Submitted by Lia on Sun, 02/13/2011 - 06:28

ban blow bubble

Children of the Sun Foundation ~ February 13, 2011


Our Birthright as Elohim


  • Prepare for Quantum Raising
  • Elohim are Creator Gods and Builders of Form 
  • Developing Elohim Consciousness
  • Acknowledging our Group Body as Living Crystals
  • 12 Powers of Creation
  • Group Activation and Planetary Service

    Full Moon February 18. See end of mail
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Our Birthright as Elohim  


CODE OF CREATION   www.nyakonakar.com 


Planetary Light Servers... prepare for quantum raising.

We are destined to rise as the tangible points of transmission, focusing in great synergism with the forces of the Elohim. Our mission deepens in co-creation of the rainbow bridge of crystalline purity in which to anchor the new electronic patterns of perfection into physical plane reality.

More of us are needed to quickly shift into a high state of purity in which to give greater blessings of assistance to the people of Earth and all of her kingdoms. This will come, in part, in the form of mass energetic transferences for the planetary transformation. 

Mass Consciousness Re-Birthing

The ascending collective consciousness of Humanity is now re-birthing. In this most positive out picturing of the Divine Plan, monumental flows of energy will be moved in, through and around the world stage triggering flare-ups of heightened e-motion.

There is a natural tendency as one is awakening to withdrawal from or refuse to abide by anything that is controlling from a place of authoritative divisive power. This is exactly what we are witnessing from our family in Egypt.  Think back to what you have gone through yourself as the lights were turned on. Imagine all that you have endured now occurring on a much quickened mass scale.

It is a fact that energy transference through very large group meditation gatherings is of the primary vehicles to catalyze tremendous shifts in mass consciousness. Scientific research has proven the momentous results of this type of activity when done in large numbers.

errthviewChildren of the Sun Foundation is placing much attention upon the bi-monthly Planetary Grid Transmissions in order to concentrate our power of energy transference for the greatest efficiency and effectiveness towards all Humanity. We are especially focusing into those specific geographical areas of the world not currently being accessed by the Crystalline Grid, and areas continuing to experience great strife and suffering.

We are magnifying our calls for Divine Intervention, especially from the family of Elohim, the mighty beings of Creation who are the builders of form. This will assist us in the further construction and amplification of the New Earth crystalline  matrix. This is to insure that the incoming streams of cosmic light may saturate to these areas of suffering to un-trench and liberate the misqualified energy and the existing extremes of polarized nature.  

ELOHIM are Creator Gods and Builders of Form   


ELOHIM, a powerful word d
efining God, identifies the mighty beings of Creation who responded to the invitation of Helios and Vesta, the consciousness of the physical Sun of our Solar System, to help manifest the Divine Idea for the Earth.

The ELOHIM are said to carry the greatest concentration and highest frequency of Creation Light that we can comprehend in this phase of our evolution. Simply put, the Elohim are the Creator Gods of the Universe. They are the "Builders of Form" with ability to transform pure God energy into crystallized structure and formed matter. Their consciousness is expressed through unique geometric formations and arrangements that are repeated at both the microcosmic and macrocosmic levels, ranging from the tiniest molecule to the greatest galaxy.

Included in this family and under supreme direction of the ELOHIM, are the Directors of the Forces of Nature who have authority over all earthly matter, our air, water and activities of fire and light. These beings of nature, in turn, govern the Elemental Kingdom. These include the great devas who magnetize the electronic light substance and transmit encoded patterns of perfection into the physical plane forming the exquisite beauty of nature and organic rhythms of all formed life. All of this activity is under the guidance of the ELOHIM and always in accordance to the universal laws of nature.

The ELOHIM have also created the human pattern and is especially expressed through the elemental substance of our four lower bodies... our physical, emotional, mental and ethereal make-up. In other words, we are ELOHIM in our core essence and are also endowed with the Power of Creation, as builders of form.

As we now advance into greater levels of planetary service, may we especially remember our origin and reclaim birthright as the living light of ELOHIM.

earth draw

Developing ELOHIM Consciousness

It is through the living electronic light of purity that we can truly embody ELOHIM Consciousness and be able to encode the new patterns of perfection upon the Earth. It is the expanded consciousness that is drawn from our electronic pattern of the I AM Presence, our great God Self, as it is integrated into our formed expression and Electronic Ring of influence.

Even though most of us still have a way to go to fully actualize this level of purity,  it is through our heart intention and the quality of our daily focus together with the incoming planetary energy that continues to raise us as the needed Divine Conduits.

