SaLuSa 8-February 2013.

Submitted by MomT on Fri, 02/08/2013 - 08:02

David Porter

Fri, 02/08/2013 - 15:10

SaLuSa, Speaking for likely millions upon millions by now, please understand that I (all of these millions) am/are ready to beam up to your space craft (and I want a look-a-bout in your room there) or beam down to Shangrala, Tulos, the Argarthians or remain right here on earth and will go to any part of it that needs our skills.


So: The dark Ones do not really have any cards to play that can stop progress into the Golden Age, oh yes they can be a nuisance but will be swatted out of the way and placed where they no longer have any power.


Please do some swating or give me the cabal swater, you long ago at election time that you have intervention rights from Heaven, yes?


We have all had enough of their delaying tactics and interference tactics. They have far exceeded their authority,


If they have exceeded their authority which to many of us has been quite apprarent for decades, then what is in the way of ALL of their removal or "containment" now? I and a million others will stop everthing that we are doing in a moments notice and assist, just say the word.


and it will not be tolerated anymore.


When you say "anymore" as you have many times now, to us this means NOT ONE MORE FALSE MOVE OR I'LL SHOOT!!!  It has come time to stop shooting the words my friend and start shooting the cabal before they leave us with noting left to shoot with.


How about you come out now from behind the scenes and let us all see that your are in fact here and on the side of the people by the people and for the people. I just don't think that I am asking too much, do you, and if so why?


Thank you for your support



Fri, 02/08/2013 - 21:58



For the Love of God, just do it.  25,000 people starve to death each day, and yet you continue to dally for so utterly stupid reason.  One must doubt you even exist.


As for St. Germain, it is clear he has failed to achieve ascension - as he failed at the time of the French Revolution.  He has been notably abscent, as have most of the Masters, since the 12-12 and 12-21 gateways.  I assume they don't want to stand around and look at the failure to produce any TANGIBLE results as it pains them.  Oh, of course, you are "beaming Love and Light" which is soooo much help to us down here on this world.


Please give us ONE good reason why we continue to wait and wait?  Anything you suggest can be compensated for by proper planning, strategy and communication.  Point is: there is NO good reason.  So are you real?  Are you simpley the self delusion of a hope for a better world.  A wise man said:  "We'll See."  If nothing happens for another year, it will be clear that you are nothing but fantasy, a child's dream of a happy and far-away place.


Prove your self.  Show yourself.  Do some Tangible thing.  Today would be nice.


Love and Light,



Sat, 02/09/2013 - 09:44

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Why haven't Higher Dimensional Beings saved Humanity yet? Because that's not what they're here for. A race that still wars against itself and neglects its own Planet is not quite ready yet. You don't give nuclear weapons to children, much the same way you don't give advanced technology to a race that hasn't demonstrated the ability to use it responsibly. Humanity's only enemy is their own minds, and nobody's gonna save you from that.

David Porter

Sat, 02/09/2013 - 15:42

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Is up to the one that wants it, right?


What we are asking for is the truth be told to us most especially by those who claim to be dimensions above us and that truth is all the are capable of speaking.


If you don't know the future, please stop making us to believe that you do.


Nuke to children, better idea by far than to the cabal. We are not asking for much from such Beings of such capibilities, the only salvation that we need is the removal of the cabal, that's it. We have not been able to do this for how many thousands of years now.


It is not us, the people that are evil it's the cabal that conditioned us to be that, we will easily turn away from these conditions when the TV, radio, media of all sorts, education, NASA, church, religion, corporations, food and water, gov etc etc no longer blast us with them. You know this is the truth.


The shuffle from "Them" landing" a mass will last for what, a few days before it sinks in that are previous visitors have returned. I would hope after having galactic wars that our Star Friends aren't afraid of the cabal??


This is no longer about all the starving ones "over there" far far away, the starving ones are now around your corner as well as mine, you know, all those empty houses you see and the millions of foreclosures in the "most powerful affluant" country on planet!!!


I assure you my friend that our planet, meaning not only Gaia, but us in mass are quite ready for these forementioned promises to become our reality TODAY! Beginning with the permanent removal of the illuminati.


Sat, 02/09/2013 - 16:01

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

First, my comment had nothing to do with the "future", I described the situation now.

The Higher Dimensional Beings already speak to everyone who's clear enough to receive the messages. They're also actively disabling nuclear weapons, so the cabal's biggest threat isn't even a factor anymore. There's nothing stopping the people of Earth from removing the cabal, and if they're really as ready as you say they are, it will be very easy for Humanity to rid themselves of those parasites.

You say Humanity is ready, and yet you also say they're still dependent upon others to make the changes for them.

David Porter

Sun, 02/10/2013 - 00:04

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

When you can "see" dad at the ball game that you are player in, you play with more courage and stamina. Imagine what it would be like on any planet if there was NO Angels, Guides or Masters on our shoulder?? Many are ready, yes, I am suggesting this boost for the millions on the fence.


Thank you for staying up with me on my thoughts on this pressing and most important matter in the history of history. I walk with you.


Sun, 02/10/2013 - 08:21

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

All of Humanity has the active assistance of the Angels/Guides and Masters, I don't know why I'd need to imagine that. Someone offering assistance is a lot different than a saviour though, and a saviour is what people keep asking for. The funny thing is that is exactly what the cabal has been telling humanity through religion, that they couldn't possibly free themselves and that they're totally dependent upon some outside force to come and save them. If Humanity really understands their own power together, and the truth of what's been happening, it'll be the cabal that needs saving.

David Porter

Sun, 02/10/2013 - 12:00

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Yes, like methods of keeping us looking outside ourselves for enlightenment when they, the cabal know and us inner powers no matter what they call it to maintain statis.


What you say make logical sense to me.


My purpose is to uncover why and which blogs, post and allegeded channels continue to make forcast or preditions of coming "soon" events, at times with set dates (gregoian linear dates)???


As I meditate into my 30th year of this fine tuning I am becoming more sensitive to lies vs truth. I will use this skill for us all as called forth.


You are as persitant as I, we shall find what we seek my friend.


Sun, 02/10/2013 - 12:51

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

I have a very simple and easy way of explaining why we get all the "soons"  and often dates as well, it's what the channelers want to hear. Channeling is not an infallible form of communication, it's a co-creation and the channeler is ultimately the one who's delivering the message. Dates like Dec 21st 2012 are often powerful planetary and galactic alignments, but nobody knows for sure what's going to happen in the "future", because we're creating that through our choices Now. When you connect to 5D Beings, they're going to give you visions of the Highest possibility because that's their choice for you, but it's still up to everyone to make that a reality.

David Porter

Sat, 02/09/2013 - 15:25

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

"If nothing happens for another year, it will be clear that you are nothing but fantasy, a child's dream of a happy and far-away place."




So to most it is clear that this is nothing but fantasy, a child's dream of a happy and far-away place.


My take on it is to be watchful of any words on any site, news or other that continue to offer gifts attacted to false promises??? Is it the sly clandestine cabal keeping us in tax-pay mode, in the corral for FEMA?


I trully appreciate all the words I reveive from "On High" and much I don't doubt to be authentic, but do we really want to be dupped again and again and again, as you my friend I ask,"WHEN WILL THE BLEEDING STOP?"


It's not like they are overriding God Almighty, as not only has He given rights of intervention now, how many times??? But this is in fact the Being of Their, your, and all of our Highest nature, right, don't think we are offending "Our Self" in making judgments of our own, "Their own" by taking the needed abvious actions. 


And when they continue to suggest for us to take a nice nature walk, I just have to ask, is that before, during or after the latest blast of chemtrails sponced by "WHO?"

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