~New Moon, Accelerated Energies~

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 04/21/2012 - 10:46

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 4/20/12 Clearing the Way to the Mass Arrests


Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 4/20/12 Clearing the Way to the Mass Arrests

Galactic Love Reporter Greg Giles



You can look to the people of the arks for safety, and you can look at us for guidance and instruction of how to better prepare and how to proceed through the days ahead. We do not wish to see any harm or any undue inconvenience brought to you, and we have the technologies and the resources to allow each one of you to proceed smoothly through the transition ahead.  



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FREEDOM PROJECT: Diana Ross - We Shall Overcome, Some day... AND NOW THIS IS THE DAY...


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Greetings Love Beings,

so it seems that the mainstream media IS talking about us...

This collection of TV News shows clearly that the information is getting out... and how could it not? Thousends of people are reporting sights all over the Planet... that seems to be too much even for the mainstream...

Who knows, maybe they’re already thinking of how to get an exclusivity with the incoming ETs...

Nope, not this time, this time the exclusivity will be for the PLANET.


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FREEDOM PROJECT: "We Shall Overcome" - Martin Luther King, Jr.


Martin Luther King, Jr. Speech.

Created as part of a lesson plan for US History - Civil Rights - MLK Jr. Day


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The Lords Prayer.avi


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Remembering who we are and taking action !


star of david

A week ago today I was given a message to drink from a clear, pure stream. So I went up the hill behind our home and drank from a natural artesian well. When I returned, I was told to go home.  I packed my bags and followed the trail towards home. Thank you to my Love Brian and my brother Daniel for your grace and love in supporting this journey.

love orbs over Nanaimo General Hospital

At first I didn't know what my mission was, but I trust the journey and the call home. I know absolutely without a doubt that we are not alone and that together as ONE we are all facing the greatest transformation in the history of humankind. If anyone can explain the next set of coincidences that happened, then please do. But this is the story. I arrived at my father's home ... a lodge where people who are labeled with various mental and criminal titles live ... I found he had just been taken away by the ambulance. When I arrived at the hospital, I found my father sitting amongst the other patients waiting quietly. I knew it was him because of his bright beautiful eyes and a look of pure love as he watched the other people in their various stages of pain and chaos. 


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FREEDOM PROJECT: DOUBLE HURRAY FOR ARGENTINA: UE calls for trade sanctions against Argentina ...


Empty threats from UE or EU toward Argentina... where brave President Cristina Fernandez with simple decree nationalized the oil and gas producer YPF... 

So, people have their voice in Argentina.... and these baboons in EU parliament do not know what to do... They are terrified that this freedom disease will spread here in Europe... so they only can react, trying to vengefully prevent Argentina to do this dirty business of selling We The Peoples assets and making huge profits for their own pockets only... 

This has stopped with this simple and beautiful President Cristina... There are even a presidents of this world that know how to stand Tall, and how to take full reasonability for the job they are elected for...


And we will see more and more Presidents of different countries to take a stand on the side of the WE THE PEOPLE... 


This is actually double dip for Argentina, where they finally claim what truly belong to the People, and they giving most inspiring example to every other brave President [we have another 197 to go...]... 


What Iceland gave us with Mortgage Forgives for its citizens, this is what is of true and historic value that Argentina's Nationalization decree giving to its citizens... 


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Denise Le Fay ~ Transitions ~ Pains, Frustrations & Confusions Of The Spiritual Ascension Work ~ 20 April 2012


Denise Le Fay ~ Transitions ~ Pains, Frustrations & Confusions Of The Spiritual Ascension Work ~ 20 April 2012

“I have such a desperate need to heal others but I can’t accept the fact that instead of embraced for my ideas I’m repelled and persecuted. In what way can I stay balanced without such negativity and still find a voice to reach others without absorbing their density?


I often pray to god that he will put me in the correct dimension I belong in. I feel like all my relationships are tumbling down. I’m being called ungrounded because I share my experiences and positivity and insight into the vast power of spirit and human consciousness.


I feel like words are becoming so mundane. I feel connected but also so alone. Like I have nobody to go through this with, I feel so mentally alone. My whole life I felt like this. Crucified for being so different. Insulted and called crazy or weird. I just don’t fit.