As we are ascending in consciousness, the qualification of our calls and sustained attention held upon Divine Intervention makes a dramatic difference in the quickening of planetary unfoldment, no matter where we are on the ascension ladder. Our constant heart felt invocation to the Great Ones for the transfer of their power into our desired manifestations, insures that no error is made.

As the Planetary Light Servers, our service to life is profoundly amplified by living in unity with the evolutionary activity of a greater, more advanced power of Creation. What we will, what we think, speak, feel and act upon brings intimate connection to the ELOHIM and elemental life; all of us serving as the builders of our new blueprint. Our greatest task is to visualize the new patterns and to see the Divine revealed in all aspects of daily life, without waiver.

As we become more deeply attuned to the living forces of nature and as our latent powers continue to awaken, we can more clearly see and unify with the devic forces intelligently. Some we will direct, others we will cooperate and still others we will absolutely follow.  We are destined to again become co-creators and knowledgable co-workers in cooperation with ELOHIM Devic Substance.

It is through our purity, holiness of life and the height of our vibration that we can contact them.

As we are learning to build with the family of ELOHIM we must hold the inspired idea and Divine Vision long enough for it to be intelligently registered and recorded in our brain and entire being. This is why meditation, the powers of perception and illumined contemplation are very necessary as an attitude of life. This will develop the rhythmic ELOHIM power of concentration in which to magnetize, precipitate and manifest our desires.


12 Powers of Creation  


elohim 12 


Following are twelve Powers of Creation to assist us to focus alongside the Elohim and advance into the next level of consciousness as Earth Avatars of energy and form.

These twelve powers can be seen to represent the facets of a diamond. As these Divine Attributes are mastered and embodied, we are then able to express our diamond cells of living light substance and electronic patterns of perfection. We return to our core essence and ability to project streams of creation light as an Elohimic force and builder of form.

Each of these Divine Powers of Creation are now being entrained mentally, emotionally and experientially through the inner realms of our evolving consciousness. The Foundation will also give expansion to these necessary embodiments in follow up communications.

1.    The Power and Presence of Divine Will and Responsibility

2.    The Power and Presence of Perception and Illumined Contemplation

3.    The Power and Presence of Cohesion through Divine Love

4.    The Power and Presence of Electronic Purity

5.    The Power and Presence of Focus and Concentration

6.    The Power and Presence of a Peace Commanding Presence

7.    The Power and Presence of Rhythm and Constancy

8.    The Power and Presence of Divine Grace in Charitable Service

9.    The Power and Presence of Divine Attunement

10.  The Power and Presence of Higher Sphere Harmonic

11.  The Power and Presence of Spiritual Alchemy

12.  The Power and Presence of Magnetization, Precipitation and Manifestation


Acknowledge our Group Body as Living Crystals

We are becoming living points of light within the New Earth crystalline matrix. 

As we continue to make transition from a carbon based to a silica based structure, the greater assimilation and expansion of energy into our physical structure is through conscious awareness of our bodies as a series of synchronous, interacting crystalline structures.

crystalsAs a crystal, we are developing ability to assimilate and convert vibrational energy. Just like the properties of a crystal, we can absorb, reflect, store, focus, transmute, transfer, transform, amplify, balance, stabilize, ground and transmit various type of energetic frequencies.

With a mission focusing upon the Planetary Crystalline Grid, may we acknowledge that the subtle energies of our entire Group Body are becoming more focused and coherent in a manner similar to a laser beam or lightening rod of directed energy.

As our Group Avatar becomes more unified and seamless, our influence in the world becomes quite miraculous.

Friday, February 18, 2011 


peace children arab 

Please Sponsor a Geographical Region for our Grid Focus!  



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This full moon, we will concentrate our Powers of Creation with our family of Elohim, under the guidance of Saint Germain and the Violet Ray. We will also merge our consciousness with the new Consciousness Grid of Life for Planet Earth.


Our mission is to reinforce and amplify the crystalline matrix in  those specific geographical areas that continue to experience great strife and suffering upon our planet. We will join and strengthen the pathways of Divine Light... so that that the incoming streams of Sacred Fire may more greatly liberate the bondage of misqualified energy and the existing extremes of polarized nature. Our powerful nexus of energy will be the cohesive force of love that will further activate the grid connections in these areas so that the higher frequencies of peace, love and goodwill bring  great upliftment to the people, the lands and all life.

We invite all Planetary Light Servers to sponsor a certain geographical region in which to help establish  a stronger pathway of love and light. You  may choose any area upon the earth that remains in great density of consciousness, warring, conflict and suffering.

Your special geo focus will then be  part of a pivotal energy transmission this full moon as we invoke and join the Elohim creation powers of nature.


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