~Possible Factors Delaying Disclosure ~ BUT DISCLOSURE HAS A DIVINE DEADLINE!~ Part 1~2~

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 06/16/2011 - 06:08



~Possible Factors Delaying Disclosure ~ BUT DISCLOSURE HAS A DIVINE DEADLINE!~ Part 1~2~


What I plan to do in this article is to look at what may have caused disclosure to be delayed from the predicted end of the first quarter of 2011, the date SaLuSa gave on Dec. 29, 2010, to a a near but unknown date.

Before turning to that discussion, I’d like to emphasize two points. The first is that there is a divine deadline for disclosure and the second is that the galactics say they need secrecy to prevent Illuminati-engineered disasters and therefore cannot tell us everything that is occurring behind the scenes. The Japanese earthquake should have shown us the need for this.

Disclosure has a Divine Deadline

The first thing I’d like us to be aware of is that, no matter what happens or does not happen, there is a divine deadline for disclosure.

On March 23, 2009, SaLuSa mentioned the divine deadline for First Contact but there is one for disclosure as well. The divine decree of a deadline is the galactics’ authorization to see that disclosure takes place without needing beyond that date to respect the free will of the dark.

“There is still a specified date by which you must have progressed to First Contact. If by any chance it has not commenced in good time, there will be intervention on our part to ensure it can go ahead. That has been divinely decreed and is our authorisation to do so.” (1)

On Sept. 11, 2009, SaLuSa repeated that “we have a timetable to guide us and have absolutely no doubt that all will be completed as intended.” (2) On May 17, 2010, he said that “the Divine Plan does not allow for continued delays and there is a final date by which action is required.” (3)

On May 5, 2010, he said that “when we talk of events moving ever nearer to openly commencing, we mean a relatively short period.” (4) On July 16, 2010, he said that the “deadline date … is not that far into the future.” (5)

By Nov. 17, 2010, SaLuSa told us that “you will not have too long to wait,” but “we do not propose to give that [date] out for obvious reasons. (6) By Dec. 29, 2010, he said “The deadline for [disclosure] is almost here.” (7)

The Need for Secrecy

Now let’s turn to the galactics’ request for secrecy. We have been told for years that there is danger in the galactics saying too much. In 2009, Diane of Sirius, a colleague of SaLuSa’s, told us: “We cannot let out details, as the dark forces will seek ways of foiling the introduction of new policies. When we can come openly it will be quite different, and we will be able to keep you well informed as to what is to occur.” (8)

On Nov. 17, 2010, SaLuSa said: “I … wish we could give precise information as to the timing of events near to materializing.” (9) On March 25, 2011, he advised: “We cannot allow you insight into everything we have done.” (10) On March 14, 2911 he confided: “Until we can all get started things will appear disjointed and at times chaotic, but we can assure you in spite of that a clear and precise plan is in operation. It is just that for the time being we cannot disclose the details of our actions.” (11)

Now combining these two – the divine deadline for disclosure and the need for secrecy – we find that the galactics fear that the Illuminati will harm us if they know the deadline date for disclosure. Atmos tells us in 2009:

“Regrettably we cannot announce the day that is the deadline for our open arrival on Earth. To do so would imperil you rather than us, as the dark Ones would strike out with all force to prevent it.” (12)

“Secrecy even for us is an important part of our strategy to keep ahead of the dark forces. It becomes vital that most of our plans and support from our allies are covert operations, as our progress may be deliberately delayed.” (13)

SaLuSa commented in May 2010 that “in view of the likely response of the dark Ones, we are reluctant to give firm predictions.” (14) However, on two occasions, SaLuSa abandoned his reluctance to give out dates. In July and December of 2010 he indicated that disclosure would take place before the end of the first quarter of 2011.

On July 16, 2010, he said: “We would like to get started before next spring, so we will do all we can to assist our allies to this end.” (15) And on Dec. 29, 2010, he remarked: “In one way or another we will expect disclosure to become worldwide within the first quarter of this coming year.” (16) It is these dates that have now passed without disclosure having happened and have given rise to irritation and frustration on the part of some lightworkers.

But, by the same token, disasters have also occurred which have led to the deaths of many thousands of people and surely have substantiated SaLuSa’s fears that the dark would harm us if they knew in advance the date for disclosure.

Let us examine the event which seems most likely to have delayed disclosure – the Sendai earthquake and tsunami – first at what Matthew Ward says of it and its impact on disclosure and then at what SaLuSa says of it.

Matthew Ward, the Sendai Earthquake and Tsunami and Its Impact on Disclosure

Matthew Ward told us on Sept. 11, 2010, prior to the Sendai quake and tsunami, that the Illuminati had used weather warfare on other occasions to block disclosure.

