~ The Processing of the Eclipse Energies Underway

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 05/22/2012 - 10:38

The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~19~12 All Prophecy's are about to Come True ~


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'Downloading' consciousness? Have you considered uploading?


Just thinking that I can acheive similar sensations of mass information flow in two directions. The other day it was actually happening as I was going about my day.

I'm trying to harness 100 monkeys here, in a manner of speaking.


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JFK The Disclosure speech.avi


True... fake... mmm... well, let's call it the mattiné for our Disclosure, and see how everybody feels about it!


I got shivers running from top to toe, hope you enjoy it the same way! For even if this is just a nice storyboard, what we're going to Live won't be a fairytale. 


Also, many ask how they could introduce others to the fact that we're Real... this could be a good way to do so... a simple question like "What do you think of this video?" Might just open that small window of possibility that will help others not to be zapped when it comes into action.


All my Love




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Up Close & Personal With Inelia Benz: Inelia's Childhood - with Host Helane Lipson


Up Close & Personal With Inelia Benz: A Day In The Life of Inelia
Host Helane Lipson

Inelia was "born" in Chile and entered this world directly from source energy, without any karma, and she came into this life with a sense of knowingness-- on a pure mission. Her soul purpose is to raise the vibrational level of the planet to a critical point that will allow a transitioning to the new paradigm, the new level of awareness for everything, for the planet and everything in it, every rock, every insect, every person. To do that "job", Inelia is a spiritual Catalyst, awakening those asleep, helping those already aware to reach a higher vibrational level and she has even traveled to different geographical areas in various ways, for the sake of cleansing it so that the vibration can come through properly.

Many people wonder, what is a day in the life like for Inelia Benz, someone viewed as such a spiritual being, acting as a model of what humanity can be. Today we will have the opportunity to see Inelia, Upclose and Personal, in her real life..as the real person she is...
Inelia Benz: www.ascension101.com
Helane Lipson: www.insightsbyhelane.com


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~Eclipse Energy Effect Experience~


Yesterday I decided I was going to meditate all day and practice various methods of chakra cleansing and opening. I started watching the live stream cameras when the eclipse started in Asia and then again when it happened here in the USA. When the Eclipse started in Asia I kept having this intense feeling of not being able to go above my head (crown chakra???), And then when the eclipse began in the USA I started to get an intense migraine that started to make me see spots in my vision, The pressure was so bad in my head my eyes hurt, my neck tensed up really bad and started spasming and I had nausea really bad almost flu like, but it wasn't to the left where my stomach is, it was centered right in my abdomen.

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~Yes, It’s Happening Now~


Yes, It’s Happening Now

Posted May 21, 2012 by opalescentwords

doorway open from Pleiades


Being in the earthly vibe these days is hard for everyone and impossible to sustain for many. I have heard of lost hope and no future before, but this is serious business to consider right now. In the recent weeks, the social structure has imploded all over the place, the ones with power are enclosing those without, and hard times are getting harder in every sector of society. It doesn’t matter if you work hard or are out of options, it’s getting near impossible to get ahead and feed the hunger that wells up all around. Meanwhile, those with the goods are getting greedy, and it may well prove to be their undoing at a critical point ahead. For now, the suffering for so many is more than I can bear thinking about, mostly for the innocents, the children, and the beaten dreamers of yesterday.



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A Second Look at Jaden Smith’s Disclosure


A Second Look at Jaden Smith’s Disclosure

2012 May 21
 By GLR~ Steve Beckow

OK, let’s back up a minute.


Jaden Smith asks President Obama if aliens exist. The news report puts it this way:


Smith tells BBC Radio 1 host Chris Moyles, “The night before Jaden had said to me, ‘Dad, I gotta ask the president about the aliens,’ and I’m like, ‘Dude, no, it’s not cool. It’s embarrassing. Do not ask the president!’ So we get into the situation room and Jaden gets the look in his eyes and he leans over to me and asks, ‘Dad, What’s my punishment?’


