~ The Processing Underway of the Huge Energies we Have Been In~

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 03/12/2012 - 10:26


Greetings Love Beings WOW.. we are in some very deep processing moments as we have entered Mercury retrograde today. Many will feel some heavy pressure as, this energy is slowing everyone down to take a pause. Be really careful with these energies, If you are feeling angry or feelings of isolation and separation take a Pause and Breathe and refocus. We will share more about this in our next update. WE Love You, Love Mother and Father God and The GFP Staff

Flying Saucers Over Colombia 2012 HD


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3/12/2012 -- Sakurajima Volcano in Japan -- Earthquake on Camera then large eruption


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Latest Earthquakes Report Mar 11 2012


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It started for me when I forgot that Daylight Savings Time began yesterday. There were several comments about that following the video, including one that went into some detail as to the conspiracy of DST. So, I ponder the question: What Time Is It Anyway?


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High Flying UFO's and TR3-B? between 03:00 and 05:00 hours over King's Lynn UK


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Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa 12-March-2012



Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa 12-March-2012



 by GLR Mike Quinsey

SaLuSa  12-March-2012


Time speeds ever onwards as the future of mankind is being fought out in the Middle East. At least that is how it would appear to those who have yet to awaken, and remain uninformed. Regretfully the media is still stifled by the old approach that prevents free speech, and investigative journalism that is allowed to bring out the truth. Much is happening that should be told, so that you have a grasp of what is behind events that are threatening world peace. Better still would be truthful reporting so that your minds were put at rest, knowing that although attempts have been made to start another World War, they have failed and will continue to do so.


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Mariara The Pleiadina : You Are All Needed Crucialy In The Informing Of Humanity



Mariara The Pleiadina : You Are All Needed Crucialy In The Informing Of Humanity – 12 March 2012



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3/11/2012 -- Scalar Square and HAARP ring outbreak = Kentucky , Ohio, W. Virginia


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Arcturian Group: You are Learning the True Meaning of Love



Arcturian Group: You are Learning the True Meaning of Love

Posted by GLR BZ

Arcturian Group: You are Learning the True Meaning of Love



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GLR~Cam Peele You cannot fool those who know what's happening~


GLR~Cam Peele You cannot fool those who know what's happening~
Sure , global warming is happening and it's increasing also . Did you know all of the planets in our solar system are warming up and not just earth . The sun is warming up and for the last 12 months has been spitting off a lot of energy solar flares in all directions . Divine timing . Without forgetting we are all individually made up of over 2 billion atoms that constantly vibrate ( energy never stops ) and just like water what happens when atoms warm up . They speed up .
We are evolving into higher vibrational beings .


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Solar Update~Tornado Warnings in South.


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Galactic Federation Of Light Sananda Mar 10 2012


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Starseeds 101 : Full MOON Report and Encounter !!!!


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Just like today, love bugs.....


Just like today... just how we feel connected to one another... just how we are love today... just how we are undauntingly heading each ship into the newest Neverland this planet has EVER gone to (forget about 26,000 years... that's just part of the story).....





We are going to be challenged soon... by the energy of us, Gaia, our local sun, the other planets, the Great Central Sun and the whole Milky Way!


Remember, enlighted ones, there is no room for hesitancy or doubt or any fear at all. It is up to us to be out there leading the pack into ecstacy... 


I am a woman... with our heightened sensitivities now, no matter what we did or feared in the past, that doesn't matter ... I want you to imagine for a moment that you are a virgin in your first intimate sharing with someone you love very much. Think how you would want your partner to gently guide you with sensitivity, patience, confidence, love into your first physical sensation of oneness.  As you decided to trust this partner, I want you to trust yourself, your god, and your Universe and you will be gently taken to your destination.  That's all it's going to takel... just trust!


If you are a man reading this, all of you now are much more sensitive as to what true intimacy means. You can now know how important it is/was for you to be courageous WITHIN that love and guidance. Find that Jesus part of you and maintain that loving courage for yourself and offer it to others.  Be gentle and kind to yourself. You are being reborn!


This message came from the Great Future... into every cell of my being.... I hope you accept it in love and my caring so much!




