~ Monumental Changes Up Ahead~

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 05/31/2012 - 10:30

FREEDOM PROJECT: The Julian Assange Show: Occupy Movement (E7)...






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FREEDOM PROJECT: Keiser Report: Asymmetric Accounting (E294) ...


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~ Instead of our Update We will Be Live On the Radio This Evening~ Join US


This Evening instead of our regular update we will be  Live On this Radio Program Beginning at 7pm. We will Embed this On the Press at this Time~ Join US


by Breath Of Terra

Listen to internet radio with Breath Of Terra on Blog Talk Radio



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FREEDOM PROJECT: Ex-Cameron aide detained over alleged perjury... AGAIN IN JAIL?...


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FREEDOM PROJECT: the End Of the new world order is coming.... IT IS ALREADY HERE... IN THIS BRAVE HEART.... WOW...


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To Awakened and Ascending Souls !


   Warm greetings to all awakened and ascending souls !


  Although we may have not met here in this life experience , I am reasonably sure that we are one family and have shared a joint mission through eons of evolution.


It may be odd but when I read or hear about other like beings I become curious. I don't  want to know the usual stuff ..like , What do you do for a living?.. I want to know what is your experience? When did you become aware? How do you function in your daily life? How many people do you share your truth with? How do they respond to you ?? And how did you find your way to a place like the Galactic Free Press !

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Fran Zepeda ~ Sananda ~ Be One With The Macrocosm ~ 30 May 2012


Fran Zepeda ~ Sananda ~ Be One With The Macrocosm ~ 30 May 2012


Abiding by the Laws of the Universe has not always been a priority for humanity.  There has been a major disconnect for such a long time. Now humanity’s collective consciousness has more fully embraced the Laws of the Universe.  Even though these laws have always been in force, humanity has not been in rhythm with them up until now.


Behold the massive shift in Light and Love. That could not have been possible had the power not shifted in rhythm with the Laws of the Universe. You are going to find much more synchronicity as a result of this. 


Now, with the impending alignment and balance of the masculine and feminine energies, much more is possible. This is a major step in returning to Source and becoming One with All That Is.


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5/30/2012 -- Severe weather update = Extreme weather in TX, OK, KS, MO, AR


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Fran Zepeda ~ Be One With The Macrocosm ~ May 30, 2012


Sananda ~ Be One With The Macrocosm ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ May 30, 2012





Abiding by the Laws of the Universe has not always been a priority for humanity. There has been a major disconnect for such a long time. Now humanity’s collective consciousness has more fully embraced the Laws of the Universe. Even though these laws have always been in force, humanity has not been in rhythm with them up until now.


Behold the massive shift in Light and Love. That could not have been possible had the power not shifted in rhythm with the Laws of the Universe. You are going to find much more synchronicity as a result of this.


Now, with the impending alignment and balance of the masculine and feminine energies, much more is possible. This is a major step in returning to Source and becoming One with All That Is.


You are beginning to see the Divine Plan in Action, in complete full forward action. The major shifts you, our beloved Lightworkers, have initiated are seeping into every corner of the Multiverse. Be assured of that.



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The questioning nature of the self and the non questioning nature of the ego mind


The questioning nature of the self goes against the ego, the mind, the conditioned state that the ego mind is. Those who identify with the conditioned ego mind, are all over planet earth = heart. They can be seen going through many varying experiences. Gay's,bisexuals, beings with sex changes, excessive eaters, sleeping too much, any activity that's experienced “too much”. This isn't saying that beings who fast, sleep a lot , or don't get any, or eat a lot (kriya yoga), or have sex or no sexual intercourse, are identifying with their ego mind. That's a common misunderstanding on this planet.

Beings who claim to be gay, bisexual, or have had or are planning to have a sex change, will claim that there is nothing wrong with being this way. Same with over-eaters, smokers, sleepers ,drug users,non drug users. Use your own individual ability to seek the truth and discover what it is I am pointing at here. These beings who claim to be in the right, are wrong. They will fight you over this, so look out. Same with beings who claim to know what love is. They get upset with you at the fact that you say that they do not know what true love is, same with the true meaning of what true intimacy is,ethical living, and family oriented living is.