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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update 4~19~12 Upcoming Unique Alignments, Joy Producing


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Ascension 2012 - Release Your Karma


Helane Lipson, Psychic Astrologer, discusses the need to disolve your Karma by healing old emotional wounds during this time of Ascension. www.insightsbyhelane.com


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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~20~12 We Are Getting Ready to Give the Go Ahead ~


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~4~20~12




~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event

Update~ We Are Getting Ready to Give the Go Ahead~



Photo of Prayer Flag of Love Being Answered from the Sun By Earth Allie Will Harader


Greetings Love Beings, We Have Shifted into a New Vibrational Space. Now, we are getting ready to give the Go Ahead for some major events to occur for Humanity. Your Missions Have Begun. We will now be moving very, very quickly, at Lightening Speed as The Unity Consciousness Unfolds quickly across the Planet. The Veil is almost completely lifted and when this happens, all will be completely revealed. These events have been Years and Years in the Making, with Help from Millions of Us on the Ground and everyone from throughout Creation. We are almost there and we ain't Kidden". You Can Assist us through Spreading the Message that The Earth Allies are Here and we have reclaimed Our Planet to Give Back to The People. This is Pure JOY!



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Message from Yeshua ~ Be in the Light ~ As Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~


Photo of the Sun Love,

sacred beautiful geometry with elemental

By Earth Allie Dawn Christine

Hello dear friends, there is much talk of Ascension these days, as should be. The concept is a little abstract for some and it takes a bit of a stretch of the imagination still for some to understand and absorb. But as you know, it is not really a concept. It is your Reality staring you in the face, gripping you in the heart, and laying out a worldview that is so enticing, yet a little intimidating for some.


As time marches on, you are being prepared and inundated with such intense Light and Love that it is becoming the milieu in which you swim. And this is good, because you are getting your feet wet, so to speak. The ante is being raised, dear ones, and you are up for it, equal to the task, as they say. You were built for this endeavor, and you have all the tools at your disposal; you always have. They are being uncovered as we speak.



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COSMIC CURRENT With Helane Lipson & CJ Miller


Helane Lipson, Psychic Astrologer and Claudia Helmke Miller (a.k.a. CJ Miller), Certified Hypnotist / Reiki Healer, team up to bring you News, Opinion and Wisdom from the Latest Waves of Information entering our Collective Consciousness at this time. COSMIC CURRENT brings into focus the challenges and rewards we are experiencing in the "here and now" in 2012. Helane Lipson & CJ Miller explore all arenas of thought and all forms of media, allowing the Listener to swim freely & openly and mindfully "plot their course" in the Cosmic Sea in which we all exist.

 Helane Lipson Website: www.insightsbyhelane.com

 CJ Miller Website: www.wholeearthhealing.com


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EMBRACING WHAT IS REAL: Helane Lipson Interviews James Gilliland


Embracing whats real IS the forum to explore the nature of reality and the impact our current belief systems have on our lives. All of our deep rooted old beliefs are what many of us use to judge ourselves and our actions. Our current belief systems impact every single choice we make. So, when we feed our spirit with new empowering ideas about the meaning of life--- the meaning of our lives change.
Special Guest, James Gilliland
Our special guest today is James Gilliland. James is an internationally known speaker, author, and contactee. He is the founder of the Self Mastery Earth Institute, Science, Spirit and World Transformation Conferences as well as the ECETI Ranch an internationally known UFO and Paranormal hotspot. He is the author of Reunion With Source, Becoming Gods and his latest best seller The Ultimate Soul Journey.

James appeared in Contact Has Begun, His Story, The History Channel, UFOs then and Now, UFO Hotspots, ABC, Fox News, and the new movie Thrive. Not only has he appeared on Coast to Coast and many other radio shows but he is also the host of, As You Wish Talk Radio, bbsradio.com and Contact Has Begun, worldpuja.net. He is a facilitator of many Eastern disciplines, a visionary dedicated to the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth and teaches higher dimensional realities from experience.


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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 4/20/12



You can look to the people of the arks for safety, and you can look at us for guidance and instruction of how to better prepare and how to proceed through the days ahead. We do not wish to see any harm or any undue inconvenience brought to you, and we have the technologies and the resources to allow each one of you to proceed smoothly through the transition ahead.


