Multidimensional Memory and Perception of Time

Submitted by LuminanceRiver on Sat, 05/10/2014 - 08:55

Milky Way Lately I have been forgetful and another multidimensional friend is too. Her family says she said stuff and she has no recollection of saying it. it is like she goes somewhere else and does not recall. Why is this, she asked?

Is it part of the ascension process? Or am I losing my mind? We have been exploring why this is. I ran across information from Dr.Suzanne Lie who connects with Pleaidians and Arcturians and brings back information. She speaks of how we have multidimensioonal aspects of self in other places and dimensions. We usually go there in our night bodies while sleeping and wake up with the memory in a dream sometimes. Or we visit in meditation.She says that increasingly, we are bilocating and "going" other places in awake consciousness, even everyday experiences. One woman spoke on the radio show about how this happened to her as she was at a work meeting and remembered, for split second, the feeling of coming back into her body. This would explain the forgetfulness.


When we travel to other places, there is not time there.That is on earth, as a collectively agreed upon construct that is not real. My guides are telling me in meditation that time is a spiral. It goes around on itself. I am not sure what that means right now, though.

Being Totally in the Now

I was driving to an exercise class today and forgot when it was and also who the teacher was today. I lost focus for a second but was heading on autopilot to the fitness center. I realized that the reason that we forget stuff is that we are so immersed in the now that we don't pay attention to details of past or future. The mind cannot hold it anymore. There is more a flow in time to whatever shows up. I believe we used to worry more or think about the past more and be able to hold more memory of such. Is it like our short term memory chip in our human body operating system can now be mostly focused on the now? We have access to the other as needed, but we don't think about it as much. It might seem like we are being forgetful.

Is anyone else experiencing this multidimensional forgetfulness? What is it like for you and how do you explain it?

Thanks for reading my blog!

Shannon Luminance River
Akashic Intuitive Readings and Blogging

YOUTUBE Link for Suzanne Lie video is here though it may be part 1 of this series if you don't hear about what I mention.

I have realized that I tend to forget my thoughts when I am "lost in myself" and drinking from the spout, metaphorically speaking.  It's as if since my mind understand the false sense and perception of time, so long as I am not looking at a clock, I am not "in time".  Only once I have a "flashback" into time do I realize that i forgot what I was doing and why I was doing it.  I believe it's because even though we exist multidimensionally, our conscious perception stays with our "seed" and grows into a unique rose through time, a perfect symbol of our love for the life we live.  We are now straying away from the "normal red rose" and finding our true colors.


Sat, 05/10/2014 - 15:05

I do have experiense of forgethnes ,I am feeling the present moment but some times I am do forget things feeling like that that is not a part of my life.Another think is that during meditation I am going some where but not having a memoris about where I was and with who I was.Just having a sense that I was meeting with some one.…

The spirals explaining how time works after a choice from the center goes around on itself, the end circles are where another choice can persist and form's a split, resembles timelines from multiple choices made in a 3d design of this spiral flowing towards and outwards while going in spirals, when they align top and bottom, which can be rare could be a representation of dimensional time lapse where the linear can shift to parallels as in a rise, (more complex) or go time jump. I am not sure about the choices, how or what they are or have to be, to have a split. It might be as incarnations or a map (If you allow it to make more than one representation of it all connected together), shorter ones would be a representation of either timelines or choices forming parallels or lives as the longer ones, just having more "time" invested into it, making them bigger or smaller.

Why after a choice, I usually comment back more than once when I hit the point where the top and bottom after some time overlap or pass over each other in alignment to get a higher frequency rise (more complex) in other words a conscious shift or higher view. Because when the two points over lap your represented with an awareness connected from the two points showing you your center or realization for further input so if you can get to the point where the spiral is at one, the time is condensed and your "building" more connections not in the linear fashion but the other way around, not in reverse I'm talking about further out (Over). Meaning your gathering or going in a higher state of being "building up" at each point you make the rare alignment if you get close to it you get more shifts, you can see from more than one view point or awareness, bringing you in altered states of being or higher frequency (more complex).

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