This also goes for beings who go for being violent towards another being, no matter what kind of violent behavior it is, violence is still violence. I'm not saying to watch a violent program, by all means go ahead, but the key here is learning about all the variations that violence can come in. When you go over the line from being loving, to being vicious. This also goes for beings who claim to not care at all

about how it looks, the way they come across, their lifestyle choices. They say they do not care, yet all of their actions show otherwise about this statement. Every one of them has a chip on their shoulder.


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Seen unseen seen unseen seen.....


At home, you have a responsibility to yourself, to take care of all that takes care of your living space.

Clean/organize all dish(es), bathroom(s),shower,all floors,counter tops, sinks, cabinets, fridge(s),clothing,shelves,desks,trash,

All assesories, including all technological items,furniture, bed(under and around), cosmetics,closet(s),all area's outside the living space.This includes the lawn, the driveway, the backyard, the garage, the vehicle of transportation(s). To organize all of this, top to bottom, not

OCD style – that's insanity. Just keep it all in its proper place when it needs to be put back, keep it all organized and clean, not overly sterile like youre boy in a bubble, that again is insanity.

Cooking food = clean hands, clean dishes and silverware. The food itself whether its organic or fast food or a mixture of the two doesn't matter, so don't go all insane in your attempt to find the purest healthiest food on the planet and keep the pattern going, that would be insane.

Water = yes drink the best water you can get your hands on, but if you cannot, drink away. Drinking too much water = insane, same with food, and all over activities.


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Blue Star UFOs Report~ Amazing! UFO near the ISS May 29, 2012. Analysis + Zoom in HD.





See the full video. The camera on the ISS, was directed strictly towards the open space. Pay attention to the size of the UFO, as well as on the geometrical shape. It can not be satellite debris, or the moon. Unidentified object moving strictly parallel.
For more exclusive information on UFOs, visit: http://x-u-f-o.blogspot.com




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Venus Transit Meditation ~ Return of the Goddess


Venus Transit Meditation ~ Return of the Goddess


 Commentary from the Galactic Free Press~ We will Hold this Meditation Via Live In Our Tiny Chat Room Beginnning at 4:30pm Pacific Time http://tinychat.com/soundofheart   Join US Live for this Grand Event~ Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies

After the great success of World Liberation Day and even greater success of Reboot of the Grid, our efforts for planetary liberation continue. This time, we will meet in groups large and small, as individuals and couples, at the exact time of the Venus transit on June 5th. Masses will gather and visualize the arrival of the Goddess energy so that for the first time in 5000 years we will have the chance to co-create our own spiritual destiny in harmony and replace the outdated society of war and conflict with a more advanced one of spiritual understanding.


We need to have 144,000 people doing this visualization with focus to achieve the desired effect. 



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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Release


Let go of indecisive thoughts


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Brenda Hoffman -Shifting to Creative Maturity




by GLR Brenda Hoffman

Dear Ones,

The next few days will be foggy, maybe even uncomfortable for many. Do not fear. You are not being overtaken by aliens or becoming someone even YOU do not like.

You are taking part in a shift that has never been attempted in large numbers. Almost everyone on earth is feeling the erratic impulses. As if the entire earth is in puberty or menopause. These energy bursts are uncomfortable – but not fatal to your physical or emotional being. They are merely your shift to creative maturity.


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“Dear Woman” – The Feminine As Balance To The Masculine – 30 May 2012


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Greg Giles ~ Message From The Ashtar Command ~ 30 May 2012


Greg Giles ~ Message From The Ashtar Command ~ 30 May 2012

It is your task as Lightworkers in the field to do what you can to rise above the, at times, negative and even hostile atmospheres created throughout your online social networks. It is not your job to engage in debate and argument with individuals who do not yet understand and practice a more positive way to communicate. You have been trained and have shown that you can ignore the quips, insults and attempts to lure you into argument. You have demonstrated how well you can perform your duties as a bringer of higher ideals and adequately perform your duties even under the fire of seemingly opposing forces who do not, and at times cannot, see the larger picture and understand the importance of positive communication that brings about advancements to each person engaged in these discussions. 
What has been transpiring here throughout your online communities can often be described as hostile bickering between those who are trying to show others a higher vibrational way of living and of thought, and those who have yet to adequately grasp this concept and understand that it is love that is the motivation that brings you to this conversation in the first place.


