~ Mother Earth=Heart waiting no more~ Love is in the Air~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 04/13/2012 - 10:06

April 12th. 2012 Blossom GoodChild~Situations are arising upon your planet~


April 12th. 2012 Blossom GoodChild~Situations are arising upon your planet~




Good morning to you. It’s very early yet I couldn’t sleep . So I thought I would see if you are awake also?


We have no need for sleep as you do. Yet we enjoy resting and rebalancing.


Mmm … I would have thought your state of Being would be pretty much balanced all of the time.


And yet we would not wish to remove the pleasure of making sure we are in full power. Very much as in your meditations. Many times have we suggested to be vigilant in this craft … for it is of so much benefit to the soul. There is never a time when it is not ... although it may appear to you that way on occasions.



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Foster Gamble: Waking Up In Time ~ Trivemevment...


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Seven states report 278 UFO Cases In March!



Seven states report 278 UFO Cases In March!


The National UFO ALERT Rating System has been updated April 1, 2012, with California, Florida, Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New York and Texasmoving to a UFO Alert 3 as the highest reporting states during the month of March 2012, filed with the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON).


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Subtle as a Brick ~ by American Kabuki



Subtle as a Brick


Subtle as a brick and very very funny...photonic graffiti?  Its not like it destroys property does it? Can't get arrested for vandalism because photons are every bit as ephemeral as the free speech they can contain!  OWS needs a laser machine that projects text and images. Saw one of those once at Stone Mountain Georgia glorifying Confederate Generals on that massive granite cliff face.  Oh this leads to all kinds of possibilities and interesting night time protests! Rent a blimp and project that protest on the 30 Rockefeller Plaza! There's got to be lots of young physicists in OWS that could quickly cook up some sort of laser device!

David Icke posted these images to his web site.  I lived in England for 2 years of my adult life.  Usually its us Americans, yes us "rude bloody Yanks", who are known bluntness. Something about both Yanks and Aussies that is highly irreverent.  But this is from a Brit in the land of stiff upper lips suffering in silence while kissing Royal asses!  It just isn't done!

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[REVISED] By Lisa Romanek: The Governments Ugly Secret: The Slow Poisoning of Humanity! | Ready For The Shift




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The Light from North - Lyset fra Nord


This is a video with authentic images (Photographer: Rita Edvardsen) from a spectacular event in 2008, which we now want to share with all and everyone. (A magnificent Lightwork!)
We have earlier had a video with these images - produced by us - to show to our friends, and some few selected journalists from the press and media - these of course wanted to take the material in use, but only privately. The press has over the years, until today, not been "ready" to publish such material.
YouTube, now with the opportunity to post longer videos, as well as the time we are into - have made it possible and relatively easy for us to get this beautiful video out to all and everyone - Globally. Amazing time we are living in - NOW!
The video with the self-composed audio/ music (Musician Erik Haugerud and Bengt Svensson) is trying to reflect some of the spirit and energies of this revelation at Dønna - out on the coast of Helgeland in Norway - The Light From North - by the consciousness of The Energies Of The New Time that were opened for All and Everyone, in February 2008 -- some few months before this revelation.
In the time after this revelation, some of us 14 that were present there -- doing our Lightwork for Mother Earth and All There IS -- have had several other and similar experiences. It might be that we will publish some more videos from this in the time to come.
The video does not intend to prove anything -- we are living our lives in this energies of consciousness, and have no need for that. We know what we know, and has absolutely no need to explain or prove anything - and this also in relation to this video and the images behind our production and publishing.

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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~12~12 The Curtain Is Rising~



The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~12~12



~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event

Update~ The Curtain Is Rising~



Greetings Love beings, we have entered a very exciting period now, where we will see alot of activity, from now on. We are moving very quickly towards Humanity's inevitable Destiny. The Destiny of all of Humanity is Home with Us In the Light, where only Joy and Love exist. In the days and weeks ahead grab some popcorn, cause the curtain is rising. All will be revealed to Humanity and all of Love's Promise's as well. Love is not here for increased pain and suffering. Love is here to Bring Humanity True Reality, where Joy is the Only Experience. You have our word on this. It has taken Humanity 13,000 Years to arrive at this Point and Here we are. Love is Here. They call US Divine Intervention.





