Submitted by AstroEyes on Fri, 09/13/2019 - 17:48


AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey


Happy Friday the 13th with this Full Harvest Moon in Pisces at 11:33 PM….and in part of the world this Harvest Full Moon in Pisces will happen on Saturday the 14th at 0:33 am! Enjoy the harvest energies of this Full Piscean Moon….and for those experiencing this Full Pisces Harvest Moon on Friday the 13th…..this connection has not happened since October of 2000 and won’t happen again until August 2049. Enjoy the Magic!

Much has been stirred up and brought to the surface over these last Summer months. We have had 2 consecutive major Eclipse’s in a row….and a slew of retrograde planets, T-Squares/Grand Crosses among other powerful and major aspects! We have been surrounded by a lot of chaos, changes and major transformations happening throughout the world, and within our own personal lives! Things being put in our faces…right in our faces that we don’t like….so we can see them and then change them. We have been through a very intense and transformative period over the last several weeks/months. There is a lot happening in the world and the energies are hard to just dismiss.

All of the energies from these major aspects and Eclipse’s….have affected each of us…some more than others and they also have affected the collective and the Earth itself! With this very watery Pisces Full Moon ruled by Neptune…which is also sharing the Piscean energy and sitting right with the Moon……there is a lot being played out emotionally and in relationships. We can also see it being played out in the weather….The Hurricane that hit the Bahamas and the East Coast, the fires in the Amazon, along with major flooding and what seems to be the mixing up of seasons in some areas of the planet. We are experiencing Radical Change and a Cosmically Intense Turning Point….in our Evolution and the Evolution of the Planet!

We (ourselves and the collective) plus the Earth are receiving a lot of cosmic energies coming in….consciously and unconsciously. At times all this energy can feel a bit Chaotic and over whelming! As it is very intense and is coming from many different areas, and with many different themes….all hitting and surrounding us within a short time period. It can be a bit challenging. Remember however…..that out of Chaos, comes Creativity. It is time to Meditate on how to handle these intense energies….for our higher good. It is also a time for us to Manifest and create the future we want! The Cosmic focus for Evolution….is intensifying!!!

With this very dreamy Piscean Full Moon …. we find ourselves in a very watery state of being, as Neptune (that rules Pisces) is sitting with this Piscean Full Moon….magnifying the energies…and connecting us to the magic of unseen worlds. This is a very spiritual and intuitive Full Moon. If you have the luxury of being able to take some time today (and the next couple days) to sit and relax….connect with your guidance, meditate and dream… will be gifted with guidance and abilities that can help you receive a shift in consciousness….. that you might have otherwise failed to acknowledge.

FULL MOONS ARE WHEN THE TIDES ARE HIGH, AND FEELINGS ARE FLOWING. All Full Moons light up the paths in your life…. so you can see if you are on the right track or not… and if you might need to make some course adjustments. Full Moons are a time of releasing. It is a time of releasing the old that is no longer working for you. Go deep into yourself and deep in your Soul, your foundations and old perceptions and observe what is no longer working for you, for your community, and humanity. We will be surrounded by intense releases of “old” energy. The energy that is no longer vibrating where we are now vibrating……let it flow away from you. Take time to meditate on areas of your life that you feel you need to move away from… or distance yourself from… at this time in you evolution. It is a time of purging and releasing in all areas of your life.

All FULL MOONS INVOLVE THE SUN…as the Sun opposite the Moon is what creates the Full Moon. So with the Full Moon in Pisces (spiritual, psychic, intuitive, high creativity, direct connection with Source, sensitive, unconditional love), the Sun is in Virgo (reality, grounded, detailed, gathers lots of knowledge, analytical, critical, service, health/healing). The Sun and the Moon are in opposition, and an opposition in Astrology asks us for an adjustment, a balancing, a compromise of the opposite ends, in order to obtain positive growth. In this case, the Full Moon is in Pisces & the Sun is in Virgo. Virgo sees the details and Pisces sees the whole picture on all spiritual levels. Pisces is in dream land, and Virgo is in real land. Virgo is in the head, and Pisces is in the heart. Virgo functions by analysis and perfection…Pisces navigates by intuition and empathy. With this Full Moon we can bring in an incredible amount of Piscean energy through meditation, dreams, creativity and manifesting…… while bringing them down to Earth and grounding them in reality……with the Virgo Sun energy.

WITH THIS FULL MOON BEING IN PISCES…..the ability to send and receive unconditional love… and from the Universe… ourselves and to all life forms that are out there…is Powerful. This unconditional love from this Pisces Full Moon with its ruler, Neptune, sitting with it amplifying it’s energy.…. will help relieve some the stress of the past several months and help guide us through the next phase. As we continue in this process of co-creating the “New.” Pisces can also activate and highly inspire our creativity… to help us catapult our manifestations… as we create our own reality in all areas. The Piscean abilities of this Full Moon are to speak and hear (Virgo) through the psychic, using telepathy, and traveling interdimensional (Pisces). These are all gifts of Pisces that are accented now. This is a wonderful gift from the Universe itself…bringing us the ability to use this high Piscean energy and then through Virgo (Sun)….being able to bring it down and ground it into our daily lives…helping us move forward into the “New”!