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Enter The Divine Twin Ray Union


This came up trying to answer a question for a friend of mine and felt the need to share...most in depth explination of how certain sould groups work together I've found yet. :)




Enter the
Divine Twin Ray

A message from Sananda 

channeled by Lisa J. Smith 









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Nibiru 05.30.12 Being Photographed By Scientist At South Pole & Exclusive Space Photos Of The Nibiru System! Must See To Believe


Nibiru 05.30.12 Being Photographed By Scientist At South Pole & Exclusive Space Photos Of The Nibiru System! Must See To Believe





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The Time is Speeding Up Phenomenon is Preparing You for 5D


The Time is Speeding Up Phenomenon is Preparing You for 5D


by Gregg Prescott, M.S.


Are you one of the people who feel like time is speeding up?  If so, you may be one of the people who are about to move into the next density.


Many people across the world are experiencing a feeling as if time is speeding up.  While a day is still constituted in 24 hour increments, time seems to be moving faster than ever for many people.

There are several explanations for this phenomenon.  The most popular explanation is that time isn’t speeding up, but our consciousness is, which makes it seem like time is speeding up.

Ian Lungold believed that time was speeding up because creation was speeding up. In other words, more was happening in less time. “When more is possible to happen in every moment,” stated Lungold, “there is more possible outcomes which opens the door to things called miracles.”



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Volcán Nevado del Ruiz 29 de Mayo de 2012


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5/30/2012 -- BE ALERT! Severe weather outbreak = Tornadoes, Large Hail, Strong Winds


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Powerful Downloads ~ Hang On!



Powerful Downloads ~ Hang On!


        Hi Friends  ~

        Experiencing some pretty strong downloads of energy which have been increasing in intensity each day
        for over a week.    One of the symptoms is wonkiness in the legs and the feeling of having a flu of some
        type.     Just got up after a lie-down and didn't recognize myself, within, which must mean that some aspects
        of Self that perhaps have not been to earth before, are integrating. That also gives a spaced-out, disorientated
        feeling.    Oh.....such fun we are having!!!!       Tomorrow should feel better, usually does after a night's sleep.
        I can see that the energies also affect my dogs, making them more sleepy, and my female poodle Ginger is
        especially affected.     She has more than usual spaced-out looks on her face...............!


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SophiaLove - The Circle of Life



The Circle of Life





by GLR SophiaLove

We have come from so very far to arrive at this place of peace.  This is what I am internally experiencing just now – a sense of peace.  Our world is running a muck according to established mainstream news sources.  Some of that is seeping into the everyday, as our own bank may be implicated in scandal as well as our government.

Yet through all this there remains a sense of calm.  It is a beautiful day.  A nest full of baby birds cheep to be fed while their parents swoop in again and again to nourish them.  The sun shines, the breeze blows, gently pushing the newly planted flowers back and forth.  Life is abundant.  I am internally happy, with no discernible reason in practical, 3D terms.


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Earthrise is here on May 30th, 2012.


May 30th, 2012 Remember to always shine your light. You know what to do to shine your light. Even if you get challenged, make sure your light is always shining. Always hold truth with that light. Keep that faith with you. Your faith helps out a lot. Treasure the moments here on Gaia. Something like this may never happen again. If you find yourself going back into the ego, just remember this, look back at what you did when you were not in the ego. Look at how much progress you made. Then look back and look at why you got yourself back into the ego. Light is about to liberate this planet! Everyone is doing great! Keep it up everyone!  Earthrise is here.


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Love's Calling




When Love is Present and you are truly Being that Love, Love flows freely. Words of Love glide easily from your lips and never have to be forced, any question you have is answered! Sometimes in what you are saying or writing to another also contains a messagefor you as well. Sometimes something you need to understand in order to release an attachment or to help free yourself from your ego. When Love is Being the mirror for another Everything is given freely.


