SaLuSa 13~March~2012 The dark Ones are having to bow down to the pressure being applied on them

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 03/14/2012 - 09:11


SaLuSa  13~March~2012

The dark Ones are having to bow down to the pressure being applied on them by you. They never considered that you could exercise such power that they would be prevented from achieving their goals. Because of the emerging consciousness levels that are continually reaching new heights, they do not have the energies to draw upon that are needed to be successful. Their secrets are out, and at every turn they are confronted by challenges to their authority. They see their bases destroyed, and weaponry also destroyed or removed to prevent the fulfillment of their plans. They are in disarray but still fail to understand or accept that their days are over. However, we shall confront them at every turn to ensure that they are prevented from causing a major incident. We know all about their false flag operations, and they shall answer for their treasonous attempts to stage another World War. We state again, that war will not be allowed, and have asked the Illuminati to put a stop to attempts to create one. The New Age is birthing itself right now, and its progress will not be stalled or halted by any outside interference.


Therefore Dear Ones you have no reason to be fearful whatever you hear about plans to cause delays, and they would be best ignored as it is we the Galactic Federation who are in charge. Neither you or us have come all of this way to be foiled or disappointed, and as we have often proclaimed victory is ours. The round up of the dark Ones has begun and they will be placed where they can no longer interfere with your evolution. The Laws of the Universe are quite clear and irrevocable, and both the dark and Light must obey them. The one that has been considerably used is the Law of Attraction, although for a large part of your lives you have not understood the implications of your actions. The dark Ones have understood it, and taken advantage of your ignorance by empowering themselves at your expense. However, as you have taken the Light unto yourselves, you have attracted even more to the Earth and it has turned the tables in your favor.

It is a fact that in the end the Light will always win battles with the dark, even if they make momentary gains. What bigger prize is there other than your Ascension, which you have come a long way to claim. At times you have cried out to God believing that you had been deserted, when in fact you created your own separation. You blamed God for the death and destruction, yet it was Man who went to war out of greed and lust for his neighbors possessions. It has taken a long time to see how pointless it has all been, and truthfully there are no winners and all are losers. At last you are quite rightly demanding an end to war, and that call has been answered by God. It is now decreed by God that war is ended, and our place is to ensure that it is so.


That elusive peace you sought for eons of time is soon to be yours, and all forms of aggression will also be denied to those who would ignore the Divine Decree. Those souls who still harbor thoughts of this kind, will find that their vibrations are such that they will not be allowed to enter the higher vibrations of the ascended. It is no place for anything other than the Light and Love that exists in the higher dimensions. if you have the intent to ascend, make sure you are clearing the baggage that you have brought with you. Any word, action or deed that is on a lower vibration will feel out of place, so you should be able to gradually remove them from your normal interaction with others. Be to others as you would wish to be done to yourself, and you will create peace and harmony around you.


As you are noticing time is speeding up faster than ever, and a week seems a mere few days, and each week is filled with such a great potential that will change your lives. The media is still restrained and little of what is really happening reaches your eyes or ears. However, we are successfully working towards an open free Press, and once the restrictions are lifted you will be overwhelmed with reports about everyday events. When it is safe for us to appear with you, then regular T.V. programs will take place, allowing us a platform to tell about our plans and your future. The most important aspect is to calm peoples fears and prove that we come in peace, and that we are your future selves. Everything is planned is for your upliftment and benefit, and whatever changes take place you will be the ones to gain far more than you are likely to lose.

As you are to ascend with Mother Earth, total cleansing must take place and that will be of the land, seas and atmosphere that have been badly polluted. It has partially taken place through our presence and use of our superior technologies. Our brief has always been to keep a balance on Earth, and we have done that even to the extent of having prevented it from tilting too far off its axis. Earthquakes are quite natural, but we have lessened their affect where they have posed a great threat to mankind. They are Mother Earth's way of being involved in her own cleansing, and vitally necessary if she is to be returned to her pristine condition.

Sooner or later everyone of you will have to face the truth about your sojourn upon Earth. What you have been told is a far cry from the truth, and often it is distorted to suit the cause of those who control you. Yet you are born free and entitled to express yourselves as Spiritual Beings having a physical experience. That degree of freedom will be yours very soon, and you will forget the difficult times in duality although the lessons learnt will remain with you. You will come to appreciate what a great experience you have had, and how much it has furthered your evolution. That indeed is what you came to Earth for, and it has been a wonderfully enlightening time that ultimately you will have no regrets about whatsoever.


I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and we are so pleased to see you getting the proof you want that is confirming the dark Ones are in retreat. There is no place to hide or escape justice, so you do not have to concern yourselves about their fate. As with each soul that has walked the Earth, all of you are bound by Universal Law, and no one is above it. The Laws do not however give punishment, but instead the opportunity to make good your mistakes. All is carried out whilst you are held in the energy of Unconditional Love, that you should know how much you are loved by God.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Website: Tree of the Golden Light


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King David (not verified)

Wed, 03/14/2012 - 14:46

Dear SaLuSa,


Please inform the Galactic Federation that on behalf of all of us here that know and likely most of them that at this point don't know what you have, are doing and will be doing for us, that we all sincerly than you for your support. 


I have a suggestion. Give a date to us, knowing that it is likely the Cabal has people reading every site out there for infomation like you send. 


Make a date in print to us and to confirm a major arrest of the most prominant and guity of the Cabal, that you will pick them up on that day. You have said they have no place to hide on or off planet. 


This will place a sencere level of trust in those who know little of you and all of us involve on this task in your intent as Beings of Light that are here, as you say "on a mission from God" in benevolent terms.


We realize circumstanes change with consciousness and timelines, but you need not make a list of "who" they will be just that many will be arrested on that date. What a documented referrence 'we' will have to give proof of why NOW is a good time for our brothers and sisters to open their ears to hear!!! 


May the "Force" be with you~ 

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