Revealing The Light Identities ~ Attachments ~ Expectations ~ Part II

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 06/21/2012 - 21:33

Revealing The Light


Identities – Attachments – Expectations – Part II

Posted: 21 Jun 2012 04:17 PM PDT

by John McIntosh

Attachments – Part II

Freedom is Light and it ‘is light’ … nothing holds it down. Whatever we cannot let go of is an attachment, which imprisons us.

We have all heard the expression, ‘you can’t take it with you.’ This means that ‘anything’ that has a beginning and an ending (time and space oriented) cannot be taken into the dimension of Truth, which is timeless and space-less … The Now Moment.

Until the New Energy, which humanity has moved into fully Now, most everyone could only experience this by leaving the temporary physical body behind. In the New Energy the vibration of Light is so fast … and increasing each moment … it is possible for every person to experience their life in the Now Moment of timeless and space-less-ness … The Heaven of Now or the 5th dimension while still wearing a body.
This is ‘living IN the world but not OF the world’.

The price of admission is the same as it was before; you cannot bring anything with you that has a beginning and an ending. No experience, no ‘thing’, no relationship can be taken into the Now.

This does not mean you must walk naked with no possessions, no relationships, and no action or experience of any kind. It simply means that you can no longer be  a slave to these illusions.

You can and should have ‘everything’. All that Is – God – One – YOU – means ALL … not the poverty consciousness that has been taught as an essential requirement for the admission to Heaven.

All That Is … IS Abundance and to ask for less, to live with less is to say that God is wrong. We ARE Abundance because we ARE One ‘as’ All That Is … it’s not a choice except in the dream we have called reality … the 3D world of separation.

We can and do live Abundantly when we are Awake and live moment to moment in the Now. This does not mean that we ‘have’ to be ‘rich’ as some would call it. It means that anything we are guided to experience while we ‘choose’ to stay here, we can and do have because of What we are.

The tiny difference that makes a huge difference in your life in terms of Freedom is that you are now Master of All … you can have it in one moment and without hesitation let it go in the next.

This IS Real Power!

To live in the world but not of the world means to experience whatever you wish without being attached to anything. It is living One who is Life ‘lightly’ … that One has found the Truth and lives IT.

It is the ‘Knowing’ that everything is available to you and none of what you desire will in any way be less than Love in its expression because Love is What you Are. It is impossible to desire something that does not serve All That Is when you Know you are IT.


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