There is absolutely no reason to be nervous or fearful of the days ahead. There is absolutely nothing that we cannot handle together. When we share this kind of information with you we expect a certain level of fear to arise, but we also expect you to be able to handle this kind of matter and deal with it and make suitable choices that will lead you to the way you wish to experience your journey. What we do not want is any kind of panic at all, as this will not be conducive to a smooth and efficient procedure. Think back of your days in elementary school where you calmly and quietly practiced a fire drill over and over throughout the many grades. This is how we would like to proceed in the days ahead, and we do not say see any reason that the temporary relocations of certain areas around your world cannot proceed just like these fire drills you practiced so often as children.



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Breakthroughs, Lightning Strikes and Liberation: April's Taurus New Moon



Breakthroughs, Lightning Strikes and Liberation: April's Taurus New Moon




a message from GLR Lynda Hill
Tuesday, 17 April, 2012

Lightning is the shorthand of a storm, and tells of chaos. Eric Mackay

The difficulties we experience always illuminate the lessons we need most. Anon

The best lightning rod for your protection is your own spine. Ralph Waldo Emerson

I’d rather be a lightning rod than a seismograph. Ken Kesey


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~The Great Attraction~


~The Great Attraction~


blue orb star of David Photo by Dawn Christine

I am naming you after my father Russ David Olsen ~ thank you little orbs and all orbs and beings for giving us a great day !


Friday, 20 April, 2012

Feel yourself being quietly drawn by the deeper pull of what you truly love - Rumi


Are you restless or anxious, aware that something big is about to happen but unsure what it is? You’re not alone. Uncertainty seems to be the new normal. I’ve been studying the astrology of 2012 for a long time now, and I understand one thing. Much will be revealed over the course of the next 10 weeks.


The passages of May and June are a feast for the senses:

Beltane (Samhain in southern hemisphere) cross-quarter gateway – May 1-5


Beltane/Wesak full moon – May 5


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~Suzanne Poulson Spooner ~ God ~ Your Frequencey Is Shifting ~ 20 April 2012


~Suzanne Poulson Spooner ~ God ~ Your Frequencey Is Shifting ~ 20 April 2012

April 20, 2012

[Hi God.] Hi Suzy, today I would like to talk about the changing frequencies of planet Earth. [Excellent, I am ready.] The frequency of Earth has upgraded since we last TAUKed. This allows for several frequencies to be present at once. There is a frequency for those who are awakened, one for those consciously asleep and one for those who are here as one-time guests on the planet to assist with the shift. Other frequencies are present but these are the predominate frequencies now. 


The frequency that best suits an individual’s energy will locate in the heart and calibrate the body so that the body and High Self can be better in alignment. This attunement is necessary for ascension and all souls & life forms on Earth are effected. The gift of this attunement is for the body, so that it can upgrade easier. Opening portals for this gift is the work of Archangels Michael & Raphael.


In the coming days, a person may notice a feeling of surrealness or unexplained phenomena. This is best experienced with detachment. This will be the focus of our next chat as well.



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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 4/20/12 News from our Beloved Globe ~‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬



~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-20-2012 – News from our Beloved Globe ~‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬



Greetings Love Beings,

only articles and images today.

LOVE's with you=All Always.

Enjoy the ride, we're going HOME!


This image shows the Planet magnetosphere... look at the strong Energy coming from Behind... the more red you see the more energy is involved. The Sun is on the right of the image.




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Solara: A Discussion of our Sun in Relation to the Ascension of Earth


Solara: A Discussion of our Sun in Relation to the Ascension of Earth


Wes: I proclaim both out loud and in typed form that I wish to connect my energies fully with those of Solara, the dear ascended soul inhabiting the realms of our sun.


Solara: Dearest Wesley, we are all here for you and for humanity at this time. I am quite delighted to be able to come through and deliver a message in this beautiful moment of our infinite existence, as there is much about the nature of your sun and us beings who live in your sun that you have had yet to know or hear about. There are of course many continual discussions that have been ongoing through many scribes at this time and in previous times of the changes being brought about and of the celestial forces who are binging these changes about.



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Visionkeeper ~ Change Is Upon Us ~ 20 April 2012


Visionkeeper ~ Change Is Upon Us ~ 20 April 2012

(picture by www.favim.com)

I see nostalgic pictures like this and a part of me wishes things were simple like this again. Yes there is a great convenience and speed in sending emails that I enjoy and use daily, but there is deeper connection missing that electronic email just can’t bring about. The intimacy of hand written letters is almost a thing of the past. How many letters grace your mailbox everyday? Letters are like presents in your mailbox. You pull it out and turn it over and feel it in your hands. You realize in order for that letter to be in your hands somebody had to be thinking of you and take the time to sit down and write what they were thinking and feeling. Sometimes there was a fragrance to the letter when opened, sometimes there was a little something added inside. Letters were magical and I wish their presence would return again bringing with it the simplicity that used to exist in the world back then.



