'Robin Hoods' who feed parking meters hit with lawsuit
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I am sure that WE could come up with many other creative ideas like this. Friendly gestures like these; bring to the surface how frustration rises when love and kindness takes place. I see my kids going in frustrations every now and then and I am allowing them the right of frustration and what evolves from it. I came to learn that it is an important right to be frustrated. It has to do about learning and a growing consiousness instead of following history like a sleepy sheep.
The bottle neck with the Robin Hood actions is that they are done individually instead of massively. Thousands of lawsuits means just too much administration and time to handle when we all buy a paintball gun and start shooting speed cameras.......(for example). If we do not come to action and put our loving and kind footprint on earth we will never provide the right mirror to look in....
Love, Achara.