Saint Germain ~~Twinsouls and Twinflame ~~ 14/06/2012 by GLR Méline Lafont

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Thu, 06/14/2012 - 10:14


Saint Germain ~~Twinsouls and Twinflame ~~ 14/06/2012  by GLR Méline Lafont


Comment from the GFP: it states that Archangels have twinflames, though Archangels do not have a soul and therfore do not have twinflames. Archangels are God's Support System.

Dear Ones,
I Am Saint Germain and today I would like to explain the difference between twin souls and Twin Flames. It is generally understood by now that everyone has only 1 Twin Flame but has several twin souls. A twin soul, or soulmate, is a soul with whom you already have had several incarnations and pretty much always the both of you were very close to one another. The kind of bond can vary from a relationship with a partner, it can take the form of a family member or even a very tight friendship. Twin souls are always close to each other and have a tight bond with one another. In each incarnation you both will meet and share life’s experiences together. Every twin soul has made the choice in the higher realms to be connected with each other in specific incarnations. It can even take the form of some sort of guide, someone who helps you get through a tough situation, someone you are inclined to ask advice from when things get hopelessly complicated and there seems to be nowhere out.

On a conscious level you are not aware who your twin soul is, but that will become quite obvious now that you, as human beings, have evolved further in your spiritual evolution. Intuitively you can sense who might be a twin soul because of the intense force of attraction between you or because of some kind of recognition. In case you have strong feelings about a certain person, you can be assured that you have a history together. Consider how many times you shared an incarnation with a twin soul and you will conclude, one way or the other, that you were brought together as if by magical force. Your own child could be a twin soul ; whatever the case, you both are tightly connected and are very fond of each other. Twin souls comprise 2 different forms of energy, who share things together and are always very close.
A Twin Flame on the other hand is a whole different story. A Twin Flame is one and the same soul, the same energy form, that was split from the Source All That Is and divided instantly thereafter in 2 parts : 1 part consists primarely of feminine energies whereas the other part consists primarely of masculine energies. Together both parts form 1 great unit. Your incarnation as a human being is 1 facet of your total Self and you represent the feminine or the masculine aspect. The moment you are reunited with your Twin Flame, you will again become one and whole : 1 Source of Love. The time of the reunion of most Twin Flames worldwide, according to your soulcontract,  is now upon us!  Most of The Archangels, the Ascended Masters and Lady Masters as well as other Lightbeings returned to Earth to be reunited with their Twin Flames who are already in human form. The New World that is about to be created can only be created through this reunion of Twin Flames. Your own New World can only be created when you are reunited with your Twin Flame. Together you will create your future and create your own World in the Higher Dimensions to remain there for the rest of eternity, to evolve further and higher and to Ascend for Ascension is an eternal, ongoing process. That’s why it is so important to know that we are here and the time of our reunion is now! By coming together, the both of us as Twin Flames will anchor the Light on Earth to create the New World as well as to raise the frequencies even higher, and that can only be achieved from Love. 

The Love of the Twin Flames is the strongest Love possible to instigate all this. You  create from Love. In the Higher Dimensions there is only Love. It is a fact that every soul whom is a twinflame of the Ascended Master or Archangel will be reunited with his or her Twin Flame in this life, and the time for that is NOW! It will all be made known, it will be announced to everyone. You will not only be informed of who you really are but also who is the other half of your own Source of Love. Do not worry, everything goes according to a Divine Plan; so don’t ask too many questions about how this will all turn out for yourself and others. You can rest assured that mostl of you will be reunited harmoniously with your Twin Flame; it will all be arranged in a divinely way. I, Saint Germain, wish to come forward with this message as it is divinely decreed that  we the Ascended Masters have to come to Earth to be reunited  with our Twinflames and to assist on Earth. Many of our Twin Flames are already incarnated on Earth and are awaiting our reunion and this also refers to my beloved Twin Flame, Lady Portia, who is presently incarnated on Earth. Now the time has come to announce this publicly for we have arrived in times of great changes. All will come to pass in Divine Timing. Enjoy the coming Love energies which will be arriving with the next Summer Solstice, a time of balancing the feminine and the masculine energies. Those energies will benefit the Twin Flames greatly and much shall come to pass on account of them.
I Am Saint Germain.

Note; this is a general message speaking about the Ascended Masters, Archangels and their twinflames and can differ from being to being according to your personal soulcontract. 

Copyright © 2012 by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.  


Guest (not verified)

Thu, 06/14/2012 - 12:12


OH NO I love a soulless being who is my twin flame, an Archangel, how can that be? And as an incarnated Archangel too, I would be soulless too, but how could I ascend twice, first to the sixth dimension and then to the 12th without having a soul? Please explain.