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Benjamin Fulford ~ Update ~ 20 April 2012



Benjamin Fulford ~ Update ~ 20 April 2012

Anonymous Hacker Collective


Gnostic illuminati representative told me that anonymous was going to shut down the internet on March 31st. The exact protocol for doing this was sent to me and many other people in advance. It involved basically attacking the 13 root servers at the heart of the internet. Later, however, I was told that anonymous had made a collective decision that they supported free speech on the internet so the plan to shut it down would not go ahead. As far as I can tell, anonymous is amorphous and not centrally led but is still capable of reaching spontaneous collective decisions to take action against certain sites.

In any case, the White Dragon Society does not speak for either anonymous or the gnostic illuminati.



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Oh LOOK... We're on the NEWS...!


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Venus Retrograde in *GEMINI* 2012 2012-04-20



Venus Retrograde in *GEMINI* 2012


a message from Kelly M. Beard
Friday, 20 April, 2012
Cultivating Your Authentic Voice and Genuine Self-Expression

LAST Venus Retrograde in SCORPIO ~ 2010 - NEXT Venus Retrograde in CAPRICORN ~ 2013-14

Use the next *4* Months (April - August 2012) to do the following ...


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4/20/2012 -- Severe Weather = TX, LA, AR, MS, AL, FL -- Pacific storm forming


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FREEDOM PROJECT: WikiLeaks supporters plan US foundation to restore funding




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FREEDOM PROJECT: Egyptians take the streets of Cairo... 20.4.12...


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Dr. Martin Luther King Jr - Freedom Now


Tracy Chapman's Freedom Now


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FREEDOM PROJECT: The Amazing Proportions of Bank Derivative Exposure




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Mayan Crop Circles Analyzed by Jaime Maussan may 20,2012


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FREEDOM PROJECT: The Canadian National Newspaper: Famed NASA Astronaut confirms Extraterrestrials are here




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4/20/2012 -- 6.9 magnitude earthquake strikes Indonesia = unrest continues


website post with screenshot plus links to monitor the earthquake unrest globally:


Be aware of this ongoing (and currently increasing) earthquake swarm occurring in the Pacific.

If you live in an area around the ring of fire .. please be aware that we are seeing an increase in large sizable earthquakes. Have a plan and be prepared. use the links provided at my website to monitor earthquakes personally.


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4/20/2012 -- Severe Weather = TX, LA, AR, MS, AL, FL -- Pacific storm forming


Today, this afternoon into evening (April 20, 2012) we see south Texas (near Houston) having hail / damaging winds / strong cell thunderstorms ---- heading east northeast --- towards Central Louisiana , extending north into Arkansas.

Eventually.. the rest of Arkansas, central Mississippi, and North Alabama might see this hail / damaging wind reach across the current storm watch zone.

After sunset, we shall see if the storms fully die out, or carry northeast.

Also in South / Central Florida .. west of Orlando.. Northeast of Tampa... extending south through the central part of the state into the everglades.

Out west -- far west coast extending out into the Pacific Ocean (near hawaii) ... a new low pressure system has moved in.. eventually will pass over the west coast .. California, Oregon , Washington State. Most likely this next storm will be our large weather producer in the Midwest USA.

Use the links here to monitor severe weather currently, or to monitor the coming storm:



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Visionkeeper ~ Calm Before The Storm (2) ~ 21 April 2012


Visionkeeper ~ Calm Before The Storm (2) ~ 21 April 2012

(picture by www.favim.com)


It sure feels eerily serene out in the world right now. It reminds me of summer nights when the air would grow still and the birds would go quiet and the sky would get a strange color. You knew what would come next. Soon the wind would pick up quickly and the colors in the sky would grow dark and occasional rain drops would begin to plunk down here and there just before the heavens opened up and you had to run for cover. So  what is coming? Something wicked this way comes runs through people’s mind from time to time. That old waiting for the other shoe to drop. See how trained we are to jump to the worst scenario! We are so accustomed to disaster from the dark ones we steel ourselves against what may come our way.