REMEMBER TO BE CAUTIOUS OF THE GRAY SIDE OF ALL THIS PISCEAN ENERGY like being lost in the fogginess, addictions, laziness, avoidance, self undoing, being ungrounded, and escapism of all kinds. On the gray side of Virgo, you might find yourself submerged in too much detail, too much work, or you might find yourself putting things off because you think that you don’t know enough yet, or because it isn’t perfect yet. Remember this Full Moon is about bringing the high energies of Pisces and Virgo into balance and Staying on the high side…..of this Pisces Full Moon. Balance is the key word here. When you are more in balance… feel more centered and therefore ….better equipped to grab a hold of opportunities when they arrive.

FULL MOONS ARE ABOUT RELEASING and with the Piscean fog…comes the rain. Think of all the “old” that is no longer working for you, and no longer vibrating where you are vibrating……in all areas of your life. It is time to release it during this Full Pisces Moon. Think of the Piscean water…..washing the old away, releasing it. Think of it as a cleansing, so that we can embody the higher energies. Meditate and listen….on the guidance that you are receiving, and make sure that it benefits all beings, not just you.

AT THIS FULL PISCEAN MOON WE HAVE A MUTABLE  T-SQUARE that has formed with the Pisces Full Moon sitting with Neptune (as mentioned above) and the Virgo Sun that is sitting with Mars, Venus and Mercury all in Virgo (forming an opposition…trying to bring balance) and Jupiter (co-ruler of Pisces) squaring both clusters of planets in Sagittarius. Remember that square energy is stressful and brings in friction but it is also a growth aspect…giving us the ability to grow through it. Mutable energy is adaptable, going with the flow, and they at times can be influenced easily.

So we will start with the Pisces Moon sitting with its modern day ruler Neptune! I talked a lot about the energies of this Pisces moon sitting with Neptune above…so I will add in now the fact that they are opposing the Sun (that is part of all Full Moons) which also include the planets Mars/Venus/Mercury! This presents a powerful opposition…..which the Universe is asking us to bring into Balance (the goal of an opposition is to bring both sides into balance) both opposite groupings.

So the Virgo Sun (I described Virgo’s energy above)….has Mars (the warrior, action, passion, pioneer, male energy) and Venus (our love, romance, money, creativity and feminine energy) and also Mercury (our mind, communication of all types, how we think, writing etc) sitting with it. That is a lot of different energies to blend into one….but we have to think of it that way. All these planets in opposition to a Pisces Moon and Neptune. So one way to look at it is that the Universe wants us to take action with passion and use our love and creativity to communicate…rather though writing, talking, U-tube, twitter or what ever….and do it now…. with compassion, unconditional love and creatively for the good of not only ourselves…..but all Humanity! That would be part of bringing both clusters into a balance that would benefit all humanity.

Add in Jupiter (higher learning spiritual/collage, master teachers, religions, beliefs, philosophies, travel, joy, optimism, expansion and international law) squaring this Full Pisces Moon and including both clusters of planets around the Pisces Moon and Virgo Sun. Jupiter (Co-ruler of Pisces) is also the truth seeker and wisdoms etc. Jupiter activating by square (described above) and putting the Full Pisces Moon into action of growth…through these energies..and the results could be amazing. It is hard for the grey side of the Piscean energies (described above) to take hold….when the stressful energies of Jupiter are squaring it. It is as if Jupiter is saying no….we must grow though this aspect…this energy…so we and all humanity can evolve and create the “New”

SO PUTTING THIS ALL TOGETHER let’s start with Mercury (our voice, speaking, writing, our mind, all forms of communication, quickness) which is the ruler of the Virgo Sun (part of the Full Moon) and is saying that it is time to speak with compassion and to listen to our intuition (Pisces Moon/Neptune). It is time to speak your truth and the truth of others or there may be some resistance to what you are trying to say (Jupiter/Sagittarius). Mercury can bring in some clarity to the many thoughts and wisdoms that Jupiter (co-ruler of Pisces) can be sparking in our minds. Think deep (Pieces and Mercury) and also expansively (Jupiter) with the wisdoms that may be triggered and activated in your sub-conscience…at this Full Piscean Moon. You may even get a glimpse of the expansive Celestial picture (Jupiter/Neptune and the Pisces Full Moon) and then realizing that there is a need to share it (Mercury) while honoring all the truths and wisdoms (Jupiter/Sagittarius) that come about. With Venus (planet of Love and Creativity) and Mars (passion, the warrior, action)….we are being asked to taking action in bringing about the creativity and high knowledge and using it lovingly and compassionately while sharing the knowledge that was sparked…for the now and in the big picture. Binging the Big Picture into focus that will guides us to the “New” that we are co-creating with Love, compassions, and Peace for all. This can also trigger the ability to have some joy and optimism (Jupiter) around talking and sharing the insights that you receive at this Piscean Full Moon… Speak and share in truth….unconditional love, joy and Peace!