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The Secret Book Of Mary Magdalene




The Secret Gospel of Mary

Recorded by Tau Malachi Eben Ha-Elijah


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Only 4 DAYS till the SUPER FULL MOON & Lunar Eclipse followed by the 'once in a lifetime' VENUS TRANSIT. What a week we have coming up! BEAUTIFUL energies available to all. Over the NEXT 24 hours the energy is slightly HIGHER & cleaner than in past days. YOU are clearer about what your strengths are & in particular you are feeling able to succinctly express yourself. This is a real SHIFT for many people. Enjoy! Elizabeth Peru Copyright © Deltawaves 2012 (Please SHARE in full with credit given, thanks)


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Blast On~Jamye Price ~ Fortitude



Jamye Price ~ Fortitude

Crystalline Soul Healing | June 2 2012

We come then to another round of Fortitude. The LightBlast is a channeled topic that is a weekly progression of self-focus for Lightworkers. Sometimes topics resurface, as Fortitude has from early in the year. It’s 2012 – showtime! ;o) We’ve been preparing for this year and here it is. Are you noticing your shift? Do you see that change is more rapid, resistance is more challenging and things that were easy before are being brought to a new level of mastery? Fortitude is a must!


We are leading ourselves and Lighting a path of change for others into the new golden age. Here personal responsibility is highlighted, consideration of others and the earth is required and Love leads choice. Fortitude is your ability to shine your Light in dark places, both within yourself and within this experience on earth. Each person has a different role, a different focus and change means that focus shifts, too. Fortitude is your ability to go with the flow (less resistance) and allow when it is time; and to paddle with the flow and move forward when it is time.



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In the dreaming of it, you are creating it. – Michael by Glr Ron Head




Spanish        Portuguese

This morning we shall talk about your similarities and differences.  It would seem absurd to say that you are all exactly the same while no two of you are at all alike.  Yet that is a true statement.

No two persons, nor indeed creations in any form, have experienced exactly the same things during their journeys through existence.  And every experience has led you to draw conclusions about what you have perceived. 


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EL MORYA. The Masters: “We Have Walked The Walk And Played The Game. We Have Lived The Lives You’ve Lived.”



EL MORYA. The Masters: “We Have Walked The Walk And Played The Game. We Have Lived The Lives You’ve Lived.”

By GLR AuroRa Le. May 31, 2012.”


☽  There is Divine intervention all around you now, though in your current state of awareness it is often difficult to perceive.  This assistance comes in many forms, be it in the form of a warning, a sudden rush of love, a bright new idea or a remembrance.  You carry with you the assorted memories of many lives lived constrained within the guise of the human person, and it is now that these recollections are beginning to surface.   They come in varied forms; dreams, passing sparks of recognition, a moment of deja vu.  Expect that this shall happen in the days and months to come, as this is a pleasant byproduct of the dismantling of the walls between us.  Expect it and it will never knock you far off from your center.  Yes, you are weary.  Weary of the constant battles and the illusion of being separate from Creation.  


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Restoring Balance



 If what I read before about Planet Earth being a Living Library is true then I feel this message will help restore some sense of balance.  If we look at this Planet and especially our ecosystems we understand that there is a natural sense of balance.  As an example the Crestone Valley was once a marsh land with beautiful flowers growing and it was natural.  Then big cattle ranchers started to divert the streams in order to feed and water their cows...this caused things to dry up.  Because we felt the need to have more meat in our diets things like this occurred.

If we look at the Plant Kingdom we known there are plants that will heal us, some that can be used for psychic visions and such and some that will kill us if we eat them and others that if we come in contact w/ them will cause rashes and such.  Some good some bad but still when we understand them we know they serve a purpose. 

If we look at our animal kingdom we see there are herbavores that eat only the plants, they are gentle and kind by nature.  We also have our carnavors which by nature prey on the other animals.  Yet it's a balance and the natural lifecycle that was created upon this Planet. 


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Lisa Gawlas - Take a Quantum Leap Into Your NEW Passion!




Our growth patterns are so convoluted that it is really easy to miss the depth of our own personal growth.  Especially as one vibrant skill set seems to have been dulled.  This intense process can seem more like we took a giant quantum leap backwards instead of leaping ahead.  At least that is how it has felt for me.

