Scott Mowry: Major Planetary Transformations Shift Into High Gear

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Tue, 03/06/2012 - 12:11


Scott Mowry: Major Planetary Transformations Shift Into High Gear

2012 March 6
Posted by Galactic Love Reporter BZ Riger

Major Planetary Transformations Shift Into High Gear

Massive Arrests, Numerous Resignations, Flying Money and Energy Waves Abound

Reported by Scott Mowry

February 28, 2012 | UPDATED: February 29, 2012 | March 1, 2012 | March 4, 2012



Welcome to the revolution. Your revolution. It has finally arrived at your doorstep.

As we had anticipated for quite some time, the purging of darkness, deceit and corruption from planet Earth has begun in earnest in 2012 and we have barely advanced through first two months of this year.

Every single day of 2012 thus far, has seen life-altering events unfolding in all corners of the globe. These events are profoundly historic in nature yet still go mostly unrecognized by the average Joe Public and the blabbering talking heads on cable TV.

However, it is likely that many of you reading this report can feel in your hearts and souls the massive changes that are occurring on the planet at this time.

The signs of staggering transformations are everywhere. What is happening behind the scenes, but bubbling up the surface from time to time, is the complete dismantling of a deeply intricate, demonic and corrupt global financial system that has enslaved the world for thousands of years.

Every fraudulent financial institution that has operated over the last one hundred-fifty years (or more) is undergoing, or will undergo, unforetold pressure to either transform or be completely dismantled. It is becoming very clear now that the global financial system is the fuel that powers every other draconian control mechanism put in place in our world such as governments, militaries, corporations, banks, media conglomerates and religious organizations –– all of which are undergoing an equally profound metamorphosis.

The privately-owned Federal Reserve, the very heart of the economic slave machine, is on the verge of totally collapsing. Its 100-year charter from its origination in the year 1913 is set to expire in 2013. Much of the world is now united in marginalizing the Fed and the banking families who own it know they are rapidly running out of time.


In turn, massive arrests are taking place all over the planet and those who are wise enough to see the handwriting on the wall, are resigning in droves from their lofty positions of privilege. The ones who stubbornly refuse to change from darkness to light will simply be taken out by force, if necessary.

In the country of Romania, the Prime Minister and the entire cabinet recently resigned en mass. Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi is facing up to five years in prison for his role in a bribery operation. In Germany, President Christina Wulff has been forced to resign. While in this country, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has been subpoenaed for his role in the Lehman Brothers scandal and reportedly was recently detained by police officers in New York City for questioning.

CEO’s of powerful financial institutions such as Lloyd Blankenfein of Goldman Sachs are resigning or being pressured to do so. In point of fact, a mass exodus is underway at Goldman Sachs. Numerous lists of banking Presidents and CEO’s who are resigning or being indicted are being tallied on various tracking websites. It is rumored that as many as 1,500 to 2,000 arrests of international banksters has already been executed with many more to follow!

Even major players in the media are starting to jump ship as was seen by the resignation of James Murdoch from News International Corp., the son of News Corp. and Fox News chief Rupert Murdoch. Another Murdoch newspaper tabloid, News of the World, became embroiled in a phone hacking scandal during James Murdoch’s watch and was forced to shut down in July 2011. While still another, The Sun, is mired in a similar phone and email impropriety that has resulted in the arrest of many members of the paper’s editorial staff in January 2012.

Rupert Murdoch’s deeply corrupt media empire is in a total free fall and will likely implode before the eyes of the world rather soon. If so, then good riddance.

Similarly, many other leaders of deceitful multi-national corporations on the planet will find themselves swept up in this prodigious global reform that will grow stronger and stronger by the month. Microsoft Corp. and other financial corporate empires seem to be high on the list for reform.

Even the Vatican, the richest and most powerful institution the world has ever seen, is now feeling the heat bearing down upon it as the indictments and arrests begin to pile up. Soon, the heat will be turned up so hot and so high, that we may well see a total meltdown of the Vatican as it exists today!

It is vitally important to remember that as the truth comes pouring out –– all roads lead to Rome.

What is becoming apparent is that the protection and firewalls afforded the corrupt conspirators is crumbling around them as the criminals turn on one another in a vain attempt to save their own skin. They simply can no longer afford to pay for the protection services of judges, police, district attorneys, etc. that shielded them from prosecution in the past.

Other signs of dramatic world economic turnabouts include the withering Baltic Dry Index which tracks the flow of shipping goods around the world from its lofty position in the City of London. It has dropped by a staggering 65%, indicating that most other countries are no longer accepting goods from cabal controlled G8 countries such as the US, UK, France, Germany, etc.

In addition, the clearing house for inter-bank payments, the institution in charge of shuffling trillions upon trillions of dollars between the major banks, has been virtually shut down.

Two significant arrests have been made regarding the theft of trillion dollar bonds –– more than  $2 trillion in Manila, the Philippines and the other valued at $6 trillion in Italy and Switzerland.

