Quick Update 2 from The Press~The Strange Metal Boxes Real or a Hoax? It Does Not Matter~

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 02/12/2012 - 19:00

~The Galactic Free Press~



~Quick Update~2



~ We released a news story that we found, about some strange metal boxes showing up along the west coast. We have been attempting to verify this information, since we are not physically there, we have not been able to accomplish this, and are unable to verify them but.... Whether these boxes are physically here or not, does not matter. We know the Energy of Something Big is here [and so do all of you] and is shifting Everyone In Huge Ways.

We have been getting Live Reports from across the Planet about Intense releases and awakenings, which we announced in our last press release was about to occur. We have many reports also of Very Intense Energy and Buzzing Coming from the Crown Chakra. We are Also Experiencing these Ourselves, as well as, in the past 48 hours, we have been receiving Huge Amounts of Downloaded information. The Oneness Energy has arrived in a Big way. These boxes whether here in the physical or not, are Here in Energy for Sure and bringing everyone's fears, ego's and illusions to the forefront, so that it can be transformed into the Light.This is a needed event that brings us closer to the actual decloakings of our craft which is an inevitable event. We have run out of time, for The Clean Up Of Mother Earth Must Begin! Many are not aware of what is unfolding, we ask you the Moment is NOW, We Must Make as Many People aware as Possible, that our Craft are soon to Decloak.

PS:  The Inner Magnetics of the Planet are Influx right now as we all move closer to the Galactic Center or Core. This is occurring within Mother Earth and Within All of Humanity. Stay Centered!!!

If indeed the boxes were a hoax to deter our Lightworkers, they failed, we all KNOW SOMETHING BIG IS HERE. Light Always Wins!!

We will Have More Information about all of these and Our Other Events unfolding in Our Next Press Release~

Love Mother and Father God and The Entire Galactic Free
Press Staff


 Thank YOU Love Beings for responding, every dollar shared counts in service to Love!!

Total Love Shares for February 465$

Funding Needs and Costs 2000$


~ Its Our honor to Be Here for Everyone of You Everyday, Humanity's Awakening is Our Greatest Joy, and Its our Pleasure to Be of Service~ Thank You for Sharing~



Pete (not verified)

Mon, 02/13/2012 - 13:49

Is this the BIG news you told us about yesterday? What about the MASS ARRESTS?

What about all 3 items ? I think I can speak for a lot of us when I say that we get so tired of empty promises. Sometimes I feel that these broken promises are here to bring our frequencies down. I guess it doesn't matter that we keep suffering, we are human and that's what we do. SUFFER. What's another few centuries of empty promises and suffering.

 Pete. L

I can promise you that if you let go of your fears, you'll see all of this very differently. I can also promise you that the changes are up to each individual to create. It happens through you, not to you. You have the potential for incredible advancement at this Moment, I suggest you not waste it on more suffering.

hi I saw about 8-10 boxes at sunset not high above the horizon, they were in a line, definitely box-like/rectangular and evenly spaced, they were reflecting the setting sun and 'shimmering' hence I guess they were metallic. I am in southern Australia so it is interesting that something has turned up on West Coast of America, perhaps someone could figure out which way wind currents go??

We Just Released a Press Release Yesterday outlining what is happening. Also, we explained the boxes in this Post. We guess you did not understand what we are saying. Only you can end your suffering and your pain.. we cannot do this for you. Yes indeed, there were arrests..Whitney Houston Did Die, and Love is Pouring into this Planet and the Magnetics have made a Huge Shift.... We Send All our Love and Many Blessings~

Is not suffering resistance to what is and not allowance? in allowance are we not open to receive from consciousness? Resist looking outside yourself or for someone else to do thing for , be still and know....

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