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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 5/21/12




There are many ways to describe and to see your current state within duality, and one of these ways is to say you are within a bird cage. This is a metaphor that similarly describes your current state of imprisonment. It is as if you are all living within the confines of a cage, as there is so much for you beyond these walls, barriers and limitations that you can experience if you choose to experience them. We are here to help you see that there is another choice for you. We are not here to bust you out of this cage, for it is your cage. You have designed it, you have constructed it. It is not a cage that has been placed around you by foreign entities of a negative brand. It is you yourselves that wished to experience what life would be like caged like a trapped bird without the wings to soar to your freedom.


What you choose now to do with this information is up to each and every one of you to choose for yourselves. We will also not make this choice for you, as it is not our right to visit any world throughout this universe and make decisions for the beings that call these worlds their home. We are here to advise you of your current situation and of your choices, and we are also here to see that whatever choice it is you make you will experience. This is simple to understand, is it not? We are not here for any other reasons. If it is true freedom that you wish to experience, then we will pool our resources together with you and see to it this is what you will experience, but always remember that it is you that must choose the lanes in which you wish to travel.



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New French cabinet includes three Muslims


New French cabinet includes three Muslims PressTV.ir


Junior Minister for French Living Abroad and Francophony, Yamina Benguigui, Top row, second from left, Minister for Women

Junior Minister for French Living Abroad and Francophony, Yamina Benguigui, Top row, second from left, Minister for Women's Rights and Government Spokesperson, Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, Middle row, fifth from left. (File photo)


France's first left-wing President in nearly 20 years, Francois Hollande has unveiled a government that includes three Muslim ministers. Read More


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FREEDOM PROJECT: THE 'GREEK TRAGEDY' NOT SO TRAGIC AT ALL... Drachma scarecrows and the Myths of Greek Exit...




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"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." by Beloved Gandhi...



As you can see from these three articles I posted recently, one from 'Associated Press' under title "Vatican slams new book of leaked documents as ‘criminal’, another from 'Business Insider' with titles "Catholics Are In Full Rebellion Against The Obama Administration" and "Notre Dame Is Suing the Obama Administration" there is definite streak of light stretching through these very accusational words and actions...


Streak of Truth that is coming out on the surface is so bright, that Vatican and their employees cannot look at it directly... They are still attempting to put some extra veil or dark cloth over the truth that is arising...



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"No NATO, No War": U.S. Veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan Return War Medals at NATO Summit


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UFO over São Paulo, Brazil - May 21, 2012


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FREEDOM PROJECT: Vatican: New book of leaked documents ‘criminal’... By Associated Press




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How We Lived in Third Dimensionality


How We Lived in Third Dimensionality

2012 May 21
 by GLR~ Steve Beckow

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~Eclipse from Mt Shasta~ Diamond Light


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Video Rare 'ring of fire' eclipse seen across Asia


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About birds... or humans??


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~ Commentary and Photo by Shanta Gabriel


www.the gabrielmessages.com

Sitting at the foot of Mt. Shasta, I am filled with the majesty of Divine Presence. This sacred mountain is a vast feminine being filling the horizon and uplifting all in her vortex of power. Mt. Shasta is one of the most holy mountains on Earth, some even call her the Base Chakra of the planet. The expansiveness of beauty in this place and the abundance of Nature, gifted so freely, sparks Divine Love in and through me, and I am filled with wonder at the magnificence of this time.


This level of expansive attributes also challenges my ability to bring into conscious awareness what is transpiring around me on the planet right now, as well as through me. The desire to spend a few months in Mt. Shasta was sparked from a soul level. I have needed to find a deeper connection to Nature. These first months of 2012 have felt like being in a whirling vortex and at other times as though I am in a vehicle moving at the trajectory of the speed of Light.



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5/21/2012 -- Severe weather -- East and West coast , NW, SW, SE, North and South


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'UFO'-Cloud shows up in the middle of nowhere. Örnsköldsvik, Sweden. May 21, 2012


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Cathar Fractal Ascension - Dan Winter Video


Cathar Fractal Ascension




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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~21~12 The Eclipse, Reboot and Alignment Was a Complete Success ~


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~21~12


Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ The Eclipse, Reboot and Alignment Was a Complete Success~


Photo By Earth Ally Will Harader Mt. Shasta Mountain Eclipse 6:30pm


Greetings Love Beings~ The Eclipse, Reboot and Alignment was a Complete Success.The Completion of the Inner and Outer Connections has been made.

