Submitted by AstroEyes on Tue, 12/19/2017 - 15:06

 Cathy Lindsey   AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology

We have sure been living through some interesting times…….and I believe that the “New” that we are co-creating, is only going to get more interesting. The energies have been very chaotic and unsettling…and throw in a bit of the “Wild Card” feeling…. and you have this fleeting month of December.  Mercury retrograde has also been very active this month!  Miss communications and troubles with Planes, trains, and everything in between….including computer and internet mess ups and problems….like those that I have experienced over the last few days (I believe everything is working now so you can receive this J).  Mercury does go direct on December 23rd……just in time for Christmas and Family celebrations.  One thing to remember and meditate on during these times is….staying out of the fear!!   There are a lot of Fear based things going on everywhere.  Consciously stay out of all the fear in all areas and focus on surrounding yourself with others that vibrate where you vibrate….along with the higher energies of….Love and Peace! 

With this Fiery Sagittarius New Moon… There is a spark of wisdom seeking and a quest for truth….that gives you an opportunity to expand your mind and your consciousness.   New Moons bring new beginnings and can function like a reset button…giving us the opportunity to do some Soul searching and return to our basic original Soul intentions.  New Moons are also the most spiritual and intuitive moons of the whole Lunar cycle.  Giving us an opportunity to Manifest, Meditate and Create our own truths and visions….of our “New” lives and that of the World. 

 This Sagittarius energy can be a little more uplifting, fun and inspiring…..bringing us Joy and laughter, in gatherings of all kinds. Hope, faith, higher learning, the masters, knowledge, religions, philosophies….are also part of Sagittarius energy.  This Sagittarius New Moon operates from a place of freedom and optimism… your mind and speak your Truth!  Giving us the opportunity to deepen our Spirituality, and our belief systems.  What a wonderful time of year…. for the Universe to surround us with such Wonder, Joy, and Optimism!  Elevating our Spirits (not our egos) and allowing us to share our truth….our Love….our passion for giving and the sharing of our beliefs.  

Each New Moon brings with it a down load of evolutionary energies to give us the knowledge to create a beautiful future. It is also a time of setting intentions. Mediate on what it is that you would like to manifest in your life and in the World…….and then set the intention during this powerful New Moon.  Sagittarius is about the law and Cosmic Law.  Travel and freedom are also part of Sagittarius…..the Soul of the Gypsy.   Sagittarius calls for you to be the truth seeker and asks you to share your knowledge with others.

With a New Moon….we are reminded that in everything there is the light and dark and that they can be balanced and merged into one. Balance is a major theme of this Shift that we are in.   When we look at the shadow side, it can bring up some fear, some of our “shadows” that we would rather not look at.  Some of these shadows and fears can be…speaking to others about things that are not of Truth, exaggeration, over promising, the compulsive liar, becoming the eternal student…..and never actually presenting your wisdom’s out in the open to others….therefore resulting in your wisdom’s dying with you….what a tragedy!

It is time to bring into balance your gray (shadow) side with your high bright side in all the Sagittarian ways.  Meditate and pay attention to what is brought up to you and what you hear.  We have everything we need and all the strength that we need to face the shadows and move them into the high side…. for yourself, your community/tribe and all humanity. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter and with the power of Jupiter we can embody ….Trust, faith, optimism and truth,… we evolve towards the ultimate goal of pure Joy!    What is your shadow side and how can you bring it into balance with the high side of Sagittarius?

This New Sagittarius Moon asks us to think about and question our own fundamental belief systems …….in all areas of life. It asks us to stand up for our Truths and to seek the truth in others as well. Sagittarius brings us the philosophers.   Those that think and ponder the meaning of life…..and what our role might be…..what our little part of the whole is.  It is about being loyal to your own sense of what’s true.  It is time to let go of outdated beliefs and set our own goals for progress, truth and what satisfies our Soul.

What is true for you?  What does the meaning of Life….mean to you?  What areas and beliefs in your own life are you willing to stand up for?   These are all areas to meditate on during this Sagittarius New Moon….and throughout this powerful week… we have Saturn entering Capricorn on the 19th and the Winter Solstice on the 21st!

This New Sagittarius Moon is also sitting with Venus and Saturn and widely Mercury….all activating the Galactic Center!!  Wow….this is quite a powerful New Moon!!   So the energies of Venus (Love, creativity and money) are also shinning out to everyone.  Love is what we need on Earth today…and Sagittarius would bring in a focus on International Love!  Share Love….be Love…. during this powerful week!  We also have Saturn sitting with this Sagittarius New Moon.  Saturn rules Capricorn (government, military, banks, corporate America, structures, Father figures, Wisdom of the Elders, Respect, Integrity, Morals) and I think the Universe is wanting us to focus on Love, Respect, Integrity, and Morals….when dealing with Government, Corporate and Father Figures (CEO’S, Big Boss’s, leaders etc.)…..and with this New Sagittarius Moon, Venus and Saturn, ALL sitting on the Galactic Center….I believe that not only in this World/Earth do we need to start dealing in these new ways…..but Galactic …..we also do!!   The Universe is speaking Loudly!! 

