Submitted by Lia on Sat, 01/15/2011 - 08:42

What do you thtink?


Planet X

Dear friends

Like me, you may have heard about Planet X in the past and didn't know what to
think. I have read several Web sites on the subject and still did not know
what to think about this seemingly bizarre claim.

In his February Last Call Gospel Ministry newsletter, Pastor F.M. Riley gives
us an excellent summary of what he has found and his opinions on the subject.
I pass this on for your information.
"Official" sources say there is no such thing. Decide for yourself.



We first broke the news about Planet X in the August, 2002 issue of our
newsletter. In our January, 2003 issue we gave our readers an update on Planet
X. Due to the many inquiries we have received, in this issue I want to again
review the subject and update the information we have about Planet X.


Planet X is a planet that the ancient Sumerians referred to as "Nibiru." This
ancient Sumerian word literally means "Planet Of The Crossing." The Sumerians
gave it this name because every 3,630 years Planet X crosses Earth's orbit.
The Sumerians counted it as the twelth planet in our solar system because they
regarded both the Sun and Moon as planets. However, modern astronomers have
dubbed it as Planet X, meaning that it is the tenth planet in our solar
system, the "X" standing for "ten." Planet X has a highly elliptical orbit,
rather than the usual circular orbit, more resembling the orbit of a comet
than of a planet. It's orbit carries it far out into space, far beyond our
known solar system, but then every 3,630 years it returns to the inner solar
system and crosses the orbit of Earth.

Planet X is a humongous, giant planet over five times larger than Earth, and
having over 100 times the mass of Earth. It has a magnetic core that is so
powerful that it clashes with the electromagnetic fields of other planets in
the solar system. It was because of this electromagnetic disturbance of other
planets that astronomers in recent times figured out that there had to be
another huge heavenly body in the outer reaches of the solar system. The
search for this unknown heavenly body began over 400 years ago. There is a
great amount of literature available on the subject for those who want to
research it.

Astronomers finally discovered Planet X in 1982. It was in that year that NASA
acknowledged the existence of it. A year later (1983) IRAS (Infrared
Astronomical Satellite) actually spotted a large mysterious object in the
depths of space. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory also acknowledged its
existence. News items about its discovery were printed in the Washington Post
and the New York Times. But shortly after these public announcements the great
coverup began.


After the discovery of Planet X in 1982, astronomers began to study it
seriously. They soon discovered that it was inbound, headed towards the inner
solar system again. It was determined that it would cause massive earthquakes,
volcanoes, tidal waves, the melting or shifting of the polar ice caps, sudden
fluctuations in temperature and climatic conditions, and probably a shift in
the polar axis of Earth. This information was passed on to the political
leaders in our government, and presumably the political leaders of other
nations. After some consultation, it was decided that if the news about Planet
X and the worldwide disaster that it is expected to cause was released to the
public, the public would react in fear, hysteria, panic, and anarchy. The
result would be the total collapse of the world economy. Wicked men will
protect their precious dollars at any cost, counting them of more value than
the lives of their fellow human beings. So, a decision was made to suppress
all information about Planet X, classifying it as "Super Top Secret." Yet, in
the years since 1982-83, NASA and other agencies have continued to diligently
study Planet X, accumulating a vast amount of information about it. In spite
of the best efforts of astronomical and political leaders, working in
collusion to suppress all information about Planet X, there have been leaks.

It is now known that the Hubble Space Telescope has been repeatedly used to
observe Planet X, but all information obtained by it has been hidden from the
public. Only a select few top scientists and government officials have been
allowed to view the photographs of Planet X picked up by Hubble. It has also
been revealed that the Hubble telescope is equipped with special technological
equipment that prevents any interception of its signals by anyone other than
NASA. Since it is only taking pictures of things in the heavens, why is it so
important that only NASA receive those pictures? Do they have something to
hide? They sure think they do!

