The Remarkable Month of May ~Part 2/2

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 05/30/2013 - 09:30


(Continued from Part 1.)

Two days after the last of the three eclipses was over, planetary logos Sanat Kumara reviewed their impact on An Hour with an Angel. He said that “there have been significant energetic shifts upon your planet in the last couple of weeks. And even within the last few days.” (12.)

He tells us that the light and love that are penetrating us come “directly from the heart of One, of Mother/Father/ God All Source, from we who serve you and who are in partnership with you.” (13)

He revealed that “[Archangel] Gabriel and I penetrate each of you and the planet, sweet Gaia, with gold and pink light, and the energy of beauty, of peace, and what we would call enlightenment — and I do not use that phrase casually or lightly.” (14)

Each of these frequencies, he said, “does not stop and start and stop and start.’

“The way in which this transition, from my perspective as planetary logos, is being handled is there is an escalation. Now, this escalation in some situations has been gradual, over decades, as you know. And then there has been a turning-up of the gas jets in certain situations, which is exactly what has happened in the past couple of weeks and in the last two to three days.” (15)

The energies and the frequencies “are turned up, made stronger, more palatable quite literally, because you are able to handle more and more energy.” (16)

He speculated that “you may feel as if you have your finger in a light socket” or as if we could run twenty miles. And he advised us to:

“Allow it to, gently, simply, anchor within you — and yes, run if you must, or if you choose. But do not try and slow down or halt, in any way, shape or form, the increase in vibration that is coming into not only your field but being effected into your physicality.” (17)

Aisha North’s sources tell us that “deep-seated channels of information that [are] fairly teeming with activity [have] been amped up even further.” (18)

“So many of you may have noticed this already, either in the form of thoughts or ideas that seemingly surfaces at the most unexpected times and in the most unexpected of circumstances, or by the fact that your brain seems almost incapable of focusing on any thing at any given moment.” (19)

One of the things that can happen is that “the easiest of tasks seem impossible to even contemplate because you feel as if deeply fatigued in the very center of your every day being.”

“In other words, mundane tasks may seem to be insurmountable at times, while you during this same period of mental fog may get sudden and profound insights that will make you literally sit up in your chair, or perhaps we should say bed, for many of these instances occur during the nighttime. And we are also aware that another not so fortunate outcome for many of you will also be the seeming inability to get a good night’s sleep.

“You will toss and turn, but no matter how hard you try, it is as if the lights within your head simply refuse to dim down. This inability to detach and turn off everything that is going on within may leave you feel more than a little bit exhausted, because there seems to be an almost ceaseless activity going on in your head. It is as if you can literally feel the humming and buzzing, like a beehive within your brain. …

“All of your neural passages have been turned into a veritable beehive of activity, with signals going to and from new passages and connections being put together at the speed of light. And this in turn, is accompanied by some other, and at times rather confusing signals too, in the form of sound or even vibrations that will make it even harder to fall asleep.” (20)

They add that “the upside is so beneficial, we think you will all have it in you to find a way to accept these small and large quirks and quakes that accompany all of these injections of information. For what you gain from all of this frenzy of activity far, far outweighs any irritations it will leave in its wake.” (21)

The Angels through Tazjima tell us that “the connections within are being re-wired in each one of you, strengthening the outer awareness of your connection to Source, to your Soul, to your soul family or Monad and to the Creator.” The energies, coming from the Mother/Father God, are transmitted through the galactic Sun and then through our own Sun, Sol or Solaris.

“Each day as you undergo more clearings and various experiences, as your body is bombarded by cosmic rays and CMEs from your own solar body, Sol, you are becoming what you have not been in a very long time, a completely conscious HueMan being… an angelic being encased in form.

“This is not an easy undertaking, but you were chosen to make this journey on behalf of the Creator and for the sake of many who needed you to guide them on their way, at least initially.” (22)

This then is a rundown of the changes that occurred in the remarkable month of May. The gas jets have been turned up and this process will escalate over time.

Our extra DNA is being activated. Our neural passages are a beehive of activity. We’re advised that multidimensional thinking and higher states of consciousness will soon begin. The changes will become an avalanche and may look as if our world has been turned upside down. We’re advised to see to our accountability and integrity and we’re told to expect wonders that will astonish us.


(1) “Archangel Michael via Ron Head: On the Horizon,” May 12, 2013 at

(2) Loc. cit.

(3) Loc. cit.

(4) Saul through John Smallman, May 19, 2013 at

(5) Loc. cit.

(6) Suzanne Lie: The Alchemy of Creation – Arcturians and IlliaEm,” May 13, 2013, at

(7) Loc. cit.

(8) “The emphasis in all this discussion of the threshold states, and what makes them threshold, is contained in the word ‘fully.’” (“The Threshold States are Fourth Dimensional,” at

(9) “Hilarion: Look Beyond Seeming Appearances of the Outer World to the World that Exists Within You,” May 12, 2013 at

(10) Loc. cit.

(11) Loc. cit.

(12) “Sanat Kumara: Many of You Have Already Ascended and Straddle Dimensions,” May 28, 2013,

(13) Loc. cit.

(14) Loc. cit.

(15) Loc. cit.

(16) Loc. cit.

(17) Loc. cit.

(18) Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 315, May 24, 2013, at

(19) Loc. cit.

(20) Loc. cit.

(21) Loc. cit.

(22) “The Angels via Tazjima: When You Need Reassurance,” channeled through Tazjima, 18 May, 2013 at


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