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Stretching Science: Designing The Interplanetary Web


(editor's note: In my daily treks through the news files of the world I'm amazed at the depth and scope of emerging science technologies! In the bigger picture of our changing world, we understand that these are stepping stones towards joining our Galactic community of scientists.

~All my Love, Boo)



Designing the Interplanetary Web

Reliable Internet access on the Moon, near Mars or for astronauts on a space station? How about controlling a planetary rover from a spacecraft in deep space? These are just some of the pioneering technologies that ESA is working on for future exploration missions.



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Healing Earth - Citizen Science



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Ann Albers – Message From The Angels And Ann – 21 April 2012



Ann Albers – Message From The Angels And Ann – 21 April 2012


Message from the Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much.

Today we wish to speak to you on the topic of relationships. All relationships whether the ones with your life, your home, your spouse, your children, or your pet, are teaching you about the relationship you have with yourself. The relationships with others show you very clearly what parts of yourself you are willing to bring to the surface in your life and what parts of yourself you are willing to let go. For in truth, dear ones, all energies exist within you and you choose which ones you want to experience.


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Natural Remedies: Mindfulness




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We look at your planet now and we see the world of peace that you have created. – Michael by Ron Head



The Final Touches Being Infused for Our New Life! By Lisa



by GLR Lisa Gawlas


This has been the most incredible and interesting year in the field of Light.  January arrived and placed us in a whole new atmosphere of energy and we had to learn how to breath new air,  surrender to  things that no longer served us and created new internal pathways, new opportunities and relationships as the month gave us the clear choice; change or stay where you are.  


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Twelve Insight ~ Take Responsibility For Your Own Alignment With Source



Twelve Insight ~ Take Responsibility For Your Own Alignment With Source



Posted GLR by 


April 21 2012

When you enter into the kingdom, the ever present here-now Spirit-directed world of events, the pathway is cleared for you like magic. It is only your belief in conflict which allows conflict to occur, and then you are in the ego-directed realm. In other words you believe there must be conflict between yourself and others because they seem to want different things, or be headed in ways that oppose you, and in reality there is enough room for all of you to go your chosen ways without ever bumping into another who is opposed or contradicts you.


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April 23-29 ~ Doreen Virtue’s Weekly Oracle Card Reading


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Carol Ann Ciocco ~ The Venus Transit Portal Hovers



Carol Ann Ciocco ~ The Venus Transit Portal Hovers

Posted by GLR 

 April 21 2012



Carol Ann Ciocco

Things are about to shift into high gear. Between May 15 and June 24 we will experience, in the space of a few weeks, a synchronized portal of change, which includes:

A significant Annular Solar Eclipse (on May 20); Venus stationing Retrograde (on May 15) kicking off a cascading chain of Venusian energy that will culminate in a historic event, the Venus Transit (on June 5-6) when Venus walks across the face of the Sun; a Partial Lunar Eclipse (on June 4) within 24-hours of the Venus Transit – a remarkable timing!; the beginning of a new 2-year Venus cycle (on June 12); and the Summer Solstice (on June 21).


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To the poets, angels, saints and survivors !


Heart of a Clown

By Glynn

As I sift through the sawdust of my own mind

There are places I still search for yet to find

Whenever the circus trains would travel through our town

I would always ask or sometimes plea, "But where are the clowns?"

Middle-aged men garnished to a ghoul grey white

The children's laughter is tarnished, some turn away in fright

Rosy red lips rouged to an upside-down frown

Once more I plea, could you tell where are the clowns?

Some months ago I met this child in the early hours of the morn

She made me laugh then smiled, I knew then how a clown's heart was born

It's not what's in the clothes or costume or how you play the part

It's the affection we give one another with the gold that's in our heart.

* * *


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Clearing the mind !!!


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Imagine always having someone to help you through any storm in life...




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Universes of Light


Give yourself permission to believe. When you are talking to a neighbor or a family member, give yourself permission to believe that you are an angel speaking to another angel. You speak in the language of love with all of the implications of its true power. You exist in a realm of angelhoods or communities where everyone sees the angelness of one another. We are each preparing for our missions to create a brand new universe, but first, we must complete our mission of bringing the current universe fully into the light.


