~ The Processing Continue's Are You Love? Choose NOW

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 06/07/2012 - 10:35

Greetings Love Beings... The Venus Transit has Beeen So Unique everyone is not really sure about these Energies. We had a Whole Bunch of beings crystalize in this incoming Energy what this means is that they are trapped into the illusion. Obviously they have chosen this! We stand in the Light supporting all of those who would Like to Be on the New Earth in Love and True Equality. We will Have More about this in the Next Update. All Our Love the Earth Allies

Reading the Runes: The Great Awakening - Harvest, Reunion and the Elemental Powers



This early morning I decided to draw some runes for the new era which is just now bringing the love energies of Venus into the fore. I decided to do a simple three card spread, reading from right to left.

The first Rune representing the Situation as it Is, was the thirteenth rune, Jera, or Harvest, meaning Fertile Season or One Year. It is the rune of beneficial outcomes, and applies to any activity or endeavour to which one is committed.

However, as with harvest, one must wait for the crop to ripen, and the drawing of this rune indicates some time must still pass before fruition. In the case of disclosure the rune is telling us that in the fall or harvest season we can expect to reap the benefits of the seeds we sow now, in the springtime.

The second rune speaks to the Course of Action called for. Isn't it ironic that this rune is the 20th rune, Raido - the meaning is a Journey, Communication, Union, Reunion. However the rune is reversed, indicating a delay, or a barrier to the reunion at present.


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Heavenletter #4213 You Are in a Higher Place Now


Heavenletter #4213 You Are in a Higher Place Now, June 7, 2012 

God said: 


There is no fault, and there is no excuse.

You cannot walk on tiptoe through life. There is no fault, and there is no excuse, and yet mistakes are made, and regret and guilt regrettably are left in their wake. Do not harbor your errors. You have to let them go as well as you have to let go of others’ errors.

Nor are you to make excuses for yourself. It’s true that you didn’t know any better. Now move on.

Be a proponent of good will. Have good will toward yourself and others. This is setting your rudder right. Set your rudder right, and all else will follow. You steer through the shoals of life. Good will is your rudder.

Do unto yourself as you do to others. There are no others. There are no neighbors. It is all yourself. Do not offend, and you will have no offense to be contrite about. It is not all right for you not to befriend yourself.

The finest thing you can do for yourself right now is to jump out of the past and no longer coagulate there. You are in a higher place now. You are setting sail for new ports, and old ballast is of no use to you. It is garbage. Throw it overboard.


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"The Astar Galactic Command" messege 1971


-By Jesse Loya

"The Asthar Galactic Command"
-600 advance civilizations in union


In 1971 they sent us a messege via radio interrupting a broadcast,
A Pleiadian named Vrillion spoke in our language telling us an urgent messege,

They said to be aware of the false leaders and rulers on this planet,
These leaders and rulers will bring us no hope,
They will only suck our energy, we call money and resources,
And they will only bring harm making us think that everything's alright,


Who's behind these false rulers,
Behind these rulers there a control system,
Behind these leaders theres a green scaled being,
These leaders and rulers are manipulated and operated by the dark reptlians,

Who are they?......the Illumminaty!!!!, the NWO , the Secret Goverments and the Batican.... theres are actually more.......


Also to be aware of the planetary chages as our planet enters the new shift,
A NEW ERA OF AQUARIOUS, when we enter the process of awaeking and great consiousness....we call evolution,
When the era of darkness falls and a new era of light rises,
When the changes of our planet activates our Pleiadian unfuctional DNA,
Activating the unfuctional DNA: A third eye, enlightment, wisdom, great cosmic energy and great conciousness..
Our reconection with the universe, the alliance and interstellar traveling :)


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~~Your Family of Light and the Changes~ Galactic Love Reporter Will Harader ~





~Your Family of Light and the Changes~



Change is upon us. Though change has always been here, it's making itself much more obvious now. The Planet is shifting, the climate is being altered, sea levels rising, ice caps melting, and the entire ecosystem is constantly adjusting itself. Socially, people are fed up with corporate greed and the governments that protect the corporations at the expense of the people. People are hungry for a break from the dysfunctional systems of the past. An African-American man is president of a country that barely treated his race as human just a couple generations ago. Countries are coming clean about their suppression of information regarding UFOs, and it's now to the point that only the willfully ignorant can convince themselves nothing is going on.



