Once again I would like to speak to you through this channel. Time seems to fly for you, this impression is correct. There are only a few weeks left in this year, a few weeks in which you can still prepare yourselves for the big event at the end of this age.
Those of you who are awake for quite some time already have done a great job and can now calmly look into the future. This is all but not to be discouraging for those who are only now awakening or recently awakened. There is still plenty of “time” available for you and those who have long been “awake” have prepared the way for you. They have groped and probed, stretched their antennae, and prepared the way for you. They know how to release karma without having to relive it again, and they also know what is important and unimportant. We do not lovingly call them “Wayshower” or “Trailblazer” for nothing. You can confidently turn to them to learn what is needed for Ascension.
I will still like to repeat for you. The 3 magic words are: “unconditional love”, “do not judge” and “forgiveness”. As a fourth is to be added “karma resolution”.
The energies flowing through portals and from your sun to you, cause something in you. The light has not only awakened you, but ensured that your bodies will be transformed so that they are available to go through the physical Ascension, the higher vibrations would destroy your old body. This transformation is associated with some symptoms that can be mistaken for disease. Should your doctor not see any reasons, then you should be assured that your body is converting from a carbon body to a crystalline body.
Bravo if you can find these symptoms in you, it means that you’ve already decided before your incarnation to ascend. Now all that is left is to meet the requirements, but do not worry, you do not have to be perfect at it, but to work with the sincere intention on yourselves and take the path to Ascension. So if you do not master it until the end of the year, your way into the higher dimension is not yet denied. Prime Creator looks into your hearts and can see exactly if you’ve honestly tried or have worked only on the surface on yourselves. Cheating is not acceptable, but if you strive honestly for your spiritual development, so shall the rest be remitted and you may step through the portal into the higher dimension.
Doesn’t that sound good? Since I can see into your hearts too and find so much beauty and so much love in them, I am convinced that many people will take the path to the New World on the 5D Earth. On Terra Nova they are already working diligently on building this new world. Together with the Ascended Masters, your galactic brothers and sisters and the new Ascended Masters who have already gone before, you will all build up with the beginning of the new era a wonderful new society. You will have all the help you need, like you also now receive. All Angels and Archangels, the Masters and your stellar families to support and willing to help.
My beloved Twin Flame Archangel Raphael has given you in his last message through this channel valuable help that you can use to heal and cleanse youselves and your environment energetically. Use these tools diligently but please do not hesitate to ask for help and advice. For that we are here. No one is too small for us, ALL people are of equal worth for us. As multi-dimensional beings, we can help thousands simultaneously without lessening our help in that. I know that some of you still believe you are too small for our attention. Please remove this misconception. One thought is enough and we are with you immediately. Our love for you is so great that all people fit under its umbrella, no one need fear to stand in the rain. Of course this is only figuratively speaking. Our love for you is boundless and infinite. You only have to ask, because we have to respect your free will.
I envelope you in my love, I am the Archangel Gabrielle.
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given. http://sirianheaven.wordpress.com/
Something about the energy of this article really spoke to me deeply! Very strong emotional component to the writing. A million thanks xxxx