It has also been revealed that since 1982-83 the government has quietly
financed and built eight new observatories, equipping them with the most
advanced technological equipment available, for the specific purpose of
studying Planet X. These observatories are in various locations around the
U.S., with two of them being in New Mexico. But the public was never told
about these observatories being built with their tax dollars. Why?


During the twenty-two years since the discovery of Planet X, the governments
of the wealthy industrial nations of the world have quietly built vast
underground complexes (bunkers) capable of housing thousands of people. These
bunkers are intended to guarantee the survival of certain wealthy political
leaders, ultra-rich bankers, corporate heads, etc., and others deemed
necessary for their survival and pleasure. These bunkers have been stocked
with enough food, water, clothing, medicine, and technological equipment to
guarantee the survival of the occupants for several years. Those "selected" to
use the bunkers have also placed various treasures in them (art; money;
automobiles; alcohol; etc.) in order to preserve these things for their future
use. At the proper time these "special" people plan to enter their secret,
reinforced, earthquake proof bunkers, where they expect to "ride out" the
devastation caused by Planet X, emerging only after the chaos and danger is

But what about the masses of people on Earth who have no bunkers? Too bad! So
sad! The ultra-rich political and financial leaders of the world could care
less about the survival of the "common man." The only important thing to them
is that they survive. They are the "nobles." They must survive in order to
rebuild a "New World Order" and rule over whatever "peons" may survive the
devastation caused by Planet X. Sic!

BUT GOD.....

As I read these various reports now coming in, I have been made to marvel at
the absolute accuracy of God's inspired Word. There is no question that the
coming of Planet X is going to cause Earth to tremble and shake like it has
never been shaken previously in human history, Haggai 26-7; Matthew 2421;
Hebrews 1226-27; Revelation 1618.

Now read Isaiah 210-22, noting especially verses 19-21.
"And they shall go into the holes of the rocks, and into the caves of the
earth, for fear of the Lord, and for the glory of His majesty, when He ariseth
to shake terribly the earth. In that day a man shall cast his idols of silver,
and his idols of gold, which they made each one for himself to worship, to the
moles and to the bats; To go into the clefts of the rocks, and into the tops
of the ragged rocks, for fear of the Lord, and for the glory of His majesty,
when He ariseth to shake terribly the earth."

And when this happens to these wicked men, "He that sitteth in the heavens
shall laugh the Lord shall have them in derision," Psalm 24. See also Psalm
591-8 and Proverbs 122-31.

All of these grandiose plans being made by those who consider themselves the
"elite" of humanity, are going to come to naught. Not only does Isaiah 2 tell
us that their treasures will be left "to the moles and to the bats," but James
51-3 tells us that their "gold and silver" will become "cankered" and will
"rust." Glory to God! Folks, these vast underground bunkers that the wicked
ultra-rich of the earth have built, may very well become their tombs. There is
no way to guarantee that the entrances of these bunkers will not be buried
deep beneath the earth, sealed forever by the terrible earthquakes that are
going to occur with the coming of Planet X. Neither is there any way to
guarantee that the areas of the earth where these bunkers are located won't
sink beneath the seas in the coming devastation, carrying their occupants to a
watery grave. Someone once wrote, The best laid plans of mice and men often
come to naught." This is precisely why Isaiah 222 warns, "Cease ye from man,
whose breath is in his nostrils for wherein is he to be accounted of?"

Folks, the only security for anyone in view of the coming of Planet X, is to
know the Lord Jesus Christ in a personal, saving relationship. Sometime before
Planet X (or some other heavenly body) devastates Earth, the Lord will remove
His people "from this present evil world," Galatians 13-4. Read again 1
Thessalonians 413-18, and this time believe it. Are you ready?


Is the information we are reporting about Planet X reliable? Is Earth really
going to be devastated when Planet X (or some other heavenly body) comes
flying past? Where am I getting my information? These are questions that every
reader has a right to ask, and they deserve to be answered. Read on!

In our January newsletter I mentioned that some 70 websites (or more) are
dispensing information about Planet X. Our readers can check these websites
out for themselves. In the "Search" area of your computer, just type in the
words "Planet X," then click "Go" and it will bring up several sites. Take
your choice or investigate them all.