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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~12~12 The Curtain Is Rising~



Greetings Love beings, we have entered a very exciting period now, where we will see alot of activity, from now on. We are moving very quickly towards Humanity's inevitable Destiny. The Destiny of all of Humanity is Home with Us In the Light, where only Joy and Love exist. In the days and weeks ahead grab some popcorn, cause the curtain is rising. All will be revealed to Humanity and all of Love's Promise's as well. Love is not here for increased pain and suffering. Love is here to Bring Humanity True Reality, where Joy is the Only Experience. You have our word on this. It has taken Humanity 13,000 Years to arrive at this Point and Here we are. Love is Here. They call US Divine Intervention.


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Galactics Calling… “Come on Up”



Galactics Calling… “Come on Up”


At about 233 PM HST, I got a call. It just said, “Go on down to Puuhonua o Honaunau and enjoy yourself.” So I did. No idea what I’d “do” or see or anything.


Often when I come here, I feel a great comfort come in. Or upon. Or with, me. Like this is some kind of energy vortex that is designed just for me. I know that everyone has their own individualized personal comfort vortex. This happens to be one of mine.

So the whole day had been sunny. No clouds. Then when I came here, the winds really picked up an it was pretty much all cloudy. To me that feels like ships are here. They are. Here.



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Preparation Priorities for the Next Now Moments Ashtar on the Road Teleconference



Preparation Priorities for the Next Now Moments

Ashtar on the Road Teleconference ~ April 10, 2012


Photo of the Cloud ships Getting Ready by Earth Allie Will Harader


"Well good evening, Everyone! Oh, things are happening, things are moving. You can feel it, yes? In your energy fields? A quickening, as it were. A moving ahead ­– finally! We know, after all of this time, that you, Beloved Ones, have held the Light for these changes which are coming forth - indeed they have been, as masters Tara and Rama have just told you. This has been ongoing, we have reported on this ourselves in what you call the past.



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North Korean Rocket Said to Fail After Launch... Who to blame?...


WHo to blame, who to blame this is the question?... 


North Korean Rocket Said to Fail After Launch

Wise Ambassadors







Wise Ambassadors


Great, Great Light, gentle readers, 

as we endeavor to expand, embody, express,

and experience the greatest shift


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4/12/2012 -- Recap of April 11, 2012 -- a day to remember -- plus 2 day weather outlook


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It's just a trick


This shift in consciousness is real and we have been playing at it.  We have come to a moment of choice – Is this 3D all there is or not?  Are we merely bodies living dense lives of struggle or are we eternal lights, bits of the fabric of creation, and particles of love?  What is truth?  It is time to put our money where our mouth is in a very “real” way.


This whole thing is just a trick. Act “as if” love is real, abundance surrounds you and that beauty and vitality are synonymous with you.  Understand that you are the product of every belief you hold, each word you say and the actions you take all day long.  This is the grandest of all illusions.


Magicians understand the key to a successful trick.  It is to capture the full attention of the audience.  Once you get them looking in a specific direction, you can do anything.  The fear, the money, the physical issues, the drama are all ramping up right now to grab your attention so that you’ll ignore the real truth.  What’s happening is that our negative ego is in its final scene and its doing a fine job distracting all of us.


We believe our own illusions.  A good magician is always in conscious control of the focus of the audience.  Every move he or she makes is designed to capture our focus, absorb our field of vision and get us to turn our heads so that we’ll forget anything else that is going on.  With that accomplished, anything goes and it can go on right in front of us, yet we won’t see it.


A great magician creates spectacular illusions that completely absorb the audience; they are masters at their craft.


We who are here now are the Master Magicians.  It is time for us to expose the illusion for what it is.



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Daily Blue Star Planet UFOs Report~ YES! ARE WE REALLY HERE~ 04-12-12



Daily Blue Star Planet UFOs  Report~ YES! ARE WE REALLY HERE~




Greetings Love Beings,

here’s our new report on what’s going on in our skyes... I’d ask you to pay attentnion to the first video and See how some still disbelieve our presence here, surely helped by mainstream/closing-mind media.

We need your help.

From All of You, to spread the Truth. Our work as One will help all those that still are denying our presence or are still afraid of facing it because of their belief system... to go through it in the most smooth way possbile.


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The Simple, Startling Story of the Shift - Part 1



by GLR Jim Self, thursday, 5 April, 2012  

Let me tell you a story about the Shift that is upon us.