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Downloading the Programs for our New Solar Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love


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Lucas - The Time Has Come! A Historic Shift Is Under Way! - 7 June 2012


May and now the  June Venus transit have brought lots of new energies in that we need to absorb. This energy transfer is not an instant one but it is gradually. What is important to see is that this month June is a crucial month in transforming from ego - duality to the new inner workings of oneness and balanced unconditional love.

Maybe some of you already have noticed you are feeling different. For some the Venus transit has brought a new balance and peace in their lives. For others that still do not have worked on their own ego based and duality issues or have not awakened the energies will bring a lot of discomfort. It will be a confrontational month at all levels.


Not only  will the energies force the people to seek the truth inside themselves also it is on macro levels the case. The truth will be forced out. You see confrontations happening.  Political and ethical issues will get into heavy clashes and  trenches will be digged. We will see unrest in people and nations and some will people will  not have their sanity under control.  So some of us will take to violent actions  and others will go for leaving this world in a voluntary way as they can not cope the things happening now.



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Lucas – The Time Has Come! A Historic Shift Is Under Way!



Lucas – The Time Has Come! A Historic Shift Is Under Way! – 7 June 2012

May and now the  June Venus transit have brought lots of new energies in that we need to absorb. This energy transfer is not an instant one but it is gradually. What is important to see is that this month June is a crucial month in transforming from ego – duality to the new inner workings of oneness and balanced unconditional love.

Maybe some of you already have noticed you are feeling different. For some the Venus transit has brought a new balance and peace in their lives. For others that still do not have worked on their own ego based and duality issues or have not awakened the energies will bring a lot of discomfort. It will be a confrontational month at all levels.


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Visionkeeper – Be A Beacon For Others – 7 June 2012




Visionkeeper – Be A Beacon For Others – 7 June 2012

(picture by www.favim.com)

Okay, we made it through some pretty major planetary happenings and I can’t help but think big changes are in the works. We also have an incoming solar flare today as well! The energies have been intense, no question about it, I think the fact Venus put on her rare transit show on Tuesday will now hopefully rev up the love vibrations and open up more hearts.


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       http://freedomreigns.us/Countries.html                                         Countries




                                                Lady Dragon's Website


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Earth Ally Will Harader~ Light is Spirit~


~Light is Spirit~





I've noticed two types of unconsciousness. The unconsciousness that doesn't realize its unconscious and acts like it is conscious. This is the manic state. And the unconsciousness that realizes its unconscious and reacts with more unconsciousness. The is the depressed state. Every being that isn't in touch with their True Self falls into one of these categories. Duality rules with confusion in illusion, while in Reality you certainly can't experience anything as only having two sides.



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Earthrise is here on June 6th, 2012.





June 6th, 2012 NOW is the time to. Shine your Light. The energies of June 5th are going to get higher in vibrations. Make sure not to slip into the lower vibrations at the last second. This moment has been in the making for eons! Don't give up! Feel the energy in this post! Feel the energy coming in! NOW is the time for you to complete this part of the mission! Earthrise is here.


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Galactic Free Press Daily Update~6~5~12 The Energies of The Venus Transit Have Begun


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Laura Tyco TAUK with Laitonn 5th June 2012 ~ Have a feast of Light!


Tuesday, June 5, 2012



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Steve Beckow ~ World Peace “Nearly Here” ~ 6 June 2012


Steve Beckow ~ World Peace “Nearly Here” ~ 6 June 2012

There are so many themes that one could follow and so little time to cover what’s actually happening in the world. Perhaps we can take a moment out to look at how efforts to establish world peace have been progressing since, say, April 2012.


At the beginning of that month, SaLuSa told us that the basis for global peace had been laid and that we could now expect weapons of war to be immobilized as soon as the galactics are able to join us.


“At last we can tell you that the basis for world wide peace has been established, and quickly shall the weapons of war be withdrawn and immobilized. However, that will come when we join you and use our technology to ensure that once an agreement has been reached, that all countries obey it.” (1)


Two days later, he added that the world’s governments now knew that war must stop. He said that the divine deadline had passed before which the galactics had to stand on the sidelines to allow for karmic completions.



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live from hollow earth- 2 hr teleconference call. 6pm pacific.


Zaraya (Billie) was informed by Zorra that it is imperative that he 
have a teleconference call this week with "EVERYONE."

<span _mce_style="color: #000000</p><p><a data-cke-saved-href=" galacticfreepress="" content="" live-hollow-earth-2-hr-teleconference-call-6pm-pacific"="" href="/galacticfreepress/content/live-hollow-earth-2-hr-teleconference-call-6pm-pacific">Read more


6/6/2012 -- Severe weather in ND SD NE MN WY CO OK TX LA MS AL FL NY PA MI Toronto


Damaging winds, large outbreaks of hail.. and also possible tornadoes to the north.

