Natalie Glasson – The Flight Of The Faires – By Butterfly Moon

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Mon, 05/07/2012 - 01:22


Natalie Glasson – The Flight Of The Faires – By Butterfly Moon – 7 May 2012


The Fairies and souls in human bodies have always worked closely with each other; fairies have been a part of the Earth’s evolution and ascension since its beginning. The fairies are akin to angelic beings, they are messengers of the Creator’s light. The fairies are also care takers of the nature kingdom and animal kingdom as well as acting as spiritual guides to some in human bodies. It is important not to underestimate the key role that the fairies have in the Ascension process not only do they maintain the vibrations of nature as well as energising nature’s manifestations but they also  safeguard the codes of nature to maintain its energy, to activate nature’s energy as well as allowing nature to ascended. The fairies act as bridges of light between nature and humanity, one of their missions is to bring unity between nature and humanity.

A fairy can see beyond the veils of illusion and so see the miraculous energy levels of the Earth and how it is at one with the spiritual planes. They have a wonderful ability of spotting blockages whether it is in a plant, animal or human offering healing and alignment to dissolve all traces of the blockage. It is true that a single fairy holds enough light to vibrate through an entire mountain and allow the mountain to radiate light as a growing beacon, their light blazes brightly and expansively. It is important not to have any expectations of fairies as they have often been disempowered in the past, a fairy isn’t necessarily small or large but hold a tremendous power. As I said, do not underestimate the presence, power, light and role of a fairy as their power has yet to be truly understood or discovered by humanity.

A fairy is a messenger of the Creator working closely with nature.

As we have entered into the year of 2012 we will see that nature becomes and will become more important to humanity, as you realise with great awe the magnificent energy of the Creator that has been at your fingertips for so long within nature. As was once experience in your past there will be a great honouring by some of the nature kingdom and how it can physically, through treatments and balms, and energetically, through spiritual connection, aid ascension. We do not wish for humanity to worship the Earth as if it is God but we feel that many will notice more than ever the sacred vibration of the Earth and nature kingdom.

This is the divine plan that has been shared with us, the fairy kingdom. Once more people honour the sacred vibration and presence of nature then through the process of trust the elemental kingdom will begin to resurface in greater abundance contacting those who have created a stronger connection with nature. There was once a time when to have a conversation with a fairy was extremely common, this will manifest once more. Fairies will begin to connect with certain people who hold a desire to remember the magic of nature, working respectfully with nature and with the codes of the Creator held within nature. The fairies will guide many to achieve small energetic activations upon the Earth that empower the Earth but also allow for greater life force energy to flow through the core of Mother Earth, creating a powerful natural network of light. The fairies and the elementals beings have the greatest knowledge of how to support and assist the ascension of the Earth and can guide many in ascending and mastering their beings through the process of being of service to the Earth.

It is now time for a greater connection for humanity with the fairy kingdom, trust needs to be built once more and belief in each other in order for atrue connection to form. The fairies trust humanity because they are able to access the divine plan of the Earth, they can see that the way some humans mistreat the Earth is a natural process of learning which is short lived in terms of Earth’s ascension but of course they can still feel the pain of the Earth and the nature kingdom as it is often their energies that encourages a healing of the pain. Humanity has been somewhat moulded to disregard the power and purpose of the fairies because if everyone was to realise the purpose of the fairies, ascension would be achieved with greater ease. There is now a need to rebuild the trust, faith and belief in fairies as messengers of the Creator and caretakers of the codes of nature that aid the ascension of the Earth. The process of respecting and working as one with nature, the fairies and elemental beings is an important and essential step to the ascension of all and the realisation of a united consciousness of the Creator on and as the Earth. Through these steps so much healing will occur that the Earth may become unrecognisable due to the manifestation of its high vibrations and luminous light.

Please do not be fearful of change, the fairies wish to come forward to you to assist the evolution and ascension of the Earth, creating a space of existence  that reflects your spiritual and loving nature.

