For the record Lightworkers are human souls.

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 06/24/2012 - 12:20


As many of you are aware by now, Hollywood has been sprinkling the truth about this matrix called real-ity since before the “Wizard of Oz”. The irony lies in the fact that we’ve been made to believe the messages delivered in Hollywood’s “SciFi” genre is fantasy vs the “Leave It to Beaver” hologram that most people believe in.


What’s really intriguing is now that we’re in the “quickening”  reality as becomes ever more polarized,  the middle ground is disappearing. Now we have the people waking from the delusion of the false reality, those who are still slumbering away and then another group that appears to be waking on the negative end of the energetic spectrum.


In addition, it’s become very clear there’s a new level of awakening unfolding as thousands of people are waking up to the next level of awakening ~ remembering their life mission here as visiting souls from other planetary systems, other dimensions and even other universes.  At some point in the last 70-80 years, the Spirit consciousness we know as Gaia sent out a call for help. The negative energy on Earth was becoming unbearable, especially after industry began draining her blood for oil to fuel the world wars, then countless atomic explosions and the bloodlust that kept building in the hearts of mankind for thousands of years.


Gaia’s call for help was answered by close to one million races from all around the known universes, at an event known as known as The Conclave.  It was at that time a large contingent of Ascended Master Souls (144,000) volunteered to incarnate as humans  basically to go in “undercover” to help humanity break free from the matrix before humans fell to the same fate as the population on Maldeck.  Dark forces aka the Fallen Ones, transformed the people there into a drone slave race.


At this time the visiting souls are finally waking-up in the midst of a massive spiritual war, on a journey to seek out members of their soul family that volunteered on this mission of mercy and compassion. For myself it’s been like waking up in the midst of a bad nightmare, beginning to recognize souls I’ve known before. Yet I’m a perfect stranger to them and worse, they haven’t a CLUE as to who they REALLY are or the bigger picture to their souls mission here on Earth.


We, the Wayshowers are the ones who have been bringing messages of positive change for the last few years, and in many cases much longer. We’re also some of the strongest souls on the planet, many have been fighting this war with the Dark Ones long before civilization was widespread here on Earth. Hence these visiting souls tend to be VERY independent, quite stubborn and they think ALREADY have most of the answers. So naturally when a perfect stranger, or even a friend appears out of nowhere offering a hand to help pull them UPand  OUT of the illusion, it’s often viewed with suspicion or even malice.


Unfortunately, we live in a diabolical parasitic matrix with etheric technology beyond our comprehension, keeping even the strongest, most intelligent souls trapped up in the matrix. There are many levels of awakening.  It’s like peeling back an onion, you peel a layer back and then before long another pulls away. Just as you think you fully awake, BAM you find another layer peeling back!

It’s an amazing process that’s beginning to reveal there’s an ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT Masterplan on behalf of the Divine Mother/Father, the Christed civilizations and the Master Souls to bring Divine Intervention that will effectively shatter the matrix operating systems for good.


Once again, and may I repeat no one will save you from getting sucked into the collapse when the dimensional shift takes place if you’re not resonating at the frequency of love. That’s all it really boils down to, is your energetic state and raising your resonate frequency to the higher gamma range. It’s a process that doesn’t happen overnite, but with focus, will and intention that’s all it takes to get started.


If you haven’t been able to connect with the vortex meditation material, that’s alright because it’s not for everyone.  Or maybe it works, but your also seeking inspirational advise or safe assistance in changing negative thought patterns; it can help using positive affirmations.  Here’s a great body of work for you, I’ve been familiar with the work of Orin and Daben since the late 80′s and at one point their information really helped me co-create positive change and take control of my life. For more go to where you can find all kinds of great material.


Also the book Creating Money has excellent advise on changing your perception about the energetic exchange and flow of abundance and how to create more in your life through very simple exercises. I read the book and performed all the exercises  within two weeks, and in less than one month after finishing the book over $125,000 materialized! It would take too long to explain in this already lengthy intro…but trust me, it happened!


This clip looks like it’s from the mid-70′s, making it obvious how Hollywood has been planting the seeds for a very long time for the arrival of the visiting souls. Or, as what I like to term as the Wayshower’s, the Walk-in’s,  Starseeds and Indigo’s arrival.
For the record Lightworkers are human souls.


Published on Jun 13, 2012 by

A man confesses he’s from Mars.


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