Submitted by AstroEyes on Sun, 09/13/2015 - 08:05

AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey

This is a very powerful Solar Eclipse that is happening on a Virgo New Moon!   We are officially entering the Eclipse Season….bringing us opportunities for profound energetic shifts.  Eclipses bring about extra powerful New Moons and can trigger major endings and/or powerful beginnings in your life and throughout the world. This Solar Eclipse/Virgo New Moon is also highlighting Mercury, the Cardinal T-Square, Chiron, Venus -Mars, and the Ancient Star of Arcturus., with Mercury (communication)  being the main player in this Virgo New Moon/Solar Eclipse.  This Eclipse is the first of  2 that is happening in September, and it is acting like a bookend with  the Fall Equinox (on September 23rd) in the middle of it and the 2nd Eclipse which happens on September  27th in Aries…..all 3 events bringing about massive changes in all areas of life along with our relationship equations.    

Eclipses are a powerful pin point of energy that affects your chart (and the Earth/humanity chart) in a certain area (the degrees of the Eclipse), for up to 6 months and sometimes longer.  Think of an Eclipse as a disruption of time, a disruption of the natural flow of the light and dark.  Think of it as a “wobble or a blip” in time, energy and the natural flow of day and night.  It becomes a powerful pin point of energy.  An Eclipse opens a portal to the Universe, where a stream of knowledge, new codes and information can be down loaded from the Universe into our consciousness or subconscious.  It is like an upgrade.   Eclipse’s can also affect the magneto-receptors in our DNA and they also affect our Pineal Gland.  Eclipse’s also affect radio waves, X-ray’s, etc.  Eclipses are accelerated catalysts, and they are either breakdowns and/or breakthrough events.  It is a time to go outside (if you can) look up and connect with the sky, even if you can’t see the Eclipse (or if you are sleeping….ask your guidance to help receive the information that you need)…. be still…slow down….meditate…. and listen.  It is time to be one with the Earth and Sky, and receive.  Ask for guidance in how to handle the energy and information that you receive. 

Remember also that a New Moon marks the beginning of a new cycle. New Moons are the most spiritual and intuitive moons of the whole Lunar cycle. It is a wonderful time to manifest, meditate and create!  Each New Moon brings with it a down load of evolutionary energies giving us the knowledge to create a beautiful future. Remember that the New Moon energy last a day and half on each side of the peak or more.  This is a very powerful time to manifest and create.  Take the energy of this very powerful Virgo New Moon/Solar Eclipse and manifest a beautiful and peaceful world.   Take time to manifest for yourself also.

The Sun and Moon (the New Moon), are in Virgo.  It is as if by moving into this Virgo energy…the Universe is putting us in a clean-up and rebuild phase…..after all the chaos and upheavals that we have been through over the last several months.  Of course this doesn’t mean that it is over….oh no, not by any means……it just means that it is time to clean-up… is time to weed out the things that we do not want to flourish…. and pick the things/ideas/dreams that we do want to flourish…. so that we can nurture them to a healthy existence. Virgo energy is about re-thinking your daily routine’s… your daily life.  It is about learning to move from being critical…. to discernment.   It brings about thoughts of how to support (or not support) a healthy life style and a vibrant life.  It shows us how to ground your Spiritual thoughts… and how to form your Spiritual Practice’s.   Virgo energy is about simplicity….simplifying your life and preparing your Sacred Space.  It is about purging, cleaning, reorganizing, and the nitty gritty of daily work.  Virgo is also about moving away from daily distractions and moving towards gaining focus.   Virgo energy is also about making choices that support your health and sanity.  How are you treating your body? How are you running your schedule? How are you sharing your space with others?  What choices are you making?  What areas of your life are you weeding out so that the “new” can grow?

Remember not to get held up in the gray side of Virgo energy…..where you tend to worry way to much about things, and therefore never really getting anything accomplished.    Don’t get caught up in the need to be right all the time……or to have everything (including humans) be perfect!   Don’t hold yourself back because you don’t think that you know enough on that subject yet…..when in reality (Virgos can be like walking encyclopedias) you probably know more than those around you.   Just keep moving to the high energies of Virgo!!

Mercury (communication, writing, teaching, youth, quickness)  rules this New Moon/Solar Eclipse.  Mercury also is squaring Pluto (transformation of the Soul) which is part of the Cardinal Square with Uranus (constant change, humanity, community), therefore forming a Cardinal T-Square (friction, stress, change, birthing of new, and urgency)….using the vehicle of communication!

Our ways of communication and the energies that we communicate in, are defiantly changing and transforming.   With Pluto (part of the Cardinal T-square) bringing the energies in of “no lies, no secrets, no out of bounds ego”……all areas of communication have changed (Uranus, part of the Cardinal T-Square) dramatically. It is truly a time to watch the manner in which you speak…write…e-mail…text….etc.    It is now a time in which whatever you say or however you communicate ..…it becomes public almost instantly….for all humanity (Uranus) to see.   

These powerful energies of the Cardinal T-Square and the Virgo New Moon/Eclipse continue the need to set boundaries…..some of them new.  It continues the need to move away from people, places and things that no longer vibrate where you are now vibrating…..and to come from a compassionate place in your heart….while slowly distancing yourself from energies that you no longer accept.    You may notice that we are beginning to lose our patience with those that are choosing to stay in drama etc.     There is that feeling of not wanting to go anywhere near them.    It is a choice and “I” compassionately choose to distance from those energies.  With these powerful Eclipse/New Moon energies…the ability to remove  from your life…..the areas that are no longer vibrating with you….or which is no longer aliened with your Heart’s truth  (we are now thinking with our Hearts)….has become a real possibility!  Don’t be surprised if you feel a nudge from the Universe in some of these areas.  If you do….meditate on it…call your guidance in and ask for clarity….till you feel comfortable moving forward!