In order to complete our mission, we must recognize that we are each transmitters or rather, transmuters of energy (light poles, if you will). We shine the light in the dark without judgment. We just shine. However, because our mission is of such great importance, the light that we shine can never be extinguished. In fact, the more we shine our light, the stronger it grows until it becomes self-sustaining, freeing us up to continue the rest of our mission ~ creating a new universe of light.


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~The most important message of your life~


I have received the most important information from all galactic councils regarding our shift! It is very clear what the message is. From the center source of all creation. From the depths of all other facets. This is the most important message I will ever write in all of my existence. This message holds the power to all of my being. This is my gift to you.


The power of Now.


Of all that is Holy, Good and Sacred to the very fabric and presence of our reality. The one very most important element for this change is changing the here and now.


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Crystalline cells from carbon based cells



QUESTIONER: Yes it does and I appreciate it, thank you so much. Okay, the following concerns the crystalline cells. It’s a question by VK, actually four of them. “Concerning crystalline cells, is everyone on earth presently experiencing a change from the carbon-based cells and if so, is this occurring at the same degree or pace with everyone, and if not, what is it that determines the difference? Is it perchance the level of consciousness of the individual? If a person has absolutely no interest in spiritual thought and behavior, do their cells remain carbon-based?” Your comment please?

COSMIC AWARENESS: This is a good question, for it does help perhaps explain or leads to an explanation of what is occurring to those beings who are changing their actual bodies and the physique of their bodies. The latter comment is an accurate commentary of those who are not interested in a Spiritual Ascension. This is so because their soul chose to have an experience, not of Ascension directly but of indirect experiences around this event, experiences that would not promote spiritual growth and development in the consciousness of those individuals who are stuck in physicality, but rather the opposite: that their physical world stays predominant to everything else and their conscious belief in matters stay focused on physical form and physical experience.

As the carbon-base is that which defines physical experience, they will not develop the new crystalline strands, and they will not have carbon 7 molecules, which are the molecular formulations of the crystalline structure that will underpin the new life forms that will evolve.

The Light Body Already Exists!


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Heavenletter #4166 From the Sea of Imagination


Heavenletter #4166 From the Sea of Imagination, April 21, 2012 

God said: 


Hello. Let Me introduce yourself to Me, the Me of you. You are really I, yet you disguise yourself as you. And, wonder of wonders, you come to believe in your disguise. You have become fond of your acrylic wigs and pasted-on beards, so to speak, and the expressions on your face. What would you do without this illusion of you? How would you pass the time? What would you pretend then if you stopped pretending?


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Biophoton emissions and light encoded human DNA


This is something that I had written years ago, ok, about, 2006-2007. Just the capsule effect or affect. :) ..is that..basically the genetic code is the information coded within the nucleotide (A.T.G.C.) sequences of RNA & DNA that specifies the amino acid sequence in the synthesis of proteins. Think of it as a diamond sequence..a four dimensional crystal pattern. Kinda like a pyramid. Ok, so I'm biased. Anyway, the cube structure is 6 plane (facets) but the pyramid structure is  4 plane.

Now then..I say this with the most utmost respect to my scientific brothers and sisters. You probably laugh at me because of my ignorance..please bear with me. I love you too. Those of you who may be lost..bear with me too..because I'm searching for answers and truth just like you but I'm a practical kind of guy and I can't just always go along with or subscribe with the "love and light crowd" with out some valid scientific basis. Energy has structure and laws. I respect that. E=MC2, energy =mass x speed of light squared and maybe love =the speed of light sq. Who knows?

A Photon, a quantum of EM (EM radiation) it has zero rest mass and a change and spin of ONE. It is..in it's own anti-particle..no electric charge.

The absolute..the quantum state where all exists..outside the time space universe..all that is thought, felt, is, ever will be or was and is in the NOW exists in this quantum state.

The quantum state exists outside the state of light and dark duality or the polarization of negative and positive feeling. The quantum state transcends the duality of light and dark and exists in the eternal state of no movement. Just is..all knowing, perfection, you and I is..our eternal state of perfection outside time. (Time is just an illusion, a sequence of events in a space universe.)


