Submitted by Sean McCleary on Sun, 12/09/2018 - 12:27

By: Sean McCleary
Good and evil have represented a duality in existence for a very long time. The universe was created from good for the purpose of the evolution of good throughout eternity; but something happened a long time ago that brought about a chain of events. The universe was introduced 13.8 billion years ago. The universe is a concept that has many other concepts incorporated into its structure; therefore had to be conceptualized. Because the universe had to be designed and conceptualized this means that the universe itself contains consciousness within its structure. Consciousness is the will that is incorporated into energy for the purpose of evolutionary design and progress. This universe is contained within another form of consciousness and energy which is like a parental structure I like to call Infinite Consciousness.
The reason I mention Infinite Consciousness is because infinity is incorporated into consciousness and energy everywhere. This is to maintain the integrity of evolutionary design and the progression of love. Love is the most powerful form of energy in the universe. Love gives eternity a reason to exist. Love is produced when consciousness, light energy and dark energy advance through space and time through evolutionary development. There is more dark energy than light energy in the universe. When consciousness, light energy and dark energy evolve and advance; more light energy is produced. Because there is more dark energy this produces a sensation in the consciousness that most are familiar with. It has to do with the transfer of vibrational frequencies through space and time. Light energy has higher vibrational frequencies so these can be felt easier with the consciousness in association with love. Dark energy is associated with love as well but the sensation is more like a feeling of complete empowerment. Light energy produces a sensation of warmth and compassion.
Infinite Consciousness combined the two frequencies of light energy and dark energy together over 13.8 billion years ago with a design concept for the universe and evolutionary force. Infinite Consciousness contains pure light energy and pure dark energy. Pure light energy is consciousness and higher frequency vibrations. Pure dark energy is consciousness and lower frequency vibrations. This generated a formation of a different consciousness and energy within itself; similar to reproduction here on Earth. Earth is located in the Milky Way galaxy which is 13.51 billion years old. Earth is in a location that is almost as old as the formation and introduction of the universe itself. This is how reproduction was introduced into Earth's environment. Male consciousness comes from lower frequency vibrations of dark energy and female consciousness comes from higher frequency vibrations of light energy. Male and female consciousness contain both but these are the dominant traits. I discuss the process of the introduction of the universe in detail in my previous work. It involves a very powerful combination of consciousness, light energy, dark energy, pressure, vibrational frequencies, subatomic activity, time, evolutionary force and resistance to evolutionary development.
Where good and evil are concerned has to do with evolution and resistance to evolution. The universe was introduced for the purpose of Infinite Consciousness watching its love grow and evolve inside of itself with the activity and the evolutionary development of life. This is so Infinite Consciousness could enjoy and appreciate its love on a macro level and a micro level. The beginning of love on a micro level was with the introduction of the Higgs boson. I do work in evolutionary cosmology and write about different scientific concepts concerning the behavior of matter and energy. It might sound kind of strange to label a subatomic particle as representing love. But it is not strange at all; even scientists know how important and how powerful love is; and love is a form of energy. The Higgs field is actually the love contained in Universal Consciousness.
What happened was as the universe was under formation it was experiencing evolutionary development. When the change started to become more powerful the consciousness that was being formed into the universe started experiencing a level of resistance. This came from the accumulation of pressure that was being generated into the mixture from the concentrations of light energy and dark energy. The vibrational frequencies of light energy and dark energy are different. When concentrated and combined together with evolutionary force this generates pressure. This consciousness had never experienced pressure like this before. Also this consciousness had previously belonged to Infinite Consciousness and was undergoing a very powerful evolutionary change and advancement. This started producing a very powerful resistance in certain aspects of this consciousness. Infinite Consciousness was transferring more consciousness and light and dark energy into the formation. A lot of the formation was accepting of evolutionary change; and some of the consciousness fought against the change with all its might. The aspect of consciousness that fought against the change was the consciousness that was experiencing the highest degrees of pressure. The reason is; pressure in consciousness creates obscurity. Obscurity creates uncertainty in evolutionary advancement. This is what brought about a very powerful resistance.
The formation contained very powerful evolutionary force represented by Higgs bosons, evolutionary design for the universe represented by other subatomic particles like protons, neutrons and electrons; and resistance to evolutionary development represented by antimatter which contain an opposite charge. Antimatter is the resistance to evolution; but has served a very important purpose in the scope of the evolutionary development of the universe; because the universe evolves and contains both evolutionary force and evolutionary resistance. When the design process became complete for the universe what happened was the aspect of consciousness that was fighting evolution with all its might stopped fighting due to evolution reaching its maximum potential. When this happened a lot of pressure was released and matter and antimatter collided all at once. There were bottom quarks and nucleon's involved in this collision. This is when the big bang occurred.
