The Remarkable Month of May ~ Part 1/2

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 05/29/2013 - 07:55



May with Wesak, the day we celebrate the Buddha (May 24-26), and three eclipses has been an extraordinary month, according to our sources.

The energies coming directly from Mother/Father God were amped up, our extra DNA is being activated, and other surprising and often bewildering changes are taking place in all of us. Let’s review what has been said about the energy acceleration in May.

On May 12, 2013, Archangel Michael through Ron Head predicted that May, with its three eclipses, would be most remarkable.

“We will speak today of this newest influx of energies, centered around your month with three eclipses. This will accelerate the societal changes already begun to a rate not seen before.

“Some will be bewildered by this. Those who have already progressed well into their awakening process will feel some vindication for the convictions they have jealously guarded for so long. This also signifies, to great extent, the changes in your universe which are soon to bring about inner evolution and outer situations you have dreamed of, intended, and requested of your Divine Creator.” (1)

While the rate of change will be impressive, he tells us, it will be eclipsed by what comes later.

“You who recognize what is, in fact, well underway, may be impressed with the rate of change you are seeing, but we tell you it is as nothing compared to what is on the horizon. As with all things, one change will begin several others, and the effect will be like an avalanche.” (2)

He advises us to relax into these changes, which may turn our worlds upside down.

“Some of you have begun to feel this approaching. You try to prepare yourselves. Just relax and prepare to enjoy it, dear hearts, for you cannot be prepared for what is in store. Your world will be turned upside down by even one or two of the things you will soon see, and there are more than one or two in the offing.” (3)

On May 19, 2013, Saul told us that “all of humanity is poised, expectant, sensing an intense energy of change flowing around them, about to impact their lives in ways that they cannot begin to imagine.” (4)

“Change is in the air, and everyone is feeling it. It is unsettling because you are unable to identify it or compare it with anything that you have previously undergone, although some are dismissing it as mood swings, which you are also experiencing.

“What is occurring planetwide at the level of energy – unseen and unmeasurable by even your most sensitive scientific instruments – is something so new and so startling that when it is recognized, as it will be very shortly, it will totally overwhelm your ability to be amazed, stunning you into open-mouthed astonishment.

“Wonders that will delight you are to burst into your awareness like an unexpected, and unforeseen sunrise. And far, far brighter than that could ever be.” (5)

Sue Lie’s Arcturians told us on May 13, 2013 that our extra DNA is at present being reactivated.

“What is occurring in your NOW is that the higher Light is activating your 97% DNA and creating evolutionary changes in both your state of consciousness and your Earth vessel. Once this DNA is fully activated it facilitates the recall of multidimensional thinking, which leads to higher states of consciousness.

“The DNA also works on the cell bodies to initiate the transmutation of the body into a higher resonance. In this case, an outside source is assisting both the consciousness and the container/body to resonate to a higher frequency.” (6)

We’re enabled by the higher frequencies to participate in this process of physiological change, they tell us.

“Through raising the resonance of your consciousness, you can survey the inner adjustments in the frequency of your form. Thus, your consciousness is actively involved in your physiological changes and the entire body works as ONE being to keep all vital organs and other life supporting mechanism working in harmony with the expanding resonance of your consciousness.” (7)

Hilarion told us that these energies will require us to be more and more accountable, a statement that supports the notion that we are going into threshold states in which full accountability becomes desirable. (8)

“The times before you demand a greater accountability and acceptance of personal responsibility for all that you create by each thought, word and deed. This is the ideal that you are all working towards.

“It is not expected of you to transform immediately so be gentle with yourselves and with others in your sphere of influence. It is an ongoing process and this is something that happens moment by moment allowing your human operating system to adjust in a way that is more comfortable.  …

“Stay in your personal integrity in all that you do and all will continue to be well.” (9)

He tells us that the greater levels of light should lead eventually to a lifting of the denser energies for many people.

“The more of you who allow your greater divine essence to become integrated with your consciousness and in your cellular structure, the greater the force field of Light becomes in the surrounding atmosphere.

“As this continues, you will find yourselves feeling at greater ease and at some point that is individual for each one of you, the heavier and denser energies will one day be considerably lessened and this will be felt as a lightening of your spirit.” (10)

He advises us to work with St. Germaine’s violet flame for purification.

“We suggest that you call upon and work with the Violet Flame each day to help bring in these higher frequencies, as this has every potential to accelerate the purifying of everyone and everything in a safe and balanced manner. Calling upon St. Germain often will bring in the new Age of Light that much sooner.” (11)


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