~Proof that Group Meditation can Change the World~
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I've been in that group. We tried and tried to create the 'Maharishi 1%-Effect'. We glued posters everywhere and the with the press, against the church (in Germany), we held intro's. I did it as a teacher of TM in the 70's. I remember that part of my life. Than it was proven that only the root (can't find that symbol) of 1% is neccessary to create 'Heaven on Earth' and I practized 'Yogic flying'. Levitation - was great! Living with Maharishi under one roof as a part of that group who won the internation yogic flying competition.
Well, then I moved to Yelm in '95 - and I don't regret it! Never will!
PS: There was a time I listen to those whistleblowers & Co: What did they do in the '70s or '80? They missed it like we (better to say) all missed it: Heaven on this Earth'. And I know: Love beings don't like to hear that but I wrote it anyways - and I don't regret it!
PPS: And there are people like David Wilcock telling about what meditation can do without mentioning that it's TM. There were (in 1990) over 500 scientific researches on the effects on TM done, not on (or less than 5) any other kind of meditation. Thank you MotherFatherGod that you submitted the whole truth!