Submitted by AstroEyes on Fri, 02/28/2014 - 12:19

AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology - Cathy Lindsey

New Moons mark the beginning of a new cycle and this Pisces New Moon (at 1:59 am CT – at 10° Pisces) is super charged and brings us opportunities for insights….. from all realms.  New Moons are also the most spiritual and intuitive moons of the whole Lunar cycle. They invite us to go inward…to Listen to what we hear and feel.   It is a wonderful time to manifest, meditate and create!  Each New Moon brings with it a down load of evolutionary energies to give us the knowledge to create a beautiful future.  Remember that the New Moon energy last a day and half on each side of the peak.   It is also a wonderful time for setting intentions.  Ask your higher self what it is that you want to create….for yourself, for humanity and for the Earth itself!    Mediate on what it is that you would like to manifest in your life and in the World, and set the intention during this powerful and very intuitive New Moon.

This is a very powerful New Moon and it comes to us with a message.  This Pisces New Moon (Sun sitting with the Moon) is a very watery and fluid. Pisces energy is about spiritual understanding, meditation, enlightenment, manifestation, and the ability to experience and travel to other levels.  Piscean energy is about unconditional love for ourselves and all humanity.  It is about Love and Compassion!   Compassion without Judgment.   We are all one… a statement of Pisces…..we have never been separate from Source…..we are all one!  There is a feeling, a need to unify with God/Goddess, Creator, Source.    Pisces is also the sign of very high creativity.  The kind of creativity that is channeled in….like our poets, our musicians, our artist….where the inspiration and abilities come flowing in. Pisces energy is very mystical and gives us the ability to have a direct connection with God/Goddess, Source, Creator, through meditation and high creativity/manifestation.  It is about dreams and imagination.  Pisces also represents the collective unconscious, beauty in nature, Mysticism, 6th sense, and intuition. During this month you may find a gravitation towards your spiritual Tribe. Remember to be cautious of the gray side of all this Piscean energy, like being lost in the fogginess, addictions, confusion, laziness, avoidance, self undoing, and escapism in all areas.

 We also have Neptune and Chiron sitting with or cradling this Piscean New Moon.   Neptune (the most spiritual and creative planet)  rules Pisces and is bringing about a Spiritual Renaissance as it travels through its own sign.  Chiron is known as the wounded healer and is bringing about the Healing of the Spiritual wound of the collective, and within ourselves....through compassion, unconditional Love, trust in Source, God/Goddess and the Oneness!   

The Universe is giving us an abundance of Piscean energy right now, and through this Piscean energy the Universe is asking us to Meditate on what we want our future and our reality to be.  It is also asking us to Manifest and create our dreams, our visions, our world and our own reality.   With the Piscean fog, comes the rain. Think of all the “old” that is no longer working for you, and no longer vibrating where you are vibrating.   Think of the Piscean water washing the old away, think of it as a cleansing, so that we can embody the higher energies.   Meditate on the guidance that you are receiving and make sure that it benefits all beings, not just you.    Remember this New Moon happens on the back drop of the ongoing Cardinal Square, and community and all humanity is still a main focus, moving from the “me” to the “we”…..Oneness!!

During New Moon we also have 3 planets that are stationary…..either getting ready to move forward, or move backward.   
We have Mercury (communication) that stations (standing still, so the energy is very powerful) direct during this Pisces New Moon.  Meaning that the Universe is putting emphases on communication, not only from our voice but also from our Heart……with Unconditional Love and Compassion…..for all humanity!!  It is time to take action and speak your truth!

Then Mars stations (standing still with a concentration of energy) retrograde on this New Moon.  It is time to internalize and think about how we handle our anger, conflicts, passions etc.  It is also a time to re-evaluate your relationships…..all relationships.  Think about what is no longer working and during this time, decide what you need to do.  This is not a time to take action as much as it a time to re-evaluate….make plans. Think things through. Mars will turn direct (move forward) on May 19th.  Then it will be time to take action.

Then Saturn stations (stands still) retrograde the next day!  It is time to internalize and think about how we handle our responsibilities and power, especially in work situations.   Also within relationships.  What structures are working for you and which are not?   This is not a good time to start a business or big project, but it is a great time to plan one.   While Saturn is retrograde….it is a time to make plans in these areas and to think about ways in which to handle the energies.  When Saturn turns direct on July 20th, you can then move forward on your thoughts and plans that you  have been putting together for your future. 

With all this movement forward and back (Jupiter will also turn direct, move forward, on March 6th, but not during this New Moon) over this next week… may feel like things are a little chaotic….or you may feel more tired than normal. Things just might not feel right.  It is because of all these energies and the movements that are happening during this New Piscean Moon. This energy also affects the Earth itself, and the weather.

