Sacred Sex; The Eternal Kiss

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Mon, 09/10/2012 - 15:59


Sacred Sex; The Eternal Kiss

Sacred Sex: The Eternal Kiss, The Union.

In Sacred Sex we become One, we merge Body, Heart and Soul in Union. The Eternal Sacred Kiss is the Soul Merging through Sacred Breath, with The Beloved. Your Twin. In the Moment, in the Heart as Union.

Kissing; to touch or caress with the Lips. The lips and breath are Sacred and connect you in the Moment with Your Heart and Your Soul.

The Breath in the Moment is Eternity Experiencing itself. The Kiss merges The Heart and Eternity.

Your Breath is Your Soul.

Your Kiss, in Heart Awareness is Your Higher Self Passion.

Your Kiss is a Sacred Portal Merging your Heart with another Heart and becoming One in Sacred Union.

Have you ever noticed you can tell how close you are by How you kiss? or How you have stopped kissing?  the level of Your Heart awareness and Love show the level of Your intimacy by your kiss, and Your Desire for Union.

So many have asked me how do I Kiss? am I a good kisser?

Every Couple or Union create a unique frequency. The level of Bliss and Ecstasy in Union through the Kiss depends on the Love, Harmony and present moment Heart awareness of those sharing the Kiss.

Become more aware of Your Kissing. If You have a partner you kiss, enter your Heart first, stay focused on the present. Allow yourself to Enter into Eternity. Do not focus on the conclusion, or orgasm. Stay present as in the Beginning. No goal, no agenda.

The Eternal Kiss never ends, when You enter it continues throughout Eternity.

The First Kiss, the Last..The Eternal Kiss..

Enter Union through your Sacred Lips and Breath.

Your Eternal Beloved and Twin Awaits Your Eternal Sacred Embrace through Your Kiss.

I will be writing more on Sacred Sexual Union.

Moving into Your Heart and Being Present and in Harmony draws to You the Higher Spiritual Union you Desire. Your Twin. Your Sacred Union.

The Desire itself of Eternity exists in Eternity.

Your Eternal Union. The Sacred Kiss.

The Kiss of Love to You.

In The Divine Union of Sacred Love, Ecstasy and Harmony of Bliss,

Laura, Azoora, Queen of Light

Queen of Light

copyright Pleiadian Delegate 2012.


original link 


Reiki Doc

Mon, 09/10/2012 - 18:39

Thank you for comfirmation of what in my heart of hearts knew always to be True. Namaste.

Guest (not verified)

Mon, 09/10/2012 - 20:14





I was so very very blessed with EXACTLY 6 months with my twin.  Such a beautiful man, so strong, so gentle.  I wasn't sure I would make it through 'entact' after his death, didn't really want to wake up from sleep.  He began sending me signs, with feathers and wings as a sign that only we knew the story to.  He wanted me to know that he wasn't really gone, while he lay in a coma for EXACTLY 47 days (4+7=11).  And he is never gone even today, he laid a perfect feather beside my truck door as I hadn't been in a grateful sorta mood most of the day.  


Heart and Soul Connections - the Breath of Eternity, where your senses are heightened to each other.  You Know Them; what they are thinking and feeling, who they really are, no masks, no secrets.  Through many lifetimes, you've Danced...and Kissed.


Sooo the Eternal Kiss:  Awww the kissing!  To the Moon and Back, makes you're toes curl, acting silly, laughing, crying, more kissing.   For two 50 somethings, we Kissed A Lot!  Got busted by my HIS front of MY house...oh, my.  And it was GOOD.


It's hard to describe as each kiss was Magic, taking us deeper into our other half. So warm, so precious it brings tears to your eyes.  They are mostly tears of joy now.  He and I were very blessed, each a teacher to the other.  He taught me to Forgive.  I taught him Unconditional Love.  WIN-WIN!


I am Eternally Grateful, that we both knew even then, especially then, that we shared something very sacred, very healing.  A big part of my healing is standing on my own two feet, I just could not have done that with him here.  He Knew that before I did. He, a stubborn ol' Scorpio didn't make it any easier!!! 


Sometimes, maybe Often, twins just cannot stay together.  The power between you is so very strong and deep as it is wide.  So if you still have ANY baggage, I can tell you it will come up being around your twin for inspection, one way or another.  And you Will understand this when you can say that you have "peace that passes understanding" from being in the presence of you Sacred Twin.


XXOO to all our Twins!  You Do Have One, you Know!  No matter 'where' they are!!! 


Light and LOVE, My Beloved Twin





Odd, I never liked kissing very much.

But with my Twin Flame, I am sure it will be wonderful.

Thank you for this LOVEly message!

Blessings, Astreia

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