It is a story of science, astrology, astronomy, magnetism and gamma radiation… and by just saying that I may have already lost three quarters of you.

But I urge you to read on, because this story is vital to your well being at this moment. In fact, what this story describes is the most important consideration of your life right now, and of your lifetime. It affects everything about you, the planet, and everyone around you.

But before we begin the story, I am going to ask you to change how you hear information and allow it to come to you. This is actually a skill set. First, would you make a decision to be curious? Next, would you make a decision to be interested?

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California Challenge/Time to Step Up.


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6.9/6.2 EarthQuakes in Gulf Of California.


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**Earth Healing Meditation** By Ashtar Channeled through Janisel


**Earth Healing Meditation** By Ashtar <---> Ascension <---> Galactic Ripples
By Ashtar
Channeled through Janisel of Sananda's Eagles
To join our Project: Eagle Triad, write to janisel(at)sanandaseagles.com



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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~11~12 The Trigger point~ We have Reached Critical Mass~


Greetings Love Beings~ We have reached a Critical Mass Awakening point. Here we go and Now we are rocking and rolling. As expected, the earthquakes are now increasing after a very quiet period. This is a signal or trigger, that now Major events for Everyone On Planet Earth=Heart Have begun. We have had a record breaking day with the earthquake activity. As we write this we just had a 7.0 in Mexico and a 5.9 off the coast of Oregon.


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PressTV: Egypt lawmakers bar ex-regime members from running for office




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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-12-2012 – Get through The Gate of Love~



~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-12-2012 – Get through The Gate of Love~



Greetings Love Beings,

we see some of you struggling... trying to find a way out of this new feeling you have deep into yourself... the only way out, is the way In.

The Energy that’s pouring into the Planet and All Living Beings on it is Pure Love Energy, and it is no wonder many are feeling weird, not really understanding if it’s a good or a bad thing they’re experiencing. This occurs because Love is kicking out all that is not Love, all illusion you did not let go is being kicked out the hard way. This is what we meant when we said “make it smooth and let it go, for you won’t be able to bring it with you.”



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RT: Murdoch hacking scandal moves to US




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Lisa Renee on The Hundredth Monkey Radio


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~Relaxing into It~ By GLR~ Steve Beckow~


Relaxing into It

2012 April 12
by Steve Beckow

For the past week, we’ve been having a discussion of the need to elevate our conversation from one about our differences to one about our similarities, from one focussing on classes, nations and the like to one focussing on humanity. We’ve discussed the need to see ourselves as Team Earth and to take up the task of creating our teams and projects converting the world’s unworkability into workability in preparation for Ascension.


The experience was hugely expanding for me. And it has been accompanied with other experiences which I can only describe as a substantial download on one occasion and a slower feeling of … and this is harder to describe … a filling out from the inside to the outside.


There is also a third experience, which I can only characterize as a discontinuity. There are aspirations that are coming to the surface. But some of them are so ambitious that I confess I’m embarrassed to speak about them yet. It seems a bit premature.  I have to grow into them and confirm that I have the ability to talk about them and remain grounded.


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Who was Running America and HOW? ~ The Bankruptcy of America, the Corporate United States, and the disintegration of New World Order


Wow... Wow...


Wow... Wow...

If you have patience and courage to read this article through out, You will be definitely amazed, and maybe  a bit upset in the beginning, but later you will realize how this is actually working for the US, We the People of US...


Amazing facts, that I never consider going through my legal and corporate lessons... 

Reading this, they [banksters...] are completely screwed... they are toast with noting on it... They completely set their own prison cell equipped with nothing... 

We are truly honored for these information, and I would like you to share these for every one who ever lived or worked in western countries... 

This bankruptcy and setting up states as corporations was one of the most brilliant systems they could invent, yet it would only work if they have sheep for the 'citizens' and ignorant ones for tax payers... They did not expect this awakening will happened...

They did not dare to prepare the backup plan when people fully become aware what has been done to their freedom and sovereignty...


These were their biggest 'qualities'... ignorance, arrogance, conquering and greed... which will bring them down among the awaken people of US and the world...


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EARTH ALLIES REPORT 12.4.12...Which one you choose?... Ostrich or Eagle?... Former Greek Top Minister Arrested...



