Natural Remedies: Reverse Osmosis (RO) Water Systems

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 04/19/2012 - 07:50


Ahhh water... 
Up to 60% of our body is water, and the brain alone is 70% water!
(This is why when people become dehydrated it's hard for them to think.)
Drinking sufficient amounts of water keeps our electral conduction systems working, our cells plump and healthy, and our kidney filtration systems working at peak performance.
Drinking "good" water is vital.
Reverse Osmosis (RO) systems have been used for years (since the 1950s) to convert brackish salt water into useable and healthy drinking water.
People also use them to filter out impurities from their tap water.
A good RO system can effectively remove bacteria, viruses, pesticides, radioactive contaminants, pharmaceuticals, chlorine, lead and other heavy metals, arsenic, and fluroide to name a few. Most waste water treatment plants use RO.
The minerals found in tap water can accumulate and cause us problems. While most of these microscopic minerals will be eliminated from our bodies regularly, some will be stored in our tissues becoming toxic.
The primary culprits are calcium salts and over time they can cause gallstones, kidney stones, bone & joint calcification, arthritis, and hardening and blocking our arteries. (Dennison 1993, Muehling 1994, Banik 1989)
Distilled water requires a lot of energy to operate and produces much smaller amounts of end-product water than a good RO system can.
Many of the synthetic chemicals like pesticides simply vaporize in the distillation process then re-collect back into the water in a higher concentration!
This is another reason why people prefer RO water over distilled water.
One of our readers, Vendo, asked a question about the RO system and the pH for water.
There is a popular myth out there that RO filtration produces very acidic water.
The truth is that RO has very little affect on water pH values.
The pH of water (RO, tap, rainwater, etc.) are very complex and the levels actually vary all the time! 
BUT -your amazing human body comes to the rescue! Rather than testing your water pH everytime you want a drink and trying to add things back in to balance it, let your body do the work!
When the water comes in contact with your stomach (with food or empty, it works the same way) your body will self-regulate the pH of all incoming substances. 
Normal human pH is 7.4 and is considered "neutral." Numbers lower than this are "acids" such as vinegar with a pH of around 3.4, and numbers higher than this are called "base" (or alkaline) such as baking soda with a pH of 8.2.


Under healthy body conditions you will always maintain a neutral 7.4 pH balance.
Even a meal of pickles and tomato juice will alter your pH only very slightly, and for a short time.  
So the bottom line is as long as you eat a healthy well-balanced diet you don't need to worry about the pH of your water or other foods you ingest! 
The same goes for adding salts or minerals back into your RO water, it's not needed. You get readily digestible sources through your foods. 
The human body is constantly self-adjusting to maintain a neutral pH! How amazing is that??
You can learn more about RO here:
Millions of water drops
drops of water 
millions of drops
Falling down the rocks 
Millions of water drops
Glittering in the sun 
Shining like pearls 
Millions of water drops
Ending as a river
Finding way to ocean
Millions of water drops
Creating childrens happiness 
Laughter and joyfullness
Millions of water drops
Soon will tide reach
White long shores 
Millions of water drops
Animating Waves 
into forming caves
Millions of water drops
splittering from above
till reaching top of the hill
Millions of water drops
Without them no sound
No whispers of the living 
Millions of water drops 
Watch the clearness 
From crest to earth 
Millions of water drops 
For tribe’s best 
Beware of waste
Millions of water drops 
Treasured should they be 
As belonging to all humanity
(march 2008, Switzerland) 
Poem by: Morhardt Carmen Mencita Monoi Angel
Do you have a natural remedy question you would like me to investigate?
I'd love to hear from you!
All my Love, Boo


Vendo (not verified)

Thu, 04/19/2012 - 08:21

Thank you so much Boo. This is VERY helpful to me. I have tested the ph of the water from my R/O at between 6.2 and 6.4, so that is just the in going ph then to begin with (it is municipal tap water). I had read that R/O and distilled are acidic. Thank you for clearing this up. ... What a fine job you do! .. Nice to know that there is nothing to worry about. My diet is very wholesome, .. mostly raw, .. and no grains, an ettempt to control my allergy problems. So ph will not be an issue for me, .. excellent!


I look forward to all your posts, ... bye

boo, love your posts, thank you : )


kangen water kicks butt over reverse osmosis. it is the highest alkalized water known to the general public on the planet at this time. it has saved my cats life, it has changed my life. i would not trade my machine for any amount of money on the planet (before or after nesara, ha!)


if anyone is interested contact me if you want and i'll try and arrange some samples for you....


cheers, gwen

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