“Illuminati activists are trying to prevent official recognition of other civilizations’ presence in every way, and from the earthquake in Haiti and last winter’s uncommonly heavy snowfall in Washington DC to flooding in Pakistan and Hurricane Earl, their use of technology has achieved their dark purpose.” (17)

When the Sendai quake came, Matthew told us it was manmade: “The earthquake off the coast of Japan, strategically positioned to cause the tsunami, was not Mother Nature’s doing. Her only involvement was the unavoidable initial movements of land and water after Illuminati scientists triggered the quake.” (18)

He explained that the galactics mitigated the disaster, even if that is cold comfort to the people of Japan who were traumatized by what happened.

“Our space family was able to thwart their goal to level cities, flood the island and kill most of its inhabitants; however, harnessing the full force of the ocean is beyond the capability of their technology. Mother Nature isn’t causing the suspicious number of aftershocks, either, and it should be obvious to your seismologists and geologists that something is horribly awry.” (19)

He explained what the Illuminati hoped to gain from the engineered disaster:

“The peak members of the Illuminati know that their economic empire is shattered, and before the last shreds of their once impenetrable global network are completely gone, they are trying to generate a mass of negativity through creating chaos, destruction and high death toll wherever they can.” (20)

He called it va “shallow win” for the Illuminati.

“For all the devastation in the ocean’s path and the damaged nuclear power facility, compared to the Illuminati’s intent to utterly destroy Japan, it was a shallow win for them.

“There was minimal damage in Tokyo; the quake, aftershocks and tsunami released a large amount of negativity on the planet; off-planet technology is lessening the effects of radiation from the power station; and other civilizations are beaming intense light, adding to the outpouring of prayers for the Japanese people, whose resilience and resourcefulness and the assistance of other countries will restore that nation.” (21)

However Matthew also informed us that the commotion meant that it was no longer possible to give “exact timing” of anticipated events like disclosure. According to him the date of disclosure has now become unknown,

“Through the end of this calendar year and well into the next, Earth’s energy field of potential will be rife with combative activity until the momentum of the light overcomes the last shred of darkness.

“Because of all that commotion, it is not possible to determine exact timing of events that must and shall come to pass before the dawning of the Golden Age at the end of 2012. Especially the lightworker community, where the presence of our universal brothers and sisters is known, is eager to hear when those among you will introduce themselves and those above you will land.

“We don’t know when that will be because they themselves do not, and they are as eager as you for that day to come.  Do not doubt their vigilance and sound judgment as to the right timing, and until then, be assured that they are serving you in the same indispensable ways they have been for many decades.” (22)

We need to keep in mind that Matthew is on assignment outside what he refers to as “Nirvana” or the Earth’s spirit environments. He may or may not be as finely tuned to the galactics’ resolve as the galactics themselves are. That is a matter that I cannot know for certain.

SaLuSa, the Sendai Earthquake and Tsunami and Its Impact on Disclosure

Let’s turn to SaLuSa and his response to the Sendai disaster and its possible impact on disclosure. Less than two weeks after making his Dec. 2010 prediction, SaLuSa was already warning of difficult times ahead. Keep in mind his statement on March 21, 2011 that “everything has been foreseen.” Had he then foreseen Sendai and was he referring to it in this comment?

“There is a testing period immediately ahead. There will be ups and downs that will cause emotional reactions amongst you, but stay calm when it comes to the final battle between the dark and Light. The Light works in subtle ways that maintain the balance, so that it continues to transmute the lower energies.

“In the maelstrom that will occur the Light will act as a line of defense, so that the dark Ones cannot make any progress. It will ensure that they continue to be in [disarray], and there will come opportunities for our allies to push for disclosure. The pressures are mounting from many quarters for it to go ahead, and when it does it will trigger more happenings that will lay bear what has been happening.” (23)

Given that in his remarks after the quake, he does not lay responsibility for it explicitly at the hands of the cabal, it is noteworthy that, foreseeing everything, he did lay responsibility for the Chilean quake on the Illuminati. On that occasion, he also said why the galactics could not interfere and how these events relate to the karmic residue of our experience in Atlantis.

“Things are happening that signal a crucial time on Earth. The dark Ones hit out at those who have opposed them, and their wars have moved from conventional weapons to those that are very sophisticated. You have just seen further evidence of it by what has happened to Chile, and it is part of the continuing attacks within an area where leaders have opposed the dark forces, which were intent on removing them.

“As we have often informed you, we cannot just interfere with what is happening to you – unless we are given the authority to do so. However, as known to you, we are allowed to prevent an even more devastating scenario [i.e., in later events, the total destruction of Japan].” (24)

He then relates events to Atlantis.

“Bear in mind, Dear Ones, that in Atlantean times they were also very advanced technologically, and had for example developed the laser beam. It was used in such a way that it caused a weakening of the Earth’s crust that broke up, and Atlantis finally disappeared under the waves of the Atlantic Ocean.