For the last several years, being able to “read” was as easy as breathing in the air.  Mostly humans, since that is where I set up my skill set, but inanimate objects as well.  These last few months, that seemed to be slipping away… at least for the casual encounter.

I only really noticed my own (perceived) digression this last week or so as I have had out-of-state company in, went to a BBQ where I am getting to know people and I just couldn’t pick up their subtle vibrations, not to the extent I have been able to do for years without trying.


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Message from the Ashtar Command 5/30/12




It is your task as Lightworkers in the field to do what you can to rise above the, at times, negative and even hostile atmospheres created throughout your online social networks. It is not your job to engage in debate and argument with individuals who do not yet understand and practice a more positive way to communicate. You have been trained and have shown that you can ignore the quips, insults and attempts to lure you into argument. You have demonstrated how well you can perform your duties as a bringer of higher ideals and adequately perform your duties even under the fire of seemingly opposing forces who do not, and at times cannot, see the larger picture and understand the importance of positive communication that brings about advancements to each person engaged in these discussions.


What has been transpiring here throughout your online communities can often be described as hostile bickering between those who are trying to show others a higher vibrational way of living and of thought, and those who have yet to adequately grasp this concept and understand that it is love that is the motivation that brings you to this conversation in the first place. We do see so many of you, our devoted Lightworkers, who do at all times remain focused on delivering, positive in attitude and response, your views while engaging in these discussions with others, and we do see and appreciate so greatly those of you who remain centered and balanced and refuse all attempts to lure you into heated discussion while remaining professional at all times.



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Sheldan Nidle ~ Update ~We bless all of humanity and are in ecstasy about what is shortly to happen


Sheldan Nidle ~ Update ~We bless all of humanity and are in ecstasy about what is shortly to happen

4 Men, 8 Pax, 8 Manik

Dratzo! We return! Much continues to happen behind closed doors on your world. The dark cabal bankers have created a situation of such unruliness with their mass of illegal debt instruments that they have become the means of forcing the banking industry to take on new management and drastic changes of operation.


We have used these fraudulent banking practices as the grounds for bringing in a new global financial system. The cabalists’ hubris has forged a debt situation so massive that it has become the weight that will break the back of the dark power that has run roughshod over your world for centuries. The magnitude of their fraud and criminality is beyond question, and with the assistance of a number of brave souls our liaison personnel have gathered enough case materials to force these scalawags to heel. Finally, a method of general resolution is becoming crystal clear. We have asked our liaisons and certain members of the surface world’s secret sacred societies to meet with these defiant ones to compel them to affix their signatures to an agreement allowing the new financial system to go ahead.



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My given name is Gokhan A., but I am not Gokhan A.

I was born in Turkey; so they told me that I was Turkish, but I am not.

I was born in to Islam religion so I was thought only Islam, but I am not Muslim.


Yes, indeed I was Gokhan A., Turkish, Muslim. They were all written on my Turkish Citizen I.D. card so I believed them and lived accordingly for almost 33 years.

I am 33 years old now. I am not Gokhan A., I am not Turkish, I am not Muslim.


So who am I? Where do I belong? What is my religion?


I am Strong Wings. I don’t belong to any government drawn, bordered lands. Because I don’t believe in borders and I absolutely don’t believe in governments and I don’t believe in nationalist history books. I believe religions are to show the direction of oneness to humanity but most of them lost the purity. I don’t need religions anymore because I am ONENESS. I broke out of the Matrix of Illusions. I broke out the energetic prisons. I am awaken and I am ascending. I am ascending with my soul mate Yuuka Shimada. We met just few months ago in India. She had changed my life. She purified me.


Oh, to be Gods and Goddesses…


Yuuka Shimada. She was already a goddess when I met her first time.

