Submitted by Lia on Wed, 06/15/2011 - 12:57

~NIBIRU (Part 2)~



As the prophecies go, from the Hopi Indians, during this ‘End-Times’- “Great Purification” will happen before a “new world will be born.” Re-read some of the information I shared from James, Logos from Nibiru. In it lots of helpful hints on nutrition and how to clear or purify the cells and body. As Dr Carl Johan Calleman says “an extraordinary amount of significant and dramatic events compressed into a very short period of time” will happen during this final Ninth Wave, of the Galactic Underworld Movement. I feel the

“Quantum Wobble” James informed me of, is part of these un-pleasant final events. This final period we are in, is, as he says, made up of 13 periods of 18 days. With it an increase in intensity and frequency of x20, since March 2011. Makes sense right? Compared to the Eighth Wave, which began in 1999. As he suggests and I agree, we need to surf and flow with these big waves as the Great Creator’s Cosmic Plan manifests.   Boy is it tough going at times, trying to just stay afloat and actually ride those biggies………… right?  

Resistance is FUTILE. A word that had been the theme for my sister and I and our beloveds of late. The opposite energy to LOVE. So until our New Earth – Numis ‘Om is “like a Jewel in the Sky” as the Hopi’s predict, we need to increase our souls vigilance to our physical and higher selves. Particularly the body. Keep anchoring the higher self and the God Presence within you daily and grounding your being in Numis ‘Om. In the very heart of Lady Paradisia. The New Gaia.  Taking great care over our INDIVIDUAL physical body. Our ‘body of form’. 

God created appointed time…………… so everything is unfolding timely, until we reach the end 28 October 2011. Here is where Goddess/God rests if you like, as happened at the creation of our world, you remember? As the Goddess rested on the 7th Day. Just as God has remained our mystery, as we have turned away from Her/Him and went down the path of self-rule for over 6,000 years. The Godhead is beginning to open the minds and hearts of Her children once again, to reveal the deepest of truths, in order that we finally see through all the illusions. To break through all the webs and matrixes placed in on and around us too. It’s time to see Her wonder again. 

Now is the time to resort back to the focus on our selves. We’ve done momumental work regarding  ONENESS. Now we are back to our physical bodies and the internal elements on the microcosm. To be vigilant now in taking care of our INDIVIDUAL final purification programme and re-calibration into diamond light. To be the best aspect of the Over-Soul, of the Great Goddess we possibly can be. I know it sounds like a broken record, but this is how life happens. We get told something and it kind of absorbs then we get it again and then the lights finally really go on. Same goes for talking about the INDIVIDUAL. It is our unique presence that is getting to anchor heaven, so It’s our special vehicle, we now must really take the greatest care of. Now is the time to be more involved in gratitude rituals too. To get out onto the land and to sacred sites. Do your bit. Even if you’re not into pilgrimage work. Try it! Make the final effort. Bless the land. See our planet as part of the microcosm of God, which you are already aware of. Do loving acts of kindness with your elixirs and blessings and prayers at these special places. YES YOU…..!!!

By doing this, it really is assisting in the final letting go of decayed parts or healing of parts of Her body. Light a candle to each of your cells. Do this visualisation daily now also. Make a point to smile and laugh every single day too, it helps keep your body parasite free. Protected and energetically strong. Remember God delivered Noah into a new world, all those years ago and God will deliver humanity again into a new world as was promised. You will know all of this effort, all of your willing sacrifice, will have been well worth it. Beyond your imagination. A world of wonder and joy. Keep the faith. I know its been such a long haul my friend, but hold out…….. and hold on. Not long. 

Go on You Tube and listen to John Gorman talking and showing evidence with his charts, graphs and research – all that confirms James from Nibiru was right. Nibiru is coming. We are needing to prepare our bodies of structure even more than we ever have. Take the Magnesium and Potassium substitutes and food stuff he suggests, to help let go of the old decomposing cells and waste and build strong new cellular structure. In his presentation he showed a 420 year forecast from 1500 till now, of the magnetic pole shift. It shows  a 100% off the rickter scale jump in activity, as we came into 2010 and 2011. He showed a sciesmic activity chart too showing how since Nibiru came on to the scene in the 1960’s, that sciesmic activity has steadily increased. The chart shows that it will become stronger from August – October 2011, as reported by Mensur Omerbaschich of the European Royal Society. The Japanese earthquake and subsequent nuclear explosion and leak happened as Nibiru and other planets got into alignment back in March 2011. The study shows that sciesmic activity, e.g. earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis are happening as a direct result of full moons or planetary alignments. This is scientific evidence. Not hearsay. It’s real and its getting close.  

As I shared in my last article “Vital Spark of God” and James, the Logos of Nibiru’s channelled messages, about a “Quantum Wobble” and “Time Distortion Events”, from now, till October. I also had some information from Lord Ashtar of the Ashtar Command. Information that is directly linked to the Quantum Wobble. I was told that “Freeze-Frame” moments would happen before, during or after these time distortions. He gave the analogy of feeling as if  “Someone has just walked over your grave!” We will feel a shiver run through us and Freeze. As Lord Ashtar states, it will also be fast. Perhaps even happen in our sleep state. We’ll just have to wait and see. 

The issue here is, to really make the effort, to get the fruit into your diet from now. Especially those bananas and apples and oat bran. Milk of Magnesia medicine too. It will really be a great aid, as times start to really speed up and wobble and freeze and send us in a spin. Find something to laugh about at every opportunity and know that what we are living through is incredible. Everything out there…………absolutely everything, has it’s eye on us here. The party is here! Not long to go. Hold your truth and remain steadfast in your right thought, right word and right action. Be all you can be & Thank GOD! 

N.B. If you are interested in a private healing session in Edinburgh then contact me. (Your really only paying for my time. It’s inexpensive.) Or if you feel you really need a clearing and healing distantly, as most of us have been, get in touch. Goddess Blessing! Carol x


Shared with you by Carol Watson 15 June 2011. Carol is from Edinburgh, Scotland. She is a channel, healer and inspirational writer - at the fore-front of this ascension movement. Please share this information if it resonates with you. Please acknowledge the Source. Love and thanks.


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