Again the back drop of this Full Moon is the Cardinal T-Square.  The Cardinal energy is about Birthing of New, Change, and Urgency.  Pluto is transformation of the Soul, our Soul and the Soul of the Earth and Uranus is constant change & humanity.  Jupiter is giving us, or activating in us, the higher knowledge that we already know.   It is giving us the ability to be optimistic for our future and to see the beauty of pure Joy!!   Because of this powerful New Moon….the Cardinal T-Square is adding a lot of active energy.

The Cardinal T-Square consists of, Uranus in Aries, being squared by Pluto in Capricorn, and Jupiter in Cancer  opposing Pluto and squaring Uranus.  I will try to explain:  

Uranus (is the constant of change, thinking outside the box and into the future with a focus on community and humanity), is in Aries (the warrior, the initiator, the winner, the pioneer, ego).  So Uranus is in Aries and is saying that we need to change and think outside the box so we can see the big picture and move into the future. We need to focus on community/humanity; we need to move from the “Me” to the “We.”  

Pluto, the planet of transformation is being squared by Uranus in Aries and Pluto is saying: that it only cares about the transformation of your Soul and the Soul of the Earth, Pluto does not care about Ego, what kind of car you drive etc., it only cares about your Soul, and it demands integrity and respect for all. Pluto is in Capricorn (which rules Corporate America, the Government, the Banks and the Military). 

Jupiter ( master teachers, higher knowledge, religions & philosophies, travel, Joy & optimism) is in Cancer (the mother, the nurture, home & family, natural intuition, cellular memory). Jupiter is saying: we need to make some changes in all types of relationship, including business. It is time to use your own power instead of being forced.  It is time to find Joy in your life, in your home, and in your relationships and to purge/transform/change the areas that are no longer working and  that are taking that Joy away! 

 During this New Moon we also have Mars squaring Venus.  Mars (the spiritual warrior, passion, male energy), Venus (our Love and creativity, the feminine energy). 

 The Universe is bringing us another emphasis on the balancing of the feminine and the male, the yin and yang, the right brain and left brain etc. as this has been a main focus since the beginning of the Cardinal Square in 2010.   Bringing the Sacred Feminine and the Sacred Masculine into balance is pivotal at this time so we can move into the higher energies of ascension during this shift. This Piscean New Moon, which is focusing on unconditional Love and Compassion, will help with the balancing of the feminine energies (Venus) and the male energies (Mars), along with a focus on ourselves, community, humanity and the Earth as we bring it all into Balance…….

The Ancient Star Systems are also being activated during this powerful New Moon.  The Universe is asking us to start new ways of communicating with and working with our ancient star systems. 
 We have:

Jupiter on Sirius.   Sirius is the brightest star in the sky and one of the closest. In esoteric Astrology, Sirius is considered to be our spiritual Sun, overseeing the awakening of humanity

Mars on Arcturus.  The fourth-brightest star in the sky.  Edgar Cayce mentioned Arcturus more than 30 times in his readings, calling it “the highest civilization in our galaxy” and “the way, the door out of this system.”   

Pluto on Vega.  The constellation Lyre and Vega placed in it, is obviously musical and can be alluring.    Music is the international language.   Music is also now used in Sound Healing….some of the “new natural healing”

 These activation's of Vega, Arcturus and Sirius, represents the importance of the ancient knowledge from our ancestors, the Elders, and the wisdom's that they/we received while being connected to these stars and star systems. When these ancient star systems are being activated….we also can connect with their energies and wisdom's.

Meditate on these activation and Listen…..see if you receive any insights during this New Piscean Moon that are connected with the Ancient Star Systems……. Open yourself up to Universal Love and Intelligence.

With this New Moon we have the opportunity for deep healing and cleansing, for profound insights in all areas, for compassion without judgment, for unconditional Love, for inspired creativity, and to bring balance into all areas.  It is time to Manifest and create our dreams. It is time to see the synchronicities and the Magic in the Universe.   It is time to be one with the Piscean energies…. Meditate and above all….  Listen!!!!!

These are the energies affecting all of humanity and the Earth.  These energies also affect you individually, according to how they activate your own birth chart. Learn how they activate your chart through an Astrological Reading.  Knowing how they are affecting you personally, gives you the ability to make choices, and use the energies in the highest way.

Please Feel free to share this monthly update, in its entirety!   AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology, © 2014 Cathy Lindsey     All rights reserved.   
Cathy Lindsey    515-779-7154 
Astroeyes Evolutionary Astrology

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