Submitted by Lia on Sun, 05/15/2011 - 06:04


Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation  

The Planetary Grid Transmissions

Full Moon Tuesday, May 17 

 With unified meditation, receiving and transmitting

during 4 synchronized times:  

Sydney, Australia: 8 pm

Country of India: 8 pm

 Paris, France: 8 pm

New York, USA: 9 pm

Time Conversions Here

Program Details



Ways to Participate in Grid Transmissions   

  • In the meditative silence of being
  • To receive energy/information for personal support 
  • To transmit energy/information to someone or a situation 
  • To participate in group activation  
  • In planetary service


Examples of How to use the Grid  

  • To send love and healing energy to others
  • To instantly connect with other individuals and groups
  • To assist with personal and planetary transformation
  • To activate latent coding
  • To access the universal language of light
  • To develop and transmit telepathic communication
  • To link the world into unity consciousness
  • To develop skills in expanded consciousness
  • To communicate more easily with other dimensional light intelligences
  • To use as an entry and exit point for interdimensional travel
  • To embody absolute knowing

 Read here... the Grid, Purpose, Program, How To's  


Join the Light Transmission Team 

Join as a GEO Team 

To all Grid Participants,
Children of the Sun Light Transmitters and GEO Teams....


We hope you like roller coasters because this is exactly what the energies of this upcoming Full Moon are feeling like!  Frequencies are shifting so quickly that by the time we think we have our destined course of action figured out...surprise!  It has all upgraded and shifted again!
The May Full Moon coincides with the sacred festival of the Wesak.  Taking place on the inner planes, this is a time when the Ascended Masters, particularly Buddha and the Christ, bestow transformational cosmic energies upon Planet Earth.  Due to this annual blessing, great expansion of consciousness is possible during this Moon.  How perfect that, now, not only are our divine Christed blueprints downloading to fully integrate 5D energies into our physical bodies, but we Children of the Sun have been gifted with our Group Forcefield Atomic Acceleration!  We are so Blessed!
All around us we see the purging and cleansing of Mother Earth!  We are seeing the powerful forces of Elementals changing the landscape of our planet daily now as people are being displaced by earth, air, fire and water. 
As we enter the days of the great unknown, all that we truly do know and understand is our bonds of Love for Planetary Service and our Love of the Light.  As Children of the Sun, our call for active duty has been sounded and we see that we can only stand against the forces of duality if we focus in unity as One Group Forcefield.  Saint Germain has given us the tools and now it is up to us to ease the discord, sooth the stress and hold the energies of upliftment and shift for the birthing of the New Earth.  Are you ready, Team?
Let's make full use of the high frequency energies of this Full Moon and our divinely dispensated Group Activation to charge ourselves with the Electronic Christed Resonance, allowing our blueprints of perfection to anchor our I AM Presence firmly and forever within our physical garments, here and now!  And, as we connect on the Crystalline Grid and transmit planetary healing this moon, we serve together as one heart, one soul....the perfected embodiment of the Children of the Sun Group Avatar under the Maltese Cross.
May you lives be truly blessed as your self-less service is applauded in the Heavens! 

We are so grateful!      


gold heart 50 


Atomic Acceleration!  



It cannot be emphasized enough how very powerful this activation will be for everyone who is ready and who consider it as a very serious unfoldment to a much greater morpho-genetic transfiguration process. We always receive according to our personal readiness and highest good in the now moment. It is the God Self that is conducting the activity. 


The Planetary Grid Transmissions


Full Moon ~ Tuesday ~ May 17 


Tube Torus Transfiguration Chamber

and our Group Forcefield's Maltese Cross Accelerator  

design by nyakonakar.com  




Group Forcefield Atomic Acceleration

 supported with 

    Mp3 Audio 


This is the "Group Atomic Accelerator" Activation for Planetary Light Servers taking place within the New Earth Crystalline Matrix during the Planetary Grid Transmissions.


The frequential motion of the Tube Torus is the geometrical container that will be used to generate a high frequency, transforming vortex of energy. Through the vibration of the toroidal geometry, an intentional magnetic field is created to magnetize vast amounts of transforming heat and light.


Through influence of the Platinum Cosmic Light, spontaneous transformation will be created through the field of Zero Point awareness, bringing fusion and synthesis to our energy bodies and re-polarizing our electrical system, energy bodies and atomic structure.


As we command the release of discordant substance within our own polarized atoms, the Torus Tube vortex circulates the electronic particles "inside out" in a continuous flow back into itself. Each electron that is released from us is instantly passed through the action of the Violet Flames. In this atomic acceleration, our electrons are in a recycling action of release, cleansing, re-qualification and recirculation... to achieve spontaneous transformation.


Supporting information:


Increasing our Electron Spin  


Full article here 

Discordant thoughts and feelings traumatically affect the ratio and speed of the electrons revolving around the atom. From our held perceptions in polarity, everything slows down and accumulation of density builds between the central core and the electrons, preventing free movement and desired luminous expression of the electronic life.

In the transformation process that we each are enduring, each tiny electron moving around the atomic core, and all of the spaces in between, is calling out to be loosed from their adhered existence. The density dis-ease prevailing inside our atomic orbits, as a result of eons of distorted imprinting and implanted programming, must being thoroughly cleansed and healed. Until those electrons are set free and re-qualified, the atomic form cannot be raised. (ascend)


Universal electronic light substance is ours to consciously qualify or re-qualify without limit. As God beings in the flesh, we can directly command the activity of every electron and atom in our four lower bodies (physical, emotional, mental, etheric) to greater levels of acceleration. 


These atoms and electrons are most eager to evolve and are greatly magnetized to thoughts and feelings which direct their return home!     


Almighty I AM, Almighty I AM, Almighty I AM

gold heart 50




Healing, Clearing, Alignment 

Tuesday, May 17 



  • High Frequency Light Transmissions through the planetary Crystalline Grid,  also referred to as the Universal Matrix of Divine Union.
  • This energy works with your specific soul inspired intentions for personal healing and transformation as this is aligned to your highest good.                    
  • Our Light Transmission Team consists of over 2,000 facilitators who have all registered to help raise our family of the Sun. 

 More info and Registration





We have recently launched this worldwide mapping system which gives an eagle eye view of requests for assistance from our global members and teams. This unifies our focuses as we put our sacred "Power of Command" into action ,  Here, we initiate, invoke, receive and monitor our activity on the world scene.

As a Group Forcefield, these situations become part of our sphere of radiation... as a focus for transformation, energy transference, Grid Transmissions, calls for Divine Intervention and magnetization of the Sacred Fire. 


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