Warning.....Some of the sites carrying information about Planet X are
promoting the New Age movement, Humanism, various cults, Occultism, etc. They
are taking advantage of the coming of Planet X to promote their own deceptive
agenda. There is also a website called "Zeta" that should be avoided. It
appears to be a front for government propaganda, and is dispensing a lot of
disinformation, trying to make the whole subject of Planet X look like a three
ring circus. Beware!

On the other hand, there are websites that are reliable, responsible, and
dedicated to informing the public about the coming of Planet X and the danger
it poses for all mankind.

I have received much of my information about Planet X from reports issued by
Dr. James McCanney. Dr. McCanney is an Astrophysicist that is known and
respected in the scientific community throughout the world. He graduated from
St. Mary's University in 1970 with a double degree in Physics and Mathematics.
He obtained his Masters Degree from Tulane University in 1973 in Nuclear and
Solid State Physics. In 1979 he joined the faculty of Cornell University as an
instructor in Physics. For several years he served in a consulting capacity to
NASA. He also provided copies of his scientific publications dealing with "the
electrical nature of the cosmos" to fellow scientists connected with the
Russian government. A number of his studies on planetary electromagnetism have
been published in scientific journals around the world. He has written at
least one book (probably more) that I am aware of on the subject of "The
Electromagnetic Componet Of The Solar System." He has also written a 60 page
manual for the public on how to prepare for the coming of Planet X. Dr.
McCanney has known about the coming of Planet X for several years, but while
he was obligated to NASA and other government funded institutions, he was
sworn to absolute secrecy. Dr. McCanney no longer has any ties to NASA or
other government agencies, and he is now "blowing the whistle" on the
government coverup. As far as I know Dr. McCanney is not a Christian. He does
not appear to write from a Christian perspective. Yet he is so concerned about
the danger to the public, that he has a daily radio broadcast and a website
dispensing information about Planet X. I don't know where a person could be
found that is more knowledgeable, qualified, and reliable, to speak about
Planet X than Dr. James McCanney. Those who choose to ignore his warnings will
do so to their own hurt.

I also receive information from Mark Hazlewood, author of "Blindsided," a book
about the coming of Planet X. Mr. Hazlewood keeps up with Planet X on a daily
basis, and is in contact with other Planet X researchers. His information has
proven to be highly reliable.

There are other websites that also carry reliable information on Planet X. The
sources mentioned here should be sufficient to convince our readers that
Planet X is not just a figment of my overactive imagination. Planet X is real!
Its coming is being predicted by some of the top scientific minds living
today. The effects of it will soon be knocking at your door. Are you ready?


According to the Astronomers, Astrophysicists, Cosmologists, Geologists,
Meteorologists, and various others scientists that are seriously studying the
coming of Planet X.....

The Sun.....Planet X is already having a tremendous effect on the Sun.
Astronomers and scientists began keeping a record of solar flares
(explosions...Coronal Mass Ejections) on the Sun in the 1700's. Over a period
of time it became obvious that solar flares reach a maximum every eleven
years. Once the peak is reached, then solar flares decline for approximately
five and a half years.
The the next five and a half years they increase until they peak again in the
eleventh year. This eleven year cycle has been going on ever since men of
science began keeping records of their observations. But something has

The last eleven year peak was reached in 2000. After 2000 scientists fully
expected solar flares to decline, just as they always have done in the past.
But they didn't! Instead, they have steadily increased in both frequency and
intensity. The largest solar flares ever recorded have occurred since the
eleven year peak in 2000.

What is happening?

Dr. McCanney and other Planet X researchers are convinced that the increase in
solar activity is due to the electromagnetic field of Planet X interacting
with the electromagnetic field of the Sun. As Planet X comes closer, it is
expected that solar flares on the Sun will continue to increase in frequency
and intensity. Many centuries ago, God inspired the prophet Isaiah to write,
"Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the
light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day
that the Lord bindeth up the breach of His people, and healeth the stroke of
their wound," Isaiah 3026.