We are getting reports from around the Planet from many different sources. Many are feeling, something has really shifted and indeed it has. Love has Landed in a Deep Way. Many will be experiencing the effects of this Energy in the coming days and weeks. The Reality of Love and Truth has Been Grounded. Love and Light Win! Prepare for Grand Events, Heaven Decreed.



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Oracle Report ~ Tuesday, May 22, 2012



Tuesday, May 22, 2012

New Moon Phase

Like a hawk, today our ability to see what others miss is heightened, enabling us to gain awareness of anyplace true intentions are hiding behind a facade. People will be unveiling their true colors (in particular tendencies toward elitism and bossiness are more evident).  There is also a push-pull dynamic of not wanting to commit or give ourselves completely to something versus wanting to take action.  The rub comes from wanting a guarantee of success.  There is no such guarantee but the Universe signals us today to go ahead and take a chance.  The worst that could happen is a bruised ego and we aren't interested much in egos.  All of this may be combined with a feeling of being "out on your own" or isolated.  This is natural today, so don't let it hold you back.  Mercury and Jupiter are conjunct, so if you need to teach or express something, today is the best day of the year to do it.  The Moon will also conjunct Venus (which is retrograde) in Gemini, and Gemini's are wonderful communicators.  There is a lot going on today, but all in all it is a day of "building."  What we see, do, and say will form a strong foundation for the future so use your power of vision to look far ahead.


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My Journey and Pictorial Thru the Eclipse in New Mexico




Well here we are, the day after the day after!!  I surely feel more coherent than I did yesterday, of course I have only been awake for nearly 20 minutes and its barely 5am.  We will see how the rest of the day goes from here!!

I hiked the Guadalupe Mesa with 6 friends the day of the eclipse.  I feel so blessed to have been with this exact group of people on this very landscape of experience.  There was a feeling of togetherness that touched my heart every step of the way.  And some of these steps were down right challenging.

We took a break a little over half way up to rehydrate and give our bodies a bit of a rest and the view to Jemez, to the life that surrounds the life I live was breathtaking!  I put a little sign in the picture below that says “I live here” which is where my home is 


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Wonderful things are happening now. – Michael by GLR Ron Head



  Press here for  Spanish  or  Portuguese.

Our discussion for today concerns truth.  Many have an idea of truth as an unchangeable against which they may gauge any concept.  We wish to discuss truth as a measure of what actually is.

We must understand that ‘what actually is’, is at all times in a state of change.  One cannot find anywhere in the multiverses a single instance of a static thing.  Every single minute particle is in constant movement.  All is energy, frequency, light, life.  All is in utter and complete change at any instant.  Therefore, the truth which we are discussing is always in flux.


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5/22/2012 -- Tropical storm forms in Pacific + West Coast, Midwest, North, South, outlook


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Visionkeeper – Which Way? – 22 May 2012




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May 22, Daily Horoscope



Daily Horoscope
by Rick Levine, DailyHoroscope.com


Tuesday, May 22, 2012


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LOVE Decree to ONE!


Dear Humanity

Dear Animals and Elements

Dear All beings from ALL galaxies


Dear One!

A lesson has been given to us through this Press. It is the most tremendous understanding for us to receive. It is simple and for each of us wherever we are in our vibration, dimension, earthy or other plane: WHEN WE USE WORDS THAT JAR ... When we say or do things THAT HURT, however intended or unintended, WE EACH AS ONE feel the impact. To negate another being through actions, words images or thoughts, in any way, hurts us all as ONE. This is a gift - a Grail !!! Hereon, let every word, gesture, thought, image we share or receive, be through the purest lens of light and love and bestowed with forgiveness and love. To all beings who wish to communicate with humanity or other beings, do so with the highest of intentions and in pure, clear love. Lay down your arms and LOVE! This is so decreed NOW. Thank you.



