Phoenix Rising Star: The Angel Stargate

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 06/04/2012 - 09:55

Phoenix Rising Star: The Angel Stargate

2012 June 4
Thank You to Steve Beckow

The Angel Stargate

By Phoenix Rising Star, Spirit of Ma’at Magazine, June 2012 Issue


Several years ago, I was invited in my meditations to join a group of like-minded beings to create a parallel planet of Earth.

I don’t think I’m the only person on this planet who has ever had this experience. And obviously not the only one in the universe either.


I think these groups have been going on for some time. And I believe it has been the intention of many individuals and groups to hold this vision of a new planet.


I understand from Drunvalo’s The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Vol. 2, pg. 442, a planet may choose to transition into the next dimension “but it recreates the old dimension in such a way as to complete the old karma and make a smoother transition to the next world. It is rare on a planetary basis, but possible.”


Once a month we would meet in our meditations. There were eleven beings plus our leader. Four from the Earth-as-we-know-it. The others were from different systems. Our leader appeared able to communicate with everyone simultaneously, even though we had different communication methods and languages. We met in a room that looked like a board room.


Our job was to create the intentions for this new planet. We decided to keep it simple.


1. Unconditional love is the prevailing emotion.

2. All beings are higher self driven.


I remember the discussion around the necessity for #2 if we had #1. And we decided that the planet would be more pro-active if #2 was in operation. Feeling unconditional love didn’t necessarily mean the individual is empowered to act or tapped into a higher wisdom.


As we completed our meditations, we sensed the new planet in place. We actually toured it. The colors were very fourth dimensional: higher in vibration, more ethereal, broader in range. The lushness was amazing. Animals moved freely without fear. Plants positively hummed, they were so happy. There was a sense of contentment and harmony I have not experienced elsewhere.

I share this with you because it provides hope and promise for a better place.


And during the rocky times, we need this hope and promise to hang onto.


As I looked at this parallel planet, I had a sense that not everyone from Earth-as-we-know-it will go there. Not everyone can meet those two criteria.


While I felt a brief sadness, I also recognized the free will of each spirit.

We each have the opportunity to move beyond our self-imposed limitations.

We each have choice to change, or not.
To grow, or not.
To make a difference when we’re ready.
There truly are no ‘accidents’ as every opportunity has already been planned by our souls, for our potential growth.
There are no ‘victims’ as that is merely an interpretation of the events in our lives.
Yes, bad things happen.

And doesn’t that speak to the courage each soul has within to create those events for growth and empowerment?

Yes, there are infants and young ones who haven’t yet had a chance to find themselves. And doesn’t that speak to their desire to be here on this planet anyway at this time?

Who are we to decide for everyone what is best for each?
Who are we to say, everyone must come to the parallel planet?
We don’t know each person’s karma or lessons to learn.
Therefore, why should we think we know what is best for each?

So I release the sadness that not all will be traveling there at this time.


I honor the free will of each individual.

To live in unconditional love and to be higher self-driven.

Or not. As each chooses.


While pondering this, I remembered how the group discussed the need for the stargate energies. (See Drunvalo’s Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Vol 2, pg 440). These stargate energies help us go from one area of existence to another.


As I thought about the stargates, I asked the angels for the virtues that would be most in alignment with the parallel planet. Virtues we can use to empower ourselves, to hold the vision for the new parallel planet, and to uphold ourselves in the high frequencies to keep us in that state of love necessary to move to the next dimension in unity consciousness.


They suggested a combination of the Sirian stargate energies and other virtues. I offer these to you also for hope and promise. Your higher self may have other virtues in addition or in place of these. I suggest you check in and see.


Love: unconditional love for all life everywhere
Truth: to be authentic within the self
Beauty: to appreciate our surroundings
Trust: knowing we are where we need to be
Peace: to let go and let God

Harmony: unity with the divine and the divine self or higher self
Reverence: appreciation of all life everywhere

Joy: to live our self-expression
Gratitude: unconditional thankfulness

Wisdom: utilizing the memories of the higher mind
Courage: to do something different

Compassion: to walk in another’s shoes

Twelve. Just like the number of beings in our meditation group.

The angels called this the Angelic Stargate. Utilizing the energies and frequencies to stay centered and move to the next dimension with grace and ease. You can chant them, meditate on them, or pray with them. Find what works for you to incorporate these energies into your daily life and they will help you to move to the next dimension.
As you are ready.
With unconditional love.
And your higher self connection.

May this help you in any way that is for your highest good and healing.

Phoenix R Star

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