So much love,


grailheart magi


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EARTH ALLIES REPORT 11.3.12... Week of Miracles is ahead of US... Stock Markets collapse... Euro & US$ Crash starting Monday 12.3.12 in London... GOLD BACKED CURRENCIES Announcements... NESARA & Prosperity Funds Announcements soon after... How Beloved Oba


by Predrag/Saint Germain

Beloved Friends of Light...





Can you believe what you read it the title only?... Can you believe at least part of this is possible?... Can you imagine when these events take its place, what the energies will be on our beloved Mother Earth?...


Now, do not tell us nothing happened if markets crash on Tuesday or Thursday instead of Monday... As this depends big time from your desire for change as well... Yes, all the legal and financial work has been done in the background for quite some time [lets say at least 275 years in advance...]...


When you learn how many Earth Allies, White hats, White Dragons, White  & Light workers are involved in this mega project, you will be excited to the point of screaming: Yippee... Freedom is here...



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Heavenletter #4126 A Ghost from the Past


Heavenletter #4126 A Ghost from the Past, March 12, 2012 


God said: 


Let go of past error. Let go of that which you see as error, and let it be over and done with. If you made a mistake, do not compound it with guilt. Free yourself from guilt. Guilt is not good for you. Guilt is a stamp you put on yourself. With a hot iron, you brand yourself guilty again and again. When you don't have something new to feel guilty about, you find something from an old reservoir to plague yourself with. The one to forgive is yourself. The best is yet to come. Guilt is a self-lashing that deters the good to come.

Guilt is self-recrimination.

Guilt is a ghost from the past.


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Visionkeeper – Life On The Fly – 12 March 2012



Visionkeeper – Life On The Fly – 12 March 2012



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Our Galactic Family with Mike Quinsey ~ Summary and Link


Our Galactic Family with Mike Quinsey ~ Summary and Link

2012 March 12
 by Graham

Graham Dewyea presents Our Galactic Family on March 11 with Mike Quinsey.  Click on the link below to listen to the show archive for free:



Mike lives in Kent, England. He is the editor of Quest, a magazine devoted to spiritual growth and enlightment, he hosts his own radio show on BBS radio, and he is the channel for Salusa. Below is a summary of the interview, which I very much enjoyed:



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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ You are Supported


~You deserve the best~


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A message from GLR Kelly M. Beard



A message from Kelly M. Beard


Sunday, 11 March, 2012  (posted 12 March, 2012)




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American Kabuki ~ (Update 11 March 2012) ~ 270 RESIGNATIONS From World Banks, Investment Houses, Money Funds ~ 12 March 2012


American Kabuki ~ (Update 11 March 2012) ~ 270 RESIGNATIONS From World Banks, Investment Houses, Money Funds ~ 12 March 2012

“Some big names on Wall Street are eager to step out of the spotlight after enduring years of financial-crisis turbulence and negative attention from politicians and protesters” Peter Ressler, the chief executive of RMG Search.”


Late Update 3/11/12: Added names for Vatican Priests being investigated for money laundering.
Updated 3/11/12  Special thanks to Gabriel at http://www.facebook.com/MassResignations for tracking Insurance, Government and Healthcare Resignations.  Also special thanks to Sophie who has kept me very busy with some very good URLs.


I don’t mind if you re-blog this listing. Save yourself the wear and tear on your karma and do me the favor of including



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”So Many are Awakening Now”



”So Many are Awakening Now”

2012 March 12
 by GLR~ Steve Beckow

I often receive emails from people who actually say that they “awakened” a few months back and are now reading everything they can lay there hands on. On the one hand, I’m amazed at the number of people who are “waking up” to events as they are around them. On the other hand, I’m amazed at the number of people who actually acknowledge that they are “awakening.”

The Arcturian Group in their March 11, 2012, message was the latest source to acknowledge that the awakening process is gathering speed, as it must if the largest possible number of people are to ascend: “So many are awakening and beginning to understand the bigger picture. So many are beginning to see through the lies and games of those who wish to keep you in bondage and ignorant of your true selves.” (1)


Wanderer of the Skies depicts people in various stages of arousing themselves from slumber.