States currently effected are.. North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota, Wyoming, Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas Louisiana, Mississippi Alabama Florida New York Pennsylvania Michigan Toronto Canada


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hosts and holies


Ok, I wondered about if you know, if by chance some of the ascended ones, the feline Sirians had wings or not. I still wonder. A sight, can you imagine, though, CATS/LIONS/CHEETAHs with WINGS? He he... anyway, if any of you know, do tell please!


The Babalon5 circle of the MIMBAR people has 9 (3 warriors, 3 mages, 3 workers). And in many ways Babalon5 Tv series is a possible future for humanity. One, I think that symbolizes the link to the ALLIANCE of Races, or some of the main GFL councils.


I hope some of you have seen the SERIES. Ive watched it TWICE in full.


The similarities end there for now in this message.


I know what Thoth percieves, and he describes it well in his EMERLAD tablets. Ok, we know he ascended, possibly to the inner (dark) world, the earth within.He mentions this. He says dont come alone when you rouse him. Mayhaps he is the keeper of the SPHINX.


Im solving it too, as I have solved the KRYPTOS puzzle. You rise above the challenge, knowing you can and atack it face on. Yes, if anyone wants the brilliant answer to HUMANITY, and GERMANYs new future if they will allow it, I have it DECODED. THE NSA hasnt even solved it yet. I digress a bit but what Im trying to say as it is similarly tied together.


The SPHINK requres THREE:


ONE human

ONE HYBRID (LYBRID)[the GO between]



And THOTH may very well be inside to greet you into and thru the gateway to the inner Earth.


I shall try to channel the energies of GIZA. Its something I have not done before.

ALL cat people or those that were cat folk (ok...I see them as cats..) should try this. I invite those with this history to give it a go.


Namaste. BE the I AM.


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New ways to celebrate


Recently, as I marked the completion of my 44th time around the sun with a bbq drumming party, I started a new tradition with birthday candles. I wanted to keep focused on the new energy building and all the possitive possibilities that are presenting themselves.  To keep the energy focused on unity and oneness, even thought it is my birthday. I wanted it to be everybody's birthday to celebrate.   While mingling with guests I delivered birthday candles, one to each person.  As my birthday was June 2nd, I explained the energies and happenings surrounding the full moon/partial lunar eclipse and Venus transit while handing out the candles.  I explained that we should focus on our highest/ best/positive wishes for our future.  As I discussed everyone’s dreams and wishes with them, those thoughts were intended to be embedded into the candles.  The intention was when it was finally time to make a wish on the candles, so we could devoured our lemon cream cake with fresh blackberries and whip cream…I digress.  When making the wish, the other wishes/hopes/dreams earlier discussed were “sent out into the universe.”  It was awesome!  It was kind of being able to wish for more wishes, but for your peeps, and the rest.

One last thought, I have always keep the used birthday candles.  They last a few minutes, enough time to refocus your mind in a quick meditation, with intention or not.  The candles already have a “happy vibe” to them. This is also a great beginning meditation technique to do with little kids.  I do this with my daughter when we are recovering form an ill timed afternoon melt down; just a little ritual/meditation to focus on gratitude or love to reset the positive energy.


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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~6~6~12 Welcome to the Processing Event~



The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~6~6~12



Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ Welcome to the Processing Event~


Fractal Art By Earth Ally Will Harader God Consciousness Energy




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6/6/2012 -- Multiple Tornado Warnings in Colorado -- Watches across 3 states = Be alert


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Message from the Ashtar Command 6/6/12 ‘Choosing Future Events’




Your futures at this point in time can be likened to jigsaw puzzle pieces that are up to each of you to put together yourselves and construct some kind of picture from them. It is up to each of you to decide for yourselves what it is you wish to experience next, and it is up to each of you to then choose this possible future and experience it for yourself, making it your reality by focusing upon it until it is the reality you are experiencing. Asking us what you will experience in the days ahead is like asking a crystal ball to create for you your experience, and this is not how it works. How it works is you create any experience you wish for yourselves, and so it is only yourselves that you can ask these questions. So we suggest to you to do just this and ask yourselves “What is it I wish to experience?”, and you will have your answer.


