Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sat, 03/03/2012 - 11:39




by Galactic Love Reporter Suzan Caroll Ph.D

March 2 2012


Blessings from the Violet Ray of Transmutation,

We, the Guardians of this Ray, Ascended Master St. Germain, Elohim Arcturus and Archangel Zadkiel, function as ONE Being to assist our Ascending Ones in remembering the rhythm of the Invocation of the Sacred Fire of Transmutation. The color violet has the shortest wavelength but the highest frequency of visible light in the color spectrum, and serves at the transitional vibration leading to the next octave of color and light.
Hence, the Violet Light, specifically the Violet Fire, is vital for you process of Ascension, which you are NOW experiencing. We wish to say to all of you that we are overlooking your progress and are here to assist you. All you need “do” is call our name and we shall lovingly assist. In fact, each of us would like to share a special message with our Beloved Ones:
Greetings, I AM St. Germain,
As many of your know, I have taken myriad forms on planet Earth. Yes, I have “died” many times and been reborn into yet another body of clay. I want to remind you, that you have also had many lives on Gaia, with many “deaths” and many births. Most of you have had at least one experience of personal ascension. It was for this reason that you have been among the selected Lightworkers to assist Gaia with Her process of planetary ascension.
If you can allow yourself to remember even one of your ascension lives, it will greatly assist you to relax into your experience, trust your Multidimensional SELF and LET GO into the loving arms of the ONE. Please remember the Invocation for the Violet Fire:
Blaze, Blaze, Blaze
The Violet Fire
Transmuting ALL Shadow into
Light, Light, LIGHT
Say this invocation three times to gain the greatest benefit, and believe that YOU have the innate power to transmute all the shadows of illusion of your physical world into the Truth of your multidimensional reality.
St. Germain

Blessings, I AM Arcturus, the Elohim of the Violet Ray,
As an Elohim, it is my responsibility to assist you in creating your reality with clear intention and unconditional love. With the added boast of the power of the Violet Flame, you can create your reality in a higher frequency of expression.
· When you Believe in your power of creation your consciousness expands into the higher frequencies and deep into the quantum world
· With your expanded consciousness, you expect to perceive a higher frequency of reality
· Hence, you will perceive the Truth through the veil of illusion
· And, the reality that you perceive is the reality that you live!
Feel our unconditional love and inhale it with your every breath. Then, circulate this love throughout your entire system with your exhale and into the atmosphere of Gaia. We are with you beloved. In fact, we are with-IN you!

Joy and Love from Zadkiel,
As the Archangel of the Violet Ray, I have the great honor of protecting our Ascending Ones. Please feel my mighty rays of Violet Light, which are often perceived as wings, as they embrace you with joy and celebration.
YOU are ascending!!! Yes, YOU, the one who reads this message, are transmuting your earthen shell with your every loving thought and divine intention. YOU are, also, infusing your every cell and atom with the Violet Flame of Transmutation with your ever-expanding force of unconditional love.
Feel your wings of light as you soar into the KNOWING of your true SELF.
Hear my gentle voice as I whisper into your heart.
See New Earth as it sparkles through the remnant of illusion.
Touch the life that fills the higher frequencies as they swirl into your Being.
Love ALL life unconditionally.
And, Remember that everything is alive and pregnant with the
Power of Transmutation

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