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The manuscript of survival – part 142



The manuscript of survival – part 142


 •May 22, 2012 •


As the times rolls by, everything is starting to gather more and more momentum, and this can in many ways be likened to the start of an avalanche. Small and inconspicuous at first, but soon, it starts to grow both in size and speed, and after a short while, it cannot be stopped. Anything down hill will be smashed to smithereens if it happens to be standing in the path of this unstoppable force, so too with this in many ways cataclysmic change you are about to witness taking place on your planet. Again, we do not use the word cataclysmic to necessarily refer to a showstopping event of stupendous proportions, rather to the unmistakable fact that to those still set on keeping up status quo, all changes will seem to be some sort of catastrophe in their books, and the sort of change we refer to here, cannot be anything short of 


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The Knowing: Accessing Your 6th Sense



Urantia, April 30, 2012.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “Perception.”

Received by Lytske.

The Beloved One: “Allow the words to flow. They seem to arrive out of thin air, as you perceive them. This is what our subject is all about – perception – letting the words form in your mind. Mortals are endowed with responsiveness to the sixth sense, depending in measure on how much thought is given to the inner life, spirituality and eternity, but only to the degree one refuses to get bogged down in the outer material world with its worries and concerns.

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May 20, 2012 - Eclipse=LOVE ALIGNMENT


The Eclipse of May 20, 2012 was one I'll never forget....So much joy and celebration...One of my daughters, my oldest grand daughter, two of my great grandchildren (from Florida), three of my grandchildren from Manistee and a couple of dear friends and me went to 1st Street beach to breathe in all the LOVE energies..They were extremely high bringing in the new harmonics to Gaia and ALL..

People were everywhere in anticipation of the eclipse...Many were sitting along the wall separating the beach from the parking lot..All eyes were on the sunset and the incoming storm...There weren't many people on the actual beach, but the parking lot and three foot wall were pretty full...

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The “De~Zonkification” from the 5~20~12 at Puuhonua o Honaunau


Kauilapele's Blog  The “De~Zonkification” from the 5~20~12 at Puuhonua o Honaunau


Well, I came here (Puuhonua o Honaunau) today as I felt incredibly “zonked” after going through the 5-20-12 solar eclipse / reset the grid day. Nothing wrong withe being “zonked”, to me just indicates a strong energetic adjustment.


To top it all off, last night I went back into the kitties room to get something (was dark, all lights were off, new moon) and banged my head against this diagonal 4×4 that hold up the awning roof. I literally got “slapped up side the head” by that beam.


Incredibly, I felt no upset (surprise, yes) and no anger at the beam. And that was something I’d asked to release yesterday. That kind of instant reaction to events.


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~The Galactic Free Press Honors Bee Gee's~ Andy Gibb's Who is Happy to Be on the Starships


Commentary from the Galactic Free Press~ Andy And the Bee Gee's Grounded in the Galactic Codes on Sunday, when he released His Energy~ Yeehaw! Thank You! We Honor You! Love The Earth Allies


~Deep Love Grounded~





In this Nov, 6, 1979, file photo, the Bee Gees from left, Maurice, Robin and Barry Gibb sing close into the microphone at a Miami Beach concert in Miami. November 6, 1979. A representative said on Sunday, May 20, 2012, that Robin Gibb has died. He was 62. In this Nov, 6, 1979, file photo, the Bee Gees from left, Maurice, Robin and Barry Gibb sing close into the microphone at a Miami Beach concert in Miami. November 6, 1979. A representative said on Sunday, May 20, 2012, that Robin Gibb has died. He was 62. (AP Photo/Phil Sandlin, File)



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HEAVEN LETTERS: #4197 ~ THE STORY OF LOVE ~ 22.5.12...



The Story of Love


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FREEDOM PROJECT: JP Morgan caught on the run having the runs... 18-20 BILLIONS IN LOSSES... AND IT IS JUST A BEGINNING...


JP Morgan caught on the run having the runs...


JAMIE DIAMOND  not so shiny any more...

JAMIE Diamond not so hard any longer... 

Where to run?... Where to hide?...

Everyone knows Jamie... as Jamie owes to everyone...

Just Till yesterday Jimmie owned whole world, yet today he owes to the Whole World...

Maybe if change his name from: Diamond to Demon-d?...

Can he hide ever again?...




