The Place to Turn duringLife’s Crossroads The Council of 12 through Selacia

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 06/01/2012 - 12:59

The Place to Turn duringLife’s Crossroads

~ The Council of 12 through Selacia



The Council of 12 this month focuses on the benefits of con- necting more with our hearts. I asked the Council to address how to live more from the heart in these chaotic times.


They speak about the heart’s wisdom and how to access it.

As you reflect on their words, consider the benefits of becoming more aware of cycles of the Moon, the planet that governs the natural world as well as our emotions, instincts, intuition and unconscious.


The Moon is related to water, the element often described as being fur- thest from the rational realm. The Moon can be a key to under- standing our sensitive, feeling nature.

There is a tendency to discount the impact of the Moon, even though researchers have shown that the Moon does indeed affect plant growth, the tides and human experience.


When we have a full moon, the Earth’s tides are generally higher than at other times of the month, and many people feel stronger emotions and have more intense experiences. New moons, on the other hand, are associated with feelings of lower energy and less enthusiasm. Tapping lunar energy can assist in utilizing the heart’s wisdom for more positive experiences.


When we have a NEW’s an opportunity to focus on the natural cycle of beginnings and endings.


To do this, remember that astrologically it’s helpful to begin new projects on the new moon so they can blossom as the Moon “grows” in fullness. A new project can be anything from a new relationship, the start of a more heart-cen- tered way of relating in a current relationship or an intention to be less self-destructive and more loving of self in a key area of life.


A new moon is also an ideal time to go within and listen to the messages from the heart. It’s possible to have an increase in your intuitive abilities and dreams during the time of the new Moon. Be aware of this and take note of what shows up. If you honor the natural cycles of nature—in this case the new moon correlat- ing with retreat from the outer world and the need to rest—you can recharge your batteries and receive useful intuitive guidance about the next steps.


Likewise, when we have a FULL MOON... it’s an opportunity to tap in to potency, expansion and more intense feelings.


In general, projects put into motion in the new moon cycle receive an extra boost of energy during the full moon.


Full moons are also known for illu- minating issues that were previously hidden from view. It can be helpful on a full moon, therefore, to focus on expanding and mani- festing your dreams for a more positive present and future. The full moon can be a time of increased intuitive insights and a greater tan- gible connection with Spirit. For this reason, meditation and guided inner journeying can be very beneficial during the full moon.


Life’s crossroads have a way of getting your attention. What you thought was working out or fulfilling you in some way can turn out to be a dead end or a source of pain.

The path leading up to the crossroads no doubt looked much different. Initially you were inspired to do, have or be something in the world. You felt enthusiastic about this thing, and you were determined to manifest it into being.


Consider times when you sought after, created and nur- tured a new relationship, a prized job, a career promotion or increased usage of your intuitive gifts. With focused mind- ful attention and purposeful action, you took steps that brought your desire into the world of concrete form. When the new love interest or work situation began to materialize, your mind most likely performed a barometer check, com- paring your new manifestation with your initial dream. Chances are, at least some of the time, your mental barom- eter check indicated you were successful. If it was a new relationship, for example, the romance was blossoming and you felt ten feet tall much of the time. If it was a career pro- motion, you were likely buoyed by the extra attention, perks and financial gain.



It’s common human training to want positive experiences to last, to despise bumps in the road and to become dismayed when the situation changes into something that seems less positive. Disappointment turns into a crossroads when you realize that your initial dream isn’t working out as hoped and that choices must be made. You are making a choice even if you decide to stay in your current unhappy situation without taking action. You are in a crossroads even if you don’t recognize it as such.


Crossroads is not a four-letter word. A crossroads is about change. It represents the need to choose between two or more options.

The key to weathering life’s crossroads is remem-bering to turn to your heart for guidance. Your heart won’t lie.

It will tell you exactly what you need to know about the turn of events, and it will help you to adjust your course.


The wis- dom of your heart will connect you to your true source of power. Your heart intuitively knows what you need.
Your heart’s reference point is love. When you access this knowing deep within your heart, you have all the power needed to express your divine purpose in the world.


Your heart has no need for fear and no need to control outcomes. It does not judge. It does not resist.



Your conditioned mind, on the other hand, might convince you of some wrongdoing that needs correcting or persuade you to acquire something you seemingly lack.