I will tell you all…



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Radio Show Series: Galactic Free Press On The Breath Of Terra Show Tonight : Twin Flames


Tonight was an amazing experience with Mother God enlighten us about Twin Flames



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Heavenletter #4206 Unto Your Heart


Heavenletter #4206 Unto Your Heart, May 31, 2012 

God said: 


Unto your heart, am I. In this flaming heart of yours, I sit. And sometimes you recognize Me. Sometimes you know. At any moment, whether you see or not, I am here within your heart. I am with you. I am within you. I spend all of My time - what you call time - in your heart. I am eternally in your heart. In your heart is where I am. In your heart is where I like to be. Home for Me is your heart.


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The Sea Of Fire and Winds to Swell


I Am. An interesting venture in this Sea of Fire that is wraping around us, filling us and re-entering the stream. Two seas of Fire Really. One, the old sea of fire. A fire fed by the Cabal and now about to be extinguish.


One Sea of Fire, the blazing of you and me. One fire to quence, One Fire to never be removed. For this is the manifestation we all set forth to accomplish. A ring of Fire if you will that we all are now sitting on, and feeding, and drinking from, like the great WellSpring of All Things. Flowers spring forth in the hearts of Man. For these are the tides af change, the moon pulling us as we go towards the next eclipse on the 7th. An eclipse that will set in the bed rock of all things the shift , you are all procuring with your heart manifestations.


Calm and silent, these winds place the Light firmly in your hearts. For these winds that blow acrooss your planet blow the negative concecrations you have made for yourselfs and are freeing by being One with all things. Let the winds blow through the walls that have made your hearts a fortress holding out the Light that is now so bright it is undeniable. Winds of change. Winds of freedom, winds of selflessness. For all our hopes and dreams when using the I am presence follow your sacred vows for your path through this time in all things. We are the gravity which the less awakened will be pulled towards. Moth towards the great flame of Source. For our eyes are his eyes. Our trails are the markers for thse coming late into this game of assention, a paving of ways, a sending of the tranfiguration of the fruit of your labord.


Do not faulter in your mission. These times are to test the truth you hold and how you can't be manipulated into wavering. Like flags in the same wind blowing in our sentiment, our goals for all things, and their freedom from the binding servitude offered by the Dark ones. A dish of empty nutrition.

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ublished on May 31, 2012 by

©"Please consider the urgency and necessity, to understand rightly the meaning of ascension. Although many believe, that this is only about resuming a more galactic disposition, in a Star Trek like fashion, we feel urged to explain, that your ascension process is actually in the highest meaning a spiritual one. It is a process of spiritual growth, and spiritual growth is the gradual acceptance and integration of Divine Light-Consciousness, far beyond the shape of a vessel, referred to as body. Body is only a medium for expression and it is a tool to make experiences. But in truth you are infinite Consciousness, and this Consciousness cannot be contained in a body."

Full Message @



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Laura Bruno ~ Flash Silvermoon: Venus Transit of the Sun



Laura Bruno ~ Flash Silvermoon: Venus Transit of the Sun


Laura Bruno’s Blog | May 30 2012

Astrologer Flash Silvermoon left the following as a comment on my earlier post about the Venus transit of the Sun. I loved her comment and said I’d give it a separate post:


Flash Silvermoon astrologer here. This is part of my Astroflash Monthly Horoscope for June as pertaining to the VENUS TRANSIT OF THE SUN


The Good News, is that Venus, the feminine planet of love and relationship will be conjoining the Sun and making a rare transit across the face of the Sun on June 5th. This won’t happen again until 2117. In a year with tons of really important transits, this one alone is the most significant because of its rarity. We might even see this transit of Venus across the Sun as the most defining event of the whole year and that is saying something!



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Oracle Report ~ Thursday May 31 2012



Oracle Report ~ Thursday May 31 2012

Oracle Report | First Quarter Moon Phase

Prepare for a unique day where emotions trump logic. The astrological configurations at the New Moon/Solar Eclipse on May 20 indicated that we would have an exceptionally emotional month and this is heightened with today’s energy. However, today’s emotional influences serve to strengthen the connection between our spiritual and physical bodies. The saying “your body is your temple” is the wisdom for the day.


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Blue Star UFO Report: UPDATE UFOs Over Blue Springs, MO? Sightings Continue - May 30, 2012



UPDATE: UFOs Over Blue Springs, MO? Sightings Continue - May 30, 2012




UFOS over Capelle aan den IJssel South Holland May 29 2012




UFO Over Lebanon Missouri 5/26/12 - Extended Long Version




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Are You Ready for the Change?