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Lee-Anne Peters – The Shadow Side – A Valued Friend!



Lee-Anne Peters – The Shadow Side – A Valued Friend! – 22 May 2012

The shadow side (or the ego etc) can be something that frightens many individuals, and so much so that they avoid, deny and mask this important aspect of who we are. Firstly, I will share my interpretation of the shadow side…

Fear, old beliefs, ancient programming, unexpressed emotions, negative thinking, illusion, separation, self doubt and the good old ego (the voice of your hurt and pain) can all be included within the shadow side. Everyone’s shadow side will be different depending on their experiences and what their reactions have been to them. The shadow side usually consists of old stuff from the past, much of which can ‘haunt’ us at any time, and in any moment. For some, this may be VERY overwhelming, especially if there is old hurt and pain within that is just too painful to explore. Some people use ‘crutches’ like alcohol, anger, abuse to hold that shadow side down. However there is only so long you can suppress it before it comes up again!


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Marilyn Raffaelle – The Arcturian Group – 22 May 2012



Marilyn Raffaelle – The Arcturian Group – 22 May 2012

Dear ones,

we come again to  remind you of the many changes you are about to see and are now seeing upon your planet.   Changes are now taking place within the hearts of many who before this time seemed oblivious,  allowing them  for the first time, to experience the  light of truth. These are the dear ones that you will soon find yourselves helping as you explain to them what is taking place on the earth and in their lives at this time.  Awakening humanity is  making this shift happen, dear ones.  Your light is manifesting in the outer as the  higher forms that you interpret as change– higher levels of truth and understanding within all peoples and  all facets of  every day living.


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Suzanne Poulson Spooner – A Message From God & Gabriel – The Importance Of ‘Powering Down’ And A Deeper Understanding (For Me) Of The Photon Belt Alignment



Suzanne Poulson Spooner – A Message From God & Gabriel – The Importance Of ‘Powering Down’ And A Deeper Understanding (For Me) Of The Photon Belt Alignment – 22 May 2012

[Hello God & Gabriel.] Hello Suzy & welcome back! [Thank you, it has been a longer break from TAUK than I thought I would have. It feels great to connect again!] We know that you have imagined this time away as a time for introspection. As you tended to your child and understood your role as a mom, you gave permission to your High Self to privately upgrade your HS’s love & joy. This upgrade was a re-boot necessary for the shift. You needed to ‘power-down’ to accomplish this and this is why you felt disconnected energetically while in Florida. [I thought I felt that due to the stress of getting a child through a medical situation.] That was part of the journey but you also needed the time to re-boot. It all is in perfect order.


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When Ready


One is ready to move along when it becomes more important to choose to learn than choosing to feel attacked


Grailheart Magi


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Selacia ~ Humanity’s New Chapter ~ Understanding Your Role As A Divine Changemaker ~ Earth’s Pivotal Years ~ 22 May 2012


Selacia ~ Humanity’s New Chapter ~ Understanding Your Role As A Divine Changemaker ~ Earth’s Pivotal Years ~ 22 May 2012

Excerpt from Chapter 12, “Earth’s Pivotal Years” by Selacia

Your wise self knows that this unique cycle of time is not the end of life but a transition into new beginnings. Your everyday self, however, may be doubtful. That conditioned part of you remains immersed in linear illusions about what is possible. You have learned to doubt things that you could not prove with your eyes or by other physical means.



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BAST. Our Pets: Loving Companions Throughout The Ages. By, AuroRa Le



BAST. Our Pets: Loving Companions Throughout The Ages. By, AuroRa Le. May 22, 2012.

⧋  Many Greetings, I am Bast.  I am Mother and protector of the Elemental Realms, the Realms of Fire and Earth.  I bid you welcome, once more.  It is of the greatest import on this day that you be made aware of a loving dynamic which enfolds you, and has surrounded you throughout what you term as time.  These are connections deep and true.  These bonds run strong within your core essence and your history, and it is these which may never be broken.  They have left an indelible imprint upon your heart and energetic self.  It is by God’s design that this be so.  You know these ones.  It is the Animal Kingdom of which I speak, and when I label them thus, I do so only to present this information in a manner to which you may relate.   Dog, cat, fish, bird, tortoise, mouse…they go by many names, but as in all the Universe, they are One.  So, let us start at the beginning…


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Lisa Gawlas ~ Today, We Are New ~ Pure Liquid Potential Creating Form! ~ 22 May 2012


Lisa Gawlas ~ Today, We Are New ~ Pure Liquid Potential Creating Form! ~ 22 May 2012

I just got out of my bath meditation and there are way too many exciting details to wait until tomorrow to share.  So this is a 2 blog Tues-Day!


