~Sheldan Nidle's Update The Final Countdown, the Jig Is Up for the Cabal~~

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 05/08/2012 - 20:07



9 Ix, 7 Moan, 8 Manik

Dratzo! We return! A great foreboding is pervading the ranks of the dark cabal. Those in charge of bringing this once-invincible force to heel have started the final countdown for releasing a legal 'wrecking-ball' on them. The G-8 governments of your world, centered mainly in Europe and North America, sense that their long jig is truly up. They can see that the process to remove them formally from power, which has in fact been going on for decades, is now in its final crescendo. Despite a recent series of private meetings between their leaders and our liaisons, these G-8 nations have refused to distance themselves from those who have secretly ruled them from the headquarters of their banking and financial empires. This decision is to prove fatal to these once-mighty nations. Each of them, at one time, formed the backbone of a great economy which trod triumphantly over the world's nations, but now they are to suffer a massive reversal of fortune, and this will free your planet from the clutches of a tyranny that prevented the rise of your freedom and the establishing of your personal sovereignty.

    The dark cabal's demise is the beginning of a series of positive developments that will be further enhanced by a huge boost in the level of electronic technology that is to be made available to you. Consciousness is an ever-growing awakening process, and is stimulated by interaction with electronic communication technologies. Every human carries within them much wisdom which can be unleashed by the mere presence of this growing artificial intelligence; as the quality of the interface increases, so consciousness increases. The dark has been drip-feeding you where this technology is concerned. You have been held back, both technologically and spiritually, by a dark governance that fears your awakening and is covetous of your dormant collective powers. These fears drove this cabal to use a type of mind-control that diminishes your abilities and encourages you to perceive their dominion as immutable and permanent. This is now about to be seen for the illusion it is, and a whole new ethos put in place which is far more compatible with your divine natures. This new ethos will form the foundation of a fully conscious society.

    Your new reality will go beyond mere external perceptions; it will entail a complete restructuring of your consciousness. Full consciousness opens up a world that is currently unknown to you. Yes, you can envision an environment in which your mind powers can deeply affect your relationships with society, but just how this is done remains a tantalizing mystery. Those who live in such a state of being revel in it and enjoy their ability to enhance their environment for the delectation of all. Bringing such a mode of existence to you is our present task, and we intend to do it in right divine time. Until then, we can give you clues and descriptions of full consciousness, knowing that satisfying your curiosity can only be attained once you have personally experienced this most exquisite state! Now we are at the point where we have to engage in the removal of the dark ones from power, and those dedicated to your planet's wellbeing are ready to do this.

    The changes that are coming can be viewed as the first major step to disclosure, as the new governments are to support our arrival. At this time the schedule will be made very clear to you about the spread of our technology and the details of the actual event of the mass landings. Both these actions items require a lot of explanation before they happen. This is necessary because you have all been lied to for seven decades regarding our intentions and even regarding our very existence. We must clarify who we are and why we are here, and on top of that, explain the presence of your Inner Earth family, which has also been kept from you. The dark has done a very good job of entrapping you in a mental cage made up of lies, and it will be our joint mission to dismantle these lies, one by one, and introduce you to life 'outside the cage.' This work is complex, and we have much ground to cover together before our first contact and all that follows.

    Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We come now with some news about the projects of our secret sacred societies. As you know, various programs to institute a new global financial system are underway. Several nations have agreed to test the efficacy of the new international banking monitoring-system by defying those institutions that carry out debt regulation for the dark. The initial results are most encouraging and demonstrate that the dark's enforcement agencies are quickly losing their iron grip on global debt. The aim of the new system is of course debt forgiveness, and banking based on a true equity system. These early successes prove to our associates that the fundamental design of this new system is sound and ready to be put to full use. Heaven and we have blessed them, and have asked that they fully prepare themselves for taking this prototype global.

    The other side of this financial coin is monetary reform. First comes the return to precious-metals-backed currencies, but with several key changes, including an end to currency tranching exchanges, and evaluating one currency against another based on mutual debt levels. These concepts are based on the debt system and are unnecessary. The new monetary system is founded on a system of equity and stable values based on usage. The purpose is to transform the need for several primary currencies and to substitute a new value usage system. Currency per se and the new monetary system are to constitute a bridge between your present fiscal status and a permanent state of abundance that ends the need for money. Technology will be introduced which permits everyone to easily create their own food, clothing, shelter, and any other sundry needs and wants.

    The new conditions we describe here are also a bridge between the present familiar reality we all know, and one in which the focus is on preparing for the divine ascension to full consciousness. Here, we will be free to teach you each day about the wisdom that Heaven has imparted to us. All of us, in Love and Grace, are to restore this Earth to the beauty that humanity in its willful ignorance so desecrated over the past few millennia. We are to engage your Love, and help you bring your inner beauty forward. You were created with immense potential, which is to manifest and collectively lead our precious realm to a point where a wonderful fusion of inner and outer Earth is possible. We gladly take on the task of guiding each of you to actualizing who you really are. Ascension is really no more than realizing this inner power and learning how to use it to improve this world and most assuredly, physicality!

    Today, we gave you further details about what is happening in your world. A grand change is in the offing! Changing your dark reality to the Light is part of a greater process that is restoring each of you to full consciousness. Soon we will be reunited, and will collectively create a new reality for humanity and for Gaia. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)





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