For a much more detailed explanation of these events and the history of world economic slavery, see David Wilcock’s “Financial Tyranny- Defeating the Greatest Cover-up of All Time” and “FINANCIAL TYRANNY: The Final Sections”. Also read the .pdf version.


On Monday, February 27, 2012, WikiLeaks held a press conference in Londonto announce their release of 5,000 emails that were gathered from a shadow CIA corporation known asStratfor, based in Austin, Texas. After mining through the 5.5 million company emails they now have in their possession, the WikiLeaks team determined that Stratfor was not only illegally collecting intelligence information from informants around the world, but it also had conspired to arrange insider trading deals, had spied on activist groups such as the Yes Men,PETA and most significantly, WikiLeaks leader, Julian Assange himself.

WikiLeaks obtained the email files through the hacker activist group known as Anonymous, who is increasingly proving itself to be a major force to be reckoned with on the world stage. WikiLeaks also partnered with over 25 other media outlets including Rolling Stone Magazine, The Sydney Morning Herald, the McClatchy Group and many more from the world journalistic pool.

Meanwhile, Anonymous also announced it had broken into the websites ofInterpol (in retaliation for the arrests of 25 members of its group) the CIA,Department of Homeland Security, a Florida-based prison management company, the NASDAQ stock exchange andvarious US Government agencies, all within the last few weeks.

Anonymous also successfully hacked into the Greek government websites as a retaliation for saddling the people of Greece with fraudulent debt disguised as austerity packages. Anonymous is basically telling the Greek political leadership, the IMF and the international banksters that enough is enough!

These attacks occurred the month after Anonymous had already successfully taken down the websites of the FBI and many entertainment companies (RIAA, the Motion Picture Association, Universal Music Group), who were pressuring Congress to enact the SOPA and PIPA legislations.

Not only has Anonymous teamed up with WikiLeaks, but they have now forged an alliance with the Occupy Wall Street movement, as well. This triangulated coalition between these three organizations will be truly formidable for the powers that be to contend with in upcoming months ahead.

The Occupy Wall Street movement has had an enormous impact in only a fewshort months of its existence. Somehow, as if by a miracle, it has blasted in record speed all over the planet as people a half a world away got wind of it and occupied their city, state or region. Did you notice how so many in other foreign countries picked up the mantle and ran with it?

(See our blog post “Occupy Olympia, OSSF 2012 & Foster Gamble”)

This Spring, maybe as early as the month of March, the Occupy Movement will ramp itself up, spawning massive protests which will spontaneously erupt all over the US. It will embolden itself as more and more people will be drawn to support or event join the movement in some fashion.

Already on Thursday, March 1, 2012, the Occupy Wall Street movement staged what it termed as its “largest coordinated action this year” with large protests all over the country.

Collectively, all of these many signposts are signally merely the very beginning of monumental changes that have been prepared for this planet. What is still yet to come will be truly staggering, truly mind-blowing and will be nothing short of a revelation to all.

Meanwhile, many speculative investors have been eagerly awaiting the revaluation of the Iraqi currency, the Dinar, with a daily diet of intel reportssuggesting it’s imminent announcement.

What is becoming increasing clear is that the Dinar revaluation may be tied to nearly 200 other foreign currencies that will also be revalued at the very same time. If indeed these rumors bear any truth whatsoever, then they would go a long way towards explaining why the Dinar has not seen a revaluation as of yet.

When the currencies of over 200 countries are adjusted upwardly, it would signal a global economic recovery unprecedented in the history of the world. Indeed, some reports suggest that as much 1/4 of a quadrillion dollars (or $250 trillion) have been flying around the world on a daily basis as monies are shifted from the coffers of major crime families to more noble recipients. Perhaps even some of this money is intended for you!

Those who have been frustrated by the persistent delays must be mindful how complex and enormous the task of saving the global economy, the people’s and government’s assets truly is, all the while preventing an escalation into World War III. You have to admit, that’s a tall order. Therefore, we must continue to have trust and faith that everything is moving steadily towards completion.

What is more important to appreciate, however, is how big of a deal this entire process is for the future of humanity. What we are witnessing is a complete restructuring of the entire global economic system so that the type of criminals who have benefitted handsomely from the old system for so long, will never,ever have the opportunity to do so again. Many coordinated steps are being taken so that no other individuals or groups can hijack the global economic system ever again.

What we are talking about is a level playing field for all. Not just the Western world, not just the Eastern world but everyone, everywhere from every facet of life. We have been programmed to believe in a concept of scarcity which has only been a false paradigm continuously shoved down our throats so that we can be easily controlled. An endless succession of wars have been fought over the notion of scarcity for far too long.

The fact of the matter is there is plenty of land, food, water, resources, energy, oil, gold, money and will of the people to go around. The universe –– our universe –– is one of total abundance and only the mind of man limits himself.