The Galactic Center is an area that I have been working with for quite a while.  After being drawn to work with the Galactic Centre, I have found that the energy and activations around this powerful portal are amazing.  

The Galactic Center is a portal to the Universe and the center of our Galaxy….the Milky Way.   When the Galactic Center is activated by major astrological configurations, it widens….helping with the birthing of the “New”, which is still in progress.  We receive down loads of knowledge from throughout the Galaxy activating our subconscious and our Cellular memory!   We also receive a lot of energetic support from the Universe, through this portal!  To help humanity, the planet, and ourselves, release old belief systems in all areas…so we can move into and co-create the “New.”   I also feel that the energy of the Galactic Center is very creative (to create the New) and therefore a perfect place and time to manifest and create!    It also has that feeling of being pulled into “something larger than life”!    Helping us to discover the “Oneness” and how we are all interconnected…..throughout our own Galaxy and all Galaxy’s.    We begin to actually see and feel the “Bigger” meaning of life…..and through the activation of the Galactic Center we can feel the level of the collective consciousness expanding!

Jupiter is the ruler of this Sagittarius New Moon, and it is in Scorpio.  It is also squaring the Nodal Axis!  Jupiter squares the Nodal Axis, at the midpoint…called the “bendings” of the Moon’s nodal axis. With the Sagittarius new Moon at the “bendings”….symbolizes that it is now time to choose…..we are at a crossroads!  Choose between the South Node (which represents past patterns and past lives and areas that you need to move away from) and the North Node (which is the Souls intention for this life time…the Soul of Humanity and the World….. and future possibilities).  The North Node is in Leo which is about the big Heart…thinking with the Heart and coming from the Heart.  It is about fun and play and the child within.  That is where we are headed as a human race.  That is what we are trying to achieve.

We are in a period of change (Uranus) and transformation (Pluto)…..the 2 main planets in the ongoing Cardinal Square….that formed in the Spring of 2010, signaling the beginning of the Shift…. which is still strongly active today.  Square energy is stressful and has a lot of friction tied up in it and requires a shift in perception.         Then add in the Chaos and discord of Eris sitting with Uranus…. and you have a very active situation that could become either volatile….. or initiating a cause with passion.  This Cardinal Square demands that we take responsibility for our own actions and recognize the consequences of our choices.   Remember out of Chaos comes creativity….so let’s create a peaceful and loving energy everywhere we go.

Change and transformation can be a little scary and uncomfortable at times (remember…if the transformation doesn’t feel a bit scary and uncomfortable….then we are not doing the transformation that Pluto is initiating).  WE have been asking for change…..  Now we need to pull on the energies of this Sagittarian New Moon and look at life as an adventure and trust that the Universe will arrange things in a way that manifest whatever our heart desires.  WE need to take that leap of faith (Sagittarius) and pray for wings. Trusting that the Universe will take care of us!

It is a time to be cautious, to watch where you are walking and how yourself and the other person is driving.  Watch what you say and how you say it.  Etc. etc.    This is a time of change, chaos, and transformation.  Anything and any area that you have let become stagnant will be put in your face right now….so you can really see it and change it, transform it and heal it.  There is also the possibility of  “burnout”….as overextending yourself is a possibility…..especially during this Holiday Season.  This is also a time to be courageous and stand up for…… or speak about…. things that you have held back, but in a kind way.   Find that courage and take action with that first step….to your “new” future!

With these powerful aspects at this Sagittarius New Moon…..we need to remember that we also have some lighter energy.  With this Sagittarius Moon for instance…..we can help to defuse this powerful Cardinal Square and other challenging aspects and keep them on the “high” side,  by pulling on the high Sagittarius energies of Joy, Optimism and fun… during the Holidays.  This is where you need to focus…….be aware of the challenging energies but do not linger there…..come back to the whimsical energies of Sagittarius and spread those all around. 

Even though we have some rough aspects with this New Sagittarius Moon……we also have a lot of help, if we ask for it.   Remember that we are being given everything we need.

Meditate and release what is no longer working for your higher good. Manifest and create a better way….a better world.   With Sagittarius we can develop optimism and confidence through the expansion of our thoughts and the expansion of our Hearts!   Sagittarius is bringing us the ability to see the ultimate goal…….pure Joy!!   

Meditate and manifest on how to bring all areas of your life into Balance!!  Also meditate and manifest on ways that you can help to bring the community, your tribe, humanity and the World into a Peaceful Balance!! 

It is time to meditate and ask for guidance in how to integrate all these energies.   Listen to the advice you will receive when you are in quiet and in meditation.   Remember prayer is talking with God/Goddess…..mediation is Listening to God/Goddess!!!   

These are the energies affecting all of humanity and the Earth.  These energies also affect you individually, according to how they activate your own birth chart.

Learn how the energies activate your individual Birth Chart, through an Astrological Reading (my contact information is below).  Knowing how the energies are affecting you personally, gives you the ability to make better choices, and use the energies in the highest way. 

Feel free to share this update, in its entirety!   AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology © 2017  Cathy Lindsey     All rights reserved.

Astroeyes Evolutionary AstrologyCathy Lindsey




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