More Ascension Experiences

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 01/04/2013 - 09:20


I’m actually receiving a fair number of accounts from people of Ascensions. Here are three that I found most informative or encouraging.

From a Pillar

Dear Steve:

I’m responding to your request to hear from Gatekeepers and Pillars, with the intent to bring inspiration to those who are feeling “duped” in some way since Dec. 21st.

It was on October 12, 2012 that I wrote in my journal about my “graduation” the night before. I felt it was a grand accomplishment, though when the ceremony happened, I didn’t know exactly what that accomplishment was. It took some integrating (a huge shift with outbursts of seeming insanity – joy, laughter, celebration and tears of relief and letting go) before I realized that this graduation was Ascension.

On October 15th, it was Linda Dillon’s channelling on “An Hour with an Angel” that rang the bell for me that my role at this time on the planet has been as a “Pillar”. I knew the truth of it when I heard the word, and it sparked a great deal of emotion in me. The days that ensued were a process of coming to terms with what this meant. The thought/ego reaction had glimpses of feeling special, but the emotional aspect was more complex. For you see, while I had graduated to Ascension, I knew there was still a great deal of work to be done. I realized I no longer had to “hold vigil”, which was a tremendous relief, but there was a sense of despair as well – and wondering how much longer I/we would need to continue until everyone has gone through to their chosen places in this evolution.

I even had a moment of feeling I was being punished in some way in having been given this difficult task, as if there was a great deal of karma for me to repay. But the truth is, as a Pleaidian starseed, I came in with great sensitivity, empathy and more importantly, a huge dedication to assist in this blessed event of all of us moving away from suffering and back into Oneness! Once my focus returned to truth, and to the grace and support that is constantly present within and around me, I knew I would be able to keep on keeping on.

And it is most definitely happening. In January, I was aware of a great battle taking place on the Earth plane. I participated in the “end game” as the 3rd and 4th dimension (and other merging realities) were cleansed of the old energies and entities so we could move into the “new.” And in February, I experienced the “Oneness/Unity” grids anchoring in as strong as steel onto the planet. So it is obvious to me that we are, indeed, getting there!

I know there have been delays – and some of us are saying, “Enough already!” as we wait faithfully and patiently for our reunion celebrations. But our hearts are already celebrating, aren’t they? Somewhere, in that sacred fire that holds us all together beyond time and space, there is recognition that all is well as we reignite those unique pieces we came to portray in this magnificent puzzle of Divine wholeness!

Thank you, Steve, for this opportunity to share and for all that you bring! It helps me align with more clarity for myself as well.

With peace, love and an extra bit of steam on this final sprint. ;-)

(I don’t wish to share my name, for the same reason I wasn’t going to share the experience – for the sake of humility – but the call is strong to respond so here goes…)

From an Ascender

My experiences were completely life-changing. I literally felt myself ascend twice and have never descended. I heard voices, was infused with a supernatural power surge,had visions, saw Sacred Fire, a Sacred Crystal Bowl, saw the portal and energy waves so intense my eyes could not take it, was healed of potential breast cancer, and have no attachment to anything, including those experiences. Everything has changed and I mean that literally. I am in a different space and I have no idea where that is. I might be in 4thD or 5th, or 10th or 100th…I don’t know….and I am told it is not necessary that I do know. Suffice to say that ”all things are become new.”

I had guides who helped me from the first of December (when I began going into a full retreat, through the 12th when I went into seclusion, through the 25th and new ones now. I am just beginnin! g to spend some time out in the world each day and began yesterday taking up work tasks…which were like dragging a heavy sledge. The guides told me last night that from now on that these tasks will flow from my new ”state of being’. In the meantime, I have filled nearly 2 notebooks full of the ”downloads and upgrades”’(their terminology) from the last month. And it continues.

Surely I am not the only one whose experiences transcended all expectations…of which I was instructed to have none prior to 12-12-12 and onward. There has to be others….I know there are.

