.

I invoke the full-gathered momentum of our 5th-Dimensional Planetary Cause of Divine Love and the Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection.

I ask the I AM Presence of each member of my family, my friends, and the entire Family of Humanity to take command of this Activity of Light, which I AM Invoking on behalf of myself and every person on Earth.  Beloved I AM Presence, download the following programs for each person in perfect alignment with his or her Divine Plan and the Highest Good for ALL concerned.

In perfect Divine Order encode within each One’s DNA these patterns of perfection for our New Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love.

And I begin...

Beloved I AM Presence, download now the 5th-Dimensional Solar programs from the Causal Body of God for the Infinite Flow of God’s Abundance, Opulence, Financial Freedom, and the God-Supply of ALL good things.   (pause)

The Solar programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs.   (pause)

Beloved I AM Presence, download now the 5th-Dimensional Solar programs from the Causal Body of God for Eternal Youth, Vibrant Health, Radiant Beauty, and Flawless Form.  (pause)

The Solar programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs. (pause)  

Beloved I AM Presence, download now the 5th-Dimensional Solar programs from the Causal Body of God for Perfect Health Habits including Eating and Drinking Habits, Exercise, Work, Relaxation, and Recreation Habits, and Spiritual Devotion, Meditation, and Contemplation Habits.  (pause)

The Solar programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs.   (pause)

Beloved I AM Presence, download now the 5th-Dimensional Solar programs from the Causal Body of God for Divine Family Life, Loving Relationships, Adoration, Divine Love, Divine Sexuality, True Understanding, Clear and Effective Communication, Open Heart Sharing, Oneness, and the Unification of the Family of Humanity.   (pause)

The Solar  programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs.   (pause)

Beloved I AM Presence, download now the 5th-Dimensional Solar programs from the Causal Body of God for Eternal Peace, Harmony, Balance, and Reverence for ALL Life.   (pause)

The Solar programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs.   (pause)

Beloved I AM Presence, download now the 5th-Dimensional Solar programs from the Causal Body of God for Self-Empowerment, Success, Fulfillment, Divine Purpose, A Rewarding Career, Self Esteem, Spiritual Development, Enlightenment, Divine Consciousness, and Divine Perception.   (pause)

The Solar programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs.  (pause)

Beloved I AM Presence, download now the 5th-Dimensional Solar programs from the Causal Body of God for Clear Perception and Open Heart and Mind Telepathic Communication with the Company of Heaven and the Angelic and Elemental Kingdoms.   (pause)

The Solar programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs.   (pause)

Beloved I AM Presence, download now the 5th-Dimensional Solar programs from the Causal Body of God for Inspired Creativity through Music, Singing, Sound, Toning, Dance, Movement, Art, and Education.   (pause)

The Solar programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs.  (pause)

Beloved I AM Presence, download now the 5th-Dimensional Solar programs from the Causal Body of God for Laughter, Joy, Playfulness, Fun, Self-expression, Elation, Enthusiasm, Bliss, Ecstasy, Wonder, and Awe.   (pause)

The Solar programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs.   (pause)

Beloved I AM Presence, download now the 5th-Dimensional Solar programs from the Causal Body of God for the physical manifestation of Heaven on Earth.   (pause)

The Solar programs are successfully downloaded, and my I AM Presence now scans through all facets of my Being and deletes anything that conflicts with these programs.   (pause)

I now ACCEPT and KNOW through every fiber of my Being that these 5th-Dimensional Solar programs from the Causal Body of God have been successfully downloaded.

I also ACCEPT and KNOW that my I AM Presence will update these Solar programs every single day and continually delete anything in my thoughts, words, feelings, or actions that may conflict with these programs or prevent them from manifesting as a tangible reality in my life.

These patterns which reflect the Earth’s New Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love are now encoded within the Twelve Solar Strands of my 5th-Dimensional DNA and will manifest in my life creating the wonders of Divine Love and the Oneness of ALL Life.

In deep Humility, Divine Love, and Gratitude I Decree,

It is done. And so it is.
Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM.

This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is not altered and the proper credit line is included.

©2012 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

The information in this monthly sharing is being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. The Divine Intent of these celestial sharings is to encourage, empower, uplift, and inspire Humanity by allowing us to see the bigger picture during these wondrous but often challenging times.

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization

FAX: 520-751-2981;
Phone: 520-885-7909

New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
PO Box 41883,
Tucson, Arizona 85717



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