It is an established fact that the Moon has no light of its own, but is rather
a reflector of the light of the Sun. But the Sun only gives off light
according to the amount of heat being produced by its nuclear fusion
electromagnetic generator. Therefore, when the light reflected by the Moon
becomes as bright as the light of the Sun is today, and the light of the Sun
increases sevenfold, consider the "heat" effect it will have on Earth and its
inhabitants. Read Revelation 87 and 168-9 and believe.

The Earth.....Planet X is also already effecting the Earth. The effects of it
were recognized by planetary scientists as far back as 1995. Its magnetic
field had probably began to effect Earth even earlier. Remember "El Nino" and
the 500 year floods of 1993? Weather patterns have changed dramatically,
producing "strange" weather. Climatic conditions are changing. The polar ice
caps and mountain glaciers are melting. It has been revealed that in 1995 a
worldwide "disinformation" campaign was launched by government "insiders,"
blaming the strange weather patterns on "Global Warming." But a number of
highly respected scientists, who were not in on the "coverup," rejected
totally the theory of "global warming." Rather, they [rightly] pointed out
that the polar ice caps and mountain glaciers are melting from underneath, not
from the surface. Why?

Due to the approach of Planet X, solar flares are increasing on the Sun. The
Sun is ejecting massive amounts of electromagnetic energy into space. Some of
this electromagnetic energy is being attracted and absorbed by Earth's
magnetic core, causing the molten iron core of Earth to heat up. The increased
heat from Earth's core is filtering through the mantle of Earth to the
surface, causing the melting of the ice caps and glaciers from beneath. There
is no "global warming" being caused by household sprays and fossil fuels, and
never has been. Such a claim is disinformation put out by those involved in
the coverup. A recent news release revealed that there is now somewhere
between 20 and 200 feet of water under the polar ice caps. This amount of
water under the ice caps serves as a lubricant, and in the event of a major
earthquake and polar shift, could cause the ice caps to suddenly slide into
the ocean. When that happens, it will cause massive tidal waves that will wash
over whole continents.

In Psalm 462-3 we read, "Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be
removed [out of orbit], and though the mountains be carried into the midst of
the sea; Though the waters thereof roar [Luke 2125] and be troubled, though
the mountains shake with the swelling thereof."

In Amos 56-8 Israel is urged to "Seek Him that maketh the seven stars and
Orion, and turneth the shadow of death into the morning, and maketh the day
dark with night that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out
upon the face of the earth the Lord is His name." This is repeated a second
time in Amos 96. It clearly predicts that tidal waves are going to sweep
across the continents, or parts of them, during the coming Tribulation. Read
also Habakkuk 310, carefully noticing the context. Are you beginning to see
the picture? Are you getting the message?

The Solar System.....Psalm 10225-26 distinctly states that "the heavens" and
"the earth" are going to be "changed." This is exactly what planetary
scientists are predicting is going to happen as Planet X passes through the
solar system. Planet X is not alone! It has its own moons orbiting it and a
long tail behind it that stretches out millions of miles across space. Because
of the tremendous size of Planet X, the force of its electromagnetic field,
and the huge amount and long trail of space debris that is accompanying it,
Dr. McCanney and other planetary scientists are expecting it to cause great
destruction and "change" as it passes through our solar system. Isn't this
exactly what Psalm 10225-26 predicts? You know it is!

Isaiah 516 also predicts that "the heavens shall vanish away like smoke." When
Planet X comes flying through our solar system, it will pass between Earth and
Mercury, passing closer to Mercury than Earth. Mercury is a very small planet.
Because of the tremendous size of Planet X and the power of its magnetic core,
planetary scientists are expecting Mercury to literally explode, and the
debris of it to be drawn into the tail of Planet X. Just as the Scripture
says, Mercury is expected to "vanish away like smoke." This same thing may
also happen to one or more of the other planets in the solar system, depending
on how close they are drawn to Planet X as it passes.

