Pleidian High Council ~ Humanity's Proceedings

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 04/27/2012 - 11:47

Hello Lightworkers! This is the Pleidian High Council. We report to you today with more wonderful news regarding the proceedings in Earth’s surface society. We would like to inform you that we are getting closer and closer to a position where mass landings would be welcome. This needs much more clarification. Right now, the majority decision of humanity as a whole, is that aliens don’t even exist. However, this is a very very small majority. This is a recent change. Once the majority of human consciousness is inviting towards being a galactic society, it will be so. There are many events that simply must occur upon earth before the end of this year, this age. For those events to occur, you must all succeed in what you were born here to do. That is, to remember.


Once a surprisingly small percentage of you have full rememberings, a cascade of remembering will occur. Not a single portion of humanity will be free of remembering, as that is not how things work. The amount of light flooding Earth right now is so monuments, not even the smallest shadow of darkness could possibly remain. Even your heavily censored space organization NASA is talking about it. They speak of a massive belt of superenergetic photons that the solar system will pass through, around Dec 21st. There are many beautiful, wonderful things happening on this Earth, as you read this. You will not hear of this, until it all comes out in the open at once. Many details simply MUST be kept hidden, to preserve the sanctity of the mission. Also, news distribution revolves around negativity, so you don’t hear of ANY positive things, as it is.


When will it occur, you ask? When you decide it to. We’re talking ‘you’ as in Humanity at this point. The removal of the physical embodiment of the ‘dark ones’ will occur whenever those taking care of the problem do so. It is purely as simple as that. The people in charge are doing everything in the most compassionate and lawful way possible, to avoid any hiccups. This takes time. The best thing you could possibly do is go within yourself. We mean this literally. Go directly inside yourself, as that is the direction that we are waiting for you in. Literally.


On a final note, we would like to announce that Humanity is at it’s highest vibration ever recorded, throughout all history. This means the vibrations are higher than the times of Atlantis and Lumeria, and all of the various Golden Ages. It cannot be much longer before negativity is purely impossible upon the surface of Gaia. With love for each and every one of you, this has been the Pleidian High Council.

Guest (not verified)

Fri, 04/27/2012 - 12:20

Brothers and Sisters


In support of the above message...

It feels to me that we are asked as a "humanity" to make decisions. It still feels like a small group of lightworkers making decisions for the whole. Just wondering why I am hesitant to get on this band wagon. 


Also, we are reminded about keeping things quiet, and to let those who have planned for so long do the actions when and where.  


When the Pleiadians say "go within" during this time, right now, we know life issues are coming up for healing. The way to clear them out is not to ask others what they "think" because you will get every kind of answer available. We are not in harmony with old issues. 


The best thing that can be done, and the energy is given to us NOW is to look at everything we feel guilty about. And process it.  Get it all out.  Allow yourself the emotions which are so buried in your heart.  If you are not sure what that means, there are be others who can help you. 


A good attitude would be: "oh, my god, I never realized I feel guilty about my abortion 20 years ago!!"  Clear that out.  Not by supressing it... but as one truthfully cries, the heart will feel like it is going to burst. You will remain in control. Look at all the details as you feel lthis intense emotion.  Your whole body will probably shake like crazy if you are actually healing your pent up issue.  Whatever time it takes, just allow the healing to occur. If you were a king and had a knight who wasn't in alignment with your principles but you had such a relationship with him... wouldn't you want to cover every little detail with him to get back into harmony?  You wouln't just kick him out.  It takes processing.


There are many great benefits of healing.  After clearing out guilt  you will be able to "be as one" with your star buddies... description Nancy Tate's Horus April 24, 2011. This experience with another is exquisitely beautiful. To have your free will and yet to cherish expression as one. It feels so good, you will want to do this all the time. At this point of clarity and "hollow bones" you would never want to make a singular decision again.  That feels lonely and unloved. 


The great medicine man, Fools Crow, who started his sweat lodge fires with his mind, said we can do anything with "hollow bones".


I really admire a few here who write posts and submit the most beautiful images and who have done their work on guilt. 


Let's not cheat ourselves. We are worthy of the greatest things in the universe! And we also have the ability to respond to the emotions which hold us back.


You can do it

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