I am Butterfly Moon, a communicator on behalf of the fairy kingdom while also holding the fairy energy and consciousness; I bring this message on behalf of the fairies with tremendous love and respect. The fairies simply wish to open their heart chakras and connect with your energies, bathing you in their love. They wish for you to be aware of signs in your reality or when you are in nature, they will be calling you to merge your energy or give energy to the plants while also asking you to sit in a pose of acceptance of the wisdom and consciousness that nature and the fairies wish to share with you. The fairies wish you to know that their energy will be more present in your reality so allow yourself to be observant of the signs and hints that they offer you in the spirit of awakening and unity. The fairies are waiting to guide you.

The fairy kingdom has been asked to distribute new vibrational patterns of both creation and peace to the nature kingdom all over the world at this time to act as an amplifying boost to the ascension process and increase in Earth’s vibration.  The fairies would like to take this opportunity to work as one with your energies allowing you to be of service to the Earth while also gaining a deeper connection with the fairy kingdom. If you feel inspired to, the fairies wish for you to anchor the new energy vibrations of creation and peace into your being and then to give these codes from your heart chakra to the fairy kingdom so that they may take flight and share the energy you expressed at the most appropriate points and places of nature upon the Earth. Not only will it be of assistance in building the bond between fairies and humans but will mean that the united energy of the fairies and your soul are anchored into the Earth’s vibration, you are able to give your love, support and thanks for your reality and spiritual path on the Earth. The integration of united love into the Earth is so vital to support the Earth and allow for the true manifestation of the Era of Love.

It is my wish to offer you guidance in how you may be of service with the fairies by sharing an invocation with you.


First there is a need to create a sacred space whether outside or inside, create this space with your expansive breathing.

‘Butterfly Moon, I call upon your love and support, I ask that you oversee my energies and meditation, ensuring my protection at all times. Please embrace my energies in your loving light, as you do so assist me in breathing any blockages from the past associated with my connection with the fairies. Help me to wash away all fears or pain that I may hold within me associated with the fairy kingdom.’

(Allow time for this to occur.)

‘Butterfly Moon, I ask you to anchor into my entire being, soul, mind and heart the energy vibrations of the Creator that the fairies need to distribute across the Earth. As I imagine a multi-coloured beam of light flowing from the Creator into my crown chakra, radiating into my entire being please assist me in sharing this energy directly with Mother Earth as the multi-coloured light continues to flow down my chakra column and into the Earth.’

(Allow time and focus to allow this to occur.)

‘I am aware that the multi-coloured light holds important vibrations of peace and creation to support the ascension of the nature kingdom and therefore the ascension of humanity. I acknowledge the multi-coloured energy as sacred and allow it to gather with abundance into my heart chakra where my soul will energise the energy vibrations of peace and creation further.’

(Imagine the multi-coloured light building in your heart chakra and your soul adding its own sacred energy.)

‘Butterfly Moon, I ask you to call upon the fairy beings who wish to work with me and wish for me to share my collected light with them. Let them gently gather around me and send their energy into my being so that I may be aware of their presence.’

(Allow time and breathe deeply enhancing your sensitivity as the fairies who wish to work with you gather around you.)

‘Butterfly Moon, please assist me as I focus on radiating and giving the energy vibrations of peace and creation held within the multi coloured light to the fairy beings. Let my heart expand and develop as I express these sacred energies, as I do so I am aware that I am connecting my heart with the heart chakras and souls of the fairies present creating a divine link and bond.’

(Allow time and breathe deeply through your heart chakra focusing on exhaling the multi-coloured light)

‘I am aware of the fairies accepting the energy that I share and know that when they are ready they will take flight to distribute the energy where it is needed. For this I am truly grateful as I know that my energy will be carried in their heart chakras and given to the Earth and nature kingdoms.’

(You may feel the fairies disconnect slightly as they leave to distribute the energy, wait until this time and then become aware of your surrounding once more, you may offer up prayers of thanks.)

‘Thank you, Butterfly Moon for your guidance and assistance.’

I hope that you truly enjoy this process of connection and expression,

Butterfly Moon link to original article


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