The Coming.....Planet X is coming into our solar system from almost directly
beneath the south pole of Earth. This position is considered a "blind spot" by
astronomers. This explains why Planet X is not already visible in the night
sky. But very shortly it will rise high enough in the sky, from our
perspective on Earth, to become visible. It can already be seen by the huge
telescopes in various observatories around the world. It is expected that by
March 15th it will be visible to amateur astronomers using good telescopes or
powerful binoculars. Then approximately 45 to 60 days in advance of its
passing Earth, it will become visible in the night sky to anyone who wants to
look. This will be approximately April 1st, and it could appear even sooner.

The Passing And Aftermath.....As I write I have before me a detailed
scientific sky map, drawn to scale, showing the exact route that Planet X is
expected to take as it passes through the solar system. According to this map,
Dr. McCanney and other planetary scientists believe that Planet X will pass
between Earth and Mercury on May 15-16. However, because of the magnetic
forces at work between Planet X and other heavenly bodies, the speed and
trajectory of Planet X varies slightly. It is possible that its arrival could
be delayed until sometime in June, although that is not expected to happen.

Approximately four days after Planet X passes between Earth and Mercury, it
will then "cross over" the orbit of the Earth [the orbit Earth follows as it
revolves around the Sun]. This should occur approximately May 20-21. But it
will take Earth another fifteen days to reach the same point in space. This
means that Earth will reach that intersection about June 5-6. At that time
Earth will plow headlong into the trail of debris stretching out behind Planet
X. Because this trail of debris stretches out across space for millions of
miles, Earth will pass through the tail of Planet X every year for
approximately the next seven years. Hello! Is God's Word precise or not? Glory
to God!

The Dates.....I want our readers to carefully note the dates being predicted
by planetary scientists who are studying Planet X.
May 15-16 is the date of Israel's 55th birthday as a nation. On that date 55
years ago, May 15, 1948 [Jewish reckoning], Israel became a nation again. God
must have taken notice, for on May 16th there will be a spectular eclipse of
the full moon; "a blood moon." Coincidence? Hardly!

June 5-6, the date that Earth is expected to plow into the tail of Planet X,
is the 36th anniversary of the Six Day War of 1967. Didn't God say He would
"avenge" the blood of His people, Israel, on the Gentiles? "For I will cleanse
[avenge] their blood that I have not cleansed [avenged] for the Lord dwelleth
in Zion," Joel 220-21. Glory! Give praise to the Lord!

Conclusions.....Folks, it ought to be clear to any honest Bible student that
the Lord is going to use Planet X (or some other heavenly body) to fulfill
many of the Tribulation prophecies. But before the Tribulation begins, He who
is "faithful" is going to keep His promises to His people, and remove them
[rapture] from "this present evil world," Galatians 14; John 143; 1
Thessalonians 413-18; 59; Revelation 310. The rapture of God's people is at
hand! Praise the Lord!

In view of the coming of Planet X, and how it harmonizes with the prophetic
Scriptures, I personally feel that the Lord is going to begin the 70th Week of
Daniel, Daniel 927, right where the 69th week terminated, allowing for the
intervening Dispensation of Grace. The 69th week of Daniel's prophecy (483
years) ended at sundown, Abib 10, 31 A.D. See Luke 1928-44. It now appears
that the Lord will begin the 70th week of Daniel (7 years) on Abib 11, 2003
[April 12th], 2000 prophetic years from the time the 69th week ended. Then
some thirty days later Planet X will come flying past Earth, literally
fulfilling 2 Peter 310, Isaiah 136, and Joel 115. Are you ready?



The preceding Bible study was written by Pastor F. M. Riley, director of the

Last Call Gospel Ministry, 3201 N. Kentucky #57, Roswell, NM 88201. It was
originally printed in our February issue newsletter, one of a series of three
newsletters dealing with Planet X. Anyone desiring to receive our newsletters
or Bible Studies can contact us at the above address, or at
via email. There is no charge for our newsletter or
Bible Studies. We depend strictly on the Lord to touch the hearts of those He
wants to help us with this ministry. May God bless every reader.

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