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Jackie Evancho Video ~ To Believe with Lyrics


~This Prayer we Are Answering this Year, Stand Tall In Love~ We are Here, Love Mother and Father God and The GFP Staff


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Interesting Graphs related to the “254 Resignations From World Banks, et al.


Interesting Graphs related to the “254 Resignations From World Banks, et al.”

by kauilapele, Kauilapele’s Blog, March 11, 2012


Okay, from the American Kabuki home page, they pointed to this Japanese website, with all these great graphs. I’m just posting the graphs. And apparently they were only up to 236 resignations when they made these.




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The manuscript of survival ~ part 102


For now, things will seem to quieten down a bit as you all start to assimilate all of those doses of high voltage energy you have been receiving during these last days. It was no mean feat, let us tell you that, and we venture to guess that they certainly left their mark on you at impact. That is not strange, as they were of a magnitude hitherto unseen on your shores, and we all applaud your efforts in this sweet ones.

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~ How To Create A Deeper Connection Of Love With Mother Earth



~ How To Create A Deeper Connection Of Love With Mother Earth

by GLR Natalie Glasson 

Sacred School of Om Na | March 12 2012

AA Raphael - Each of you are angelic beings upon the Earth, selflessly giving of our light and love from the depths of your soul. I honour your realisation of this within your being. It is your purpose at this time and all times to share your light and love from the very depths and origins of your soul. This is the time of empowerment for the soul of the Creator and for the aspects of the Creator you hold within you. It is a time to empower your soul knowing that this action and intention is a catalyst that will positively influence the entire universe of the Creator. Love your soul and love loving your soul. Empower your soul by placing your focus upon your soul’s expression at all times. Know that this will allow your truth to expand and develop free from boundaries.

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I Ran Into Myself



12 March, 2012
Before my eyes even opened this morning, I heard "download complete" and I smiled. Each night as I begin evening meditation I ask that I be filled with all the information my little self can handle, and more importantly to me, that I be allowed to begin to remember.
This morning while my husband was getting ready for work I began having what at first felt like those little deja' vu windows. Rather than dismiss them, I stayed with it asking, "tell me more!" 
On several occasions (and it's only 9am!) I came face to face with Myself.  A future self; a higher self; my true self... I'm still trying to label it, yet it doesn't really matter.
Myself is right here with me, a strong almost physical presence, ready to assist me anytime I need. Yes she's always been here, just like all my angels, star family and guides. But this is different, something has shifted in my conscious awareness.
Myself is beckoning me to permanently merge with her. In perfect love and perfect trust, I SURRENDER! I'm going to spend whatever effort is required to accomplish this. Hopefully today, but I've waited this long so I'd rather take my time and do all the work right the first time. 
May your journey today find you face to face with Yourself as well, if that is your desire. 


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Bright Orb passing by Polotsk, Belarus - March 11, 2012


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~Space Weather Update~ GEOMAGNETIC STORM UNDERWAY~ Active Sunspots


GEOMAGNETIC STORM UNDERWAY: A moderate G2-class geomagnetic storm is underway following the arrival of a CME on March 12th at ~0930 UT. The CME's impact caused strong ground currents in Norway. At the same time, photographic Southern Lights were recorded over New Zealand and Tasmania. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras. Aurora alerts: text, phone.


WEEKEND SOLAR FLARE: Sunspot AR1429 erupted again over the weekend. On Saturday, March 10th, it produced a powerful M8-class flare that almost crossed the threshold into X-territory. During the flare, New Mexico amateur astronomer Thomas Ashcraft recorded a series of radio bursts at 21 and 28 MHz:


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Angela Peregoff ~ The Week Ahead (March 12 2012) Mercury Goes Retrograde Today~



Angela Peregoff ~ The Week Ahead (March 12 2012)

The Week Ahead | March 12 2012

I hope that you didn’t stress out as the March winds blew in some magnetic instability last week. It was yet another reminder from the solar brain of our galaxy that we still have an incredible amount of information to integrate into our DNA codes as we ride this Ascension train of change. The sun will play a very active role in 2012 and 2013 emitting magnetically charged particles called coronal mass ejections that soar through space with compelling force to assist us at this pivotal time. The Ascension has movement and since I last wrote the velocity of light increased 17% establishing new growing pains that will lead to great new horizons of harmony and peace.