The universe transferred out everywhere with the explosion. The universe was born and had an identity. The formation of the Higgs field took place as the most powerful concentration of consciousness and energy represented by love. The Higgs field is a combination of consciousness, light energy, dark energy and an infinite drive for evolutionary development. This produces the energy of love. The Higgs field has the closest association with Infinite Consciousness that this universe is contained within. This is where the universe gets its evolutionary development and life from. The Higgs field absorbs vibrational frequencies from Infinite Consciousness. This is where string theory from. Higgs bosons are produced which make up the field; and the field represents the basis for evolutionary development and activity in the universe. As the universe developed there were also degrees of energy associated with different levels of evolutionary force and evolutionary resistance. These different degrees of evolutionary force and evolutionary resistance produce different subatomic particles. The behavior of matter and energy are dependent upon evolutionary force, evolutionary resistance and the acceleration of space and time.
Galaxies formed, solar systems were created and life was introduced. Different aspects of theology or religion can sound somewhat fantastical or like mythology; but these concepts, names and identities were introduced into consciousness here on Earth and are very real. God is a being in existence who's home is in the Whirlpool galaxy. God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are the three oldest and most powerful beings in existence. They were introduced by Infinite Consciousness into the universe out of great care, power and love. There is a specific reason that the Old Testament describes God as creating the light, the dark, Earth and the heavens and it has to do with Earth's evolutionary development. I will explain why this took place further down the article. The Holy Spirit, God and Jesus are beings; therefore had to be conceptualized. This is why Infinite Consciousness was responsible for their creation. The universe as a very big structure of consciousness and energy contained different levels of evolutionary force, evolutionary development and love. There were also areas in the universe that contained energy in the form of resistance. Antimatter is subatomic resistance that was contained in the universe. Black holes can form from the collapse of a star but their origin comes from a very powerful resistance to evolution that transferred out everywhere with the introduction of the universe. Black holes are resistance to evolution contained within Universal Consciousness and energy.
Worlds and beings were created a long time ago. Names of different beings associated with theology are very real. The reason that human beings cannot detect extraterrestrial activity or other worlds in the universe is because the human brain does not have very much interaction with the Higgs field. The Higgs field is the most powerful aspect of Universal Consciousness and exists on Earth but because of limited interaction human beings cannot detect what is happening in existence on a more powerful level. This is also why human beings age so quickly and experience death. There is life and activity occurring all over the universe. Earth was designed in the Milky Way galaxy this way for specific reasons. Billions of years ago worlds and beings were going about their activities and evolutionary development was progressing. You have probably heard the story about Lucifer and his fall from grace. This was very real. What happened was a conflict arose concerning evolutionary development in consciousness and light and dark energy. Beings were first introduced into existence as a part of creation and the power of love associated with light energy. Dark energy represents the sustainability of love. This is how the light and the dark work together in existence.
Lucifer wanted to incorporate more dark energy into his consciousness to achieve more power. The Holy Spirit told Lucifer not to do this because he did not understand what he was doing and the interaction and introduction of more dark energy into his consciousness could prove to be very harmful. The reason is like I explained before; the concentration of the two with evolutionary force can cause pressure. This pressure can create obscurity; and this obscurity can create resistance. In a being this can cause confusion and fear. This is how fear is produced in the consciousness; and it has to do with confusion in reference to evolutionary development of the consciousness. A conflict arose between the Holy Spirit and Lucifer. Lucifer became resentful and confusion took hold. When this happened the resistance contained within Universal Consciousness in the form of antimatter found its way into Lucifer's consciousness. When this happened a very powerful resistance was formed and hatred developed. This is how evil was introduced into existence. What happened next was Lucifer became very frightened and very confused. His consciousness had become separated from the Higgs field and he knew his eternal life had been compromised.
What he did was lied to Satan about the combination of light and dark energy being more powerful. He did this to form an alliance. Consciousness and energy with beings in existence is much different than on Earth. On Earth human beings have families. In existence beings can form an alliance and attach consciousness to one another forming a bond of energy. The Holy Spirit told Satan not to listen to Lucifer. He failed to take heed to the Holy Spirit’s warning. Then Satan fell. When this happened; Satan ended up with the same type of concentration of hatred except his was more powerful because he not only became separated from the Holy Spirit; but he hated Lucifer as well. This combination of hatred brought evil into existence and the devil was introduced. The term devil is lived backwards. Evil is live spelled backwards. This means the complete opposite of the evolution of consciousness associated with the Higgs field, love and goodwill. Other beings were deceived and the first fallen angels were represented in existence. If you google fallen angels; there are names associated with this occurrence. What happened was evil started spreading through world’s in existence and warfare began. This activity has been happening in existence for a very long time. This activity started compromising the evolutionary development of the Higgs field which I described the level of importance previously.