Your mind typically will respond with resistance when you encounter things you dis- like.

This resistance sets up an energy of conflict within you and delays your shift into a more positive experience.


If you listen carefully to your self-talk during a crossroads, you might hear commentary that sounds like this:
“If only my partner hadn’t changed—or could change—his or her ways.” “If I were thinner or more attractive, my partner would remain as interested as before.” “I was doing great in the new position until the company brought in a new supervisor who blocks me at every turn. It seems like the new boss doesn’t like me, and at times I feel like I’m invisible. I must figure out how to get noticed in a positive way.” “Even with the promotion at work, I still can’t make ends meet. I think I’ll go back to school to get another degree.” “I just turned fifty and I am running out of time to make my mark in the world. I feel unfulfilled. Most everyone in my circle of friends has been a success at something, but it seems as though I always fall short. I need to make connections with some powerful people who will help turn my luck around.”


At the root of all such self-talk is a mind that seeks to con- trol, manipulate or make things happen. These responses are based on fear.

The difficulty for most people, especially in Western cultures that glorify the mind, is a short-term linear perspective that overshadows a person’s innate knowing of the larger infinite picture.


When life’s journey is seen by the mind as a series of short-term wins, each victory can appear much larger than it actually is. Successes, rather than being a joyful energy one can bask in before journeying to the next adventure, instead become more like a notch on the belt. There is a pride- ful attachment to such success and great difficulty in letting go.



In these times of accelerated energy and unprecedented change, connecting with your heart is vital. The old ways of coping with stress and confusion—involving mentalizing, strategizing and looking to the outside world for answers—will not get you to a place of peacefulness. These are new times.


To achieve more balance and harmony in the midst of today’s chaos will require a firm heart connection. When you come from this heart-focused space, you can learn to connect with your heart’s infinite wisdom.


In order to be in your heart and to come from your heart as you experience life, you first of all must be GROUNDED and PRESENT IN YOUR BODY. If you are feeling disoriented or unable to focus your thoughts, you probably need to be more grounded.


There are many methods of doing this. One way is to get in touch with your breath and with the feeling of your feet on the ground, connected to the Earth.

It can be helpful to eat something nutritious or to drink some purified water too. Tune in to your body for any messages it offers.

Pay attention to your feelings. Spend a few moments focusing on this grounded connection several times a day. Do it even if you think you are already grounded.

This will help you to get and stay more present in the moment and will help you to focus intuitively from your heart, rather than from fear-based thoughts in your conditioned mind.



It can be useful to regularly run through the following check- list in order to be more connected to your heart in everyday life. Allow your intuitively guided reason to show you the answers to each of the following:


• Am I fully grounded in my body?


• When others are speaking, am I able to focus on what they are saying and let go of my own thoughts?

• When I am speaking to others, are my words expressed without judgment?

• When I interact with others, do I let go of the need to receive their approval?

• When I am considering an important decision and get an uneasy feeling about saying yes, do I honor my intuitive know- ing?

• When I am under stress, am I able to let go of worry and find something to feel grateful for?

• When I feel angry or hurt, do I pause long enough before acting to get in touch with how I am feeling and acknowledge the feelings?

• Am I able to keep my focus on the present, letting go of the human tendency to obsess about the hurts of the past and worry about or plan for the future?

• When I receive bad news of a personal nature, do I let go of the temptation to act on it before I’ve checked with my heart and my own intuitive guidance?


• When I hear bad news broadcast in the media, do I avoid responding in fear and turn inward to seek my heart’s wisdom?

To the extent that you can truthfully answer yes to these questions, you will have a validation of how much you are connecting with your heart.


If you answer no to any of these questions, ask your higher self to show you what needs to shift within you so that the answer becomes yes.


Ask to be shown how your thinking and belief systems prevent you from fully accessing the wisdom of your heart.

Ask for help in developing more patience, acceptance and self-love.

After inquiring about your personal transformation and asking for divine intervention, remember to let go of the need for an immediate fix.


Go gently with yourself. Trust that Spirit is working with you, even if you can’t see the results yet.

As you continue the journey of rediscovering your divine nature, we surround you with our love and blessings. We are the Council of 12. ✺

Selacia: The Council of 12, Life’s Crossroads 15

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