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A magnitude 5.7 earthquake has struck the Kuril Islands at a depth of 131.6 km (81.8 miles), the quake hit at 12:32:49 UTC Monday 12th March 2012
The epicenter was 16 km (10 miles) West from Kuril'sk, Kuril Islands
No Tsunami Warning Issued - No Reports of Damage or Injuries at this time


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March 12 – 18 ~ Doreen Virtue’s Weekly Oracle Card Reading




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11 March 2012 evening: WELCOME GUESTS!


I'm getting caught up on the evening news here at the Galactic Free Press and I noticed that currently there are 14 registered users online and...

162 guests!!


Welcome! I'm so glad that you have chosen to spend some quality time here perusing articles that capture your attention.


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Note #3-BUSHIDO-The Way of the Galactic Warrior - Uncle Joe



Dearest Earth Friends,


Glad to be back with you... 

Now, this may be a little dry as it is said, but vastly important to know and to practice daily... 

First I want to honor the Japanese for allowing me their Code... which for a long time has been respected bythem  as - unuttered and unwritten... When something is so sacred words hardly touch the value of the cause.  


Bushido is not an ancient term, yet most identifies with that of chivalry and the Knights of the Round Table.


Simply put, it is a total way of living life... and one we are always striving for in community living among the stars.


Can you imagine a way of life so sacred not to be spoken?  


I want to quickly cover what "sacred" means. Seems like the word for today on the internet is "vibration".  Sacredness is a vibration. A freqeuency... nothing hairy fairy that is nebulous.  It is very specific and has nothing to do with religion. Sacred is the frequency of immortality. What I mean by that is YOU  can vibrate (and be tested on a monitor) at an immortal rate.  This is VERY important to understand.  Now,the question is what makes you vibrate in sacredness??  (Your scientists who enjoy and love the universe say the vibration is between 0 and 20 Hz.)  


So now I ask Star to present the Codes of Bushido:



Be acutely honest throughout your dealings with all people (and star beings!) Believe in justice. Not from others, but from yourself. To the true Galactic Warrior there are no shades of gray in the question of honesty and justice. There is only right and wrong.



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My first message from the Galactic Federation of Light ~witnessing and assisting with the tail end of the final round up of the Cabal.


My first message from the Galactic Federation of Light 6/3/12

I was not allowed to go to sleep until I posted this discussion. With it came fear - of ridicule, rejection and judgement. But I have overcome my self doubt to present this message to you all.



Photo of Cloud Ships taken By Will Harader


We of the Galactic Federation of Light are witnessing and assisting with the tail end of the final round up of the Cabal. Many have doubted our word for a long time, waiting for proof and evidence. It saddens us to feel that we needed to verify ourselves to you all in this manner, but the 'proof' you so badly requested is now available.

Will you believe us now when we tell you that we will very soon be amongst you?



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~For All to Have All~All you have worked so hard for is soon to Manifest~


~For All to Have All~

~All you have worked so hard for is soon to Manifest~

[This came through our news feed without a source or name, Excellent Post though]

By Guest - Posted on 11 March 2012

Hello my beautiful friends,
The time for cautions for that which you wish have passed, as now what you have long wished for is here. For so long, so many have held steady in their beliefs and dreams for a more beautiful and prosperous world for all, refusing to allow that which appeared to many to be reality, to become reality. It is with great gratitude and admiration, that I honor and salute you each who have been so steadfast in holding this dream of a new reality. Your vision is about to manifest for all to see.



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Montague Keen ~ 11 March 2012~The process of change is happening now


Montague Keen ~ 11 March 2012~


 Photo By http://danettesteele.com

~The process of change is happening now~

My dear, there is joy on both sides of life when truth is spoken and injustice is openly revealed. MIKO PELED has now come forward to join the ranks with Gilad Atzmon, to seek a peaceful solution to one of the greatest problems facing your world. With help from our friends on other planets we are actually preventing the annihilation of your planet. The power crazy Cabal has no regard for mere humans; after all, they have bases off-planet to which they can escape. People are waking up to this fact as more brave individuals speak out about their experiences with off-planet travel and what they refer to as ETs. When enough people come forward to tell the real truth, which they had kept secret for fear of reprisal from governments, then the majority will see clearly that they have been the victims of a colossal conspiracy to take over your world.