This Virgo New Moon/Solar Eclipse is also opposing Chiron in Pisces.   Chiron is known as the wounded healer and the teacher of the Gods.  It is asking us to move from criticism (Virgo) to compassion (Pisces).  We are being asked to heal old karmic patterns that have become crutches and therefore blocking our growth to healthiness on all levels.  It is time to distance from other people’s wounds, problems, and issues. There is an emphases on Healing emotional wounds, and a time to bring things into balance.  This is also a time that you might meet your mentor or you might become a mentor, especially in areas of the Spiritual realm.    With Chiron in Pisces, there can be a lot of reflection on things…and with everything else going on ….there can be a feeling of being overwhelmed at times.   Be cautious……as this can lead to a little depression ….acknowledge it….heal it…and move forward.

Both Venus and Mars are trining Uranus during this Virgo Eclipse/New Moon….also pulling them into the Cardinal T-Square through the Trine aspect.…..the major theme of the balancing of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine….is being accented!    Bringing balance……to everything in the world that is out of balance….. is a huge and powerful statement from the Universe!  

Mercury is also sitting on Arcturus during this Virgo New Moon/Solar Eclipse.  Arcturus is the fourth-brightest star in the sky.  Edgar Cayce mentioned Arcturus more than 30 times in his readings, calling it “the highest civilization in our galaxy” and “the door out of this system.”   Other channeled sources identify Arcturus as one of several extraterrestrial groups who seeded life on Earth….. and who continue to aid humanity’s evolution.  Mercury sitting on Arcturus is accenting that communication on all levels…the Earth and all planets, stars, ancient star systems, all galaxies etc…. is extremely crucial now… we are co-creating the “New”!!

Also during this  New Moon/Solar Eclipse…Mercury is not far from The North Node (Souls intent, ours and the collective) which is  sitting right on the Super Galactic center.  The Super Galactic Center is where our own Galaxy and at least 30 other Galaxies rotate around.…..sending us high frequency energies to open up all types of communication (Mercury)……. on all levels….. with all beings…. in ALL Galaxies (Super Galactic Center).   What a powerful statement this is from the Universe!!

This Virgo New Moon /Solar Eclipse is a powerful time….. for sudden and unusual opportunities that bring things up and  put’s them “right in our faces”, right in our faces!!  Things that bring up our deepest wounds and pain….things that we haven’t wanted to look at… that we can acknowledge them....see them for what they are….move through them….so we can heal them and move forward, on our evolutionary journey!  

It is such a powerful time now and through the remainder of September…that I highly ask you to try…..through meditation and manifesting…..holding on to this powerful energy and creating ways to make it work for you!   Remember…..we are Co-Creating the “New” on all levels!!!!

It is a powerful time to Meditate….on compassion, forgiveness and acceptance.  Meditate on the “Big Picture”……as we create it!  Meditate on helping yourself and others get into the rhythm of a new daily/weekly schedule……a new way of approaching all the things that need your attention in your daily life…..and in a timely way!    It is time to Manifest all of this into reality!  Manifest an efficient plan of action……ground and get organized.  Meditate on how you can be of service… yourself….. and to all humanity!    

Again take time to receive and listen!   Even though we will receive this knowledge, information, and new codes during this Eclipse, we may not understand or see the results for up to 6 months….the seeds will be planted to sprout accordingly to your own birth chart.  Again…go outside and connect with the Earth and the Sky during this powerful Eclipse if you can……. ask your Guidance to bring the energies to you if you cannot connect with the Eclipse outside. Let the energy flow through you from the Eclipse portal.    Listen to what information you might hear….throughout the Galaxy and from all Realms!!! 

Go deep within yourself, your soul and see what comes to you…things that you might need to look at, from childhood traumas to things that you are reacting to now.  How can you change your current approach to these things?  Because this is a New Moon, which is the most psychic and Spiritual moon of the whole lunar cycle, it is a time to mediate, and a time to manifest.  Take all the energies of this New Moon/Solar Eclipse and manifest a beautiful path towards the “New” that we are co-creating, along with a beautiful world, and a beautiful community.

The Earth itself may have a hard time incorporating all the energy from this powerful New Moon/Solar Eclipse. There could be some natural rebounding, major storms, earth quakes, volcanoes etc. from the Earth.  The Earth is also purging.  Solar Flares are also increasing during this time.

Take this energy of transformation, Birthing of New, Change and Urgency and empower yourself to change where needed and then to help change the World! Take a step, any step, just move……now is the time to take action!!

This is a very powerful Virgo New Moon/Solar Eclipse!! It is time to manifest…create the future you want….create the world you want to live in….create a beautiful world for your community and all humanity.  It is a time to meditate….as much as you can.  It is a time to ask for guidance and then trusting the guidance you receive.  It is time to sit in quiet and Listen!!!

These are the energies affecting all of humanity and the Earth. These energies also affect you individually, according to how they activate your own birth chart.

 Learn how the energies activate your individual Birth Chart, through an Astrological Reading (my contact information is below). Knowing how the energies are affecting you personally, gives you the ability to make better choices, and use the energies in the highest way.

Astroeyes Evolutionary AstrologyCathy Lindsey




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