I truly love this universe of ours! I was chatting with a friend in Scotland this morning, from my place in California (isn’t this amazing?!) and we were comparing notes on how we were feeling. We work together in other realms and it is a comfort to know that we are sharing sensations. I was describing to her my sense that I am in a tunnel of sorts with this bright light of Christmas at the end. Felt closed off from the outside world, not able to plan or move from the now moment, yet feeling this brilliant joy filled light ahead. Floating in this now, knowing I am fully engaged in other realms and there is only to keep my body comfortable while this occurs. I then opened an email and saw this message:
Oakbridge University – Jeshua Online
Message of the Day Beloved one, the light at the end of the tunnel is your own light, and you expand into that light. There is nothing to fear.

I love the magic of finding this women, bent to the task on her lap, within the above painting. We are all deeply engaged in our task, adding to the tapestry of beauty being woven on this earth. It takes looking up and about us to notice our strands glimmering in the sunlight.
I had to laugh! I love the synchronicity that is becoming the norm, where messages are repeated and confirmed for my mind’s comfort as I flow through my days. We are all expanding into our own Christ light. I have been getting peeks at myself and tears flow with the sense of awe at my own splendor. I then sense it in you and my heart expands to contain it all.We are so beautiful! Once each of us realizes this beauty, this love that infills our every cell, we will inhabit a new world. You cannot glimpse your own beauty without being transformed. No longer can you play small or live under the yoke of illusion that you are less than or powerless.
For me, it takes tears and deep breathing to open more each moment to the truth of who I am. As well as total surrender to that truth. My lapis skull, named Leopold III, is in my bed with the covers over his head. He has no desire to come out and follow me about today. He is working in distant universes and my knowing is that the greater part of me, is too. I am to hold my note, strongly, surely and with all that I AM. This shows up in this now moment as rest for my body which is full of aches this morning. All night I awoke in hour long blocks, to feel electrical currents running up and down my being. I feel a bit fried today! I honor my body by allowing her to rest and move slowly.
My personality self desired to travel to see a friend. My I AM self knows that holding my tone steady takes all that I have now and senses that it will extend until the Solstice/Christmas time. The tunnel lands me here and I am so grateful for the ease and comfort provided. I am so loved and cherished.
It is a wonder (my word of the moment) that when you fall in love with yourself, you feel love coming from everything. I ran out barefoot onto the frosty lawn this morning to greet our Mother Earth as well as the trees and plants and sky. All beamed love back to me, it ran from my heels up to my crown. Love tingles as well as frosty nips on my toes!

I loved the roughness of the old shed my son works in juxtapostioned with the yellow light of the sunflowers.
There is this lightness of joy, surging through my being as well as this weight sitting squarely on my shoulders. Not oppressive, yet solidly there. As I turn my heartlight on to high beam, I can feel the shattering and collapsing of old patterns and beliefs across the land. I sense in my body, swirling currents that feel chaotic. I breathe deep into my mother’s crystalline heart to access the beat of “all is well.” Holding all of that in oneness. We have lived in such limitation, believing we could access only one emotion at a time. We can feel all at once, no more either or, this or that……it is thisand this. Our hearts’ capacity has expanded. We are multidimensional beings, capable of being present in many places at once. Today I am sitting in council off planet while I am lying here allowing the morning sunlight to warm my bones.
Another beautiful example of synchronicity came in this message from Aluna Joy, who leads sacred site tours. http://www.alunajoy.com/2013-oct10.html She wrote of visiting Mother Sekhmet’s temple in Egypt. The message she brought through from Mother Sekhmet fit with the one which came to me. (I wrote of my experiences in my last two posts.) Another proof to me of how interconnected we all are as we access the same bank of universal knowledge. The masters are reaching out, (and they are us) our higher selves are wanting us to bring through more of who we are. It is time for Mother Sekhmet’s energy to be anchored here on this earth plane and she looks for those open to receive it. It behooves us to open our hearts to receive all that is available and to anchor it in the way we are guided. This sharing is part of the anchoring for me.
A last share is Anrita Melchezadek’s latest youtube video. I cried in remembrance of my time with Sanat Kumara and drank in the words and images as nourishment for my soul. You may desire to do likewise. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXGLWnETcbw
Blessings to us all as we move ever closer to anchoring the Christ light in our hearts. This is the second coming spoken of. He is come…within your heart and mine. Prepare your temples for this flame. Feel the hush as He enters. Rest in His peace. There is only this love.
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