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6/25/93    ESU “JESUS” SANANDA




Always the adversary baits the snare and waits to see who will be caught.  Ah, but mine ones have been well trained and it is the adversary who shall be caught within the trap of his own making.  So be it.



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Magnetic Storms Affect Humans As Well As Telecommunications


Magnetic Storms Affect Humans As Well As Telecommunications



It has long been established that magnetic storms not only affect the performance of equipment, upset radio communications, blackout radars, and disrupt radio navigation systems but also endanger living organisms. They change the blood flow, especially in capillaries, affect blood pressure, and boost adrenalin.


The young and fit couldn't care less, but those who are older, may develop problems. They have to consider the state of magnetosphere in their daily plans. Before, people were glued to weather forecasts. Now they are obsessed with the geomagnetic situation.


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From My High Self, Prilon ~ An Activation & Rewiring to Release Karma is Now in Place ~by Suzanne Spooner of TAUK 3/11/12 March 11, 2012


From My High Self, Prilon ~ An Activation & Rewiring to Release Karma is Now in Place ~by Suzanne Spooner of TAUK 3/11/12 March 11, 2012


March 11, 2012


[Hello Prilon.] Hello Suzy, I am here to give this message. To the beings of light that read this message, high imagination and love are now in place on planet Earth so that waves of energy streams can permeate and activate your chakras. 


This is an upgrade to the system that is needed for your spiritual advancement in these times of change. These upgrades are like a rewiring of your system. It allows for your body to be light activated and be aligned with the Earth’s matrix as she ascends.


Releasing karma is the biggest advantage of this rewiring. In the old way of pre-rewiring, almost all souls needed to balance all karma over many lives, an inventive by-product of duality.



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There is a black spherical anomoly on the south east limb of the sun. I have no idea what this may be, OBSEREVED ON 11TH MARCH 2012.. 


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Anonymous Message Of 2012


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~Monitor of the Sun~ Ufo's in the Coronal Hole Spotted~


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Prepare to Practice - Day 2 of The Way of the Galactic Warrior


Greetings from the skies!



Uncle Joe here.  First of all I would like to thank everyone who is making my growth possible. As you may be feeling that you are escalating in awareness and your ascension into the light, I now am able to take a giant leap into further consciousness and understanding of it ALL.  A very special gracias to Steve for having the true heart to open this door. 


There is so very much to share with you.. there might be days that I transmit quite a few ideas for you to digest and assimmilate into your being. So please don't get discouraged and I will not slack from my duties here.


I do have a request as far as questions... if you could ask questions at this time primarily regarding the protocol of meeting with your brothers and sisters of light.   If so, then we will have covered all that is necessary for you to "climb the stairs" into our galley, or feel prepared to meet us on your beautiful Earth. But, if something is pressing and it is very important to you, I will be delighted to respond. Keep in mind that time now is of the essence. 



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Beloved King David,


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John Ward – Evangelo Vinezelos, An Overflowing Bank Account, & German Arms Bribery – 11 March 2012


GFP Commentary: the ball of deception, elite connectivity, usage of titles and positions is unraveling... and untwining... 




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Message from Anonymous for Good: Mercury One March of Merit


Join us in a month of merit and love to help us make March: Mercury One March of Merit! Feed a Homeless person, volunteer or just show others how much you love them. Whatever you do: do it with merit! And with love! It will not only help others and make you a better person it will spark a love chain of random acts of kindness and other demonstrations of merit. Merit and love are the top two things our country needs now and if America wants an American Spring make it a spring into action. A spring of love and Merit! Make it the spring where not only flowers bloom and plants grow but Americans demonstration of love blooms and the people of merit grows to the point our country bares a garden of beautiful restoration. And guess what it only starts with one seed! One plant, one flower, one tree, one person, one family, one group, one school, one church, one town, one state, one country. ONE! BE THAT ONE SEED!


