Pleaidian Message: Be the LIGHT you wish to see…

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 04/02/2012 - 09:17

Pleaidian Message: Be the LIGHT you wish to see…



The following is answer I channeled from Peter in response to questions asked by a reader in the comment section of “It’s Go Time.” I felt his reply could apply to many of us eager to find the same kind of answers, so I have decided to publish it as a blog. Here is Peter’s response:


You all have been receiving upgrades in a slow, gentle manner while you sleep. The key to activating them is to activate the light body by moving up out of the lower fear vibrations. You’ll know you’re still in them when you catch yourself judging. Not discerning, but judging. Especially others. You will know when you’re operating from a higher vibration when you can look at EVERYone with love and feel love for everyone and everything. Yes, you will still be able to wisely discern between higher and lower vibrations. Anything that feels as if it is pulling you downward into the lower vibrations again can be rectified by sending love and light to it. Once you are able to stay in the higher vibrations for longer periods of time, you will notice your upgrades assisting you. You should no longer be operating from the head/mind. You must operate from the chest/heart. You must no longer think. You must FEEL. Doing so will fire up those upgrades and enable you to use more of your personal power. Everyone ascends at different rates because many still have lots of lower energies they must clear from their auras and chakras. Once you’re spending more time sending light and love than you are checking for “good news” on the Internet, you will being your ascension. At this point, many of you are still doubting your own abilities as light workers. Dear ones, you ARE the “good news.” You are the ones who accepted this assignment. You are not there on Earth for yourselves. You are there for the planet and everyone on it. You are there to bring the light, share the light and spread the light. Remember who you are and why you are there! It is not about just you. It is about ALL of us. Limit yourselves to one hour of check-in time. The rest of your free time should be spent raising your own vibrations and sharing and spreading the light. If that means you channel or do readings to help heal others, then that is what you do (in addition to your personal meditation and self work). If it means you teach others Yoga or heal people with Reiki energy or any of these things, then that is what you spend more of your time doing. Earth needs healing. Her people need healing. You are there to channel these healing energies. If it means you do it through song and dance or caregiving, then that is how you do it. To revise Gandhi, “Be the LIGHT you wish to see in the world.”


Now, as far as the “ploy by the cabal” goes, could you please expand on that, my brother? We wish to know exactly what you mean by this so we can help clear up any confusion or fear.


If you are speaking of folks like Kerry Cassidy and George Kasavalis who are saying that the GFL is planning to “harvest souls,” we assure you that no soul can be “harvested” (whatever that means) unless it CHOOSES such action. No one will ever be forced by the GFL or Ashtar Command to do anything he or she does not agree to. We are still not sure what “harvesting” means, and we do NOT believe in slavery. That is the very thing we are trying to help free you from, is it not? (If you’re still wondering, yes, it IS what we are going to free you from!)


Jen asked me today about the latest channels who are saying that ships will evacuate people from the planet. I told her, “Yes, in some cases, this may be true. For islanders in the middle of the ocean who have no hope of surviving if a tsunami hits, we will be there to assist. But no one will be forced to join us. If a being chooses to stay on an island in danger, then that is the choice of the soul. Every soul chooses when it wants to exit the body and become a light being again. We honor all of those decisions by each soul/light being. There is no need for sadness in this case. Ultimately, your light being chooses its own experiences and destiny. No light being or soul dies. They simply ‘choose a new model,’ so to speak. The body is a vehicle for the soul to experience life. Much like an automobile. When you’re done with the sports coupe, you may want to try out a sedan or truck. The freedom of choice is yours. And we honor ALL choices. Have no fear. Fear is just ridiculous at this point!”


The way we feel about Kerry and George is that they are not fully or truly remembering who they are or what they agreed to prior to incarnating. Once they ascend, they will remember, and the fear they currently cling to will all be “water under the bridge” as you say.

Now, to recap, no one will be forced to board ships. No souls will be “harvested.” This is not possible. Are there still “bad guys” out there? Yes. But they play in their own space, just as Earth beings have, and they learn their lessons just as you do. Can they come get you? Absolutely not. Are we going to make you promises of a wonderful new world? Yes. But it takes your participation to create it. If you choose not to, then you can stay in the lower vibrations. That is your choice. Look, Earth is not going anywhere. Ascension is energetic vibration. Beings do not need to leave your planet to ascend. Most of you can stay put. Those of you living near temperamental faults, volcanoes and low land near the sea coasts MAY need to evacuate at some point. You can go with us or you can go with your military rescue. Neither are going to harm you. Most of the people who were planning to harm you are now incapacitated. Those who are not yet incapacitated don’t have the power to harm you.


Let’s move away from this fear-based stuff now, shall we? It is time for you, as light workers, light warriors, wayshowers…by whatever name you resonate…to begin the LIGHT WORK. Please, let us commence, so we can begin this ascension process and avoid things like the need for evacuation. It is, after all, up to each and every one of you.


Obama IS of the light, and you will soon understand this to be true once the big secrets are revealed. Do know that NDAA was signed to basically arrest and detain those responsible for 9/11. The latest bill signed that gives Obama absolute power is for you protection against things like losing your property (if the government owns it and Obama has the power to administer a financial “reset,” then no lender can fight this, and your property will remain yours). He knows what he is doing. Try to see the brighter side of things once in a while. As I said before, you ARE, after all, LIGHT workers. Are you not?


Let’s go to work. All our love to you, always, with absolutely no ill intentions. Your brother, Peter.

PS: In answer to … which areas to focus, Peter says: Do not what you feel you are best at, but that which brings you the most JOY. ;)

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