Commentary from GFP:


As you are wondering what arrests Benjamin, David W, Cobra, Drake are talking about, and how this is possible to transpire on our imprisoned Planet?... 

Where I can read and feel your doubts coming from comments and thoughts accusing these brave souls that they want to deceive you... They want to 'trick' you in to something unimaginable [by your 3D standards...]...


Where I say, let it go of your ego mind, which analyze the events, words, information’s to the last syllable, to every word written...


To me you look like a ostrich, who stick his head in the dirt, not realizing this was actually rhino's poop pile... And then wondering and analyzing: How come my hiding place stinks so much... It is cushy and moist, yet I cannot see a thing, plus is this disgusting odor be here all the time?..."


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Heavenletter #4158 A Lighter Touch


Heavenletter #4158 A Lighter Touch , April 13, 2012 

God said: 


Sense of humor will stand you in good stead. Taking life seriously does not hold you in good stead. Taking life seriously makes you obsessive, perhaps fanatical. It drives you up a wall. Better to take life with a grain of salt. Better to take life less seriously. Dismantle seriousness. Give yourself freedom.

If life is a rolling sea, what can you do but ride the waves? Let the waves carry you, and keep your balance. Waves are waves, and waves are not the reality of you. I am the Reality of you.

Life on Earth is an excursion. It is a ride at an amusement park. Surely, life on Earth is not the real thing. It is a romp. When it seems tremendously serious, call on your sense of humor to save the day.


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Now Why is THIS News? “North Korea Rocket 2012 Launch”…(or as Huffpo says, “Weapon of Mass Dysfunction”)




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Wes Annac – My Experience With The Light Ship Tulya




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"Make a U TURN, if possible!"


There is an awareness settling in.  We are becoming accustomed to the rapid fluctuations and occurrences of events.  Changes are showing up with increasing speed and in more areas of our daily lives.  So many subsets of the population are under scrutiny, it is beginning to feel that no one can be trusted.


This is all happening in perfect harmony.  As awareness grows and the fog burns away in the increasing light, we come to understand from where truth springs.  It comes from within.


We were born equipped with a lie detector.  Its sensors have been tampered with and this has led to our confusion.  From our earliest moments, our instinctual responses have been labeled – good/bad, positive/negative, worthwhile/fruitless, smart/mediocre, right/wrong, and useful/pointless.  These adjustments were done with the utmost of care and the best of intentions.  Our elders, family members and society have seen to it, lovingly, that we know the rules and understand how things work here on earth.  We have learned well.


Much of that is being shattered now, as numerous leaders and systems we have trusted are exposed while their motivations are made clear.  It is confusing for us and we wonder who or what we can count on.


You can depend on yourself.  Trust your truth.  This is like an internal GPS (Global Positioning System) and we all have one.  Its function is to keep you on track and steer you in the direction of your purpose so that you stay the course.



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6.0 earthquake hits Japan.


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Natural Remedies: Catnip -It's Not Just For Cats!




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Healing Earth News - Endangered Bats Find Sanctuary in Israeli 'Ghost Bunkers'


(editor's note: Happy Friday the 13th! Today we're going batty!         The news today comes from Israel where citizens have re-purposed empty underground military forts to use as a habitat for endangered bats. Doesn't that feel like karma coming full circle? Something positive from something negative... ahhh rebalancing Gaia feels so good!!  ~All my Love, Boo)


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Trooper and Motorist Report Object Falling from Sky


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~Love is Here, Know this and Be Free~ All Love is Possible~


~Source America's Got Talent~


~These Are The Miracle's~








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Embrace the Cosmos



It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.
Carl Sagan


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Foiled Again!.... Wow... what protection we have! Korean Rocket Fails!




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~Love saves the Best for Last~


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Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 13 April 2012




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Galactic Federation of Light Message by Stargazer



Galactic Federation of Light Message through Stargazer, 



Galactic Federation of Light Message

by GLR StarGazer – Cheryl, April 12, 2012


My name is Cheryl, and I was approached by a member of the Galactic Federation of Light about 2 months ago in response to a request I made, offering my services to any positive higher dimensional entities who needed a vessel to relay their messages through.

All of the messages that I have received so far have been posted on Starseeds.net ,a site of which I am an active member. And I was also asked whether my messages could be shared on the Galactic Free Press site, which is also now occurring.


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Entering the Galactic Photon Belt - Year of the Dragon!