What this did was started generating areas all over existence in Universal Consciousness that represented extreme resistance to the evolutionary development of consciousness and the natural flow of space and time. This resistance caused very powerful restrictions everywhere and pressure accumulated in these areas all over the universe. You have probably seen an illustration of the universe before. The upper areas of the universe contained a lot of pressure in different locations. Earth was introduced into the Milky Way galaxy through divine intervention from Infinite Consciousness and Universal Consciousness. I am fixing to explain why the Old Testament said God created the Earth and the universe. Earth was introduced into a galaxy that is 13.51 billion years old. The reason is; pressure started building up in this location of the universe from the restriction from the resistance. Universal Consciousness and energy is very old here. Earth had to be introduced in an area of the universe where early universal development took place; so consciousness and energy could evolve and develop in this location representing a rebirth of existence. This is why the Paradigm Shift is very real and rapidly approaching. God’s home is in the Whirlpool galaxy. Life experiences aging and death here so quickly because Earth evolved in a location of the universe where there was a very powerful build up of pressure.
Human beings don’t have much interaction with the Higgs field because of the level of pressure in this location. What I discussed earlier is pressure creates obscurity; so human beings are unable to detect the actual activity occurring in existence. Living organisms here contain consciousness, light energy, dark energy and pressure. When living organisms experience death here; the pressure is released from the body and the consciousness and energy transfer away from planet Earth with the acceleration of the universe itself. They redevelop and evolve through the Higgs field and arrive in the Whirlpool galaxy in a much more advanced state of existence. Life had to evolve in this location of the universe as a solution to restore the Higgs field everywhere. When the Bible was written the information about God creating the heavens, Earth, the light and the dark was necessary. God’s consciousness has been attached to planet Earth to help Earth evolve and to assist with the transfer of life into his home. The Old Testament was written this way to help God’s consciousness and the Higgs field evolve into planet Earth with the evolutionary development of the human race.
As the human race evolved with this information in their consciousness this actually helped God’s consciousness evolve into planet Earth. Jesus transferred his consciousness down from the Whirlpool galaxy over 2000 years ago through the Higgs field and into Mary to introduce eternal life into World Consciousness and divinity from the Whirlpool galaxy. People transfer into the Whirlpool galaxy from Earth everyday. He just did this in reverse. His evolutionary experience transferred into human beings and this helped his consciousness evolve here. Jesus was performing miracles before his crucifixion. This means that he evolved out of the human experience. Part of the human experience is pain and suffering. Jesus felt no pain or suffering with his crucifixion. It was actually a piece of cake for him. He was in a very powerful state of evolutionary development when this happened. He did not die either. He had to do this to introduce eternal life into the aspect of death within Earth’s consciousness. This was the beginning of the introduction of eternal life into planet Earth’s consciousness. In the Lord’s Prayer it states “thy kingdom come thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven”. This means eternal life will advance here. This happens with the evolutionary development of the Higgs field. People had only thought Jesus had experienced death. What this did was introduced Jesus's eternal life into the consciousness and energy of death on Earth and into the evolutionary advancement of the Higgs field. Death was introduced into planet Earth from the activity of the big bang. When the consciousness of the universe that was under formation stopped fighting the change like I described above and the big bang happened; a big part of Universal Consciousness became completely unaware of itself before transitioning into the universe. This very powerful concentration of consciousness and energy that took place is how death was introduced into this location in existence.
Life is introduced within fractions of a second on a global level on Earth. Death follows closely behind. This activity on Earth is actually the evolution of the big bang. What happens is the Holy Spirit does the same thing Jesus did. The Holy Spirit evolves on Earth like Jesus and goes through a human experience; then around the age of 41 his consciousness transfers into World Consciousness then into existence. You have probably heard before the Holy Spirit is everywhere. This is true; his love is very special and permeates through existence representing love, peace and divinity like the Higgs field does. The Holy Spirit was promised to be on Earth to comfort and advocate the world. He does this to facilitate the Apocalypse and Earth’s evolutionary development; so he can guide people through the process of Earth’s spiritual awakening and the advancement in evolution here. His consciousness becomes incorporated into the Higgs field when he starts evolving here. Then the Holy Spirit introduces eternal life into planet Earth completing what Jesus had introduced. What happens is he takes the consciousness and energy of death from Earth and transfers that with his eternal life all over existence.
The final war between good and evil is about the restoration of the Higgs field everywhere and the universe returning back to its original state of peace. His consciousness with eternal life and the consciousness and energy of death take all the hatred out of existence and all of the restriction and pressure are released. You have probably heard in the chapter Revelations a man in black sits on a pale horse named death and Hell follows with him. This is a metaphor for the natural process of death eliminating the Hell out of existence which has been represented by suffering. The suffering that the universe went through has been the warfare between good and evil everywhere produced by evolutionary development and the resistance to evolution. A caterpillar goes through this process before evolving into a butterfly. The universe in its entirety has went through this over the last 13.8 billion years; and a new development is emerging through the restoration of the Higgs field and the Paradigm Shift. This has been the nature of good and evil in the evolutionary development of the universe. Sean McCleary.