Meanwhile, the criminal cabalists who have for so long stood at the top of the pyramid, are growing more and more desperate as their empire crumbles all around them. In the past, their saving grace has always been to start a war and indeed, they have been beating the drums persistently to attack Iran in a last-ditch effort to trigger World War III. This will unequivocally not be allowed to happen. Although, we can assume they will try their darnedest until they are neutralized.

Recently, Project Camelot interviewed a man by the name of John Kettler, who claims to have contact with various military intelligence agents and off world sources he refers to as ET/ED’s (extra-terrestrial/extra-dimensional entities). During two separate interviews, he reported on a wide range of incidents that have arisen in far flung locations across the globe recently. These included an attack sub armed with nuclear warheads; advance aerospace aircraft in Area 51; and nuclear/dirty bomb weapons aimed at the US from the country of Venezuela, all of which have been removed from the planet by the intervention of ET/ED’s, either directly or indirectly.

John Kettler – Project Camelot Interview

David Wilcock, on the other hand reported that has many as forty different attempts have been made to instigate World War III in the Middle East this year alone. Yet all efforts have been foiled, time and time again, most likely by some kind of ET actions.

What we must be aware that in the Western world, we have been steadily fed a pack of lies regarding the geopolitical landscape. We have been led to believe that Russia and China are our mortal enemies as a fake cold war was invented to keep us in a perpetual state of fear, thereby justifying outrageous and unnecessary amounts of military spending.

As crazy as it may sound, many insiders feel strongly that it is Russia and China who have stood up most forcefully to the New World Order/Federal Reserve cabal and have literally saved the American people from a total take down. These two countries have steadfastly refused to allow Iran to be targeted by the US or Israel in some kind of a fake World War III Armageddon scenario that would end up annihilating most of humanity. Further reports have indicated the US Pentagon will not allow WW III to proceed either.

As recently as February 26th, the NWO cabal attempted to assassinate Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. It was the second such assassination attempt in the month of February. Prime Minister Putin has been a strong deterrent to the New World Order takeover of the planet, as have been the Chinese, despite the Western media propaganda to the contrary.

In fact, Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping was in Washington, DC on February 15th and he issued stern warnings to the US hierarchy to allow the impending economic global reform to proceed post haste. The Chinese hold the economic bargaining chips in the form of US debt bonds and are willing to do whatever it takes to get this process underway.

Ironically, someday in the not-too-distant future, Americans may well be thanking the Russians and Chinese for their assistance in saving the world. Believe it or not!


We have to appreciate how truly monumental an effort has been made at this time, pulling together humans (both east and west), extra-terrestrials and the Divine in a united front to transform planet Earth. There is a whole series of paradigm shifting events taking place, one by one, that are freeing humanity from eons and eons of bondage and servitude.

2012: The Year of the Water Dragon

Those who doubted that the year 2012 would bring any kind of life-altering events, simply did not understand the significance of the times and conditions we are now living in. The expansion of consciousness is an unstoppable force that is surging across the planet, affecting everything and everyone in its wake.

And it is happening! It is really, really happening!

The Mayan calendar foretold of these times and thus far it has been spot on. As we move through this year, events and transformations will be accelerating each and every week, each and every month. And the acceleration will continue to expand right into 2013 and beyond.

The decree for these transformations has come from the most highest sources of all –– God and the Divine. This is a highly coordinated, multi-faceted planthat is coming into fruition and the Earth is just one of numerous planets, universes and star systems undergoing monumental changes.

Light and energy waves are pouring in from the galactic center of the universe and transforming everything they touch. No stone will be left unturned, no animal, mineral, vegetable or person will be unaffected by this Divine grace.

A gigantic energy wave has already hit the planet on January 29, 2012 that accelerated evolution in a dramatic fashion. Perhaps you felt that acceleration in your own life. Another one is due on Wednesday, February 29th, which will further push humanity on a major evolutionary uptick. So be aware of it. Many more waves are expected throughout 2012.

There is no turning back now. We are headlong into this transformational process and it is a done deal.

The world has been brought to the very brink of ruin only to clearly see there is another more glorious choice that is collectively possible. Most of us have have already made the decision to decisively move forward into the Golden Age and that is precisely what we shall receive.

All that remains is to have the faith and the belief in your heart that the Golden Age is upon us and is merely waiting for us to acknowledge it. Despite how dire and chaotic the outside world may seem, it is the inner world within our hearts and subconscious minds that is most important.

Resist the temptation to ask when the ET’s are going to step in to save the day, or when are the many promises that have been made to change the economy, or take out the bad guys are going to be fulfilled. Rather, ask yourself what have you done to make your own little world a better place. A supremely positive, expectant attitude is a good place to start.

The secret is that the more you embrace the Golden Age within your heart, then the quicker you shall experience it within your own world. It is that simple.

Remember, above all –– fear and doubt are our enemies, faith and trust are our allies.

May the force be with you.

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