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~Message to all Gatekeepers on Earth=Heart~



~Earth Allie Nanci Nguyen~


 ~Message to all Gatekeepers on Earth=Heart~


Photo By Earth Allie Will Harader of All Portals Opening for Completion of the Divine Plan for Planet Earth=Heart~

From the Divine: "Akah,  you will know when the time nears as you look into the skies you wave your divine hand to spread open the doors between your reality of earth and the truth. Many will be confused and seek to flee as the ascend the rainbow bridge your wave of love draw energies to you. Energies seeking and finding in your energy. You are the answer they seek and your love shows these energies the way. All the fears dissipate in the glowing of your silver and gold light. You keep the door for those who seek you and their truth. Many will also stay behind to guide others the remaining steps.  You will chose to step through or remain. No choice is right or wrong all are just as they are. Know the truths will flow to you in the moments you need them. Let Your Light Shine."

Unconditional love
Isness ~ one of earths gatekeepers


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A LOVE Message from the "Ancient Ones " to the Native American People about Planet Earth


Message from the "Ancient Ones " to the Native American People about what Planet Earth is going through right now and what they can do to assist HER at this time .
Very beautiful !!! A ver heartfelt message ....MORE VIDEOS BELOW...CLICK ON THE ARROW...
Enjoy the blessings ♥ !!!
Infinite gratitude to the Music "Rhythm of the Heart " by AH NEE MAH

MORE IMPORTANT videos and info about Planet Earth and her final shifting and important events that are coming :Discover how YOU can make a difference and assist Mother Earth ♥

♥ The Final Shifting of Planet Earth and Humanity: A new relationship with Earth 

♥ WHITE BUFFALO CALF WOMAN and & Her call for help to the First Nations People ♥

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David Icke - The Greatest Speech For Humanity II.V for Victory (Unity!)






















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'Tis Completion


Everything shifts as the viel now lifts

Truth is revealed at last ...no past

The acting continues as illusion plays out

But Reality's here of that there's no doubt


Christ's sacred love surfaces to the top

When you just stop

As and at the ONE you truly are

This Love's arrived on Dragon's wings

And your heart sings , with glee ...merrily

Foundations of peace are already laid , so don't be afraid

Don't be afraid

This perfect love shall cast out fear , far and near

Far and near ,

Flooding the planet , cancelling time , fluid and flowing, feeling divine Devotion,

Enter the Timelessness temple of Light

Eternal Love has set All things right

The chimes blow and jingle

Let thine eye be single






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Ancient Time


There are no calenders , no diaries , no dates

Eternity's set in our heart's God states

A Cosmic slap if you step out the light

Sevens can't do that , it just won't feel right

So follow thy heart now wherever it takes thee

From this day onward you'll know your Divinity

Remain undisturbed by all that is seen

'Tis illusionary 'cinders' , you always were queen

This is the New Earth this is the New Birth

 The crossover now to the promised land

How holy you are ,says the Holy 'I AM',

William Blake hums a hymn in my mind

This is the time , this is the time

For Jerusalem.




and did those feet in ancient time.


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[video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdXUY1sUWpE]


Empty treats from UE or EU toward Argentina... where brave President Cristina Fernandez with simple decree nationalized the oil and gas producer YPF... 

So, people have their voice in Argentina.... and these baboons in EU parliament do not know what to do... They are terrified that this freedom disease will spread here in Europe... so they only can react, trying to vengefully prevent Argentina to do their dirty business of selling We The Peoples assets and making huge profits for their pockets only... 

This has stopped with this simple and beautiful President Cristina... There are even a presidents of this world that know how to stand Tall, and how to take full reasonability for the job they are elected for...


[video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=130J-FdZDtY&feature=related]


And we will see more and more Presidents of different countries to take a stand on the side of the WE THE PEOPLE... 



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Oracle Report ~ April 21 ~ 22, 2012 The Earth is moving and we all have to follow suit



Oracle Report ~ April 21 ~ 22, 2012 The Earth is moving and we all have to follow suit

Oracle Report | New Moon Phase

Today begins the New Moon in Taurus. The four days of this moon phase are electrically charged and will continue to reverberate throughout the remainder of the lunar cycle (until May 19, 2012). On May 5 we are having what I am calling “the Super Conjunction” of the Sun and the Black Moon at 15 Taurus 38 (with Jupiter closeby and an opposition with Saturn and the Earth). The specific data is given for astrologers who follow, but all anyone needs to understand is things that transpire this weekend are “highly charged” – dramatic, eventful, possibly painful, chaotic, life-altering, and most likely developing for some time.



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The Manuscript of Survival ~ part 123



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