We cannot make it much clearer than this, and we hope that many of you reading these words at this time now have a greater understanding of just what awaits you up ahead and how it is you that are creating these events with your thoughts and your intentions today. We see many of you trying to receive puzzle pieces from us or from other methods of divination about your futures, when this is clearly a waste of effort as your time and energy is much better spent creating for yourselves precisely what kind of future you wish to experience and you feel would serve you better than your current experience.  



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Wes Annac: The Success of the Venus Transit Alignment



Wes Annac: The Success of the Venus Transit Alignment

2012 JUNE 7
Posted by Dave Schmidt

Wes Annac: The Success of the Venus Transit Alignment

By Wes Annac – June 6, 2012


The Venus Transit alignment and mass meditation was a resounding success, and the passing of this magical date and the resulting alignment has caused not only energies of continually pure proportions to now be gracing our surface and our bodies, this alignment and the energy work brought forth from this alignment has served to diminish the influence of the dark on our world, quite significantly.

By this, I do not just mean the influence of the heads of the last fading cabals on our world, as they have always been a simple outer manifestation of the lower energies and entities that we have produced in ourselves and as a result, have produced and fed within the lower and more knotted up realms of our world.


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Our Galactic Family Of Light Guardian Races Life Review 6 June 2012


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Galactic Earth Truth Report ~ 06~07~12 We're the Change as One




Galactic Earth Truth Report ~ 06~07~12 We're the Change as One


Greetings Love Beings,


it seems that scientists are finally letting it out! The Planet is changing (http://www.sott.net/articles/show/246417-Tipping-Point-Earth-Headed-for-Catastrophic-Collapse-Researchers-Warn) and so fast ans so deeply it will not be a pleaseant place to lieve on in the near future... THUS! They miss the One important point. We Are Changing with Her!

Looking only at the Earth Changes and not considering We, Hu~manity that are on the Ride with Her is again the old way of separating all and everything. Though even science is seeing and stating that our DNA is undergoing changes it still seems difficult for many of them to put things together. Would we not change than yes, it would simply be impossible to live on the Planet. But we are, and I guess that for a 3d scientist it’s still quite difficult to  have 1+1=1.

But this is the Truth. And we’re living it right now. All and everything is in front of our eyes and Hearts. We’re Changing. And We’re Changing Now. We’re the Miracle all together! Yehawww! Heaven on Earth is around the corner, and guess who’s the corner?


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Message from the Earth Allies: Who's hiding from the ego




Message from the Earth Allies: Who's hiding from the ego?



Who's hiding from the ego?

The ego.


And it could finish here... thus we'll deepen the reason why.

 Only ego can be bothered by being unmasked.

Love says "Thank YOU! Finally it's been seen that it's not Me!"





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Michael by GLR Ron Head, Let us play a little today



 Spanish      Portuguese


We speak once again, dear friends.  Our conversation today will concern your desire to know your future.  We will begin by giving you an absolute prediction of your future, one that will never fail.

  You will return to your Creator’s unconditional love and oneness.  You will bring with you, as rich gifts, all that you have experienced.


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Inelia Benz: Call to Action ~ IT’S TIME!


Inelia Benz: Call to Action ~ IT’S TIME!

By Inelia Benz – June 6, 2012



For the past two weeks every time I sit down to meditate, daydream, doing, or not doing, a strong message comes through.

The words are:


Just that.


I have sat with it, and followed the energy. I find a wealth of information when I do that. One of them is that the major conjunction and physical expression of the shift starts this June Solstice. The energetic shift occurred last summer (2011).

If you are in any way sensitive, you will have felt time and vibration accelerating to incredible velocity the past month. It will continue to escalate, peaking during this June Solstice, and manifesting for the next two months at a physical level, and finally settling throughout the rest of the year.



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~Space Weather Update~ High Chance of M Class Flares~


SOLAR WIND: For the third day in a row, a stream of fast solar wind is buffeting Earth's magnetic field. NOAA forecasters estimate a 40% chance of geomagnetic storms around the poles on June 7th. Magnetic storm alerts: text, voice.


CHANCE OF FLARES: The odds of a significant solar flare are improving as three sunspots develop complex magnetic fields with energy for M-class eruptions. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded this extreme ultraviolet flash (category M3) from sunspot AR1494 on June 6th:





The impulsive flare hurled a coronal mass ejection into spacce, but not directly toward Earth. The cloud should sail mostly south of our planet on June 8-9.



