The New Energies: -Negative cords and attachments - releasing of vows...

Submitted by Denize on Wed, 05/23/2012 - 17:54

grailheart magi

Wed, 05/23/2012 - 18:16

Excellent!!  80% have harmful attachments to be removed... hope you are respected for your great work!!!


Also, to whoever may be reading here, this is important... if you really know who you are in your heart.... AND IT SEEMS YOU JUST CAN'T BEHAVE AS YOU ARE IN YOUR HEART... THERE PROBABLY ARE ATTACHMENTS!!   When you become of this possibility, get help and you WILL BE YOU AGAIN!!



Guest (not verified)

Thu, 05/24/2012 - 05:04

In reply to by GLR Wes Annac

Good post! 


Dissolving cords & ties & drawing energy fragments back into ones power centre's is much more adviced then so called 'cutting cords'. 


Which im sure this is what the writter does but im really wanted to add this to make it clear, as t is so important on how this is performed on ones energy field & to always be dercerning on who you let do it!


I would NOT at all advise visualising or using swords & knife to cut cords.

This is very old-school healing & not reccomended at all to leave energy severed like this.


Cords & attachments should be brought into the light & held with love & acceptance  & then dissoved & any contracts & oths need to be cleared & resolved properly with indidviduals, entities & places involved! 


It ia ideal to get to the Core beliefs & Programs of these issues so energy can be released in a harmonious but power way, transcending them from any further negative-feed back loops. 

Normally many healings are needed & lots of mediation & self awareness & detoxing to stop these cords from taking grip in future, or if they do then being aware enough to recognise them as soon as.


Hope this helps alittle further! 




S x



This is a very important message for those who are not aware of the cords and vows that are attached to them; they can really affect your life and you will feel immediate relief upon getting rid of them.  Archangel Michael can help you a lot with cutting and removing these unwanted attachments.  Much Love! 


Fri, 05/25/2012 - 04:08

Denize, I have a question: How does one discern whether we are experiencing a "psychic attack" or that we are just going through some clearing of our own in the solar plexus?

I ask this becuase for the whole month of April, my solar plexus was in great disarray. I experienced this very same discomfort (big time) for the whole month of August last year.


Last year I went for several medical tests: hernia, ulcer, gall bladder. They all came back OK>

As I AM always growing & learning, I have always felt as an Empath the energies around me, whether they be in an area of Gaia, or on a larger scale of Humanity. I'm aware of using my protection shield, yet wonder if it's not strong enough or that I should encorporate a different method.

So, reading your article, I AM now questioning what distinguishes the different "feelings" in the solar plexus, so that I can have a broader understanding.


Since the Harmonic Convergence 25years ago, I've been diligently focused on clearing my energies. I AM a trained Lightworker and always work for the Highest Good of All Concerned, yet I AM also in this HUman form which has been distracted many times from my goal of Ascention....Soooo, I'm still growing and learning.


Blessings to You


up tri

Chakras are seen in clairvoyant or psychic sight sometimes as colored circles, funnels, flowers, or as just a field around a part of the body. These energy centers have a vibrational frequency and may also be heard clairaudiently. 

In your human energy system, the center for personal power, your ability to make manifest into the world, is located in your solar plexus. This is your third chakra. Your third chakra is linked to your stomach, abdomen, upper GI tract, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, kidney spleen, adrenal glands and the middle spine area behind your solar plexus. It is also responsible for the structure of your metabolic system. 

Your third chakra handles the energy of your personal power, self-esteem and personality. Your third chakra is the place where you learn to create boundaries for yourself. Issues such as trust, fear of rejection, self image are all part of this chakra. This is the center for action, energy and power. 

In opening your third chakra, you may reach deep into your own sense of self and find your balance or boundary point. This point is the use of personal power as a weaver of inner and outer power. You have the power to create and accomplish, rather than the power over something or someone. In other words, you have the ability to manifest in the physical world.}



You need to balance your energy and how you relate to others...find your own triggers where you push your energy to and how you pull your energy...what are your triggers to loose the you feel accepted or you are holding the energy to control others?...Ask Arcangel Michael & AA Faith for on St Germain for Violet Flame...also I wcould recommend you becoming a Reiki I level to heal your own core wound  which your shadow where you dont want in others that you have it in you ...go deep within and found your boundaries...hold your energy center when you relate to others...hold on to your balance energy then give your energy to help or whatever you want in any situation...3rd chakra is the center soul self where soul gives itself a personality and how we hold ourselves spritually on Earth...find your center before you push your energy to help others...practise more meditation to first heal whatever hurts in your heart ...are you holding yourself back when you relate to others? you could have hard time stomach achs and you could feel others pain as soon as you relate to have to be so smart to be in NOW...and breathing all the time from your stomach...that would help you to find your center ... if anything feels bad ...leave the situation or accept the way it is...dont fight with anything...surrender...if you want to control anything or you push your energy forward to a specific situation...observe that and heal it with Light...whatever bothers you you might have the opposite in you to find your energy disempowering...remember you are Light being nothing cant change what you are...walk like you are walking with a beam of light that would create a cacoon energy around your body...AA Michael with blue vibration thats where you do the visualization...visualize a blue energy of Michael...and be in Now ...More Light you emanate more lower energies will come...thats why we become more sensitive to lower energies...but if we create more protection ...we transform the negative to a positive...but first we have to turn up the Light amount higher to transform and not get affected...when you are centered mentally that would help your etcheric body to cleanse the cords...send light to any memory...imagine a violet flame showering you when you meditate thats where you get more powerful with your light and that would bring higher ray of voiolet flame forgiveness & healing energy...remember you could help people as much you wish but you are not here to save anybody...they have to go through whatever they have on their sacred contracts...but if you focus on your healing and bceoming fully connected to your core & your higher would help them with your vibration better than lowering yours to theirs with their fear frequency....

Love & Light, Denize bal resonates to the flow of power between the self and others, the third chakra relates to our personal power in relation to the external world.



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