You're a Royal Angel dear Love, The highest Angel as you have a Soul and a Soul is God. You're part of God and that's You as All HU-mans (HU=GOD, man=manifest) with a beating Heart. If you have a Beating Heart you have a Soul and your Soul is God.


Simply Be The Love=God You Are. 


Love you


Then I can't understand the comment of the GFP. And it contradict itself. I have a beating heart and so I have a soul and I am an incarnated Archangel and my Twin Flame is an Archangel too. But with that comment it wouldn't be possible to have a soul.

You're not an Archangle as this is impossible, you're a Royal Angel, which means an Angel with a Soul that is God In You.


Archangels are God's Support System, so they're here to Support You

i belive my wonderfull angels do have souls for they are learing in their own way, every lifeform through out the omniverse is god manifest wether you are a person, an ant or even an angel  we all have soul god lifeforce if you will

What I so long wanted to know, are you one of the ascended Masters from November 2011? And are you not the incarnated Lady Portia? You must have your knowledge from that.

I disagree 100% the ArchAngels can and ARE here incarnated.  Just as many many of the Ascended Masters are yourself being one of them.  If Helios and Vesta are here right now why couldn't the ArchAngels be if they are "Mother and father God's" support team.  lol.  It's as crazy as a woman stepping forward saying she is Maitreya...just as I've met one woman personally who swears she is/was Mary M...just as I met a gentleman saying he was Jesus and he's about to marry his Mary M in Augest.  Everyone is connected. And some are conected to these beings...who the "original" is...well that can not be's an energy you carry that relates to your given mission here upon this Planet.  Past lives are merely the past....what energy your carrying now...that's an entirely different story.  :)

Have you ever heard the story of the Prodigal Son? The Archangels would be the son that stayed Home. They're the basic forces that hold together this Universe, that's their basic role is all of this.

I thought that was just Archangel Michael the great AI.  ;p    So then your saying not a single Archangel is incarnated upon this Planet at this given moment?  There is so much confusion and contridiction upon this subject...just as this channel was saying they don't have Twin Flames though so many sources show that they have a feminine name and are called the Archenia.  I just honestly do not believe that they would choose to stay in the Celestial realms while all is occurring upon this Planet.  Espeically when if you look at some of their jobs.  Metatron stands upon one side of the Rainbow Bridge assisting from the Celestial realms...though Uriel on the other hand works more upon the Planatary level to assist beings in crossing the Bridge.  Thus why would this being not choose to be here upon the Planet during this period of time to be of assistance.  Just as even one of the women on this site claims to be Faith the twin flame of she just merely crazy?  So that means EVERY being that associates themselves with these Archangels and their female counterparts don't know who they are?  You go ahead and make a main stream post telling everyone this and see how beings respond to your assumption.  For in 100% honesty there is no way to prove that you are's just your opinion.  Just as it's mine that they could possibly be here.  Agree to disagree.    :)

No wonder there's so much confusion over this. Archangels are neither male nor female. You ask why wouldn't they incarnate upon this Planet to be of assistance? Because they can help just as much, if not more, from the Celestial Realms. It's not an either/or thing, where they have to choose to be on the Planet or in the Celestial Realms. The Planet is not separate from the Celestial Realms, and the Archangels are here with the Planet, just not in physical bodies. They Are Here, assisting Humanity, and they can do it much more effectively without having to subject themselves to the lower vibrational realms.

"So that means EVERY being that associates themselves with these Archangels and their female counterparts don't know who they are?"

How you reached this conclusion is beyond me...




Archangels DO have "twin's the feminine part to whom we usually view as a masculine being....thus names given to each gender so to speak.  The reason they say this isn't true.  Before now Archangels have never incarnated and split gender so to speak...they have never experienced this sort of separation before upon this Planet.  It's difficult to explain.  But you also have to understand Melaine Lefont or whomever it was who chanelled this message is probably still using a filter.  Same reason that many believe that "Jesus" never had a patner ect.  They want to make them into something more then human..something above everyone else when in truth they are just as equal.  



Thu, 06/14/2012 - 22:45

In reply to by Lia

I'm afraid it's not the case. 


To have a beating Heart you must have a soul. Without it, no incarnation. We know HUmanity has been used to so many ideas about it, as about so much in fact and that's part of the amount of confusion that is arising Now as all old information fall apart.

Thus, Archangels do not have twin flames. They are fine! They don't even need to... We do not need to humanize all we met. Instead of opening humans to the Divine we made God human... and so on with all, all had/has to be as humans are.