THIS ENERGY OF THIS PISCEAN FULL MOON and all it’s aspects….can make us Feel almost dreamy with the belief that “our dreams can come true”. Dreams, Sparkles, Fireflies, the Fairies and all the Earth elemental's …. are all available for us at this time….to feel their magic and use it in our creativity at this Pisces Full Moon. The Jupiter/Sanitarian energies of optimism, wisdom, and joy….and the Neptune/Piscean energies of imagination, spirituality, and transcendence….can help us connect with the higher energies of both. Giving us the ability to create and manifest what our Soul and the Soul of the collective…..wants and needs at this time on Earth.

WE ALSO HAVE THIS FULL PISCES MOON SEXTILING SATURN/PLUTO/AND SOUTH NODE in Capricorn…which is a nice energy to help soften some of the energies from this long term transformative aspect. This aspect can help this Piscean Full Moon by giving us the power to release anything that isn’t in our best and highest good. Helping us adjust to the “softer” energies of Pisces….while still being strong! It also helps us trust our intuition during transformative times.

SATURN TRINE URANUS..this meeting up of Saturn and Uranus could be a revolutionary aspect…one up held by the rebel against authority…but since it is in a trine (harmonious energy) aspect….the energies are more likely to bring about a more harmonious out come to any conflicted ideas that might be brought out. This is also a good time to make positive changes in your life…especially those that are hard…as the changes should run fairly smoothly. The trine between Saturn and Uranus suggest that any talks or changes will be done with integrity and respect!

Both Saturn and Uranus trine the Virgo Sun (part of the Full Piscean Moon) and is beneficial….as Saturn trine the Sun can bring about achievements and recognitions in many areas, that you have been working on. Relationships with men in authority should be practical and respectful. Guidance from the Elders and from leaders can be valuable at this time! With the Uranus part…listening to your intuition and flashes of insight…can lead to a lot of self discovery and the energy to try something new…outside your comfort zone.

WITH THIS FULL MOON IN PISCES/VIRGO healing is being brought to the surface. Healing of your Soul, yourself, your tribe, your community and the Earth. What areas do you need healing in? By listening to your body, and listening to your heart….you will be guided as to how and where you need to heal. Meditate and listen to what your Soul is saying…..what areas need healed now, and in past lives….what does your higher self say..…about what needs to be healed? Where does your community, your tribe need some healing…….ask your Heart……what does it say? What relationships need to be healed? Meditate on all these areas that are being brought up into your conciseness…. to be looked at, and what all needs to be healed. With these powerful healing energies of this Full Piscean Moon…..sit in the quite…..connect with your higher self..….ask for guidance, on what areas need healed, and where to start. Meditate…..and Listen!!!

Through this Piscean energy the Universe is asking us to Meditate on what we want our future and our reality to be. Connect with Source and your guidance during this time, to help you navigate these powerful energies. It is also asking us to Manifest and create our dreams, our visions, our world and our own reality. Meditate on how you can bring balance to all areas of your life, during this Full Piscean Moon, by releasing the things that are no longer vibrating where you are (especially in all types of relationships)…..that are no longer moving towards the reality that you are creating. We are moving into Oneness…..we are all one! Meditate and Manifest….Peace in our world…..Peace in ourselves, and throughout the Universe!

With this Piscean Full Moon we have the opportunity for deep healing and cleansing…..for profound insights in all areas….for compassion without judgment…..for inspired creativity……and to bring balance into all areas. It is time to Manifest and create our dreams. It is time to see the synchronicities and the Magic in the Universe. Manifest PEACE! It is time to be one with the Piscean energies…. Meditate, Manifest and above all…. Listen!!!!!

These are the energies affecting all of humanity and the Earth.  These energies also affect you individually, according to how they activate your own birth chart.

learn how the energies activate your individual Birth Chart, through an Astrological Reading (my contact information is below).  Knowing how the energies are affecting you personally, gives you the ability to make better choices, and use the energies in the highest way.  Feel free to share this update, in its entirety!   AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology © 2019  Cathy Lindsey     All rights reserved. 

Astroeyes Evolutionary Astrology Cathy Lindsey    AstroEyes    515-779-7154



Introducing Ascended Life Fundamentals of 

Planetary/Universal Creation and Civilization

This Full Moon of Virgo is introducing fundamental Ascended Life structures of the incoming Planetary/Universal Creation and Civilization.


These fundamental Ascended Life structures are designed to provide a significant and powerful upliftment throughout the planet, and are expected to allow for the public creation of various ascending components of the New Ascended Planetary/Universal Living Creation and Civilization Organism.




The Ascended EarthStar SpaceLife Organism is now functioning to create the framework for the coming Ascended SpaceLife Creation and Civilization


This will be developing over the next few weeks, and it will be the beginning of the Creator Avatar Race Planetary/Universal Home Planet Destiny for the entire greater universe.



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