Open letter from HUmanity to MotherFatherGod: And Humanity said: “Sorry for being late!”

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Fri, 08/17/2012 - 05:55


Open letter from HUmanity to MotherFatherGod: And Humanity said: “Sorry for being late!”



Beloved Mother God,

Beloved Father God,

I write on behalf of Humanity as a Whole. Humanity asked me to. Ok, maybe not All of them asked me openly but I follow the 51% “rule”. And that percentage has indeed been reached.

I was asked to say “I’m sorry for being late God, signed Humanity”.

But as I know that no one has to be forgiven for anything I asked HUmanity some more details about it, and the following is their answer (I’ll use the I on behalf of All of HUmanity):


Dear MotherGod & FatherGod, I’ve been asleep. Deeply asleep. So asleep that when that what I was waiting for appeared in front of my eyes… I could not recognise it. I’ve been waiting for You since my soul first incarnated, searching in every corner of the universe for the proof of Your existence, searching for Love. I killed, escaped, married, got burned, built cities and countries, saved people, wrote poems, made wars, made love and abused sex, money, brothers and sisters… only to experience enough to find You.

However, I didn’t manage to do so… so far… I thought You didn’t exist… For I saw wars and tremendous atrocities done on behalf of Your Name… that’s why I stopped believing in You… religion was telling me You were kind of evil. Religion told me You were like me –part good and part evil- I did not understand it was the other way round: that I was like You.

I made You up out of my mind, and my mind was deeply trapped in duality, so I made you look like duality does… good and bad.

That is one of the reasons why I’m now so shy to face what I really AM. Eons of believing I’m partially good and partially evil, of believing I’ll be judged for my actions and thoughts, I’ll be punished for my mistakes… has made me afraid of You. Afraid of hell… I did not understand that hell is only in my mind, expressing itself on this world as duality. Nor did I understand that Heaven as well IS in me… in my Heart, for I learned not to rely on my Heart ever. So I forgot where Love IS and What Love IS.


And then You came. Here, to be with me, to take my hands and walk with me Home, to show me, in Human form, how to go Home.

And again, I didn’t see You. For I was, once again, not ready for Your coming among me.

I kept holding on what I had been, eventually, taught for ages… that there’ll be a kind of second coming of Christ. But this as well, I never really took it as something real… and even if I tried to think about it, the most I could see in it was some kind of long hair blue eyes lovely looking man walking next to a mule and saying “See me, I AM the Son of God, I AM here to save you”.

I never thought about the fact that I Am the One and only able to save myself… And never actually thought I do not even need to save myself apart from getting out of the illusion I’m in.

So imagine me… completely lost between Hollywood and religion, wars, struggeling for money as being the only god I had… thinking sex was the only way to get some love…


I did not recognize you.

You looked too… normal.


There, in your normal house, with normal clothes, simply talking about LOVE, spreading news on the internet simply as everyone does today… You should come down in thunder and lightning no? Not simply be some kind, gentle being wanting to… to what? Bring a Message in the fastest way possible for US to get it all over the world…? That seemed to simple, and could never think of LOVE being simple… I have been taught One had to fight for love… Oh dear me… how far away I’ve gone from MySelf… YOU ask nothing and I…  You see, I can’t even answer that question… what could you ever want as you’re asking nothing but that I FIND MYSELF. IN ME.

Simply saying I AM HERE… use me! I AM HERE FOR YOU… For you to SEE the LOVE YOU ARE.

Nothing else…

I suppose that was too much for my mind… and as I was not used to listen to my Heart I could not hear His Voice… Your Voice!


I’ve been waiting for disclosure to happen… and could not see it had already happened. I didn’t see it because I was looking in the wrong place… so I didn’t See You! Didn’t recognize You were already Here NOW. With me, HUmanity. I could not see Your complete lack of judgment for I was too busy judging myself and others for what was not happening… to really SEE I already was in the middle of it ALL. I wanted some photos… videos… I wanted 3d proof instead of simply BE MY OWN PROOF!


Dear Father and Mother GOD, forgive me for being late. I was too busy running around in circles to stop and SEE.

Now I AM here. ALL as ONE again. I do SEE YOU. I SEE what YOU came to show me: THE LOVE I AM IN THE PRESENT MOMENT OF NOW.

That GOD IS LOVE. And that I AM the LOVE of GOD. And that everything else is just illusion… And that your Love is so Pure and Unconditional that YOU never interfere with my fears if I prefer to hold on to them… nor do YOU interfere with my believes… so Unconditional is YOUR LOVE.

Thank YOU Mother and Father GOD for being so patient and Loving to wait for Me to BE again…  ME=ALL.


So here it is Beloved Mother and Father God… this is the letter Humanity wrote for YOU, and mostly for itself. Thank you for your patience and thank You Humanity for bringing forth this Loving Message for Your Real Mother and Father of Creation.


Thank You to YOU=ALL!

I simply LOVE YOU, for I AM LOVE.


Guest (not verified)

Tue, 02/21/2012 - 08:16

Love ya'll so much...some good news possibly.....the NESARA funds being called a different name...BTW Father God for the first time EVER you were in my dreams 2 nights ago.  Before I always saw you in 5D coming to possibly people are more willing and open to accepting the Love that you are....and you were telling Will that someone HAD to be contacted soon...who it was I am not entirely sure....Love and Light!  <3…;


Fri, 08/17/2012 - 12:24

I am in tears.... this definitely came from the heart and spoke directly to me as if it was through me... thank you!

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