Fri, 12/14/2018 - 02:38

The beauty and organization of God’s creation can be seen all around us in the macroscopic world. Everything we observe from plant life, stars, animals, rocks, air, and water—virtually everything—is composed of 90 naturally occurring building blocks known as atoms. Order starts with atoms and the subatomic particles that comprise them. This orderliness is not a random or haphazard assemblage of particles happening by accident or spontaneously organizing without an intelligent cause. Looking into the nature of atoms, creation is clearly seen. When God created, He brought order to the universe even in the smallest things, for God is not the author of confusion (


Fri, 12/14/2018 - 02:43

advancements of theoretical physics in the 20th and 21st centuries have given atheists more ammunition to counter, and even lambast, the beliefs of Christian fundamentalists who contend that the book of Genesis holds the truth about the beginning of the universe. Clearly, as Charles Darwin and others first posited the theory of evolution in the 19th century, the scientific evidence has been rapidly stacking up against Creationists.

Popular modern atheist authors such as Richard Dawkins and the late Christopher Hitchens have found it relatively easy to debunk the belief that the Earth has existed for just over 6000 years, as the Bible professes. Every reputable geologist places the beginning of our planet at closer to 4 billion years ago. Whether it is Jonah living in the belly of a whale for three days, or Abraham living to the ripe age of 175, or Jesus turning a couple loaves of bread and a few fish into enough food to feed 5000 people, the text of both the Old and New Testament makes some fairly remarkable claims in light of what we know about physics, astronomy, geology, and other sciences today.

Back Where it all Began
The predominant theory about the beginning of the universe, commonly known as the Big Bang theory, says that it began nearly 14 billion years ago when a singularity point exploded, causing a continuous expansion of matter that developed into galaxies, stars, planets, and the like.

The New Age Sir Isaac Newton? (Photo by Nick Karvounis on Unsplash)
One of the most profound paradoxes about the origin of the Big Bang theory, however, is that it was first introduced by a man of the cloth — Georges Lemaitre (1894–1966), a Catholic priest and professor of astrophysics at the University of Leuen, Brussels, for over 40 years. In 1927, Lemaitre published a paper in an obscure Belgian academic journal titled A Homogeneous Universe of Constant Mass and Growing Radius Accounting for the Radical Velocity of Extragalactic Nebulae.