One more thing…..the portal began to slowly close the 29th and by midnight the 1st it was done. I noticed the decrease in the energy stream and intensity right away and even though attachment was gone, I still found it strange to be without the surrounding Light-fields. What my guides have said is that from 12-12-12 the Earth was receiving a steady powerful out-pouring…like a spirit-Light Victoria Falls…..and we basked in it, soaked in it, worshiped in it, played in it, communicated through it with beings throughout Earth, the galaxy, and the multiple dimensions of consciousness.

The Divine Great Soul was as close as our breathing in and breathing out. But now although the portal is closed, the energy field is still present and, perhaps more importantly, it is within us, And we dip into our own hearts and souls where the Sacred Fire that does not consume, and Crystal Light Bowl exist. Meditation is the pathway. Eternal Light and Love are the results….at least,! that is my experience so far. I am a stranger in this new land….a babe only 10 days old in this new birth.



Another Lightworker who Ascended Closer to 12/12/12

I would like to say – do not become discouraged dear fellow light-workers. The colourful show we all hoped for is soon to start. I think many of us – including myself initially though on 12.21.12 we all were going to instantaneously step into a new world. But now that I have had time to reflect on it from a human perspective I am glad we have not. I think it was better for many people to be finished with the Christmas or holiday aspects we have embraced for so many years.

Because my human ‘spirit and ego-self” still wants the show of fireworks so the celebrating can begin, I did some asking, some meditation. My higher-self and Divine Team of Guides tell me, it was never intended that we would experience everything changing in one swift shift. I think we assumed it would because we are eager for a better world and life. However energetically as well as mentally and emotionally that would just be much too harsh for our body.

I also feel because we are always being protected and supported by God and the heavenly helpers, there was last minute rescheduling and some things were held back or adjustments were made in the fine details as things played out….perhaps slowing our exposure to it all so we did not become over-whelmed or completely fatigued. There was some last minute tweaking taking place. Our focus was needed elsewhere.

While I experienced such a blissful uplifting energy when I ascended closer to 12.12.12 …(I returned to help others just as so many have) I was though – well prepared physically, mentially, emotionally and importantly spiritually. However many people on the planet were not fully ready for this and it may have created havoc. Even too much of a good thing can be stressful! I found the energy of those going through it on 12.21.12 and the few days after very exhausting. I have always been aware of the energy of those around me and am very sensitive to energy of all types and kinds, but especially human energy near and yes even far across the planet. In these last 2 – 3 years especially, not only did I feel when the new incoming waves of energy would arrive, but I would soon after feel the energy of what the masses were experiencing by these incoming waves.

It was not easy some days even weeks, it would not only bring my own energy down but my skin and nervous system would go ! through quite an ordeal. Often it was so strong that I would have to stop what I was doing and go to my meditation room to deal with it. It required much healing and meditation to neutralize how it was affecting me and then I would help transmute the energy of those struggling on the planet. It was always done with love and respect for the highest good of all.

My Divine Team as I call them, also said when we did ascend we needed to step through a transitionary threshold and allow our systems to adjust. Our bodies have been through a huge re-calibration and many of us still had some inner housekeeping issues that needed attending to before we could move through the second threshold to our new 5th dimension.

I was also told how there were those who moved through willingly and happy to the 5th D and others were more apprehensive and unsure if they were completely ready. Many needed a bit more time to go forward. They had questions and needed further guidance, reassurance and understanding. I believe for the greatest good of all as we have done many times in the past ….we have had to pause and make allowances for others. This is us being supportive and compassionate to those who required some calming and fine-tuning. So yes we have ascended – and even though we have no big announcement or visible difference that is indisputable …yet…..can you not see around you how much happier people are.

Usually in the holiday season there is much tension, stress and pressure on people, but this has changed……people are smiling and more patient. Kindness and contentment are becoming very visible. Look for it, encourage it and do your part. It is time to shift your disappointment in what! you personally wanted to happen to a few days ago to – “ok – I am willing to see now that this is a new a better world” Smile big and start spreading the joy!

I would like to thank you Steve and all your team of associates around the world and beyond, for your efforts and hard work this past year in providing this great site for us to learn more and in sharing your gifts and talents. The kindness that is underlining this site and the interconnection of love and light is remarkable! Thank you all for bringing us together.
Kindest regards and with much love and light – JF


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