Entering the Photon Belt


As we move through the first quarter of 2012 and into Spring, it feels like we've been living in Spiritual Bootcamp! Each week has been packed with extreme highs and lows, like riding a roller coaster! As old patterns of behavior and past emotional attachments are being stripped away, our true essence is starting to shine through the heavy layers of conditioning. Our intensive training as Warriors of Light is breaking down all ego resistance and false beliefs of Duality... honing and refining our Core strength into resilient, unwavering integrity.


At times it felt like we had reached our breaking point, unable to continue forward...wondering how our body could endure another day of torturous purging!

How could one being contain so much toxic,


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Watch now to see who you are and what you have done. ~ Michael through Ron Head


    Press here for   Spanish   or   Portuguese


This morning it is important that we discuss love as a powerful energy.  The power of love is the power of spirit.  Let us first divide power into two types.  For our purposes, we shall make a division between physical power and spiritual power.

We are speaking in and of this world you have created where these divisions are apparent if not actually possible.  You have let yourselves believe that physical power can overcome spiritual power in your lives.  You have been shown that over and over for millennia in order to keep you under control.  The reason for that was to reinforce a belief that your controllers know is not true.  Not only is it not true, but the truth is that, since all is derived from the One, there cannot be physical power without the power of spirit.  As you have begun to understand who you truly are, you are also understanding where true power lies.



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Mount Etna Erupts Furiously As Volcano Spews Lava And Ash April 13th 2012


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~Space Weather Update~ Group of Growing Sunspots~ We are Inside a Solar wind Stream~


LUCKY MAGNETIC STORM: A solar wind stream hit Earth's magnetic field on April 12th, sparking a geomagnetic storm (Kp=5) that peaked during the early hours of Friday the 13th. Northern Lights were sighted over the USA as far south as Minnesota, Michigan, and Wisconsin. In Beecher, Wisconsin, photographer Brian Larmay made this lucky shot of the International Space Station flying through the display:



"The auroras were very impressive here in northeastern Wisconsin," says Larmay.

Another photographer, Shawn Malone of Marquette, Michigan, sends this report from the shores of Lake Superior: "The sky was ablaze in light. Northern lights were so bright they lit up the beach! It was an amazing night."


NOAA forecasters estimate a 30% to 40% chance of more geomagnetic activity during the next 24 hours as the solar wind continues to blow. Aurora alerts: text, phone.


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iMAP Tornado Warning, Severe Weather Areas 4/13/2012


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Are You Ready to BE the Living Expression of the Rainbow Energy?




by GLR Lisa Gawlas


Something special has indeed happened on our planet earth over the last few days.  I pray with all my heart I can share what I understand coherently and clearly.

We have a new and permanent element on earth.  Up until yesterday, our walk upon this earth was casual.  Every now and again we would bump into a packet of love floating by and feel a stirring within, and opportunity to notice more.  More often than not, we took the moment to enjoy the sudden rush, and then went back to life as usual.  I spent 38 years walking like that!


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Oracle Report April13 - Third Quarter Moon Phase




Oracle Report April13

Third Quarter Moon Phase


Friday April 13


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The manuscript of survival – part 118



The manuscript of survival – part 118


we Love You -by Dawn Christine


by Aishanorth

 •April 13, 2012 •


Once again we would like to take the opportunity to delve further into the magnificence that is you, as it is such a far cry form that fragile human being so many perceive themselves as. You might know already that you are indeed comprised of far sturdier stuff, indeed, you are but a twinkle on the canopy of heaven, but you are a twinkle, a glimmer, that will shine on forever.


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Sophia Love ~ It’s Just A Trick



 ~ It’s Just A Trick



by GLR  Sophia Love

This shift in consciousness is real and we have been playing at it. We have come to a moment of choice – Is this 3D all there is or not? Are we merely bodies living dense lives of struggle or are we eternal lights, bits of the fabric of creation, and particles of love? What is truth? It is time to put our money where our mouth is in a very “real” way.


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Iceland forgives mortgage debt of its population


The government of Iceland has forgiven the mortgage debt for much of its population. This nation chose a very different way of stopping the crisis from the rest of European countries. It decided to hear the requests of the population and to put politicians and bankers on the bench of the accused three years after their financial excesses would sank one of the most prosperous economies in 2008. teleSUR


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