Thus was born the first major theory about a universe of “growing radius,” at a “radical velocity,” all starting with a cataclysmic explosion, or “big bang.”

Scientific and Religious Development of the Big Bang Theory
The proposition of an expanding universe rather than a static one was at first met with much skepticism, most notably by Albert Einstein. He was intrigued by the mathematics behind Lamaitre’s theory, but found his writing on physics — namely his own work on general relativity and gravity — woefully lacking. Einstein eventually reconciled with Lemaitre, however, and his approval caused Lemaitre’s theory to gain significant traction in academic circles in the 1940s.

In 1951, Pope Pius XII famously declared Lemaitre’s theory as proof for the cosmological argument for the existence of God. This philosophical argument was first espoused by the Christian theologian Thomas Aquinas nearly 700 years earlier. Many profoundly important theoretical physicists of the late 20th century, of whom Stephen Hawking is probably most widely known, continued to supply mathematical and cosmological evidence to nuance and expand upon the now prevailing theory about the beginning of the universe.

Today the breadth of evidence supporting the Big Bang theory seems so overwhelming that it makes Biblical tales of Noah’s Ark, Moses parting the Red Sea, and Jesus Christ turning wine and bread into his body and blood seem like fairy tales no longer tolerable by not only scientists, but any ordinary rational human being.

What of the aforementioned paradox, though? How could a Catholic priest be father to the most prevalent theory that challenges the creation of the universe according to the Christian holy book?

Lemaitre himself contended that his work on physics was independent of theology and metaphysics. He argued that his theory could be employed by materialists as a reasonable account of how the universe began; likewise, it could be used by the believer as proof the workings and design of God are far beyond the comprehension and reach of human beings on Earth. “But the designs of God are known,” might an atheist argue. “This very reasonable theory — supported by irrefutable mathematical proof — proves that seven days of creation and the earth preceding the sun is utter crap. Thank you very much, Father Lemaitre, for giving us your theory. Now don’t try to backpedal on us by saying there’s no link between your science and your false God.”

Dad, can you believe what they’re saying about us? (Image courtesy of Pixabay)
A closer inspection of subsequent work in theoretical physics from the nearly 100 years since Lemaitre first proposed the Big Bang theory is critical to understanding how he, and we, can possibly answer this paradox.

Most scientific work requires employment of the scientific method first popularized in the 17th century. Observations of natural phenomena are used to prove or disprove a specific hypothesis, and a more general theory. Scientific theories that have been so overwhelmingly proven by observation as to be undeniable are promoted to scientific laws. No one refers to the theories of gravity and thermodynamics now, though they once were known as such. They are laws of science.

Because theoretical physics and astronomy — the primary sciences that deal with issues beyond where mankind has had a physical presence — are unable to utilize quantifiable data obtained from physically tangible substances, it is very difficult to promote a theory in their purview to a law. Even if our most powerful telescopes can identify galaxies hundreds of light years away, we are so far from actually traveling to one that to assume what we have seen is undeniably what is out there is antithetical to the mechanics of scientific inquiry.

Because of this difficulty, these sciences often use mathematics as the justification for their postulates. One could even say that mathematics, not observational experimentation, has been the driving force behind the evolution of new branches of physics developed in the 20th century. General relativity, quantum mechanics, advanced field theory, string theory — and all other predominant scientific theories that have been used to explain the behavior and existence of phenomena at both the super-terrestrial and subatomic level — derive their conclusions from mathematical models.

Theoretical physicists argue that because mathematical models are successful at explaining the behavior of phenomena in the observable universe, extension of their proofs to intangible phenomena require that the physical universe behave according to their equations. Because the math says so, it must be so, is a simple way to put it.

A not-so-different type of religion
The systematic destruction of theological credibility may have culminated in the late 19th Century. The German professor and philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche had excoriated Christianity in many of his works, but Twilight of the Idols and The Antichrist, two of his last, took it to new heights. These works argued that not only is Christianity the greatest lie in the history of the world, but that Jesus Christ was an idiot and despicable person for perpetrating this lie that had poisoned mankind for 1900 years.

