SaLuSa 16.7.2013

Submitted by MomT on Tue, 07/16/2013 - 05:32


David Porter

Tue, 07/16/2013 - 18:09

Ladies and gentlemen of Earth. It continues to come to my attention that there is  possibility here of dis-information in some, alleged "channelings?"

So far I'm going easy on you for just in the case that you MADAD or Phillip are legit and you SaLuSa are a in fact a Being of Higher Light Forces?

And by the way, it's not any doubt on my part about what my Heart is telling me, it is my  trust in "THAT" that leads me to challenge any and all ones who claim to be of The Light leading us to "That" and not leading us astray as we have been led now for, how long? 13,000 years or more so far. And from the Heart of "I" I "feel" something is amiss in the alleged channels by "SaLuSa???" I and the ones that confide in me, expect more accurate information from any Beings claiming to have IQs of 200 plus.

I won't post all of SaLuSa's blogs at this time, here are two of them, but I keep them all recorded and ready for disclosure.

Nearly a year ago you said:

SaLuSa thru Phillip Schlienger mid-August, 2012.

"The evidence of Sierra Neblina and the crop circles is that August 4, 2012 is the divine deadline by which the free will of world leaders to delay and obstruct Disclosure of the galactic presence comes to an end."

You guys continue to place blame on our "free will" and our level of mass consciousness etc.

Today you said again:

"We are with you all the time and wish to help you as much as we can without interfering with your free will."

By your words, if they were in fact yours, last year Divine Decree will take precedence and override the cabal and their free will allowing You to take "DISCLOSURE" and making it happen into Your own hands on August, 4th if the cabal did not step down or up to that plate. Was this You or an imposter? Why 12 months of waiting, again? You have permission from Almighty God.

SaLuSa thru Madad, 6/29/13

"Next week should bring even more for you to see and believe, that your time in darkness is soon to be over. G8 summit will prove that all the right people are on their places for financial system to be changed."

The "soon" that you once again mention is gone again weeks later, why this time?

I realize there is no glue in Your words here,  but You bring up the financial situation again. We have been advised by Your "Light Team" that God granted a nine month extension from 12/21/12 to September, (we have to assume the 22nd on the Soltice as the day was not provided to my knowledge?), 2013 for "mass ascension."

However by several of Your support Team associates, if They are Yours, we have been advised that NESARA and or it's equivalent or financial support would befall us all to ease us smoothly into the pending ascension that once again is to happen late this year. Do you realize that when more than half of an Earth year in linear timelines is gone that it is later in the year?

This was also told to us by Yours truly in early 2012 in like manner. Again we wait, no NESARA, no financial support, no free energy, no ascension, no mass "confinement" of the cabal, no hi-tech toys from you the alleged beares of said gifts to us gullible little humans. So who is running this show of Yours? What is behind all the promises that are no show again? Who are you really and what is your purpose with miss-guiding the people?

I would not be commenting on this topic to you if you were just bright enough NOT to predict and promise vicarious time frames and or to keep rubbing in the wonderful tools, tech and toys that you have that we don't.

Christmas has come and gone again, no presents again.

Ladies and gentlemen of planet Earth, I rest my case.

Without further adieu, until further communication in (keeping you awake to potentially false messages from on High) processing is deemed necessary to re-open this case of worms that is "SOON" to spill out.

All rise, court adjourned.



I've got your back and all others.

The cabal know of every single date and every single event taking shape as it does. The ones I alert are "us." We are not sneaking up on the cabal, that is not a probability.

It is the cabal that sneaks up on us, constantly and daily.

Time does "tell," yes. The final winner of all concerns of a liner timeline dimension is evolution,,,always the winner.

I address only the post that have to do with the times or likely "soon s" to happen that have not happened anywhere near their predicted "soon s." Unless one would consider a year or years down the road soon. I also as you can see ask these One's why they continue to rub in the gifts in our face that we don't have, but have been promise that we would by them years ago.

It's not so much that I want to know "when" events will happen, which would be nice, but it's that I want to know why some of these alleged channels continue to impress us deeply to our core in many cases that something really good and big is just around our linear corner just to be let down in the dumpies again. Why???would ascended Ones do this???

Dearest MomT I have no outer reference of who you are as we've not met. But I know you. You are humble, reserved, integrous, you love animals, you wouldn't hurt a fly without due cause, you are one that can sit in a room alone although I see you outside when so you can talk to the birds and bees. This is why I can say I Love you without reserve. You remind me of one very dear to me.

Please take not my comments personal in any way as they are simply meant for our people, the ones that deserve to regain their planet back to it's original care takers hands that Love Her. The Light is shinning ever brighter even on the ones that pretend to be on It's side but are in question of this being fact or other than. The truth, the whole truth and noting but will be the foundation of our new paradigm "SOON" enough.

Do you see how one word that follows "soon" can change the entire meaning of their approach. If they are not sharp enough to see this they are not sharp enough to maintain position with the Light.

I am not in attempt of busting any ones bubble, no, that is what I am attempting to prevent from happening over and over until some just give up on the liars out there thinking they all are. They all are not false prophets, I know this. I would like to know the number of ones that have left this and other similar sites that have had there bubble busted too many times now?? I know for sure it runs into "many!!"

If GFP and others of like kind are to maintain the most of the masses as a loyal audience then they need to edit this particular set of circumstances closely. The site is no in charge of what their scribes print on it, but are in charge of which ones they allow to continue. 




Tue, 07/16/2013 - 16:27

David - You're on it bro!! I Totally agree.. If we were to begin something around September, there is simply not enough time to implement the new financial system and distribute wealth to the world. When I think about it... just how realistic does it sound?? Everyone getting £100,000 or so? All of the evidence we have been given points to the contrary.

I SO want to believe this will happen, and at the same time, I feel like a gullible child.


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