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BERNANKE: Fed Ready To Act On Economy…

I’m listening to his presentation now . . . questions will follow. It sounds to me like is saying absolutely nothing. ~J

Joe Weisenthal
Source: Business Insider
17 minutes ago, June 7, 2012

Ben Bernanke

ORIGINAL POST, SEE UPDATE BELOW: At 10:00 AM, Ben Bernanke will speak to the Senate on monetary policy.


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ New Beginnings A new you is emerging



Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ New Beginnings

A new you is emerging


You are becoming more sensitive. This means that you will have deeper feelings, thoughts and wisdom. Take some time to adjust to the new you, and know that it is the challenges that have made for the great expansion you have experienced thus far. For it is the knowing of what you do not want that you have had the courage to strive toward that which you do, and it is these contrasts that make being human so delicious.


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Reading the Runes: The Great Awakening - Harvest, Reunion and the Elemental Powers



Reading the Runes: The Great Awakening - Harvest, Reunion and the Elemental Powers

Madame Butterfly's picture

By Madame Butterfly - Posted on 07 June 2012


This early morning I decided to draw some runes for the new era which is just now bringing the love energies of Venus into the fore. I decided to do a simple three card spread, reading from right to left.

The first Rune representing the Situation as it Is, was the thirteenth rune, Jera, or Harvest, meaning Fertile Season or One Year. It is the rune of beneficial outcomes, and applies to any activity or endeavour to which one is committed.

However, as with harvest, one must wait for the crop to ripen, and the drawing of this rune indicates some time must still pass before fruition. In the case of disclosure the rune is telling us that in the fall or harvest season we can expect to reap the benefits of the seeds we sow now, in the springtime.


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Our Galactic Family Of Light 5D Report Stages Of ReBirth 4 June 2012


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It is time - Speak your voice, your choice



It is time now to speak what you stand for, what you believe in.  Today at noon, until Saturday at noon, a poll will be open.  This is what we have been waiting for.  Here is the link:


Let's take the earth back.  This is a first step.  We can do it with love and trust, belief and power.  Our new world is here.  It promises to be amazing.  Nice job everyone, our combined efforts at love have created the possibility of a smooth, peaceful transition.

This is the highest and best outcome possible, and only beings such as you would have been able to pull this off.  Realize that there have been no predictions for this, this was created 100% by our combined love.

We are the ones we are waiting for.



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It is time - Speak your voice, your choice




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UTE: Personal Update: After the Venus Transit




Personal Update: After the Venus Transit


Image Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2012

Dear friends,


the Venus transit sent ahead  it's signs already 2 days before it happened. What appeared to me was rather a re-apparence of what has been already familiar to me.


How can I describe the overwhelming, resurfacing Love in its purest form, for the Ultimate. A re-union, if at all possible at this stage, with the Source-Love, the Source-Light, I had to put a bit aside for a while, to fulfill the original mission of this birth: to serve Gaia's and humanity's ascension process.


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Oracle Report ~ Thursday, June 7, 2012



Thursday, June 7, 2012


Disseminating Moon Phase

Today marks a turning point.  Change ripples through the collective, setting us on new ground and possibly producing an "alien" or "foreign" feeling.  Sometimes arriving on new ground causes anxiety.  Remember that the feeling is merely a reaction to the influx of a new standard.  Be prepared to embrace and adapt to the changes.  This is happening to bring us into closer resonance with people of like-mind and like-outlook, but it will also bring new people and opportunities into our lives.  These things ultimately bring us a sense of comfort and security, so we don't need to resist the changes because they are for the better.  We are lucky!  Let the world turn for you today.  Notice what and who is and who is not resonating with you.  It's ok to let things take their course and come to their natural end.  Looking back will only bring pain.  A lot of interpersonal communication is going to take place today.  People will be expressing their feelings and wanting others to understand them.  This will determine which relationships will grow and which will fall away.  In other words, relationships will sort.  Remember that it is a naturalprocess.


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Drake, Fulford, Benz: News from somewhere going nowhere?


Drake, Fulford, Benz: News from somewhere going nowhere?