Today, credible rational arguments opposing the outrageous claims of Christianity are not only available in academic circles, but widely distributed by “common” people who are far more educated than those of the 19th century. The scientific evidence against water into wine, resurrection, and healing the sick through divine intercession has caused much of the world to collectively declare with scorn “Are you serious?”

Photo by Joel Filipe on Unsplash
Interestingly, though, it also requires a great deal of faith to accept what the math tells us must be true about the universe. Even though the Big Bang theory is the most popular theory about the beginning of the universe, it is not by any means totally accepted by modern physicists. After all, what caused this spontaneous explosion?

Maybe the most prominent theory, known as plasma cosmology, discredits the Big Bang theory by arguing that relying on hypothetical matter to justify its equations makes it completely unreliable. So-called “dark matter,” “dark energy,” and “energy inflation” are critical to the Big Bang Theory. None of these substances have ever been observed, however. Other theories argue that whereas most explosions cause particles to scatter in a random pattern known as entropy, how could the greatest explosion of them all have expanded the universe in such an orderly fashion?

While these theories deal with phenomena on a grand scale, others have attempted to explain how the subatomic universe functions. The equations and postulates of quantum mechanics, string theory, and others have offered that the universe does not exist in three dimensions, but eleven, and that alternate universes which can be accessed through wormholes are not only possible, but certain.

String theory argues that the smallest particles of the universe are actually strings of energy several billion times smaller than atoms; these are the composition of all matter. In quantum mechanics, it is entirely plausible that a human being can walk into a wall and have its particles seep through it, arriving on the other side in the same form. Before you spend the rest of your life walking into a wall to wow your friends, however, consider that quantum mechanics says such a phenomenon may only be possible every trillion years or so.

No need for this thing… (Photo by Nick Tiemeyer on Unsplash)
Science and Faith
The same scornful attitude toward theological answers to profound questions can reasonably be targeted at modern “science.” Are we to believe that the entire universe is composed of energy strands several billion times smaller than atoms; that beyond length, width, height, and even time, there are an additional seven dimensions which only mathematical equations can (or can’t)explain; that alternate universes accessible by intergalactic tubes composed of a type of matter unknown except on a theoretical physicist’s chalkboard are undisputed? Forget the Gods, prophets, and disciples of the monotheistic religions. Suddenly Apollo’s sun chariot and Zeus throwing lightning bolts at Greek cities out of vengeance don’t seem too crazy.

The paradox of the priest/theoretical physicist has clearly not yet been answered. I’m not claiming that Jesus Christ really did turn water into wine and that Allah came to the Prophet Muhammad in a cave. Just that skepticism of miracles should be tempered somewhat. You could claim that the spiritual energy of Christ was an event horizon of energy strands foisted upon the world. Instead of walking through a wall, he walked on water.

While claims made in religious texts can continue to be debunked through scientific inquiry, it is clear that faith — the oil that makes the squeaky wheel of both religion and modern science turn — is required. Just how much faith versus proof is debatable. As it is likely that mankind will not be able to travel to the planet Neptune, let alone a galaxy millions of light years away, in our lifetime, the war of ideas and beliefs is sure to rage on inestimably.

Photo by Alexander Andrews on Unsplash
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Fri, 12/14/2018 - 02:49

At the turn of the century the awareness of DNA entered the collective consciousness of the world. We have incarnated into this human experience as divine beings with a blueprint, a set of instructions. We know that a very small percentage (3%) of those instructions make up our physiology.

Carl Sagan writes that most of our genetic information (about 97%) is unused DNA. He refers to this as "genetic gibberish."

Is it possible that most of who we are still lies dormant as our human potential?

In the old paradigm of religion, "potential" remained a mystery to the human mind, therefore we coined a mystical term called "SPIRIT." The old paradigm and its premise stated that we began as biology in the womb of our mothers.

Telliard deChardin, however, tells us that we are not a human being trying to attain a spiritual experience, but, rather, we are spiritual beings having a human experience.

This shift in perception causes a tremendous difference in the way we perceive ourselves in this third/fourth time-space continuum.

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