~Pleiadian Renegades~ ~Calling for a Higher Line of Thinking~

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 01/26/2012 - 10:26


Here we are at the anniversary of a year ago, when the whole of a year lay between where you were and the beginning of the end, to many. How many and before which events are to take place before the extraterrestrial unveiling, how long until “soon” becomes “now”? You want to know. We are in your world now, unseen to many, and are amassing the thousands upon thousands of final details into a diamond-point fineness in infinite expressions of Hello. How long is not relevant. It simply is a matter of when the iron is hot to strike it.

That time is afore ye now, and even though those who wield the hammer of power now are in the game of wiring for destruction, we are busy too. You understand that to give away the whole plan would not negate the outcome in favor of humanity’s eventual rise in realizing the truth of who they are? It would not thwart the eventual end of story insofar as your ability to tell your descendants that once you were merely human without access to divine memory and interaction, but it would thwart the optimal working of world tracks in creating a better reality sooner for more people. In the interest of you telling your cosmic tale sooner rather than later, in the interest of the most benefit not only to the individuals reading this but as well to the incalculably multitudinous affairs of which there can be no early dismissal but there can be the most opportune timing, for these reasons we share with you this framework of how to come to terms with the reality you are entering and not be out of balance without the presence of extraterrestrial intervention in front of your noses. It’s just a matter of time before the iron is red-hot. That is the moment of transformation for the world’s iron giant into a new bauble for the human consciousness to adore as a hard-won jewel of love’s inevitable triumph. Not before.
Great transitions have been sliding into place in the background of what you see in your world. It will not go without saying that there are mysteries coming to light, sounds coming from the distance, and long-held secrets seeping out from dark locked prisons of intelligence. You are just at the point of having at your disposal the international web of intrigue to unravel for yourselves, but even this is nothing compared to the truth in the bigger picture, where we are drawn in at the edges of the page. You have centralized the power to a point at which choice biological upgrading will make your abilities such that defeat for those who play the game of conquest is beyond question. There are some things you should know about the disadvantages you have been put at, and these are the things that are coming into your sphere of awareness to varying degrees, as you are able to understand them. Indeed, there are also advantages that you have up your sleeve, so to say, that are likewise going to be apparent not only to you but to the thugs and puppets in the centralized system of control. They too are undergoing transformation from within, and it is the love that you inherently harbor for the darkness within your hearts, the secret vindictiveness you hold for your own pain, that will let loose the victims of hatred’s education in the art of fear. You are in the position where you will be launched into the reality of another kind of love, another kind of understanding of human, and another experience of fearless integration with I AM. You don’t have anything to fear, and in a short span of interval-based understanding of time, you will be in the know about the kinds of things that the storybooks haven’t yet told you.
You have never yet realized the full potential of your own greatness, but that is something that you can experience. In truth, there is nothing holding you from it save your own belief that there is no hope. Hope is yours if the belief in it exists. Nothing can alter that without your consent. You have hope as soon as it becomes part of your life-generated obedient imagination. Does that mean that you should fool yourself into thinking things are okay and getting better, if the obvious observed reality is that everything makes the deepest part of you wrench in disgust? If you are seeing the world in front of you as a culmination of eons of manufactured hopeless divisions piling up on one another, crunching into the end of ages to become the end of the line for the human race, listen please: it’s not the way it seems, behind the scenes. There are factions at war for the human soul, it is true; for the truth is, this is the gold of empire. You are the bearers of the wealth of nations, worlds, and inner universal lineages of life. It is up to you to tell the trolls of the world to take their turn and be done, for the game is over and there are fun times ahead once they leave the field. How best to do such a daring thing? First, convince yourself that it is the truth for you, and share your truth with your soul. It is out of the regular lines of communication for many of you, but it is soon to be realized as the most reliable means of mass communication around. Practice now and get used to the higher-frequency, high-fidelity sound of soul ringing and the totally reliable network of interfaced nodes of inner light reflected into the reaches of space. Inner or outer, the end of space is the same. It’s there that the message comes through the clearest, and the receiver becomes the broadcaster in the harmonic matrix of I AM OM. Just dial “one” on your calling card for the soul and you’ll be instantly hooked up with your welcome committee and in the network of human communication’s next evolution. It is on the frequency network beyond the reaches of astral interference and demonic deception, outside of the realm of intrigue and the taint of power-hungry interlopers. It is the high-wire act that is out of this world, and it’s free, unlimited, available, and in touch with your reality. It’s the next best thing to being there, where your heart is, home.

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