~The Planetary Grid Transmissions~ Full Moon Friday, July 15

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 07/15/2011 - 12:36

Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation  

~The Planetary Grid Transmissions~

Full Moon Friday, July 15



 With unified meditation, receiving and transmitting

during 4 synchronized times:  


Sydney, Australia: 8 pm

Country of India: 8 pm

 Paris, France: 8 pm

New York, USA: 9 pm


Time Conversions Here

Program Details

  MP3 Support

for Grid Transmissions on July 15     

Documentary: Water, the Great Mystery   


 This Full Moon Friday
and the Planetary Grid Transmissions




Blessings, dear Light Team!

Just when we begin to feel ourselves relaxing after six weeks of intense Solstice and Eclipse energies... just when the crucifying frequencies of the Cardinal Grand Cross begin to soften... here comes another powerful Full Moon and a major emotional purification!

Uranus went retrograde on July 10th, sounding the call for the revelation of the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth. In Truth there is no judgment or fear; only opening our eyes and hearts to truly see and feel. As Uranus breaks through the smoke screen, humanity must face an endless soup of emotions to cleanse and transmute; clearing back to the dawn of known history. 

According to the Mayan elders, we are moving from the age of living in the intellect to 5000 years of living in the heart, so it is of the utmost importance to transend the imprints of duality upon our emotional bodies.

On this Full Moon, we come together for our final focus in this series of transformational initiations and planetary service by calling upon the element of water to wash the residue of false religious and spiritual programming from the emotional body.  In prepartation for this most crucial task, please take the time, dear Family, to commune with the Spirit of Water and ask in what way you might prepare and purify yourself.

May the Holy Waters of life bless you, dear Children of the Sun,

in our service to life!

gold heart 50




 This Full Moon Friday
and the Planetary Grid Transmissions


Our Focus:       

  • We call for the waters to purify the deluge of spiritual delusion.   
  • We call for the erasure of memory and an emotional body flush of all false religious and spiritual programming.
  • We wield Sacred Fire to religions, religious institutions and the controlling elitist factions of influence.     

Article Focus: Imitation Spirituality





July 15 Grid Transmission



May the forces of the Living Waters of the Living God be loosed upon all Children of Light. Let them wash over us inside and out. May we adorn the Robe of Light of the I AM Presence. Let the heart of Oneness and the heart of the One descend into our being.



  Baptism of Water and Light

~ A Ceremonial Prayer ~ 


Mother Father God, 


Make us now into a part of Your Transforming Light, that we may  help accomplish Your Purpose here on Earth and inherit Your Kingdom. Let the gate be opened.
Should there be anything missing or deficient; supplement it from Your Treasury which is lacking in nothing. May there be healing, victory, soundness, well being, and cleansing, preparing the body for ascension.


Let there be joy of heart and letting go of all that is keeping us in bondage to this density. We have sought day and night for the Light You are. Finding that Light, we approach You now for purification.


Through these waters flow the power to cleanse, purify and make us whole. From You, Living Water is received, Your Breath and Fire, Your Spirit and Gnosis given to us through Christ Consciousness, the Platinum Ray. May this Living Water purify us with  the Living Light and Sacred Fire as we come to our inner connection with Divine Self.


We come offering our self, knowing that otherwise there can be no redemption. To you, our Highest Self,  we offer and sacrifice  all that we are, body, mind, and soul. Please accept this humble offering and bless us with purification that we may be forever joined to You. 


We acknowledge that living a harmless, compassionate life is the Law, and calls to witness that we shall henceforth and forever respect all living things. We  shall not purposely harm, abuse, kill, or eat innocent creatures of the earth, water, or sky.   We understand that, through You, O Lord, we are them and they are us.


In prayer and cleansing, we come into your Holy Presence, discovering that which we are willing  to change. Heal us and make us pure. Feeling the pain, as did Christ, of the Earthly Mother and Heavenly Father, the pain of the lost, we cry out to You from our wilderness.


The water is a living garment. We understand it is necessary to put on this Garment of Light. As we are touched by the Water,  we become Light.  We receive the Seal of Life, to wear Your Name forever engraved upon our forehead, sealed, guarded and protected; forever Yours and forever changed.


We thank you for this indescribable blessing you are about to bestow upon all Children of Light.


In the name of the Christed Consciousness,

we pray.






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