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Lucas – What Should I Believe?- The X -Files On the Situation – 11 March 2012


GFP Commentary:


Thank you dear Lucas for all your determined and courageous sharing of information... And especially this post, as it comes from your own heart...


Your Light shines high and bright for US all... 
With Love, GFP staff




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3/11/2012 -- Tornado WARNINGS and Watches -- South USA -- heading northeast




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Anonymous vs Goldman Sachs




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Vatican City could be hub for money laundering, says U.S. ~ By NICK PISA ~ 12:28 GMT, 9 March 2012



Vatican City could be hub for money laundering, says U.S.




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~ "A LIFE-CHANGING NEWS FLASH!!!"~ Short and Sweet Version~


~  "A LIFE-CHANGING NEWS FLASH!!!"~ Short and Sweet Version~

by D'tewa



Something big, REAL BIG, will occur in the near future, and it will happen in "phases".  Earth and all that inhabits her is ascending to the 5th Dimension.



Soon, on t.v., you will see large-scale mass arrests to occur all over the world.  Members of the criminal Cabal, U.S. Government, Financial and Political Leaders, will pay for their crimes against Humanity and Earth.



It's time you know the truth that's been hidden for eons.  WE ARE NOT ALONE IN THE UNIVERSE!!!  Their ships will decloak and make contact.   THEY ARE HERE TO HELP US AND THEY ARE PEACEFUL.  HAVE NO FEAR!!!




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Bill Gates Arrested ?


Uploaded by ThankYouWhiteKnights on Mar 11, 2012


Has Microsoft's Bill Gates Really Been Arrested?

In an attempt to either verify or refute what high ranking Pentagon officials reportedly told investigative reporter Benjamin Fulford about the arrest of Microsoft founder Bill Gates, Kerry Cassidy , of Project Camelot, contacted Microsoft's Public Relations department by email requesting confirmation of this story that is going viral across the World Wide Web, a medium of information sharing that Gates himself, whether this story is true or not, will have his name and company forever connected. The following is the very interesting response offered by Microsoft.

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Anonymous Message Of 2012


TheAnonPress Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TheAnonPress88

Message From Anonymous

Spring Revolution


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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03~11~2012... ~



~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03~11~2012... ~

...as not seen on the mainstreem media ~



~We have been sharing for long time now about what is going on and what is going to happen and what you can expect to be facing. Especially, we have been sharing for long time that when the Shift happens, nothing that is not Love=Truth can be kept.

Often, and from every source, you’ve read and heard about letting go. Why? Because if you don’t let go you’ll face the fact that all that is not Love… will simply disappear from your life.

As simple as that.


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Anonymous in Paris: Anti-ACTA protest video


Supporters of the Anonymous hacker group, which is calling to halt moves by governments to tighten control over the internet, gathered near the Pompidou Center in Paris on Saturday. The group says it is trying to attract ordinary citizens' attention to the violation of rights and freedoms. In particular, the group is protesting against the controversial Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), which promotes the creation of criminal sanctions against internet providers and users who do not comply with the legality of content saved or uploaded. The group gained fame because of its attacks on the websites of various organizations and institutions.

RT on Twitter http://twitter.com/RT_com

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Infinite Being ~ The Global Shift to Higher Consciousness



Infinite Being ~ The Global Shift to Higher Consciousness


Thanks to Barbara Goulding

Owen Waters | March 11 2012


A day is coming when the Earth will rise in the heavens vibrationally. This beautiful Mother Earth will experience an increase in the frequency of all matter in a quantum leap that takes her, us, and everything in the world to a higher plane of existence.

We have been experiencing a gradual rise in the frequency of all physical matter since the 1960’s, when the Earth was imbued with the cosmic energies which will eventually culminate in the main event of The Shift. The increasing rate of change that we have been experiencing in the world is symptomatic of the increasing presence of these cosmic energies in the human realm.


The Shift is the greatest evolutionary leap of humankind. It is the spiritual and creative awakening of humanity. In the emerging New Reality consciousness, we experience new vistas of awareness, new levels of creativity, and follow our hearts to make our own meaningful contributions towards the betterment of the world.


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13:20 Calendar, (03.11.12): Singing a Song for the New Year of 13 TEKPATL!