“You are now at a similar point in your experiences, as the Atlanteans were in their end times. Indeed they developed in a very similar way to you, using advanced technology obtained from Extraterrestrials, putting it to misuse and personal gain.

“The country that is the U.S. is largely populated by those souls who were in Atlantis in its demise, and the challenge has been to see out this cycle without destroying the Earth. Civilizations experience very much as individual [souls do] and where lessons are not learnt, you face the same ones until you progress sufficiently to successfully come through them.

“You will therefore understand, that we cannot take away your opportunity to overcome the weaknesses that have caused your downfall in ancient times. It is not however all left up to you, and as we have explained previously we can help in ways that often prevent matters getting out of hand. Total destruction of the Earth will not be allowed, and we protect Mother Earth and the human civilization, by limiting the extent to which it occurs.” (25)

This karmic connection then is one reason why the galactics could not intervene to stop the quake altogether.

The cabal are as much aware of SaLuSa’s messages as we are. It is significant and undoubtedly not accidental that the Sendai earthquake came just three weeks prior to the date that SaLuSa cited as the one which disclosure was expected.

We saw that Matthew in his March 12, 2011 message laid the responsibility for the Sendai earthquake directly on the Illuminati: “Illuminati scientists triggered the quake.” (26)  The closest SaLuSa has come to saying that Sendai was caused by the Illuminati is his suggestion on March 14, 2011 that earthquakes in the Ring of Fire can be caused by manmade means. He also indicated that the potential existed for Japan to sink entirely under the waves, as Matthew also said.

“Dear Ones we must mention the massive earthquake in Japan, that followed an earlier one in New Zealand. When you have countries that are in earthquake zones and actually on the Ring of Fire you are sitting on a powder keg, and there is always a chance that the big one takes place whether through natural or man-made means. At a time when Mother Earth is re-shaping the surface, you can therefore expect some more serious convulsions.

“In the case of Japan the potential exists for the tectonic plates to pass under each other, and as a result it could disappear into the waves. So we are grateful that the worst scenario did not occur, and have every sympathy and compassion for those dear souls who were affected. It is not our place to interfere, but we are allowed where possible to lessen the effects.” (27)

On this occasion, he also tells us that the galactics used the event to allow cleansing of Earth and the moral upliftment of the planet’s inhabitants to take place.

“Sometimes we are dealing with the needs of Mother Earth, and the cleansing must be completed before Ascension is possible, and as you will have noted the preparations are speeding up. Out of such disasters comes a wonderful opportunity for Mankind to help each other, and a coming together will cement friendly relationships important to the immediate future. It has been mentioned previously that all souls that pass over as a result of trauma, are carefully looked after and treated with much love. They do recover quite quickly and it is helped by them being re-united with their families and friends.

“In general what you are seeing all around the world is the final cleansing that must take place very soon, and you will see the objective in what is happening.” (28)

He then refers to disclosure, which he says will happen in the “not too distant future.” However his tone seems to have lost its stern authority. He appears to make riders on when it will happen. He seems to be either hedging his bets or else backing away from a firm date.

“At some stage in the not too distant future we will be joining you, and then you can receive every help we can give along with details of what is needed to carry you speedily forward. Until we can all get started things will appear disjointed and at times chaotic, but we can assure you in spite of that a clear and precise plan is in operation. It is just that for the time being we cannot disclose the details of our actions.

“The governmental changes are clearly most essential to our ability to work with you, and the last cabal must be and will be removed to prevent any further interference with our plans to release you from their control. In fact they have already been seriously weakened, and do not carry the influence or command over events as they did previously. Our allies have infiltrated their set up and successfully prevented an expansion of their activities. As long as they are contained, we can make progress with you and anyone who is aware and alert will notice the direction that we are going in.” (29)

Two days later, on March 16, 2011, he comes close to laying responsibility for the quake at the feet of the Illuminati, who “strike out in their last desperate attempts to delay or prevent Ascension.”

“In part you create your own future, but the fact remains that the final act will be Ascension. There is no necessity for great catastrophes or disasters, or masses of people dying as a result of them simply to reach that point in time. The only link between the two is the need to cleanse the Earth so that she is ready to ascend with you.

“So the remaining months will be filled with all manner of different happenings, which will gradually become more acceptable and beneficial to everyone. By then we will certainly have been officially accepted as visitors to your planet. In actuality we already have your acceptance, and the numbers of people turning to us are increasing each day.

“The course is set for your release from the Illuminati, and they strike out in their last desperate attempts to delay or prevent Ascension. Their days are numbered, and little time remains for them to continue in opposition to us. It will be with absolute delight that we finally remove the dark Ones from positions of power, and bring in Beings of Light that have been waiting such as opportunity to replace them. These are our allies that have already done so much to create a structure that aids our plan for your release.” (30)




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