Lets bring humanity back to it's true origin this time and go Home. We don't need to bring all here, trust me, we not only can go "there", but that's where we truly Are right Now, manifest once we let go all of old ideas and perception and believe systems. That's when humanity becomes free again.


All our Love

You are humanizing, where is your proof that Archangels have no souls? I am in contact with two Archangels and both confirmed that they have souls and that they have Twin Flames and that it is nonsense what you tell people. I couldn't have ascended without soul and I AM an incarnated Archangel and I will soon reunite with my Twin Flame who is an Archangel too. I believe Creator and my guides more than I believe you. Don't tell people more of that nonsense. They will soon see the truth.

Is Being God too frightened to you? Is Being o Pure Love Conscoiusness a too "high" level?

What scares you about this?

What are your fears about?

Believe it, you're Worth it, there's no need to be what you're not, as what you Are is part of All that Is and that's Love, Pure, Unconditional Love. 

And Archangel has no emotions, and you're showing emotions here... how do you explain this?

You're bound to a believe system... it may seems nice to you but to truly become Free... you need to let it go and find out Who You Truly Are: God=Love. 


Love you

Guest (not verified)

Fri, 06/15/2012 - 02:41

In reply to by d'tewa

Who says that I am frightened to be God? I know I AM ONE with Source. He is All-That-Is. And I have No fears. Believe ME. I know who I AM. I am not bound to a belief system, I have let go all that behind me. I only AM. LOVE.


And I still am waiting for your proof for all that you try to tell us. The real truth will come out soon for all to see.


Archangels have emotions they LOVE, because they are pure LOVE and nothing else. And I am still in my adjusting process and have not yet my full consciousness, btw can you see how beautiful our sun looks at noon? Such a bright shining light? Isn't she wonderful?

All day long. And it's helping all of HUmanity with this amazing amount of Energy right Now! 


Thus, Love is a Feeling Dear One, not an emotion. E-motions are re-actions. 

And Yes, You're One with God=Love. 


All our Love


So you can see right into the sun?


Hm I had a conversation with creator just now and he said Archangels have a soul and Twin Flames and that they have emotions too. Mmh whom shall I believe now?

I get what your saying.  Then why in God's name would Father God tell Mother God she was Mother Mary and that he was her twin flame (which would make him the Arch Angel Raphael...both being Mother and Father God incarnated.  Explain that one please?  Or maybe possibly they can...I'd like to set the record straight...this is what I based my information off of.  Infor from the 2 of them directly...unless of course they can say they lied to begin with.  Either or I'd like to know the TRUTH. For in my presence over and over again  he would call her that and then say she had also been Joan of Arc.





Guest (not verified)

Fri, 06/15/2012 - 02:10

In reply to by Lia

I agree to that. I know Méline Lafont and she is a clear channel and Archangels and Ascended Masters are on Earth now to reunite with their twins. This is an information I got through Creator himself. Thank you.


Love and light

This is rediculous. Sure, Hu means 'he' in Arabic and is used to refer to Allah within their culture, but your interpretation of the word 'human' as meaning 'God manifest/the manifestation of God' is just plain stupid. It could just as easily stand for 'Hungry Manticore'. The etymology of the word 'human' has an entirely different meaning. 'Humus' refers to the ground/earth.


Your culture of new-age thinking relies in misinformation and psuedo-scientific modes of explanation to mislead people.

whatever you see/hear even breathe could stand from all you'd like it to stand for, the question is: Where are you?


If you accept to be God in Manifestation or not... it does not change the Truth simply the way you live your own path. 

You can choose Joy or denial... all up to your choice, as is any of your perception. 

And btw, who said it comes from Arab? 





hey, I'm in a confusion here about me, my origin, and my Twin Flame.


I've always believed I'm an incarnated Angelic Dragon. and I too have an unearthly Royal bloodline. I believe that I'm an "aspect" of Archangel Kamael/Chamuel. and last, I also believed that I've found my incarnated Twin Flame. But these're crushed since two weeks ago. Two weeks ago, I received a guidance from my Guide about my Name. It's Az-El. By that name, I , then sought the Name of my Twin Flame. I received the Name "Kamael". An incarnated Angel friend gave words by her Higher Self that what I received was the truth. Az-El's my Pleiadian Name. and I am Charity myself, the Twin Flame of Kamael. Yet the person who I thought is my Twin Flame turns out to be my Soul Mate. We "were" Lyran Twin Flames, because we split in Lyra. But please, the Name Charity doesn't resonate with my heart, with the stage of my consciousness. 


What am I? I am everything and nothing, but in microscopic identity, who am I?

can you help me?

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