Are You Ready for the Change?

2012 May 31 Thank You to 2012 Scenario
Posted by Dave Schmidt

When I first started reading the 2012 Scenario blog site, I was like so many of us going through a time of transition, a time of change.


Coming from a traditional church background, I must admit I was somewhat of a skeptic about all these messages coming from galactic and channeled sources.  I had for most of life avoided what some would call ‘whoo-whoo’ New-Age thinking.  I wanted something pragmatic; something I could talk about and share with others without looking like I was crazy and from some far-out place.

The blessings of the internet allowed me to read, discern, be open to myself, question and try all this new data coming into my life without going public.  Having spent 20 years in politics I was always cautious of what I’d say, making sure it wasn’t something I didn’t want to see in the newspaper the next day.



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How I See Us As ONE by Cecilie Draget


"Multiple facets coming from the same source"


I want to say something about what my facet of life is observing right now. Everything right now is exactly how it's supposed to be.. it always has been and always will be. That's the divinity of it all. That's based on love. That's how and why we have come to this point in existence after all.


When we think otherwise it's because we have to get some issues in ourselves solved. They will come forward whether we like it or not. We can choose to solve them based in trust, light, love and then they will pass through as enlightened experiences.. if we don't let them pass like that they will stay stuck in our bodies and work us over and over. When greeting our inner mysterious obstacles here on earth as they show up these days - one after another, with gratitude and happiness... we show ourselves and life/love that we have understood why we are here on earth in the first place. Every time remembering/feeling/thinking what we before saw through duality, we can now experience with joy, laughter and bliss. The pain, sorrow, tears, frustration and all fear based reactions will turn out totally different, realizing how it all was put together for us to learn the lessons of duality. Because we all have our different facets and purpose, we see that some go through this almost in the same way and others totally different.... but the goal is the same even if it doesn't seem that way..



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~Space Weather Update~ Current Conditions~


Solar wind
speed: 391.4 km/sec
density: 7.2 protons/cm3

explanation | more data
Updated: Today at 1646 UT

X-ray Solar Flares
6-hr max: C2
1536 UT May31
24-hr: C2 1536 UT May31
explanation | more data
Updated: Today at: 1600 UT


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Lucas - Just A Smile A Day Makes ................ - 31 May 2012



Lucas - Just A Smile A Day Makes ................ - 31 May 2012


By Lucas - Posted on 31 May 2012

You realy want to smile. Don't you!

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Bilderberg Group Meeting This Weekend


It's time again for this year's Bilderberg Group, where the world's rich and powerful meet in secret to discuss God knows what. They claim it's a purely innocent meeting, which is odd because what is discussed is kept in the highest confidentiality. If they wanted to show people there's no funny business going on, why not share the meetings with everyone? It's an affront to the idea of democracy to have the world's most influential people all meet together and keep the whole thing a secret.


Location of this year's meeting

Almost as big a story is the fact that the mainstream media does it's best to ignore the Bilderberg Group's yearly meetings. The meeting is absolutely packed with the type of people that appear in the news daily, but for some reason the media turns its head the other way when all these people gather together to hold a secret meeting.

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Visionkeeper – Beauty Abounds – 31 May 2012



Visionkeeper – Beauty Abounds – 31 May 2012

(picture by www.favim.com)

Why is it when we view a picture such as this one we see incredible beauty yet some don’t seem to see it the same way in our everyday travels along our journey through life? Why does it take a breath-taking picture to make them stop and stare and admire the beauty? It abounds all around us yet for some reason they fail to see it. They breeze by never noticing the day-to-day wonders everywhere. Perhaps if their hearts were fully open that would help. The more we love the more connected to all we become, more full of appreciation, more aware of what moves us.


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Lucas - Just A Smile A Day Makes ................ - 31 May 2012


You realy want to smile. Don't you!

Yes. You are............

Yep, I see it coming..................

Smile! SMILE!

This is great now make the others smile. It makes your heart sing. SMILE.

It is an expression of LOVE.


Love and Light,




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