~Seeing Others in their Highest Light~

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 04/01/2012 - 14:40



 It is for yourself that you see others in their highest light

     No one is well-served by another who, either consciously or unconsciously, talks about disease.
         he best thing that you can do for anyone is to hold the light for them, seeing them in their
             perfect state of wellness. Regardless of what they tell you about their maladies,
                     you do them no favor by agreeing with them about their illnesses.
      When they are temporarily unable to hold the light for themselves, you can hold it for them.
                You help them by holding a vision in your mind of them in their highest light.
                      And, in this way, you are not reinforcing their sickness and suffering.

                                                 You are reinforcing their wellness.

     When we first started the Intenders, it was common to hear someone putting their sick friends or
      family into the circle. We would talk about someone's disease, and then intend that it is healed.
             This practice went on for quite awhile, but we didn't seem to be getting the results
                 we desired from it. So, one evening, we decided to ask our guides and
                        helpers about this. The answer we received was very profound.

      We were told that when we give a name to somebody's sickness that we are giving power unto it.
         We were reminded that our words have power, and when we speak the name of any disease -
                 This does not help us if our highest priority is to preserve and perpetuate our lives.

     We were also reminded that our thoughts are things, and that we are all transmitters and receivers
            of thoughts. On a level which is normally invisible to us, these thoughts fly through space,
               just like radio or TV waves, and they are received by the person we are thinking about.
                             When we send out a thought that pictures someone else in it,
                                    this thought is received and it tends to manifest.
                            We are all constantly making suggestions with our thoughts to
                                            others of how we would like them to be.

        So, when we envision others as suffering in any way, we are contributing to their suffering.
               Conversely, when we see them in their highest light - happy and full of vitality -
        that is the message they receive. And that is the message that will help them the most.          

                                           ~~~~~~~~~~~   O  o  O   ~~~~~~~~~~

    From The Intenders Handbook

                                                      My Intention for today is:
                  I intend that I am seeing everyone, including myself, in their highest light -
                                           happy, healthy, whole, and humming.

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