MEXIKA New Year, 13 TEKPATL Flint, at Sunset 
• Celebration Today, Sunday, March 11, 2012, Noon to Dusk
-Mazatzin Aztekayolokalli
• CCSF, (City College of San Francisco), Mission Campus 
• 1125 Valencia St. , San Pancho, CALIFAZTLAN
• ♫~Multi-Cultural Presentations, Songs, Dances, Food, Games, Crafts~♫ •

“...where ever you find yourself remember that at that moment we are entering into the year of the Flint 13 TEKPATL, close your eyes and speak with your heart and dance the dance of love, peace and above all harmony with everything and everybody that surrounds one... to the one drum, the heart beat of the earth...”
-Mazatzin Aztekayolokalli

"our journey of the Spirit/Soul reminds that all is perfect, no "matter" what."-tlauizteotl@me.com

“Come On, Y’all! Raise the Vibration!”

Earthstar Peace Calendar: Sun Day/Manitou Day, Violet Crown Star, Essence of Freedom

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~The Big Shift~


The Big Shift

A Note from the Station Manager






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Cost of Freedom: Score One for Human Kind


Cost of Freedom: Score One for Human Kind

Renegade Thoughts

Pleiadian Ruminations from Nine~

From the Source: Opalescent Nine


When the cold wind of processed modern living carries a chill that penetrates your bones with the awareness that the world is in a state perhaps best characterized as insane, put your feet firmly on the planet and know that nothing is left to chance when the will of the people is taken into consideration as a single divine voice remembering its truth. Where has this truth been hiding but in the forgetfulness of the fractured psyche of the multitude of humanity?



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From The Garden of Unknowable Things Loudness


From The Garden of Unknowable Things




One type of encounter with your inevitable transformation is that of quiet acceptance. Another is resistance. Yet another is what you call boisterous accolades of heartfelt silence in loud expulsions of the energy of joy. This last type of encounter we would like to focus upon now, for the purpose of illustration. When you excite your senses with the expectation you hold for your future, given certain probabilities, you generate waveforms without your being which themselves generate the awareness of particular emotional states. Your experience of these emotional states emerges into the matrix of reality and becomes your conscious projection. What do you experience when you expect doom and yet are met with joy? What do you experience when you expect joy, yet you meet doom instead?


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FDA Says WALNUTS are a new DRUG


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Arcturian Group 3~11~12~ The Light is Ever Increasing Now


MARCH 11, 2012

Dear ones, we come to tell you of the light we see eminating from your planet in an ever increasing intensity. So many are awakening and beginning to understand the bigger picture. So many are beginning to see through the lies and games of those who wish to keep you in bondage and ignorant of your true selves . Do not get hung up on the fear and negativity you may become aware of, but instead try very hard to use that which you become aware of for practice in keeping your energy and consciousness immersed in truth, for this is what will change world consciousness. Your energy of light affects those around you and then will affect the next for all are actually ONE.



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Inspiration : Powerful Beyond Measure , How great are you?


We each have the power to achieve greatness, WE CONTAIN INFINITE POTENTIAL WITHIN & The only limits are that which we allow our minds to Create.. I watch this EVERYDAY to remember to always keep moving forward! Share it if it INSPIRED YOU TO!

Check out spartanrace.com to learn more about a race that will help push you to greatness! 


BE LOVE ( AWAKEN to your multidimensional self )



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Acting into Enlightenment (Dramatic Art as a Key into Higher Connection)


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Solar Flares...March 2012 and Their Effects On The Awakening Humanity


Something new is happening within us and within the larger nervous system of the world. Changes occur in our nervous system when our bodies are infused with cosmic solar light energy. Our nervous system is a highway for energy impulses that travel to our brain through both the chakra and the meridian energy systems. Through the process of taking on more light, our nervous system is being rebuilt, widened, and strengthened to accommodate an increase in informatic conscious data. When we face an experience that is out of the norm, for which we have no point of reference, our nervous system goes into fight or flight energy causing anxiety, and when it becomes overloaded it tends to shut down causing exhaustion. The two nervous systems (the sympathetic and the parasympathetic) are activated at this time.

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