Ann Kreilkamp

Over the past three days there have been a number of reports of mass arrests and financial transformation happening now, or soon, or right around the corner. AGAIN. Fulford and Drake both weigh in. Anelia Benz even issues a Call to Action, tells us  the time has come. On the other hand, Steve Beckow has been at this business a lot longer than I have, and here’s what he says about what is or is not coming right up:



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Jamye Price ~ Weekly LightBlast ~ Releasing Resistance ~ 7 June 2012


Jamye Price ~ Weekly LightBlast ~ Releasing Resistance ~ 7 June 2012

Have you noticed that change is happening RAPIDLY in 2012?  If you are well with change, it seems fun.  If you have resistance to change, you are challenged with mental and emotional turmoil.  Perhaps you find yourself somewhere in between based on the moment.  Either way, your Lightwork is to continue focusing yourself toward less resistance and more Flow.  In this way, the challenges move with more ease and you begin to notice that things that would upset you greatly in the past are much easier to deal with.  It is your internal Fortitude that will help you move through change with greater ease.  Often that is determined just by your inner Knowing that All is Well and you are able to handle anything that comes your way. 
A great way to find inner Fortitude is to find the perspective that challenges are opportunities for improvement, this Releases Resistance.  Track back through your life and find the experiences that were challenging but taught you lessons about how you want to behave towards others, how you can speak up for yourself and change your circumstances, how you can maintain silence and improve your circumstances, how you can endure a situation and benefit, how you can leave a situation and benefit, how you can create a moment of ease by ‘letting go and letting God,’ ho


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Drake’s Insider Information into the Coming Changes


Drake’s Insider Information into the Coming Changes

2012 June 7
 by Steve Beckow

Drake – Intel Audio Briefings – Insider Information into the Coming Political, Financial and Social Changes of the United States of America and the World

AscensionwithEarth.com,  Thursday, June 7, 2012



For your convenience, I have located all of the audio shows and intelligence briefings that whistleblower Drake, a pentagon insider, has appeared on.  Drake became famous after his interview with David Wilcock about the mass arrests of corrupted government officials and wall street criminals.


The list below is organized by date starting with his most recent appearance.



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❀*❀ Elohim Peace and Aloha. Welcome To The Age Of Aquarius. By, AuroRa Le. June 7, 2012



❀*❀ Elohim Peace and Aloha. Welcome To The Age Of Aquarius. By, AuroRa Le. June 7, 2012.

SUN - SOHO Interesting Image 06/07/2012 01:06 UTC Time | Unidentified


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Drake ~ Let’s Us Know About Best Available NESARA Description ~ 7 June 2012


Drake ~ Let’s Us Know About Best Available NESARA Description ~ 7 June 2012

NESARA – The Best Available Description

Message from Drake:   Everyone, post this as far and wide as you can.   The voting page will be up shortly.~    Drake




The National Economic Security & Reformation Act

Compiled by Nancy Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.original link to this article



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A Message from Saint Germain: "The OM WAVE ~ Activation of the ONE"


A Message from
Saint Germain:
"The OM WAVE ~ Activation of the ONE"


Greeting My Fellow Comrades of the Light,
It is my divine pleasure to be here with you in this moment of creation ~ and what moments we are going to be experiencing for all to see.
First of all, I want to say to each of you that you have blessed yourselves beyond the capacity of your mental minds and this is what true mastery entails. It is a wonderful time upon Earth and every individual that is awakening in these moments are part of this creative process.
We are coming into a juncture of time beyond space and our innermost feelings. All timelines are coming into creation ~ especially the ones that have been lost through the ages. But yet they have not really been lost but just tucked away until they were ready to be revealed once again. Yes, my friends, the Light of your Soul is now ready to shine ever so deeply than it has before. It is our time of renewal, of rebirth, but truly the acceptance of the old and new coming together in unison.

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Nancy Tate ~ Wake Up Call ~ Sananda ~ 7 June 2012




Nancy Tate ~ Wake Up Call ~ Sananda ~ 7 June 2012

I am Sananda come to visit with you this morning. I bring to you a message of forthrightness and charm, one that will give you the truth and the joy in reading it. Come with me for a minute.



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(After I had my healing experience, I could barely stay awake, so I was unable to post this article until today. This is the same thing that happened to me after the Eclipse. Perhaps many of you have had that experience of going so deeply into the higher dimensions that you can no longer stay “awake” to the physical one. Interestingly, first we must learn to “stay awake” to our higher SELF and now we must remember how to “stay awake” to our physical self. Below is my experience. After “sleeping on” my experience, I added more to it this morning.)



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Astrology Forecast for June 6, 2012



Tom is full of good news.  Surf's Up!!


"I am no longer alone on the shore of the sea, for I have called forth and and she has answered me." It's time to come out of our shells and speak our truth far and wide as Jupiter enters the sign of Gemini this Monday! All the aspects are pointing toward the unity of community so let's make those connections and share the love. Aloha......












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