The first thing I had seen was the “other side” of the Mesa, the very side we witnessed the eclipse on.  The sun had said by our very presence there we activated a unified vortex of energy (front side of the mesa to the back side, merged together at the very top.)

I was then shown our group… not so much the people in the group but the energies as well as the numerology of it all.


We started out as a group of 7, 6 women, 1 man.  7 represents a cycle of spiritual completion, 6 soul partnership, 1  new beginnings.  2 people from our group stayed at the first level of the hike.  2 represents duality (and it separating from us.)  5 climbed as high was we could get representing change.



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~Space Weather Update~ Quiet Sun~ Noon Conjunction


QUIET SUN: With no sunspots actively flaring, the sun's x-ray output has flatlined. Solar activity is very low, and likely to remain so for the next 24 hours.


SUNSET CONJUNCTION: When the sun goes down tonight, step outside and look west. An exquisitely-slender crescent Moon is passing to the left of Venus. A small telescope pointed at Venus shows that it is a crescent, too. [sky map]


NOON CONJUNCTION: Mercury, Jupiter and the Pleiades are converging for a beautiful three-way conjunction. Unfortunately, it's happening in broad daylight. The two planets and the star cluster are only a few degrees from the sun. The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) photographed the encounter on May 22nd:



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FREEDOM PROJECT: Ron Paul takes Republican Party of Minnesota by storm...


A victory for Ron Paul in Minnesota. The Texas congressman managed to sweep up 12 of the 13 delegates at the Republican Party Convention. Many have doubted Paul would come close to getting the GOP nomination, but only he and Mitt Romney are left standing. So can Ron Paul keep up his momentum? Austin Petersen, director of production for Freedom Works, joins us with more on Paul's latest victory.

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Hero or villain, Julian Assange stunned the world when he leaked more than 90,000 war files. Accompanying Assange through every step of the unfolding drama, this report reveals a man on a mission. 
"We get attacked not in proportion to whatever we are doing wrong or doing right, but in proportion to the impact that our material is having. They'll attack the messenger and try to discolour the message by proxy." Shaking off claims that he has endangered lives, Assange is determined: "this historical archive belongs to the people of Afghanistan". Speaking from a temporary HQ in London, Assange and his nomadic team may be staying on the move, but they don't plan on staying in hiding. Packing up his rucksack and heading 'to the bunker in The Guardian' to prepare for the release, the whistleblower is stoic: "My function in Wikileaks is to take all the heat. I've had my baptismal fire". And he isn't showing signs of stopping; threatening to release a further 15,000 reports, his message is clear: "stay tuned". 
Lighthouse Pacific


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This week, Julian Assange talks to the President of Ecuador, Rafael Correa. Correa is a left wing populist who has changed the face of Ecuador. But unlike his predecessors he holds a Ph.D. in economics. According to US embassy cables, Correa is the most popular President in Ecuador's democratic history. But in 2010 he was taken hostage in an attempted coup d'etat. He blames the coup attempt on corrupt media and has launched a controversial counter-offensive. Correa says the media defines what reforms are possible. Assange tries to figure out is Ecuadorian president justified and what is his vision for Latin America.

Julian Assange Show - official video page: http://assange.rt.com

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FREEDOM PROJECT:Farage Break up the Euro and restore human dignity!...


Donate to UKIP: http://www.ukip.org/donations | http://www.ukipmeps.org |

FREEDOM PROJECT: J.P. Morgan Funds Senate Finance Chair, Even Bigger Problem in the Wings...


Tom Ferguson: Euro crisis may have more devasting effect on US banks than previously thought

More at http://therealnews.com


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